Xiling Empire

Chapter 771: Milia's Home

Chapter 771 Milia's Home

(Please! Please! Never forget it again today! I think of it every time I finish it!)

The large-scale imperial fleet began to spread around, and a large number of deep-space probes with the function of space-time jumping were released. In conjunction with the scanning ship's detection of the universe, the star map required for follow-up operations was drawn. The star map of the six planets. This is the picture of the galaxy in which Mobrador is located. At the next instant, this pair of star maps is reduced to a small pattern on the entire holographic projection. The dense galaxy looks like shining. Fireflies are full of holographic star maps: Deep space probes have jumped hundreds of light years away and fed back every inch of space they scanned with amazing efficiency.

Looking at the azure planet Mobrador in another picture, and the mixed fleet that has surrounded the entire planet group, Huesca proposed a very u-suggestion: Let's just open the hatch now and let Emperor Spitting down with the servants, the flood destroyed the Mobrador, and then dragged the ring to go home happily ...

I thought about it, and tossed this nervous little guy to my sister for education.

"The cosmic parameters are a little different. The cosmic light is slightly lower than in the empire, and the cosmic background radiation reading is high. There is no difference except that it is a place similar to our world," Sandora personally glanced at the deep space exploration. The data returned by the needle quickly analyzed useful information from those symbols that made the first two big, "Here are six planets, four solids, one liquid, and one gaseous state, including the planet below us. Three have signs of life, and the other planets are desolate, but there are traces of psionic reactions on each planet. "

The small amount of psionic responses indicates that there are a small number of relics still in operation on them, and that there is a similar response on each planet, indicating that the Spirit Apostles who had stayed here regarded this place as a colony rather than a mere plot. Looked at the outpost.

This was not a surprise, and Sandora and I were very pleased.

One of the major goals of our trip, the Star Ring, is now floating thousands of kilometers away, intact and well functioning. Veska tried to call the Star Ring, and the response was very smooth. The huge ring-shaped structure gave out a blue halo, and it seemed to welcome its owner. Now as long as Viskar orders, the ring will immediately start the transition engine that has been silent for tens of thousands of years and return to the side of the barrier star, but in the end I still suppressed the impulse of the little girl.

There are many things we have to figure out when we come to this world. The recovery or disposal of the empire's heritage is only a subsidiary goal. The real purpose is to find out the truth and confirm what Lin Xue's prediction means. Before we can understand everything, It's best not to act lightly.

After dozens of minutes, following the deep space probes responsible for drawing the star maps, the first shuttles that jumped out to explore the road also sent congratulatory messages from more than ten light years ... uh, intelligence. They are a good place to hide the fleet more than ten light years away. A large group of interstellar dust clouds that have gradually cooled down is surrounded by a large ice-rock mixed asteroid belt with a dense radiation and high-temperature air mass inside. The mí fog zone is huge enough to accommodate the entire fleet we bring.

"I'm a bit reminded of the situation of the Great Nebula. At the time, we were just like now, and we found a horned horn hide." Sandora spit out my tongue at me. It was very inconsistent with the image and identity to describe the current empire Predecessor of Mighty Planet Battleship.

"I don't know where the enemies Lin Xue said are hidden. This universe does not seem to be special at all. Even in the starry sky scanned by the current probe, only a few planets have simple primitive creatures." Despite some rustiness, I still analyzed the information I wanted from the star chart, but those information can only make people more mí, and then began to doubt Lin Xue's judgment.

He took out the card that the young lady had given her before leaving, and drew out a card with a crooked clock drawn by a child's hand. The following line said: "Wait, time will tell you everything."

Cut, **** girl, if you have the skill, don't cross out three times in a row while writing the word "wait"!

The fleet began to jump in batches, leaving the Mobrador galaxy to go to the chaotic interstellar air mass detected by the advance team. They would camp there, hide themselves and build a base camp with vision barriers and space folds, and we would She took Mia, who was still asleep under the influence of high-dose sleeping pills, and transferred to a shuttle machine and landed on the surface of Mobrador.

An unknown soldier pressure and an unconscious darkness Chen Chen completed under the eyes of the Mobrador.

The shuttle machine was slowly moving in a picturesque green grassy place. 6 I did not expect that a modern civilization could maintain such a good environment while being highly industrialized. In front of us is the endless prairie. Behind us It is a shimmering oval lake. The sky is blue and clear. The sky is many times cleaner than the earth's atmosphere. The surrounding area is empty and empty. There is only a breeze, and you can't see the slightest industrial pollution. In the face of such a good natural environment, even Veska, who has been unhappy because someone touched the imperial property, gave a comfortable smile. Civilization can maintain such a good environment while being highly industrialized! "

It always feels like you have inadvertently mocked the age of the earth's industry.

