Xiling Empire

Chapter 766: Just the beginning

Chapter 766 is just the beginning

It didn't take any effort to catch the girl who can summon the Empire satellite cannon and can control Warcraft. It can even be said that we did n’t even have a real battle. When I heard that he could follow us to take care of the meal, the opponent almost jumped. Over 700 billion.

Sandora awakened nearly 10,000 civilians who were lethargic in the entire area. The heroes and imperial agents who were in charge of the area and were ready to fight with the night ghosts at night were performing mime performances to clean the streets. Hundred employees of the power group who acted together in “Great Love Without Borders” silently went back to each family and sought their mothers. I hope that they will maintain a forgiving heart for this inexplicable action today. After all, they were miserably excepted by them. There is a vote of imperial leaders.

Lin Xue started to draft a report on the inexplicable end of the incident. She felt it difficult to explain to the old man at home why the so-called nightlife of hundred ghosts was so over. At the suggestion of Sandora, she finally decided Throw all the black pots into "Big Love Without Boundaries", the official description is this: With the cooperation and selfless help of my colleagues in the mysterious organization "Big Love Without Boundaries", the k city and the surrounding five districts, ten counties and four cities have caused widespread panic. The night-walking phenomenon of Hundred Ghosts finally came to a smooth end. The black hands behind the scenes were kept secret for a while, and the disposition was notified inconveniently. The cause of the incident is unknown, and the enemy ’s motive will not be informed.

"I think I might have to draft a review by the way," Lin Xue lay down on the back of my chair, blowing a naughty breath into my ear, "Wood, do you know that when it is predicted that this matter may be related to the Empire? At that time, I called on one-third of the senior management of the organization ... "

"I use the Spirit Unit."

I slanted the dirty **** the copilot next to me, and the other person was gorgingly destroying the snacks brought by Sandora, and I didn't care about the conversation and sight beside her, or she had only food in her eyes, what Don't know anymore.

There is no consciousness of the culprit.

"That's different," Lin Xue knocked on my head, "You are their boss, you can just let the Yingling troops polish the Mars. It's fine, but I'm in a big trouble. How can you tell me? "

Lamenting, the young lady shifted her gaze to the co-pilot. The girl who creaked and squeaked the potato chips, took the food out of her hand carefully, and asked Ai Ai Yi: Can I still eat it? "

"Let's eat." Lin Xue grinned and said, "I have tossed for such a guy for so long. I have to explain it to my grandpa when I go back. I'm so annoyed!"

In the previous conversation, we already knew the girl ’s name and so-called identity. Her name is Malia. The full name is very long. I have n’t remembered it. Obviously, this is not a Chinese name, and even her identity is not Earth people— In fact, when she first met, she accidentally uttered the words "this world", revealing her suspicious identity, and in the subsequent battles, the girl named Malia also showed a summoning head. The wolf's stunt, I firmly believe that you can't find this skill in Earth people.

Of course, the amazing satellite shot and the information terminal in her hand were all the more pleasant.

Lin Xue, a strange guy, pulled out a lot of information terminals and let Mia choose at will. This move successfully put the latter into a state of mental chaos, making her wonder whether she should continue to be alert to us: she is external The premise of a person's hostility seems to be that someone wants to grab her "holy plate", but if the other party is a "holy plate" dealer, it seems that the hostile position cannot be established.

In short, under Lin Xue's holy pan sale and Sandora's food offensive, the girl named Malia finally relaxed her hostility towards us and answered several questions.

"I came from a planet called Mobrador. Mobrador means the earth and the ocean," said Malia, while stuffing her food. "It's a very developed world, people there. Believe in the "blue" light "and live a rich life under the shelter of the sky corridor. Although there are also threats of battle and huge beasts, it is much better than here. In this world, I hear it on average every two days. It's terrible to hear another war or rumor somewhere. "

Milia is very wronged about her bad situation. Obviously, this causes her to have no good feelings for the earth, but if she is telling the truth, the Mobrador in her mouth is indeed better than the environment on the earth.

"How many of these terminals are there in your world?"

