Xiling Empire

Chapter 793: Rule to an end

No one had ever thought of it, it seemed ordinary, and even a little decadent Uncle Zaku had such an incredible past.

A large part of the pattern of the world today is due to an adventurous action led by him.

In the war-torn era, a group of bold and risky adventurers coincidentally acquired powerful ancient weapons when they explored the ruins. They were ambitious to end the war and discrimination in the whole world with their weapons and set up a fearsome Knights. With the use of powerful ancient weapons, the Knights swept across every country in the world, but the two men in the original adventure group felt unacceptable to this killing method, broke up with their partners and retired from the countryside. Three hundred years passed. The thirteen adventurers fighting endlessly with a passion and immature sense of justice have become the Holy Knights and Holy Popes who rule the world, but the two who broke out from this team have gradually become decadent middle-aged Uncle and taciturn family fu (?), When the wheel of destiny rolls again, and the super civilization that once shaped this world returns again, the once-broken best friend meets again, sitting opposite each other, with three hundred years of bitter tears-- I began to doubt that Zaku was actually the protagonist.

Three hundred years is enough to change a lot of things, especially the heart of mortals. This is Sandola's sigh. The story of Zaku and the sacred pope whose real name is Rudav is so impressive, not even Her Majesty. exception. In all fairness, their story is not worth mentioning compared to the grand battle that Sandora experienced before, but something like destiny depends on more than grandness when it touches people.

The Holy Pope who threw away the artificial skin has now turned into a bright ball of high-speed vibration, and it seems that he is completely unconscious of his appearance. I really don't know that it took 300 years to familiarize him with this look. Or the change in life form has destroyed his normal human ing. When this little ball of light took us into the hall of the Pope, there were already another twelve church members who were also wearing dense long coats with masks on their faces. They were the blue church except the pope. High ruler, the twelve knights transmitted by the whole world with undead body and superman merit.

In Zaku's words, it is the twelve people who have fought with themselves more than 300 years ago-the vicissitudes of the sea.


The idlers and others in the hall have been screened out, and only the twelve knights are waiting for us. They all look like they are serious, and when they see their pope appear in their true colors, three or four of them immediately stood up involuntarily. Cried in unison.

"Calm, now you can call me Rudav." A sharp voice came out of the small ball of light beside Zaku, which was a little funny compared to the previous voice with a low echo, but no one laughed. come out. The twelve knights in front of them looked at each other, and they were not quite clear about the situation.

"Just throw away those skin packs, we don't need them anymore," said the Pope. Although he could not hear any order in his words, the twelve knights looked at each other and obeyed. They took off their masks, and the same bright light **** floated out of the cavity of the body. The size of a ping-pong ball, and the "spirit **** light" that trembled in the air lined up in front of us. No one could have imagined these small and fragile little lights turned out to be the prestigious twelve knights, while the bubble looked at The row of small **** of light murmured to themselves: five went to mining, three went to entangle the tree, and the rest would become moon wells ...

The Pope was silent for a while, adding: "Let's get dressed, I can't tell you ..."

I'm uncomfortable now.

Those light spheres returned to their skin sacrifice neatly. I didn't know what method was used. It was just a small light sphere, but it allowed such a complicated set of skin to swell accurately into a normal human appearance, blocking the face. It looks really like a living person. It's a little scary when you don't wear a mask, your face twists into a dark cavity, and a light bulb shines inside.

"From today, the blue church ’s rule of the Mobrador world has come to an end. Following the will of the sages, the rule of this civilization will be returned to the coalition government and leaders of all ethnic groups," hovering by a round table in the middle of the Pope's Hall, Based on the height from the tabletop, I guess if he is still wearing his "skin", there should be the position of the ordinary face. "In order to ensure the normal development of the world, the sage will personally supervise the evolution of the race. Everyone, prepare to exit the stage of history. "

There was an abnormal silence in the hall. I thought this bombshell general news would send a storm, but in fact the big movement in the hall is that Bingtis and Kenser lied to them, and the twelve knights faced The pope's sensational sudden announcement was only a glance at each other, and then silenced.

It seems that when one of the knights broke into the Pope's room and saw the house and Uncle Zagu, they had a premonition of an upcoming event, or earlier, when the sage's fleet was over the star When the space was bright, the twelve knights anticipated that a great change was coming. If the only thing that was not expected was the sudden end of theocratic rule. But judging by their performance, nothing seems to be lost about it.

"This day is finally here," said a knight with a red è balance crest on his clothes, in a low voice. "We have ruled the world for a long time, and the return of the sage seems to be enough for us to return our rights. Reason. But you have to prove to us that this purpose really comes from the sages. "

The other knights nodded one after another. It seems that they really have no regrets about the end of the rule. The only thing to be determined is whether this is the meaning of the sage.

So I stood up and nodded solemnly: "Well, I said it."

