Xiling Empire

Chapter 807: Soulless

...... The leader bee form switch.

Aura whispered suddenly, and the continuous sound of explosions around me didn't understand what she said, but by the time she turned to ask, the other party had begun to change.

With long ankles, the long hair that is almost comparable to the silver hair of Bingtis has a faint halo and dances without wind. Ola herself gradually floats into the air in an electromagnetic interference-like noise, and the three behind her Slowly adjust the angle of the crystal blade metal cannon, and after a few seconds, it began to rotate around her body in opposite directions, and the hidden energy b floated in the surrounding air, and followed Aura's The six blade artillery wings gradually became red and became more and more intense. A minute later, Aura almost became a dazzling lighthouse, sending out pulses of amazing intensity b.

I cast my eyes on Ora's smooth face armor. Of course, I couldn't see the expression on the other side. I could only see a series of data flowing rapidly on that face armor, seemingly space coordinates. In our ears, the electronic noise when the radio is disturbed is sharper than before, indicating that the other party ’s positive energy is fully on.

"Beacon leader bee!" I heard Ola the sentence.

At this moment, I was a little dazed, and even the dense explosions around me were turned a deaf ear for a while, and my hearts were mixed. Sandora is right. The leader bee is a versatile and versatile all-rounder. It can output when attacking, and it will open a shield when retreating. Someone will be able to resurrect on the spot when they are killed. She has also become an antenna when the signal is not good. I can hardly imagine that there is no limit to the crystal ability of the leader bee. I am afraid that she can do everything except she cannot be a mechanical dog ...

Later, my conjecture proved to be very wrong. After contacting several tourists from Cybertron, Ola quickly learned the trick of turning into a mechanical dog, and learned how to become a Chery QQ by the way.

This is something.

What the **** is going on after that!

"The transmitter has been established. Please ensure that the machine is safe within the next ten minutes."

Ola turned her eyes to this side, and slightly bowed her head, saying that her bees had taken action, and a layer of psionic shields and a very hard-looking crystal wall were opened around the position. Cannon fire from a distance These walls exploded, but Raven's magic and the armored scorpion's rear-slot "shot" cannons unimpeded through this physical barrier to launch attacks on the distance, it was amazing.

"Ten minutes, lightheartedly! ..., Bingtis haha ​​laughed and released a row of holy light arrow rain that dragged a long light tail, and then pulled out two books that looked as big as hollow bricks and covered with metal shells. God ’s Code, using a large iron chain studded with blades and barbs to link two books together, swiping the ground like a crutch lock and flying a hostile armored scorpion that suddenly charged to the front. Ilson was again His sister pushed forward, but this time he did n’t cry dad and call his mother before entering the field. Instead, he held the giant shield to open the Holy Light Barrier and stood firmly in front of the armored scorpion. His face was as determined as if he was going to bomb the bunker. This expression would be credible without the 22 psionic shields and the same number of crystal walls.

The enemy's rapid troops have already engaged in contact with the landing troops. The first of these is the armored scorpion of the Avengers. It is a group of crazy warriors with equipment that is very close to Vega, but every inch of their shells and armors are red. They forcibly carried a deadly arcane barrage and the leader's slot "shot" guns all the way, with only one target: Aura who was sending a "shoot" navigation signal.

But what stands in front of these crazy soldiers is the strengthened Vega and the elite soldiers under her.

The violent collision in the air of the Sword Knife was enough to tear the armor of the battleship and even make the air visible. The b-line was filled with smoke and dust, and the armored scorpion battle was rough and intuitive. Their only creed was the sword. Slash down, use your tail to pull, if you ca n’t do it, then we are presented in front of us with the super-advanced hot weapon environment, brutal hand-to-hand cold weapon battles. The sound of metal collisions and tears in the ears constantly makes people feel that the brain is all Resonating, nearly a hundred mechanical scorpions continued to charge, collide, and slash over a distance of half a kilometer. Weijia seemed to finally find an opponent who can make herself happy when fighting close to her. She wielded two knives and challenged two at the same time. Obviously the scorpion of the avenger of the small officer, destroying our eardrums and constantly destroying the ground under our feet, but the more the war is the better, the other is obviously not the opponent of this specially installed machine, even though they waved the sword in their hands into a look The unclear silver mist was still being beaten by Weijia.

