Xiling Empire

Chapter 764: round up

Chapter 764 Roundup

When I hurried back to the room, I saw the mercury lamp sitting on the windowsill with my head down. The little puppet girl was wearing a little pajamas made by her sister a few days ago, sitting there with her silver hair, her little feet swayed gently in the air, and her brain was dangling up and down, apparently trying to tolerate drowsiness. Such a mercury lamp made me couldn't help but be there: it was just a little girl who was forced to sleep and waited for her father to come home from work late at night.

At this moment, I really want to pull out the camera to record the picture of the other party, and wait two days to take it out to tease this always great guy, but the idea just flashed in my mind and was thrown to the horizon. It wasn't that he found it suddenly, but ... Someone had rushed up to bite his head, and the transition from static to dynamic was less than half a second. This girl recently changed a new spring or gearbox?

The tiny girl holds her head like an octopus. When she meets, she is a series of iron teeth mammoths. She still mumbles and says something. Although she can't hear clearly, she can guess what she can guess. It's almost like this: "Why did you come back after saying a while? Why did you come back at this time? Why did you come up now? Why do humans keep me waiting for so long ..."

And so on.

Although I could easily carry this little guy down, I made a messy look, and opened the arms of the puppet while apologizing, so that the other party was satisfied with her results, and then I was going to explain. I had to talk about the Rolex on my head, but before speaking, a gentle purr passed into my ears.

Well, this girl fell asleep in seconds.

When I came out at night, I didn't want to alarm the mercury lamp that was already asleep, but I didn't expect the little puppet who had fallen asleep at 9:30 to wake up as soon as I opened the door, and then I asked about it. She obediently went back to sleep, and promised to just go out and take a look at the scene, and come back in a while, never expecting that this girl was taken seriously, and had been waiting silly for herself to come home until this time, then her mood was really delicate , Some surprised, some sorry, more still moved.

I really didn't expect that, before I knew it, the relationship between myself and this puppet girl had reached such a point, or to be more precise, the little girl's dependence on herself had reached such a level, obviously In the beginning, it was still a stranger to stay close. Even a little hedgehog even if you touched her a little would cause a chicken and a dog to jump. Is it now like this?

I touched the tooth marks on my head.

Although a hedgehog is right.

The mercury lamp grabbed his clothes and fell asleep. Don't look down on those little hands, but the strength is not small. This reminds me of the time when I accidentally coaxed Little Bubble to sleep and be **** by the other person, and then all night Unable to get rid of the dilemma, it seems that today I can only sleep in clothes.

Although I do n’t have any effect if I do n’t sleep, I still sleep for a long time. I did n’t wake up until 9 am the next day. Her gorgeous sleeping position: She rolled herself into a giant spring roll with a cup and slept soundly. I smiled and pinched the other person's soft face, and she didn't wake up. Seeing this, I gave up my intention to get the other person to wake up. I just found a rope from the portable space and rolled the huge quilt to bed. Tied together.

Let this girl doom my neck at night, do you pick your own pit?

In addition to Qian Qian is still in bed, the family wakes up long ago, the older sister led Li Lina out to go shopping, while the sisters Pandora watched TV with Little Bubbles in the living room, watching Transformers 3, The two munition madmen instilled militaristic thoughts into the small bubbles while teaching the little guy how to restore Optimus Prime into a pile of bearings and gears in the shortest time, and the mother-in-law was playing a sweater beside her ...

I always feel that I saw the incredible picture just now. Let us forget the scene of the pit father. The small bubble's oppression of Jier Jiamei is just too scary.

After having a bite to eat, I found Sandora and told the other party about what I found last night.

"Is the spiritual world realizable?" Sandora's eyebrows raised slightly. "According to you, it is just that the spiritual world has formed some kind of" field "in real space, and it has not become a material in the traditional sense. This is indeed It doesn't take too much force to do it, but the Earth people obviously don't have this skill, and the planet does not have an environment that naturally triggers this phenomenon. "

"The reason should be one of the" culprits "Lin Xue mentioned before," I said. "I analyzed the situation last night and found that the other party might not be as difficult as we thought. The agents and Lin Xue's The overwhelming mental force blocked the ordinary person ’s spiritual world from illusion to reality, leading to the disappearance of all supernatural phenomena within their observation range. If this is the case, perhaps the 'enemy' is nothing great of."