Then the twelve knights looked around in horror.

I was shocked, and thought of one thing with cold sweats: The twelve light eggs in front of me didn't know that the guy hanging around in the papal palace like an outing was a sage!

Why not pull down the fleet at this time to perform a sage return? They didn't go far, they were afraid that the people of Mobrador would move. They estimated that it was difficult for them to understand what the Sage Fleet announced after the gods came back to perform again. The first explanation was that some leaders just had not had time. Speaking, at this time, "I will add two more sentences". The second explanation is that the fleet commander has a bad record, forgetting that the planet has been broadcast ...

I counted these two speculations. No matter which one is popular, Mobardo's theocratic society has come to an end.

Fortunately, the Pope knew that he should speak at this time. After revealing our identity through his mouth, I felt instantly surrounded by twelve eyes—because I wasn't sure if a light sphere counted as one eye. Still two.

The Pope used his accumulated majesty to calm down the noisy discussions of the Twelve Knights for a short time, and then told everyone what happened just now, but I just watched Pandora and Wiscons draw a map of the world. After the war began to burn, they Both also followed. Later, the Cavaliers finally confirmed that the guys who were fooling around in the mouth were mysterious and powerful sages (in fact, I should kick out Bingtis in advance), and their feeling must be very delicate.

"The way the blue church ruled Mobrador is no longer appropriate, and the peace you bring has become more and more inclined to a yoke to this world," Sandora gently tapped on the table with her knuckles, her voice Calm and solemn, "Of course, the world will remember your efforts, but now, in the name of the Queen of the ancient civilization of Mobrador, I declare that the rule of this world is returned to the coalition government. Does anyone have any questions? "

This is a formulaic inquiry, but any IQ with double digits will not be questioned at this time: the IQ of the twelve knights obviously exceeds double digits, so all members pass.

They even showed a sigh of relief after offloading the burden.

In fact, I also discovered that not only the twelve knights, but even the Holy Pope himself, after being forced to unload his power, did not show much loss, at most it was a little shocking, but most were still relaxed, which made people curious. .

"Actually this burden doesn't feel good at all."

A knight answered my doubts. "After becoming like this, we almost forgot how to live in a human way. The satisfaction of the long life and the futility makes me feel that I am gradually becoming a human. Many of our decisions are based on very simple judgment logic, that is, personal likes and dislikes, which has brought too much death to this world. In the end, they are covered up by various holy sayings. But the heavy sense of guilt has never stayed away from me. I am afraid other people feel the same way. "

That's it-this is a reason for me and Sandora to slightly change them, at least it shows that their human ing has not completely stayed away from their hearts, and there may not be much left.

Perhaps it was the first to make various plans after discovering the sage warship appearing on Mist. The twelve knights and the Holy Pope's initial surprise soon accepted the great changes we brought them. It is clear Certain facts could not be changed, and they began to focus on the fate of this world. No matter what they have done, their influence on the history of Mobrador is unparalleled, and at the same time, these people are probably the same people who care about the world.

"The Blue Church is not going to dissolve. We all need a bunch of substitutes in each of our worlds," Sandora slowly said. "You still have an identity similar to" Messenger ", but can you be called a successor? It depends on your own efforts. The absolute authority of the Holy Pope must cease: how long before you bring this world, I have to lift your authority. The theocratic supremacy of the Mobrador civilization is not the reason that hinders the development of civilization, so After you relinquish power to the coalition government, this sect can still be retained. You are basically in your original position, but you have changed from a policy maker to an executor. This is not a suggestion, but an order. "

Sandora's meaning is very clear: The Hilling Empire can select countless substitutes from the people of Mobrador at any time. The power of the Empire can easily promote millions of guys as powerful as their twelve knights. So let's not have any dissatisfaction with this arrangement: you don't do it, and some people are willing to do it.

Of course, the pope and the twelve knights should have nothing to complain about. Anyway, they have been on this road for more than 300 years. At this time, it is time to rest, put down the burden, and be a megaphone with peace of mind. It may not be a good choice, and doing something to them can guarantee their survival goals, so that nothing will go wrong.

Therefore, the twelve knights and the Holy Pope accepted the order of Sandora very happily, and only one knight laughed at himself: "From now on, we are all nagging."

"The imperial concubine is not what the average person thinks they can be," Li Lina put aside, "And didn't you always say that you are the servants of the sage's will? The dream has come true."

At this time, I glanced at the silent Uncle Zagu next to him. The other side was alert to this side and waved hands on the spot: "Don't look at me! I'm just an ordinary person, this kind of thing is definitely not mixed!"

Alas, ing the ambitious guy.

