Xiling Empire

Chapter 761: Anomalous space

Ghosts, walking dead, mí obstacles, alien space, these things are not unusual, especially for those of us who have seen more exaggerated things.

The only thing they are strange is when it happens in large numbers on Earth.

The cause of supernatural phenomena cannot be explained at present, or there are many explanations, but it is impossible to determine. Zhongmu is the most cutting-edge place in the scientific and technological strength of the empire. Any researcher there can use hundreds or thousands of methods to completely reproduce the spiritual events erupting everywhere in the city. For example, a home-made porcelain doll, a raven, and even three performances. There are more than 1,700 ways to make a puppet with exactly the same functions, and there are hundreds of methods that are so simple that even ordinary people can master them. In this way, the true reasons are buried.

The current analysis can only make it clear that all spiritual events are accompanied by a very weak energy realization, such as the phone-sized sadako, which is the most intuitive thing, but because it cannot be realized when the realization occurs I saw it with my own eyes that we weren't sure where these energies originally came from. They were so weak that everything in nature could be their source of energy.

In all fairness, these spiritual events are not a big deal. Apart from that, even An Weina, who can only sing ghost songs in the middle of the night, can return the entire Eurasian region to the medieval magical era. The rows are in a row, and the little maid can't help but sweep the power, but it is those small things that make people feel a bit helpless. The prophet's eyes are covered by méng, and sāo disturbs us all the time. Big haunted incidents, sometimes I even wonder if this guy seems to be joking with us if he is full. Bingtis has the most possibility, but in the name of slabs, she bets that the Protoss will not do such boring things, and I can only believe it.

The stars are rare, and An Weinan ’s south flight is a good time to steal the chicken mō dog to open the house and save the world. The group went to the nearest haunted place in the mouth of a young lady under the cover of the invisible force field. Famous old school, City No. 2 Middle School.

This action, which was not called action, failed to attract the interest of Hisodora, and even her sister was too lazy to come and make peace with her, so she only came with shallow and Lin Xue, but the ordinary members of the action team were carefully Picked, Boli Lingmeng stood behind me sleepily holding Yubi, behind her were Youyouzi and Yibuki Hongxiang, and then followed me through the two death knights and twenty skeleton wizards transferred from Shadow City. In addition, some ghosts from other worlds gathered here, and the shadows are more like night walks of a hundred ghosts.

My plan is this: First, tie the priestess Bollywood Dream to the school's flagpole and mock the machines in groups, so that the ghost hún will definitely come out, and then let Youyouzi and Yibuki watermelon lead the battle against the evil here. If the other party If not, let the ghost hún ghosts and skeletons take off their hats. We will host a peer meeting on the spot to discuss in a harmonious and friendly atmosphere the recent movement of ghosts in the city.

"Yawn is so sleepy" Ling Meng hit a spirit, and then rubbing her eyes to continue yawning and politely rubbing my back with the white paper stick in her hand, "Hey, boss, I have to be on duty so late, count Night shift fees. "

, "Ah, do n’t you be so spiritless?" Youyouzi's interest was high tǐng, looking up at the sky round, "I like tǐng like night sè, if you can drink and enjoy the moon after you finish your work, it is even better .I didn't expect such bright moonlight in the human world would feel a bit dazzling. "

"Crap, that's a walk."

Youyouzi: "... I ... Of course I know!"

Cuixiang looked sympathetically at the lost Youyouzi, with her hands on her hips: "So, in the future, go to the city to see more, or you will become an old lady in the countryside!"

Youyouzi was so angry that he took down the egg cone on the fragrant horn and put it in his mouth: "Huh! Of course I know that the things in the city just passed through the brain, but you, even the most important horns of the ghost family are broken. I still shamelessly hung around an ice cream cone all day long. What qualifications do you have to say me? "

Seeing the redness of Cuixiang's face, I quickly reached out and held down the big horn, lì, and replaced her with a new cone: "Don't panic, aren't your eyes already two millimeters long, you can recover soon It ’s time for a pair of big bright horns. "

Big Horn Luo lìmō, holding the cone on her head, banging with a chain on her body, squeezing a few words out of her teeth: "Well! I haven't troubled you yet! I am a ghost family, With ghost hún,

Not the same good! Why even I have to participate in this boring game! "

I hesitated: "Who heard that at the time, he could drink when he went back at night to jump out?"

The little dwarf no longer spoke.

"Hey, let's say we can't be quieter?" Lin Xue's voice suddenly came, interrupting my secret rivalry with Cuixiang. I looked up and found out that we had reached the middle of the campus.

In front of me is the famous centrally-occupied public toilet in the city ’s second middle school. In the dark night, the four luxury toilets combined with Chinese and western make me feel a little ups and downs. I remember that I was still in this city's second middle school a few years ago. An ordinary student, there was also the roaring roar of heroic flushing in the toilet. Now the light is like a sun and the moon, and the toilet is still the toilet in the blink of an eye, but the person is already there. Feeling hairy in front of the toilet! ?