While looking at her food distressedly, Sandola pulled out another information terminal and asked Malia, who first looked at the small bag around her waist. After confirming that things were still correct, he impatiently corrected: "This is not called an information terminal. It is a sacred plate! It is the crystallization of the blue" color "light! Mobrador, this kind of disk is very valuable. Only big people can hold it, and the people who can really use the holy plate are the phoenix hairs. "

Milia said with a proud tone, her dirty little face followed with a big smile, but soon, the expression faded: "Originally, the uncle did not let me" show "the holy disk, saying It was to protect me, but you saw it ... "

Sandora said faintly: "Anyway, we don't seem to be anything special about this thing. I'm curious about your power, where did you get the ability to call that satellite cannon? In the world you said, how many people have This ability? Or, where do you get the authority to control satellite guns? "

Sandora's questions came one after another. Although her tone was calm, I still felt her urgency in her heart, and Miriah just shook her head helplessly: "What you said is strange, that ’s not a satellite gun, yes Howling, I do n’t know which satellite gun you are talking about, anyway, the mark of Mobrador ’s top priesthood is to be able to summon the anger of this blue “color” light, but it is also regrettable. Uncle does not let me use these things arbitrarily. If you did n’t take the holy disk, I would never explode my ability! "

Milia nodded her head strongly, and seemed to confirm that she was really exposed because of her distress. She kept shaking her secret forces, and then shook the potato chip package in her hand, and said to Pandora pitifully: " That ... is there such a thing? "

"How long have you been hungry ?!" Sandola pulled out a lot of snacks with painful pain, even though these packs of food were less than one ten thousandth of the total compared with her total grain, which made her quite depressed. If it wasn't for me, how could anyone in this world grab food from Sandora.

"I've been hungry for a long time, and I ca n’t eat enough for many days," Milia quickly opened the package. "I didn't know anything after entering this world, and even the connection with the blue" color "light suddenly weakened. To the extent that I can barely perceive it, I want to find someone to help, and I was treated as a mess by those guys. I was almost arrested. If there was a small summon beast to help me, maybe I have been locked up. Later I I know from TV that this world is very dangerous, and the rejection of outsiders is very serious. Of course, I dare not expose my identity, so I have to hide everywhere ... slowly it becomes like this. "

A few of us were a little silent at the same time, and didn't know how to answer this girl: Obviously possessing more power than any earth person, and even can summon satellite cannons and that huge World of Warcraft, but quickly fell to this point, this guy should Is it too kind or too timid? I always feel that this Millia seems to have never touched the outside world. Not only does she not know anything about human and human interpersonal skills, she is even deceived by what is mostly a movie on TV. Such a child must Either Mobrador is really a worry-free paradise, or he has been protected by layers since he was young and has never seen the world. I guess it's mostly the latter.

We asked Milia a lot of things along the way, maybe thanks to the food, or maybe the weak heart defense caused by the unpredictable events. The other party ’s question can be said to know all the answers, and the only question now is She did n’t know much—knowing the name of her hometown, calling the information terminal the Holy Plate, and the satellite cannon the Thunder Roar. She did n’t understand what the spirit heritage we mentioned was, nor how to explain Lan. What is the light of "color"? How can a little girl who is so confused can answer our questions?

A month on the streets of the earth, Milia has become such a hungry little beggar. If there is no basic vigilance, and if you know how to call some small Warcraft to protect yourself at a low level when it is dangerous, I really I dare not imagine that this guy can live to peace.

However, she also caused a lot of trouble when she was wandering. Although she was not sure what the specific process was, her summoning technique should be a direct and frequent occurrence of spiritual events in the near k city and the surrounding area. The reason, based on the replay of the energy scan at the scene at the time, Sandora analyzed that Milia's summoning technique was accompanied by a very strong and residual “sexual” mental fluctuation. After the end of this mental fluctuation summoning, the scene remained and appeared. Spread trends-apparently they work, releasing nightmares in the ordinary human spiritual world.

Milia came to this world about a month ago, just in time for the first phantom incident sighting report, when the child stupidly asked someone for the way home, and was almost arrested when she was rash The ground used the summoned beast to escape.

"How many cities have this child tossed around," Sandora looked at Malia, and said with a spirited connection, "It's really a dynamic guy. He has no social experience at all, and he hasn't been sold."

This is Sandora's resentment about her food being wiped out by others. In fact, we also know that this Millia is not as good as she shows. Even though the other party has no experience in life, it is also embarrassing about everything on the planet. I don't understand, but her vigilance is quite high. According to the conversation just now, I found that although she would not take the initiative to hurt people, she was very capable of running immediately when she encountered suspicious circumstances, and she was embarrassed by the help of various good-looking beasts. But still can safely move between several cities.

Like a little rabbit who left the nest for the first time, although she didn't know the wolf, she knew she was running away with a little wind and grass. If this time she was not very hungry, people who patronized and ate and did not find the entire street have passed out. You have to run away.

"By the way, who are you? Why do you have holy plates in your hands?"

When she got home, Malia finally finished her eating temporarily, as if she remembered it and asked us curiously.