However, his evasion was destined to be useless, and the Holy Pope was definitely going to be substituted. Now this is an outright extremist. It took him three hundred years to judge the lives and deaths of billions of people based on his personal likes and dislikes. Now even if he becomes a falcon, it is an unsettling factor. In contrast, he has the same power and Uncle Zaku, who knows more about the Mobrador world, seems more appropriate, so when the uncle waved his hands again and again, I just gave him a threatening look: "Ready to take over the pope in this world, otherwise we can become Go to your house for dinner! "

This matter is so settled. I also gave a few words to see the uncle's face looking distressed: "In fact, it is just a corner of a contact person. The real decision comes from the empire, and in most cases we do not Will interfere in the process of a world, you still do what you do, just submit the report on time. "

That being said, the uncle finally got down to earth.

The question of the transfer of the civil rule of Mobrador is certainly not something that can be accomplished in these few words, but the rest is left to the church and the coalition government here to find a way to get their own headaches. Sandora and I are only responsible for the order. That's it. After putting this matter aside for a while, the topic finally shifted to the battle of Mist.

This is also a question that everyone here cares about, and there are still not many people waiting for the answer outside. In the past twenty-four hours, the Pope and the Twelve Knights have never been able to explain anything to the public, regardless of the former, at least The latter is a bit unsettled.

"Mobrador is coming under attack."

Sandor opened the door and said, "The old empire has split into several forces, and one of the troops has rebelled. They regard Mobrador as their first target. Soon, the galaxy will be hit by their saturation."

Except for some secrets, Sandora and I explained the general situation of the incident. Of course, this is not the version of the Lilian Bible that will be released to the public. The processing and announcement of that version will be given to the Blue Church.

The news that the galaxy is about to be under saturated attack by another sage army is absolutely shocking. The 13 people in the Papal Emperor have kept absolutely quiet. After listening to our story, Uncle Zagu took a cool look at this. One glance: "Wait ... you didn't say this at the beginning ..."

"Yes, we didn't expect this at first," I shrugged helplessly. "The emergence of the rebels was totally an accident. The bad situation is that they will be assembled within six days, but we are ready. A yu guidance signal, when the first b attack of the rebels will be deflected to other places, this can leave us time to organize a counterattack. Now your task is to cooperate with the coalition government to prepare the ordinary people's comfort and guidance work. .I think we have the ability to block the enemy's fleet, but we need someone to prevent the people. "

How can this be counted? It should be regarded as the first time since the establishment of the Blue Church to truly accept the orders of the saints. It may be that the past three hundred years have been too hypnotic for themselves. Thirteen knights?) It seems that the mood is extraordinarily high. Only Uncle Zagu said anxiously: "Evacuation and soothing, politicians are good at it, but this war should not be so simple?"

Sandora gave Zaku a compliment, and although she was always a decadent middle-aged uncle, Zago's discreet ing was also useful. In the face of the uncle's concerns, Sandora did not conceal too much: "If viewed from an ordinary civilization, the destruction of this war is unimaginable. The level of civilization of the Spirit Empire is far beyond the conventional species. The scale of our war is much larger than you think. But do n’t worry, this is an empire battle. The front should be controlled outside the Mist Star line of defense. As long as the Mobrador civilization does not make a mistake, it will be safe. ”

Sandola's words might be comforting, but Lirina sneered softly. The latter is, of course, not directed to Sandorah, but to the Mobrador civilization.

The reason for ridicule is simple: this civilization is not qualified to be regarded as a servant by Sandora, and even they are not qualified to protect their homeland.

Controlling the battlefield beyond the Fog Star defense line sounds like protecting the civilization inside the stellar defensive circle, but in fact it simply does not regard this civilization as a resilience deposit. At the time of the Battle of Kepru and the Battle of the Great Nebula, the empire also protected local civilizations ~ www.readwn.com ~. What is more, they were allowed to fight side by side, but the current Mobrador civilization has no fighting power at all.

The Pope may have realized this, hovering quietly on his lightball table, for a long time, he gave a sharp sigh.

"Due to my fault, is Mobrador already such a weak race."

"Three hundred years of absolute peace has caused Mobrador civilians to hardly know what a war is. Our race lacks clear fighting spirit from top to bottom. Almost 99% of people are used to a comfortable life. The adventurous group dealing with the ruins turned out to be the brave people in the world, just because of us. We have shot guns. Besides the weapons of the culmination of the top weapons, the weapons of the church and government have not improved for two hundred years. Yes. The stupid decision of the Blue Church was military development, "said Uncle Zaku in a low voice, his eyes drifting towards the pope's ball of light." In order to maintain your rule, you preach that the legacy of the sages and the sin of guilt will always protect the world, Mortal weapons did not need to be developed, so two hundred years ago destroyed the fighting power of a civilization, and now the disaster has really come, and the entire race has no qualifications to stand up. "

Uncle Zagu was busy teaching his good friend many years ago. When half of us were busy watching a movie next to us, a communication suddenly came from our spiritual connection: "Your Majesty, that eternal class enemy ship has been dismantled. "R! .

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