The campus at night is silent. It is still during the winter vacation. The school is basically completely closed except for one or two vacation classes. There is a black hole in the student dormitory in the distance. The nearest lighted building in the sight is the teaching of high school. It seems that someone forgot to turn off the lights. Looking at the lighted classroom, I remembered the time when I sneaked back to school after school a few years ago and turned on the lights in the teacher's office. That was a shallow idea. The purpose is to spread the haunted rumors of the school to achieve the sinister purpose of taking half a day off. It is regrettable that we have been waiting for the office to change the three door locks.

"Girl, isn't that the haunted place is this toilet?"

I held the big horn of Cunxiang tightly in one hand to prevent her from running away because of curiosity, and whispered.

"Of course not, it's just that you can see something here." Lin Xue took a pergola and looked southwest. There is the No. 1 teaching building in junior middle school. "You graduated here. You should remember What about school? Like that teaching building. "

"Of course I remember." I said with a bit of nostalgia, and shallowly and rarely with a look of tenderness, quietly leaned over to take over the second half of my sentence: "At first, because of the bad attitude of the people and A Jun, The junior middle school has swept three days.

It is regrettable that this girl's most memorable thing is this.

"Kee, you guys really" Lin Xue was memorized by the sweet mì of me and Qian Qian, a strange couple, and my face was a bit weird, "Well, the past is really memorable, it has been three or four years. It's over. I remember when I first saw you at the gate of this school, but you probably didn't find it. Who could have thought of it at the time and experienced so many things afterwards. "

Maybe because shallow is right in front of her, Lin Xue is not busy recalling too many past times with me. Because there is an absolutely insurmountable level gap between her and shallow on the past memories of her lover. After a few words, she refocused on the upcoming spiritual event.

"It's almost time." The young lady confirmed the time and stared at the teaching building in the middle and middle school. I didn't know what she wanted to see herself, so I had to follow the stare and murmur. Lingmeng and Cuixiang who went back to bed also led a group of demons and ghosts to get serious. The time passed by one minute and one second. Finally, the long bells of "Dangdang Dang" broke the tranquility of midnight.

Lingmeng was frightened by the sudden sound. After turning his head and looking at it, he expressed entanglement: "Did anyone repair the bell tower above the toilet?"

"There is a bell tower on the toilet. It is not muted at 12 o'clock at night. This is the most famous part of this school." I took a big bow of Lingmeng. "I have time to let you know our music building. Confucius at the door is holding the Bible in his hand. "

Lin Xue sprayed it and coughed a few times to try to make the atmosphere severe again: "Cough, now it is working time, wood, found the same problem in the middle and middle school building?"

I heard the words looked up, and after a few seconds he squeaked, "I thought I was wrong at first, I didn't expect to be able to do this."

The No. 1 junior high school building was originally a six-story flat-roofed old building. I can't remember it wrong. I also confirmed the number of floors before the zero hour arrived, but when the bell rang, it became Seven floors ...

At the top of the old building not far away are extra floors. The seventh floor looks exactly the same as the layout of the other floors, but its exterior wall looks extraordinarily dark. In contrast, it has The vaguely red lights oozed out of the two windows, looking hazy and depressed.

"At first it was an unlucky teacher who met this." Lin Xue led a large army and walked towards Building One. "Because of the holiday classes, there are several teachers in the school staying here. They have to stay at night. Responsible for night watching on campus, yes, at 12 o'clock. The recent spiritual events have caused a lot of people ’s hearts, and the old school building is often visited by ghost stories. In order to prevent evil incidents, many schools have arranged midnight inspectors, although their leaders insisted that they believe in science Cracking down on the letter, but no one can sit still if it really happens ... "

When everyone came downstairs, I also got to know the experience of that teacher.

I have to say he's lucky.

That night, he and a colleague inspected the old teaching building together. As soon as he reached the third floor, the colleague said that he had a stomachache and went to the toilet. He was left alone, and he was a brave teacher, although it was dark at night. The teaching building is very yīn, he still casually inspected by himself, the fourth floor, the fifth floor, the sixth floor ... the seventh floor.

When he went up layer by layer subconsciously, he didn't notice any abnormality. He didn't look up at the sign on the wall until he entered an unusually dark hallway, so he saw the seventh floor of the junior middle school which didn't exist.

It took the brave teacher only one second to make a decisive decision at the time, which allowed him to fundamentally avoid encountering greater horror: Yafa passed away.

"Wood, wood, this is your alma mater, after all, in the end I still know more about the current situation in this place." Lin Xue found that I told her as much as I heard the story, and immediately involuntarily spat.

"Nonsense, I haven't been back for a few years." I pulled up the stairs and followed the stairs, followed by a bunch of demons and ghosts. "In other words, this is a big deal?"