Raven 001 is serving as fire support in midair, but now he is scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, and even has a tendency to curse. He is not polite at all: "Idiot! Vega! Let your group of soldiers with brain muscles don't" jump "everywhere! Be careful I will bang on you for a while! "

"Then it's booming!" Wei Jia flew a armored scorpion that was about to come up for a surprise attack, and replied loudly, "I'm stronger than them! Armored scorpion's creed: Don't be afraid to break, as long as the enemy is completely worse than yourself Earn it! "I ashamed the world view that pretended to be an early scorpion, and deeply understood why Pandora and Huesca often praised the strict discipline and high morale of the armored scorpion. They really valued life. Objectless war machine, their first characteristic is not afraid of killing others, and the second characteristic is not afraid of killing others ...

Raven 001 looked at the scorpion sisters who had burned three helium in a desperate anxiety, and hurriedly threw a large nebula chain of lightning into the distance. There, a large black spot was quickly approaching, and it was an overwhelming air combat type Spirit soldier. This kind of soldiers are not very powerful, but they often appear in groups and regenerate quickly. Once they are entangled, it is very troublesome.

The Raven knew very well what role she and her magical forces should play in this case, so she no longer dealt with the Scorpion soldiers who were busy fighting with others. Attentive start intercepting enemy air support. . The roar of individual fighters began to come from afar, and the enemy's next b support had arrived.

On the ground battlefield, Vega's scorpion soldiers already have an advantage. Although they are also armored scorpions, these avengers are obviously just mass production soldiers, but Vega brings the captain's machine she personally selected. Working in the Royal Guard, there is a huge disparity in strength between the enemy and us. Soon, those scorpion soldiers who are crazy enough to disregard the enemy and me will burn most of them. Although the soldiers of Vega also have casualties, the situation is good. many. And we brought a large number of leader bees. Even the armored scorpion who was killed unfortunately was quickly resurrected and returned to combat. The seriously injured was taken care of by Uncle Kenther. Although the uncle did not understand mechanical maintenance, The power to restore the "scar" was unreasonable for no reason. The uncle suddenly became a professional battlefield repairman. The soldiers were constantly full of blood while the scepter was waving.

Of course, when it comes to professional "milk" moms, it really is ...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !! Ding-Dong is amazing !!!"

This little girl who dances in the middle of the sky.

Ding Dong, who has been traveling back and forth for half a month, has finally been awake at this time. Strictly speaking, it was the deaf artillery that made the little ones come around. When she found that she was fighting around, she asked for a long time, Unsure of what the situation looked like, she took on the heavy task of treating the wounded.

Regardless of the physical form, whether it is a mechanical arthropod or an energy body, as long as it is life, there is no difference under the power of the goddess of life. "Ding ’s light of life is even more unreasonable than Uncle Kenther ’s light. Jumping up and down, our little one

The enemy ’s troops can stand by in such a large-scale saturated bombing. After all, even if there are several leaders in our ranks, the enemy has the entire planet ’s reinforcements, and the protection of the leader bee and 1231 flying is not comprehensive. The casualties were unavoidable. Fortunately, there was a jingle. Unfortunately, the raven was hit by a stray bullet (because it was flying too high) and the scarred armored scorpion (because of a nerve run).

Always get treatment in time.

"The sand of time goes with the wind ..., ..." A shallow voice sounded, and two individual fighter planes passing by from high altitude, preparing to drop bombs in the space, crashed and crashed, but did not wait. When it reaches the ground, it becomes half-cavitated into ashes, and each elementary particle is shattered by the disordered time. This near-law attack cannot be resisted by any kind of shield.

