Xiling Empire

Chapter 788: Faith Shock

Mia's voice sounded anxious, and everyone understood it. I now start to worry about how the Mobrador civilization should be arranged. Obviously, in the past few hours, they have watched remotely a shocking world of a future sci-fi war movie with a delay of dozens of minutes. Those unfortunate Aboriginal people prepared fresh huā fruit, three animals and artillery at the door, waiting to welcome the return of the sages, but they waited until God and **** threw bricks in the sky, so everyone can imagine Mobra What is happening on the planet. Conservative estimates should be a lot more noisy than the Shibali dog market.

"Mia, I listen." With a sigh, I connected Mia's communication and began to simulate the resettlement of billions of victims. I found that I have been basically resettling the victims since the day of the throne. Is this a lone star?

After hearing the echo from the information link, Mia ’s voice was clearly relieved. This time she even called her brother easily, and then she told me an expected thing: Mobu Rado was in chaos.

"What happened? Just now, the Holy Bible kept saying that the level of the communication protocol was urgently upgraded, and the authority was insufficient, and they were dying." Mia said quickly. "Now the streets have become a mess! The paladins of the Blue Church are maintained everywhere. Order, some people gave speeches on the street, military airships hovered in the sky from an hour ago, but the broadcast only forbids residents from leaving the town and explains nothing! Someone who ran out of the council loudly shouted that the end of the world was coming, and then was The soldiers were killed on the spot, and the Paladins said that the person was infected with a crazy mental virus ... oh oh, I was so scared that there was even an old man on the street who wanted an uncle and Bina who did n’t know where to go and piled up a full warehouse Water and food ... they said that they might take refuge underground ...

Talking, Mia ’s crying came from the communication. After all, it is just an old child who is not very good at suppressing his feelings. Besides, the situation outside is probably more serious than what she can describe. The collective madness is easy to make children feel happy and fearful. This stems from the insecurities generated by the creatures when they see a fall of the same kind than their own. When Wang Xiaocai next door saw the Tibetan mastiff in the street, After the tragic death of the car ’s wheels, I heard the car horn sounded for half a year, and then my stomach turned ... How did I get here?

I let Mia calm down first, and then I learned about the situation of Mobrador.

What everyone is worried about now is whether it will fall into a complete anarchy: Mobrador is a complete theocratic kingdom. Although it has a nominal administrative organ, its true ruler is the church. After witnessing half of the "sages" who worshiped with their own eyes, whether this theocratic institution can maintain stability will be questioned. According to Mia ’s description, it seems that their world ’s information secrecy work is rotten at home. The sage fire that should have been kept secret from the people has been spreading immediately. Of course, this may also be that the blue church did not even think of the sage church. Fighting, they may think that this is a good opportunity to strengthen their sacred authority, and then directly broadcast the scene of the mist **** star sage fleet to the world, but when this fight up, they did not have time to insert the fu young The advertisement of the hospital, if the people on the earth would not have this kind of embarrassment, the smelling workers on the earth would be the real warriors who inserted the diaper advertisement to cover the ugliness at the moment when they dared to forget the president ’s speech. This mind seemed too uncontrolled after the war.

It is a little reassuring that although Mobrador is chaotic, he has not yet fallen into a state of collapse. The high-level members of the church are calmly happy, and the absolute force in their hands has ensured that nominal governments obey the leaders. The paladins of the Blue Church still maintain order, and rumors are rumbling, but the Jewish power of their ordinary people is still, of course, the ion rifle and beam saber in their hands also well maintained the dignity of the church. Government forces have tightly controlled the city's functioning facilities to ensure a normal supply of energy and water, but food has been looted. No mutiny has been heard about the soldiers, and the imperial agents on the three planets of Mobrador have also heard news that the local official armed forces are honest, which saves a lot of ammunition for those agents.

Despite the Mobrador turmoil, it was a bit surprising that no one had expected that the blind worship of an ancient race would reach such a level. As a member of the party, I had a serious sense of insanity. This time, Na Good summary: Faith drives people crazy.

Consecutive and thorough analysis on the issue of faith turned out to be performed by Na, who was supposed to be an archbishop, which made me a great student for the goddess of life Yalishan.

After a brief discussion, the main empire of the empire was retained by us. This is the bridgehead of the stellar defensive circle. Our current strength cannot be armed on a gravitational boundary beyond 1.5 light years. Except there, Mobra This giant planet outside the multi-galaxy became the first strategic location. Its dense atmosphere and strong radiation field can also slightly enhance the concealment of the fleet. Ten minutes later, the fleet sunk in batches into the depths of the foggy clouds of Chaos. They set up a temporary base at the bottom of the 20,000-kilometer-thick cloud layer. At least a fixed world circuit directly connected to the outpost was established. The lesson of enemy blocking is very profound. It is indeed possible to face various difficulties at any time when fighting the real Empire fleet.