"I don't know how you grew up," I sighed because the other party was so slow on some common sense issues. "Our identity is quite complicated and does not belong to any world. You should also use the four words of the Spirit Apostle. I do n’t understand what ’s the meaning ... Anyway, it ’s enough to know that it ’s very good. If you are obedient, it may take you home. ”

"Can you take me home? Isn't it deceiving !?" Milia immediately opened her eyes wide and said in excitement in her voice that the world has been flowing for more than a month, and now I have heard the opportunity to go home No one can be calm.

I just nodded and said nothing more, but this action was enough to excite Millia, after all, it was really a simple-minded child.

It's completely different from a guy who is fooled by a pitman and who pretends to be pure selling cute!

I cast my gaze on Liliana, who inadvertently "showed" me: What else can you do to others?

This natural black fake loli, we believed that girl's pure and poor appearance at that time, and when I pulled it home, I found that this guy didn't have to cut it, and it was all black in a circle of 100 kilometers.

A few minutes later, we returned home. As soon as the 700 billion car doors opened, a large group of Uralans came out of it. This scene must be seen by ordinary people as a strange phenomenon. My elder sister was waiting at home, but when we saw that we did not escorted a suspect straight to Shadow City, but brought back a dirty fourteen-year-old girl, Rao was calm as my elder sister, also A little stunned for a moment.

Lin Xue also explained to the side: "Sister Chen Qian, the wood picked up a girl from the outside."

This girl can choke her without tearing down my desk!

"The situation will be explained later, she did not threaten," I pushed Milia, who was a little dreadful, forward to Anvena, who was greeted by the station hall, "show her a bath first, and then find a dress that she can wear clothes……"

Speaking of which I looked around, Lin Xueshan, Dora, this is a grade, and the rest is Pandora Viscarina's loli party. The ghost of my sight caused Pandora to stay for a short while, and I nodded thoughtfully: "It seems she can't even wear Pandora's clothes ..."

Dwarf Winter Melon Pandora looked at me with big gray eyes and lowered his head to start preparing the hammer.

Fortunately, the problem of clothes is very easy to solve. There are girls in the family who are suitable for 13-year-olds: because of tears, they will come to the house every three to five. It ’s too much trouble to bring clothes to change each time. Prepared a few sets, Milia was thin and small, and was a level with that washboard sunspot, and I guess the sunspot would not mind one or two less clothes.

"This is where you live?" Malia murmured curiously as Anvina pulled her to the bathroom. "A lot more common than you think, aren't you great people?"

We didn't take a seat in the living room until after Milia left, and told the older sister in detail about the incident, especially the suspicious power of the other.

"A passerby," my elder sister nodded, "I don't know if she passed the tide of the tide, how did she escape the arrest of the Space and Time Administration?"

Sandora raised her index finger against her chin and made the habit of thinking: "I was also curious about it. From her, I didn't feel any sense of disobedience from the transcendence of the world, the world did not reject her, and Ding Dong did not find the other party's existence before. "

At this time, the little thing was lying on my shoulder, counting the thread head, and raising my head without raising my head: "Ding Dang has definitely not missed anything! Ding Dang can be amazing!"

"After crossing the realm, it does not cause any rejection or even show any violation of" **** "nature, except for the Protoss, only the Spirit Apostle can do it." Sandora continued, "This is our racial talent. This is called I do n’t know why Carbonia ’s carbon-based creatures can summon the Empire ’s satellites to strike—although it seems to be only a satellite satellite line for small conflicts, and she can use the Imperial Commander ’s information terminal, perhaps That's why. She has the qualities of an Apostle of the Spirit ~ www.readwn.com ~ to some extent, which has caused the world to misrecognize. "

"Just like Ah Jun," she said, leaning her head slightly. "Isn't Ah Jun able to summon satellite guns?"

I also thought about this, but the situation is still a little different. I called on the satellite gun to rely on my true mental fluctuations, but the girl named Malia needed to rely on skills. According to Sandora's observation, the other party first changed his mental form to simulate the spirit of the Apostles of the Spirit. Soul waves, and then use this disguised spirit waves to trigger satellite strikes, one is the original, and the other is piracy. This is the essential difference.

In this case, I was born, but Malia should rely on the learning and cultivation of the day after tomorrow. Although it is speculation, this is inseparable. However, no matter what the process is, the principle we use to summon satellite guns is indeed the same. They all use the skill to use a small amount of their own energy to motivate the infinite power of the outside world. This example, when it ’s bigger, is heaven and earth to make magic, and when it ’s smaller, it is thunder. The use of iron wire for lightning rods is different from the former, which is controlled and difficult to grasp, while the latter only requires courage and stupidity-where does this topic go?

No matter how Milia ’s power comes, why an empire satellite will obey human control, anyway, the world named Mobrador has attracted enough attention from us, no doubt, there is still a working empire heritage, and— — May be a large group.

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