The fierce battle continued, and from the beginning of the battle, I discovered one thing: whether it is sisters and adults, or Vega's soldiers, even the Protoss sliver quintet, they actually keep their hands.

Although fighting is fierce, shouting and killing are constantly, but except for the situation of having to kill the enemy, everyone may just let the enemy lose their combat power instead of completely destroying the enemy. Most of the armored scorpions of the Avengers are only Scorpion soldiers of Vega. Cut off the "limb" body. For armored scorpions, only one trunk was severely broken after breaking hands and feet. Their real body is only the trunk. The other parts are external weapons used in battle. Return to the base. You can change one immediately.

It is needless to say that the purpose of retaining this hand is well-known, although this is not in line with the spirited attitude of the soldiers, but in the distressing battle, such retention has become a subconscious choice for everyone: because The enemies who rushed in front of him looked exactly the same as those soldiers next to them.

However, as the battle continued, we found some strange things, and this strange thing made us feel that maybe we don't need to keep our hands.

All enemies seem to be ... without spirit hun?

I certainly didn't feel these at first, but the leader bees can feel that one of their crystal power is to use spirit **** to resurrect their comrades-in-arms, so they are very sensitive to the spirit hun, whether it is the enemy or their own, whether it is living Human is dead. When the battle continued for a while, a leader bee suddenly reported this strange phenomenon in the spiritual connection: she found that the spiritual **** response of all the enemies in front of us was weak to abnormal, and even some of them did not have a spiritual **** response at all!

I didn't know what to say in my heart at that moment, it was a feeling of confusion, puzzlement and even a little relief.

Without spirit hun, what does this mean?

In front of our eyes, maybe just the body?

What has always made Sandora and us feel helpless is to have to kill each other with the old compatriots of the old empire. Obviously, they are normal apostles who have not been polluted by the abyss, and even shouted the slogan of the Queen when they died However, we had to pour deadly artillery fire on them. This kind of war, which is impossible to win or lose, has been enough. Sandora has been depressed to the extreme these days, but now we have finally found out What makes the Avengers different from normal Spirit apostles: they have only their bodies.

"Soldier, are you sure?" While blocking the increasingly intensive artillery fire coming from all directions, I shouted to the leader bee who was the guard next to me. It was this leader bee who kept the long tail and suddenly reported to the enemy. No response from Linghun was detected on her body, and she seemed to be a specially strengthened soldier in reconnaissance.

The other person wore the same silver and white face mask as Aura, and the red triangle warning sign was floating on the face mask, indicating that she was now in the state of "flaming front leader bee", and said that I was "messy" to these i bees. I really don't understand the status. While maintaining the energy shield around Aura, the other party replied with a clear voice: "Surely, sir, the spirit **** on the soldiers of the Avengers is extremely abnormal. Most of the enemy ’s spirit **** has major defects. A small number of soldiers ’spirit hunters have only fragments remaining. In extreme cases, soldiers do not even have spirit hunters. They fight according to their instincts, and there is a mental process that is currently uncertain.”

An atmospheric bomber desperately throwing a space implosion bomb crashed hundreds of meters away, and the surface of the fighter was wrapped with thick plant vines. The vines even penetrated the armor and directly invaded the cockpit. The driver inside obviously crashed. Died before the plane. The impact b from the crash of such a behemoth hundreds of meters away filled us with smoke and dust. I slammed Na ’s head hard, letting her not to engage in such a big movement, while turning her head and asking loudly: “Unsure thought process? What do you mean? "" These soldiers have thinking. "The leader bee fired at the Avengers infantry who had appeared in the field of vision with a sharp cannon, and replied aloud," They are thinking to fight, but this thinking process has nothing to do with Linghun, Sir, the inherent knowledge system of the leader bee cannot explain this phenomenon, but the subordinates speculate that the Avengers may replace their missing spirit **** with an ancient mechanical code to maintain their own operation. "" Like a war puppet? "As you said, it should be more flexible than war.

The leader Bee nodded and replied.