This fleet also has a task to protect the ruins.

In the surging waves of the floating mist of the planet, built by Sandora's former servants, it has become a doomsday fortress full of sadness.

The ruin is still unnamed, and Sandora and I have always called it "the tomb", and it really fits that name.

That thing is of special significance to Sandora. It can be said that after coming to this world, facing the sad and desolate situation of the followers who were responsible for the extinction of Japan, the collective rebellion of the former soldiers, and the fragmentation of the territory of the country The grave that has been preserved for a long time has become the supporting point of her memory. Although it is not a pleasant thing, it must be properly protected.

The "Mausoleum" has been identified as a multi-layer metal fortress that is hundreds of kilometers long. It is very sturdy, and even has a structural strength comparable to that of an imperial battleship due to the use of a large amount of Schilling battleship metal.

It ’s designed as a stubborn bunker. After experiencing the current situation, I know that under the siege of Sandorah ’s Evangelion, the ordinary army has no possibility of escaping from the siege, so it does not have the ability to fly or transmit space. It It has multiple energy sources. The main energy source is an array of psionic reactors located in the middle section. The auxiliary energy source is an antimatter annihilation system, and its entire shell is the third energy source. It is based on the abundant helium and hydrogen in the Mist planet ocean. To carry out its highly efficient nuclear reactions to obtain energy, and to use ancient nuclear reactions, it can be seen that the original Mobrador ancestors had really made every effort to survive, but they still failed. The tomb still relies on the residual energy system to maintain a low level of operation. Some imperial technicians are working on repairing it. I hope that after the war, it will be restored to its original appearance. As a warning tombstone, it will be placed in the shadow space.

Of course, now it can only be protected first.

After dealing with the chores here, we first took a cross-machine to teleport to Mobrador Star, and of course the destination was Mia's home.

When this silver-grey surreal vehicle suddenly appeared in the underground warehouse, the Miya family who was hiding inside was obviously frightened. Uncle Zagu crawled down from the maintenance rack and fell, his baby The same glorious brilliance is being spread on the ground in the form of parts. It seems that we are interrupting his cause of repairing memories, and a small head of Mia emerges from a pile of scrap metal not far away. This girl With the particle rifle in her hand, she looked nervously and solemnly from the back of the pile of steel plates, looking at the opposite side, as if the sentinel was poking her head out of the trenches, next to her was Bi Na, still the cool pair. Seriously, the action is exactly the same as Mia.

Except for the uncle Zagu, this family has asylum qualities.

The perforating machine disappeared directly into the air, and in front of the three of them was the family of high-end rice dumplings who had disappeared for less than 24 hours. They looked at the messy underground warehouse and the somewhat funny Mia in front of me. There was a real sense of innocence: as if the memory of the gunfire in the past few hours was false, the scene switch was too abrupt.

"Ah! It's you!" Mia, seeing the appearance of the person, immediately called out, and threw the weapon in her hand (I don't understand why her magic wizard is so good, why use a gun), busy Climbed out from behind the "hiding" of the hiding place with Una, while Uncle Zagu was standing up from a pile of metal scraps on the other side, shouting that his heart couldn't stand it, while busy unloading the military tools on his back Bag, photon saber on the arm, high-energy battery module on the belt, grenade on the neck, steel helmet on the head, pin cannon on the shoulder, armed belt in front of the ing, as well as bulletproof vest, electromagnetic clip, power Skeletons, light metal shields, ration packs, rolls, engineer shovel, and twelve bottles of mineral water ...

Bite it! Uncle, are you planning to go out and conquer the world in a while? How do you wear alloy armor outside this bulletproof vest?

"Hey, things are complicated, be careful and live a long time." Uncle Zagu looked indifferent, scratching his messy hair.

Mia immediately patted her head and sighed: "Oh, it's too shameful ..." Uncle Zaku this "cowardly, cautious, excessive ing, we are already familiar, it is not surprising at this time, we seem to give back This family reassures me, and I can feel that the atmosphere here is relaxing quickly. Bina relaxed a little breath and then hesitantly asked: "There are some rumors outside ..." "Basically correct. "I knew what she was going to ask before I finished talking, so I shrugged.

"This is an emergency, and for Mobrador it may be the end of the old century"

My elder sister picked it up. "Of course, you should n’t need to think about this. I and A Jun are preparing to contact the ruler of Mobrador. This galaxy is now unsafe. We are over Mist and another imperial fleet An encounter has occurred, and it is now clear that their goal is here. Well, strictly speaking, it should be us, you are meant to be implicated. "Speaking of her sister, the adult seems a little apologetic. In her opinion, the Mobrador civilization was originally It is possible to live in such a stable and stable manner, although they may not be able to achieve further evolution in the development of civilization.