"It's also big and not big. After the haunting thing came out, a few holiday classes were temporarily shut down at night and no one dared to watch the night. You also saw that now there are almost no people in the schools at night, and the rest A few people who are holding their posts are also accompanied by the peripheral team of the ability group. Oh, just forgot to say hello to them in the past and say it again, anyway, you know that there are a lot of people in the ability group who are busy now. It ’s not too serious to say how wide the impact is. After all, haunting the school is not a matter of frankness with the public, and it is unlikely to appear in the formal media. Now this school claims that some of the teaching buildings are in disrepair and need urgent renovation. Temporary closure, ordinary people do not know what happened here, although some people are guessing whether it is related to the recent "rumors" in the city, but certainly no one will admit it. "

During the conversation, a group of people and horses have reached the end of the normal condition of the staircase. A "six-story" sign is hanging on the wall next to us, but next to it, the memory was originally a wall, and a staircase that should not exist extends upwards. , Guiding everyone to the floor that appeared out of thin air.

"How?" Lin Xue stepped on the stairs leading to the seventh floor. "Not an illusion."

"There is no variation in the surrounding space." I frowned. "The seventh layer is 〖True〗 real, but it is apparently made from something and then changed from illusory to 〖True Reality. There is abnormal energy nearby. The source of movement cannot be seen. "

"Well, it seems like it can be lifted easily.

"As shallow as mō, the handrails of the strange staircase of mō started, and the handrails of the stairs immediately jittered sharply. Lin Xue hurriedly stopped her:" Do n’t forcefully break the energy fields here, although they are weak. " I'm not sure, but I have some vague conjectures. If we forcibly destroy the haunted area here, I am afraid that many people will be seriously injured by our inadvertent actions. "

I took a look at Lin Xue, but the other party did not continue to explain but took the lead to move forward: "I'm not sure, maybe the secret is somewhere nearby. After staying for a while, try not to take the shot yourself. If there is an abnormal situation, let Those skeleton soldiers and spirit dreams solve them. As long as you are responsible for sensing the direction of energy flow in the wood, you can sell the cuteness around the wood, and you may say that there is blood flowing here when you shoot. "

Everyone feels it makes sense.

In the quiet corridor, only the footsteps of the crowd echoed continuously. This is the seventh floor of the junior middle school that Hua emerged out of nothing. It cannot explain how it was born, but it is an abnormal space that actually "exists".

The front is exactly the same pattern as the junior middle corridor in memory. From the stairs, the left-hand door is the big office of all teachers. The teachers of various subjects are concentrated here, and in front of them is an open space facing the corner of the stairs. Holding two public blackboards, the right hand is the corridor, and the classrooms are symmetrically distributed on both sides of the corridor. Of course, not all of them are used for class. Some multimedia classrooms and art activity rooms are also in sight. The ground is covered with cheap but very strong beige floor tiles, reflecting the rows of lamps above the corridor that are emitting abnormal light. All the lights in the corridor are on, but the corridor is still dark and abnormal, as if the light is already there. Lost the ability to spread, or those dark tubes are just like the white chalk path on the blackboard, with a white and bright appearance, but they cannot emit real light.

Except for the familiar architectural pattern and wall matching, the things on this floor are not in my memory. The classrooms are not the same as the classrooms on any floor in the middle and middle school.

yīn Sen's quiet midnight corridor, which is clearly lit but unable to illuminate even a one-meter range of fluorescent lamps, and there are several flickering lamps in the middle as if blinking eyes in the night, and the atmosphere of the corridor is particularly terrifying, and There is also a dim light in the corridor, which is not enough to illuminate, but makes the corners of the corridor appear more blurred and suspicious. We walk forward along the aisle, and behind them are the crunching joints of the skeleton soldiers. I really don't know if this place is terrible or the soldiers I brought are terrible.

"There is a real feeling of" no truth "everywhere" I frowned and said ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although I did not use mental energy to destroy the energy structure here, the sense of disobedience around me was still very obvious in my perception. "I remembered that I had similar dreams when I was a kid,

Well, it ’s not like this, but the atmosphere is very close, the dark room, the light bulb that can not be lit, and the yellow ground ... "

"In fact, many people have similar nightmares when they are children." Lin Xue walked forward and pushed open a classroom door beside him. The sound of the crashing door frame crashed in the long corridor that seemed to be too far to go. It keeps echoing, "In the subconscious of human beings, self-organizing things that scare oneself are occasionally released. They are all kinds of nightmares and daydreams, and the things that children are afraid of are almost the same. They are dark and strange, plus Children's brains are not perfect, so they often have nightmares similar to the atmosphere. The atmosphere in this place should be exactly the same as the initial fear of everyone's subconscious. "

I think I seem to be catching something, but I'm still not sure: "You mean, the place was carefully crafted? Is it designed to scare people just right?"

Lin Xue kicked open the classroom door next to him and muttered in a low voice: "It shouldn't be that simple." @.

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