"Conceiving the enemy as strong as possible before contact is a tactic." Sandora smiled brightly, as bright as the sun outside the window, "I have felt Lin Xue's breath is approaching, it seems she is also I'm very concerned about this. "

Sandola felt right. Just a few minutes later, a loud car horn sounded from outside the door, and a big miss in the spiritual connection unknowingly shouted, "The wooden door opened quickly and let An Wei Na prepare me something to eat "

The world-class celebrity chef and state banquet-level breakfast are not eaten at home, and I would rather be hungry all the time to come to my house to dine on the pancake gruel. Miss Lin completely tramples on the dignity of her chef.

Yesterday's all-night operation did not affect the energy of the young lady. She was devouring the food in front of her, and she was communicating with Sandora about the progress of the spiritual event. The appearance of Feng Fenghuo has been cultivated in the noble school from small to large. The coming table manners are completely forgotten. Lai's bed has also floated down from the second floor to the table with a little bit of waking up, grabbing Lin Xue with the last fried cake in front of her eyes, and joining after waking up. In the hot discussion, it must be pointed out that this girl rehearsed the process of the adventure tour last night, but I did not remember until she finished talking about when I had those experiences: yesterday night What kind of twisted story has 仨 Hour fermented in this girl's strange head to the present?

"Speaking of you, how are you doing with the pile of spooky items?"

Lin Xue suddenly mentioned something about the progress of the Institute's research on those spiritual objects.

When the young lady came the day before yesterday, she also brought a lot of weird things, all the materials she collected during the spiritual events she had taken over, including the doll that would cry at midnight, and the ancient bleeding fingerprints appeared at night. Bronze mirror, which can still be turned on without a battery and power, and has been inexplicably connected to a network laptop, and an iron stick that can be large, small, thick, thin, long and short-this last thing I let Master Sanzang take a look. Unfortunately, the latter does n’t know what a golden hoop stick is, and he does n’t have an apprentice with a hair-faced Lei Gong mouth ... but that thing should not be a golden hoop stick, because the stick used by the monkeys There is no trademark.

"It's all the same," Sandora said. "It's all ordinary objects with an energy field that can distort reality. According to current speculation, that energy field should be the human spiritual world extending into real space. Generated things. After being separated from human beings as energy sources, those energy fields have weakened, but there is no sign of dissipation for the time being. Now the institute is solidifying the energy fields on those spiritual objects through technical means to extend their energy. Time. "

"The laptop that never shuts down and is always connected to the Internet made Tosaka go. She said that compared to the electricity bill, haunting is nothing," I added, "and the iron rod, I pay for the salary It ’s been given to Master Xuanzong, who has not recently studied the Bible in great love, and I'm counting that he should use it if he wants to accept his disciples when he goes back. "

Sandora took the conversation on the side: "The little Sadako was out of condition. When she did an energy resonance test for a porcelain doll, she ran outside the test site without notice and ended up in an information terminal- At that time, Bubble was using the terminal to display the video of station B. When Zhenzi drilled out, there was a barrage. Now the research topic over there is how to get the barrage off from Zhenzi. "

As soon as I thought about it, Coke, the guy still has a line on his back that says, "UP is the brain."

If all the spiritual events are caused by the invasion of the human spiritual world into the real space, then the energy features of nature cannot be explained in those spiritual products. Now the last problem is to find the cause of all this. Lin Xue's predictions indicate that one person has caused all the present conditions, so the other person must be an expert in mental strength. It's just one thing that people don't quite understand, what the other party is doing for this has caused a large range of supernatural phenomena in several cities. The only value of this process is to scare people and kill several accidental injuries. It is unreasonable to create such trouble with such a stroke.

"If he is an expert in mental power, his mental fluctuations must be different from ordinary people. He can cause these phenomena in several cities, and the other person's mental resistance will be thousands of times as much as human beings." Lin Xue thought about the general Now that the other party's methods have been determined, the enemy has adopted the methods, and he can formulate a search plan based on his capabilities. "Maybe Sandora can try?"

"What do you mean?" Sandora glanced at Lin Xue.

"Use your spiritual energy to cover all the cities where the phenomena occur. Then we use multi-frequency radar to scan these areas. If the other party is an expert in mental power, it will definitely resist this, even if he can only insist on one more than ordinary humans. Minutes are enough to be exposed. "

"My idea," I commented politely, "how many people would die."

"Do you have to open it with all your strength?" Lin Xue poked at my arm. "Sandora can't die if she outputs with minimal force?"

Sandora nodded confidently: "Of course you can't die, but you must make sure that the" enemy "really relies on mental skills to cause all these events. If these spiritual events are spawned by other means, then we do Instead of finding an enemy, he will fight against the grass. Ah Jun doesn't plan to use the army on this planet. I mean the same: once people run away, we can only take a more thunderous way than we did against the Olympus organization. It's not a good idea. "

Lin Xue thought for a while and snapped his fingers: "That's the way to do it, I just told me intuitively that this is right."