"Milla, wake up and get home."

My elder sister shook the golden girl who was supported by herself and was still asleep, while Sandora recovered the shuttle machine that might be on the planet. A few minutes later, looking at Milia, who was still snoring slightly, the older sister looked up and said, "How much medicine did you lie to her?"

I thought for a moment: "Forgot, did the director of the Misaka Pharmaceutical Research Institute say that this new type of sleeping powder is tasteless and harmless, so I will give her more-anyway, a glass of water looked like paste of……"

I almost got down suddenly: "Rescue! Mia Bacheng is asleep!"

Superficial brainless behavior once again proved her lethality. After hearing that the new sleeping pills researched by Misaka had not been cured, we began to scramble to find a way to wake Malia, we dragged her ears and pinched her. Among them, tickle her, apply ice cubes, and use needles. If there is something like chili oil tiger stool on hand, I think we will also use it. Fortunately, in the end, Milia finally woke up, at least shallowly. One thing is right: The new sleeping pills researched by Misaka did not kill anyone.

"Hmm ... my head is a little dizzy ..." The golden girl rubbed her forehead and sat up from the ground, mímí staring at the surrounding scenes. The first thing that caught her eye was a large circle of acquaintances who said goodbye to the body, and then far Green grass blue sky clear water clear sky.

Although such a scene does not allow one to determine where he has come, something that may have become a girl's instinct has gradually opened her eyes and asked, not sure: "That ... Is it ... we Already here? "

"Congratulations, you're home," Sandora opened several holographic projections in the air, showing a bird's eye view of a relatively large area. This is the information we just collected on the shuttle just now. This is a high-altitude photo of this grassland and several nearby cities. "Look at it for yourself, should it be here?"

It may be that the sturdy sleeping pills have not yet passed, and Malia is still mímí confused, not even asking why she would suddenly fall asleep somehow, and why she arrived home when she woke up, she was sleepy I looked at the hologram in the air for a while, and the first thing I realized was: I'm really home!

"It's Wanhu Prairie! Really home!" Malia jumped up suddenly, her great joy made her careless of the girl's restraint, and began to hug us one by one while cheering, until her delicate height advantage Let Pandora and Veska face sè Tieqing, and then she begins to lap the crowd, jumping and jumping, repeating the phrase "I am home" at least ten times. I lamented that I didn't twitch like this when I returned to earth.

A black-bellied pseudo-Loli suddenly forgot who was crying in the rest cabin.

"This place is called Wanhu Prairie?"

We didn't stop Milia from letting go of her joy of going home, and the other side didn't hide it. The pure joy made us happy with this, but the older sister looked a little doubtful at the endless grassland and the hologram in front of her. " It ’s really a bad name, it seems like there is no other lake on this grassland except for the big lake behind us, right? "

Millia jumped up to us happily, reaching for a lake far away: "The name of this lake is Wan!"

Everyone: "..."

After finally calming down, Milia remembered to ask us how she got home. In her memory, only memories of being filled with a cup of soup by Qian Qianlian méng—because Qian Qian didn't stir up at the time— -And nothing about the space warship once.

At that time, in order to save trouble and prevent Milia from seeing the Empire fleet heading to the Mobrador world, she asked the West (although no one except Pandora and Huesca really intended to attack such a humble civilization in the galaxy), we The girl was brought down.

However, what we lack in this family is the flickering skills. At the time, Li Lina took the other party to hum the space jumping theory and the state of human self-protection during the transmission of the world. From the world's first Tyrannosaurus Rex The problem of tooth decay began to prove why the universe was expanding, and the long story was well-founded. She fully wielded her amazing eloquence and decent skin advantage as a preacher, and finally brought Malia back to the spirit just after drinking a large cup of sleeping pills. Status: Thinking ability is cleared.

"How about taking us around the world?"

After the other person was finally a little quiet, I said to her with a smile.

At this time, Malia's mind was still a little confused. I never thought why these "sages" would follow her when she took her home, so I said that she suddenly became aware of the god, and nodded. : "Huh! Hmm! Be sure to say it! Holy sage, sage sage! I can't believe myself until now, if the sage who has left the world for many years returns, it must be a sensation. Something, maybe I became a celebrity all of a sudden! "

Milia has fallen into a yy state because of this extremely optimistic thought, and has begun to plan her life journey after making famous money. I can't believe that this guy even claimed to be a priest. But her paranoid pattern was quickly broken by me: "You misunderstand one thing. We just want to see in this world and don't want to alarm too many people. Understand? Keep our identity secret."

Suddenly, Milia was a little stunned, and looked at this side: "Hay?"