The arrival of the emperor brings them a war of genocide that is not easy to play, but if they can survive the war safely, they should also have the opportunity to develop civilization. This complex situation is no longer possible for a civilization. The simple analysis is to make money or lose money, but it is like a big bet, but anyway, this is definitely not good news for the Mia family who is about to end the peaceful life.

The Miyas are just ordinary people of Mobrador. They do n’t think about such high-end issues as the whole process of civilization. It ’s useless, so when they hear a war more than they think, , The three obviously look a bit unthinkable. At this time, Bubble uploaded a video material in the interesting information terminal of Mia, which is the scene of the defensive battle of Mist God recorded by the subjective perspective of the empire, and this video is to Mia ’s The impact seems to be very huge. There is absolutely no second war documentary in this world that is more intuitive than it. After sending this family of three to watch war movies next to each other, I greet everyone to go to the living room on the first floor and prepare for the total. What do you do next?

"First of all, find the bishop of that blue church. This ng is simple." Bingtis likes to make fun, and he also enthusiastically speaks at this time. What to consider is what to say after being offered.

Let's think of an easy-to-understand rhetoric and explain what happened to the sage's nephew. If this is not resolved, the Mobrador civilization will be over in these days. To date, the spiritual backbone of the entire race is almost the absolute grandeur of the sage. Once ordinary people have confirmed the news of the sage's internal strife, the impact will be unimaginable.

"Isn't that exaggerated?" Qian Qian muttered a little inconceivably. She hasn't always been clear about her status, and she hasn't been able to understand now. "Sage ... how important is the status of the two people in the mind of Mobrador.

"It's no exaggeration, I've been doing the magic stick for tens of millions of years," Bingtis said loudly, saying to her that we can't refute it. "The mortals of this world have a very unconscious position on your spiritual apostles, although They know that you are only a high-end mortal civilization, but you have been promoted to the status of god. Excessive respect means a fragile balance. In their mind, the sage is absolutely correct and evolved to perfect super life. Let them all rely on their race to this day, which is the usual manifestation of fanatics: firmly believe that a guy who has not even seen a ghost has brought himself all the good life now. And when the idols they worshiped went to war, these fanatics It's crazy: who should we help then? Gods fight, how should mortals stand in line? Why does the gods fight? Does this mean the end of the world? Is it the gods that have divided when they decide the fate of mortals? Will they destroy the world? You see, when we fight in the sky, people on the ground can think about such messy things, even if their gods are actually just because They had a contradiction when they got up early, and they would analyze this for a long time, and for a theocratic society, the higher the ruling class, the more thoughtful they are. They have taken the act of trying to understand the meaning from the "sages" Habit, even to the degree of neuroticism ... I encountered this kind of embarrassment at the time, and went to the world to buy two fried chicken nuggets, but after two days passed, I found out that the group of cute guys were targeting this matter I also wrote a Bible, and the church that sells fried chicken nuggets has been monopolized by the church since that day ... That's awful. "

Bettis's words are really impressive, I can't help but think of a passage in Greek mythology, describing that the extradition person of Hell, Charon, would collect a gold coin as the fare when he extradited the undead, otherwise he would wait for the entry The undead must wait for a year to rest by the river of the dead ~ www.readwn.com ~ In response to this legend, I went to Atlantis and asked Hades specifically, and he said on the spot that all this was maliciously vilified and inferior. The slander, the Atlantis artificial gods are all impartial. This may corroborate Bingtis's words: mortals always take care of themselves from the trivial actions of the gods to figure out a lot of things that the gods can't think of, and then add a lot of explanations that are almost godly.

Later, I also tried to ask Charon to ask about the situation, but it was said that he was interrupted by Hades and he was being healed at the medical center, and the matter was gone. We do n’t need to dig deeper ...

"Strictly speaking, Mobrador is a deformed theocracy of Biatlantis." Na muttered while jingle recording grapes jumping around the table. "Although they all regarded the Spirit Apostles as gods, the latter Knowing where this **** came from, he also faced the war between gods rationally, and Mobrador relied entirely on his imagination. They portrayed the sages too beautifully. "Pseudo-i said as she wore grapes On a toothpick, the table was dangling from the sky, so that Ding Dang jumped back and forth, and the master and the servant were happy to play. Did the girl forget something important?

"Actually, I have a good idea." Na raised her head and smiled at me while "playing a game" with her goddess. "Don't forget that the bishop grew up ... you haven't grown up yet. Anyway, how about letting me write a story? "! .

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