I really don't know if Lin Xue's statement made me feel relieved or worried.

"Well, let's get started. I'm already impatient with this anyway." Sandora stretched her arms and said.

It is very easy to arrange the radar matrix. After a while, we have completed the surveillance of the entire city and a large area around it. All the multi-frequency radars have been adjusted to a state of mental force sensitivity. We observe the radar in the shadow fort headquarters. Feedback image.

The large-scale holographic projection shows the floor plan of City K and the surrounding three satellite cities. As the radar matrix continues to fine-tune the power, this floor plan is quickly covered by light blue fog colors. The "fog" is actually the human spirit. Force response, a low-level, high-frequency, amorphous field effect, where millions of such small dots converge to form a mist that pervades 70% of the area on the map. Looking at this picture, you have to admit that the population problem in some places is really serious now.

This picture is just a schematic diagram for the commander, omitting a lot of technical data. In other places in the lobby, the screen in front of the ordinary commander flashes a more accurate and detailed radar pattern, because no one can determine the "enemy What is the level of mental strength, and we do n’t know if the other person ’s mental strength will react like a human when being oppressed. We can only monitor some more data.

Sandora was sitting beside me, looking relaxed and contented. The most important person in this operation was her, but for her, her task was also the easiest. Covering several cities with spiritual power, right Her Majesty was breathing as natural as her, and she could do it without the amplifier.

Lin Xue looked at the holographic image in front of him: "The scan coverage has reached 100%, and the frequency-sensitive range has fluctuated within 200% of the average human mental strength, and it has been monitored from mentally retarded to Einstein. Sandora , Get ready to start. "

The blond girl next to her nodded, and a ray of golden light between her hair turned slightly.

Compared to the attitude of sweeping thousands of troops on the battlefield, Sandora's movements are really small now, even with the golden light flow in the hair, I can't see any traces of her power, but the radar Still tell us faithfully, there has been a large area of ​​reaction in the watch world.

The blue mist on the city plan faded out almost at the same time. Although it rebounded slightly later, with the spread of Sandora's power, the blue plate of the entire map continued to darken.

The spirit of millions of people has been suppressed at the same time, and now they still feel nothing, at most they will be a little sleepy in the next few days. And the target we are looking for has not yet appeared: Sandora's power has not exceeded the average human capacity.

Non-harmful mental power suppression is not to slow down human mental activity, but to suppress human spiritual activation. For ordinary people, their own mental activation is not felt after being suppressed, because their mental activation process can never be controlled And never come in handy. As for controlled mental activation, there are many uses, such as resonating mental power with various fields of the outside world, through interference, simulation or more direct control to achieve a series of effects, such as casting and meditation, while Sandora is doing The thing is, through mental disturbance, this effect is completely forbidden in areas with millions of people, whether it is the useless messy spiritual activation of ordinary humans or the psychic ritual of a troublemaker.

As Sandora ’s spiritual strength gradually increased and spread from the Shadow City to the surface world, the level of human spiritual activation in the surrounding areas continued to decline, and the blue mist on the map was thin to almost invisible. In the extremely thin light blue, the orange-yellow color begins to gradually leak out. This is a manifestation of the average human endurance. If you continue to apply mental suppression, some keen people may be aware of it, such as a kind of The feeling of being stared at you, or suddenly upset.

And in this gradually spreading orange yellow, the only few blue spots are very obvious.

"Number of target locks: twelve ~ www.readwn.com ~ Preliminary exclusion ... Mind suppression continues to strengthen, target locks: three, target locks: one. Sir, we lock the target."

"In the old town," Lin Xue pointed at the map and said loudly, "Sandora is blocked, please trouble the ordinary people there, wood ..."

"The Ravens blocked the block, and the nearest patrolmen helped to protect the civilians," I took the words, and commanded loudly, "The Yingling troops are transmitting through the tree of the world, and do not contact the other party for now. Liliana, please prepare, If there are wounded, I will leave it to you. "

Qian Qian also popped out of the seat: "Then-let's go out and play ~~"

Sandora flashed a golden light in her eyes, and nodded to us: "I have let the people there find a safe place to go to sleep. I locked my enemies with my strength, but the other party did not move the place— —He doesn't seem to find it. "

"What a careless guy," I smiled, keeping up with the shallowness that had ran to the door, "well, let's see where it is sacred." ..

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