The 14- or 5-year-old girl really didn't know how to hide her thoughts. She was disappointed and sleepy and hung up on her face. The meaning in her eyes was obvious: aren't you sages? Did n’t you return to this world just to "return the sage"?

This is probably the most direct logic for people in the Mobrador world. I have to say that they have turned the apostles of the Spirit who left those glorious relics into creatures like gods, even if this is a little off-line and ignorant little girl, in their eyes, the sage should be positive. With a brightness of three hundred watts, the sage should walk along with a sullen thunder, and the girls did not even think about how the sage would normally sleep if this was the case.

"We just want to see this world," the older sister smiled gently. "We don't know who the sage in your mouth is, although they must be compatriots of the Spirit Apostles, the things in this world are indeed the Spirit Apostles." Down, but we do n’t know each other. Do you understand that? We just want to look around and figure out some things by the way, and then we have other plans for the actions. As for the return of the sages, let ’s forget it. ”

"... Leah scratched her head and nodded in disappointment.

Actions in this world will of course start, but before that, we want to know more about this Mobrador. Because of Lin Xue's reminder, we finally finalized the plan to contact these indigenous people with Milia. . Although according to the calculation of the bubble, the method of bluffing people directly with the identity of the sage, and then letting the high-end people in this world come forward to negotiate directly to obtain intelligence, the success rate is as high as 80%, can't help but when this girl speaks this plan At that time I drew three spearmen cards from the prophecy card in a row-this is definitely a top troublesome solution.

Since the fleet is still not stable in this world, it is still interesting to learn more about this mysterious and weird civilization in this time. Lin Xue said that an unavoidable incident would lead to war, but wouldn't it lead me to ridicule a sister with a fallen apostle when I led the girls out shopping?

"My home is in this direction, um, I didn't expect you to send me here directly, so close." Milia pointed to a small town on the edge of Wanhu Prairie, and it seemed that Lin Xue had given it to us The latitude and longitude specified by hand is also tǐng accurate: the girl's ability is really easy to use.

However, it looks like tǐng is close on the holographic map, and it really needs to be scaled up. The distance from "Wan" Lake to the grassland border is not a joke. After thinking about it, I still greeted 700 billion yuan and kept it open. This patch-wrapped car ran all the way in the direction pointed by Malia. It is said that Mobrador's transportation is also four-wheel drive. This strange car that is seen as a mountain-side peak will at best be regarded as performance art. It should not attract too much onlookers. On the way, we also changed my clothes according to the instructions of Malia. Although there is no national costume of Mobrador on hand, the costumes of the two worlds are not different. The close ones can be prepared. Sister The adult's suitcase is a fetish. There are even small fish ponds and vegetable gardens ...

With a speed of 700 billion degrees, accompanied by the whistling engine of grass stems, we soon saw the grassland border, and an orderly town appeared in front of everyone.

It was a town that looked a bit futuristic. From a distance, it had slightly similar street scenes on earth, but the architectural form was still different. Most of the houses in sight have a streamlined dome, with thick exterior walls and the same streamlined walls. Holographic projections floating in the air can be seen everywhere in the mid-air. Enlarging the picture may now be something like advertising. Perhaps it is because it is located in a non-prosperous area like the prairie and it is only a small-scale town. We did not see the tall skyscrapers and other magnificent buildings. The first impression of Milia's hometown was finally condensed into Four words: country holiday.

A small, remote and isolated place with a well-ordered and peaceful life. If Milia grew up in such a place, maybe it could explain her somewhat arrogant and indifferent xìng style: from the countryside Little girl?

"Mobrado often has strong winds during the wet season ~ www.readwn.com ~ so very tall buildings are rarely seen here, and we build our houses as much as possible. Although new materials science has already solved this problem , But we do n’t lack a place to live, and our habits are not easy to change. This is the case for most of the buildings here, "said Millia, lying on the window of the car, and staring at the familiar familiarity close to her. Architecture, while explaining for us, "I was really shocked when I first arrived in your world. There were such tall buildings-just like the legendary high-rise buildings in Xinxiang."

"Xinxiang?" The elder sister asked curiously.

"It's the closest planet to Mobrador. It's our first colony outside the planet. It's called Xinxiang, and it's also called New Mobrador. It's a colonial star that has been around for a long time. Been there, just heard that there is no gale there, and most of the population are new humans, they like tall buildings. "

During the conversation, we were already driving on the streets of the town. It is satisfying that although the strange 700 billion yuan attracted some curious sights, not many people came up to watch, and I do n’t know if the people here are generally of better quality or This image of 700 billion yuan is too stingy, anyway, everyone went smoothly to the destination that Malia directed us: a large house that looked gray and gray. a.

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