My elder sister, Dan, and I yelled in unison: "I'll find a way to catch it!" I never imagined that this landing operation would find such facts. This information alone is not in vain today!

The senior members of the Avengers are not easy to say, but their middle and low-level combat units are just some husks, and Sandora did not expect this. Prior to this landing battle, Emperor had made a frontal contact with the enemy. When the engineering force was attacked last time, several crazy armored scorpions invaded the engineering ship and were then besieged by the host guard. However, the contact was extremely tense. The end of the fierce battle, the host guard can not afford to observe the enemy ’s spirit **** state like we do (they also do not have this function), so this time it is equivalent to the first time that we truly understand the Avenger Apostle. status.

As soon as the words of my sister and I fell, Na cooperated immediately. She wanted to capture some "specimen". If we could capture the revenge soldiers, maybe we could solve the mystery on the other side, such as figuring out their spirit hun. Where did it go, and why did they become like this, but this attempt by the Belly Black Bishop was not very successful. We once again saw the art of self-detonation of the Avengers.


Several enemy soldiers, which were severely pioneered by the body, burst into amazing strength. After breaking free of the vine's bondage, they rushed straight to this side, and their bodies began to split in the middle of the way. The phantom core of the light, fortunately, two blade cannons that suddenly jumped to their side intercepted in time, these soldiers turned them into a pile of debris before the explosion.

Such "suicide" attacks have occurred more than once.

The Avengers soldiers could not be captured at all, or none of the soldiers in the Hilling Empire could be captured alive through normal means. After losing their combat effectiveness, they chose to explode without exception. Even before we deliberately kept the Avengers without killing them, The soldiers also acted as human bombs, and soon I discovered that an enemy whose limb was cut off was even more terrible than when he was fully armed: when they blew up, they were more powerful than the gun in their hands.

Soon, we were surrounded by fragments after the explosion. After the land had experienced Lin's landing, it was tossed a second time, almost forming a basin landscape. The enemy's melee troops had been completely destroyed, and the agents trying to approach the sneak attack had also They were annihilated one by one by the armored scorpion, but the bombardment from a distant fire bombed them and gathered: the enemy's third b support was here.

But Ola's form conversion has also been completed at this time. Numerous translucent b lines appear in the surrounding air, and the ground forces from the mother ship have begun to teleport.

"Expand the force field! Provide a landing point for reinforcements, others ready to move!"

As I ordered, I approached Shallow, and at this time, I was in the red with anger, turning the fighters that were constantly attacking into the dust into the dust. I patted the opponent ’s shoulders, and it was cool. Come over and say: "Say!"

"Can you capture an enemy with still time?" Knowing that Akane didn't like nonsense, I said straightforwardly.

Once the Avengers soldiers are arrested, they will explode, and we can only get corpses to drain their energy. To know the secret of the “huntless” of the other party, we need some living samples. At this point, I am afraid it is only shallow.

"Useless" said shallowly without looking back, "Things that are still in time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Those technicians can't study them, and they can still explode if they can't release time."

I thought about it and had to look with regret at another group of enemies coming from afar. Those soldiers who were not afraid of death now knew for sure that they were facing a group of leader-level apostles who could never be defeated by sea tactics. However, they are still launching offensives one after another in order to delay time, but for now, we no longer need to take care of it.

The surrounding air has been covered with transparent space ripples. As Aura “transported” a large number of soldiers and war vehicles in the atmosphere rushed out from these portals, the leader bees expanded the scope of the protective force field. Expand the space for these soldiers to arrive, and the Ravens increased the suppression of firepower in the distance, making it difficult for the enemy's long-range units and reinforcements to launch effective bombing.

In the sky full of artillery, the reinforcements just in place began to quickly establish frontline bunkers without human command. They have completed all coordination of operations in advance in the command link, and the leader ’s forcibly expanded shield was exhausted before it was exhausted. A series of positions quickly established a series of heavy blockhouses and individual turrets.

The position has been consolidated. !! .

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