Xiling Empire

Chapter 810: Come

When the violent explosion ended, the entire mine began to collapse. (bp; Before being buried by those huge crushed stones and metal fragments, Ding-Dong once again used his set of ability to summon super plants, using countless indestructible vines and huge flower buds to safely send everyone to the surface, from the giant After jumping out of the buds, I found that I had come to a little strange hill, and the huge funnel-shaped basin was a hundred kilometers away. With the continuous roar and vibration coming from the ground, just a little bit Collapse and sink.

There was a creeping sound of something huge behind me. I looked back and found that the huge plant that covered the sky was still drilling out of the huge hollow on the ground. The sound of the vines growing fast sounded as low as the sultry thunder. The roar, the huge two-meter-high flower buds emerged from the layers of vines, and spit out the people inside. I know these things are very docile plants created by small things, and I know their greenness. The appearance is actually a mysterious substance that is more resistant than the armor of battleships, and many of these vine worlds will be worshiped as the roots of the world tree, but ... even if we sum up, Ding Dong can not use this every time Disgusting stuff to solve the problem?

The feeling of being thrown out by a pile of tentacles as digestive residue is really a ghost!

Fortunately, this thing will not have the same slime properties as the real cannibals. Otherwise, we must tie the jingle to the yo-yo for an afternoon today.

I looked up at the sky. Behind the thick and turbid clouds, faint flashes were still visible from time to time. The wreckage of the burning battleship occasionally cut through the clouds, wrapped in smoke and fire, and fell to the ground, but I no longer saw it when I first landed. As dense as that. The battle in space has ended. This is the scene of the post-Avenger battleship crashing into the atmosphere after its explosion. The desolate earth was filled with smoke after the explosion, and the air sent acrid smell from the distant battlefield. Several unusually tall people were bringing a lot of vague figures closer to this side. It turned out that Zeus and several Atlantis fighters were running towards them. They were still surrounded by restless lightning and energy rings. Behind them, they were followed by countless Anubis and Valkyrie soldiers. .

Cleaning the battlefield after the battle is also one of the responsibilities of the servants. It seems that this is the reason why Zeus stayed to the present.

"Whew, I need to sleep well when I go back. The activity is really intense today."

Ilson mumbled and jumped a few times on the ground, while moving his aching shoulders. I had to look at this very resistant guy. Today, this guy has been under fire since landing. Although there is a dingdong treatment, this guy The mentality to this point is also too solid, really like Monina said, has the **** of war awakened for some tens of thousands of years in his beating career a certain talent that fits his profession?

A darkened shadow also rose from the ground at this moment. Monina's shadow gradually showed the entity, but at her feet, there was the black metal box: what we snatched from the Avengers in the back.

"That's such a thing," Bingtis didn't know where to find a stick, and the old and seemingly shabby metal box scrambled up and down, his voice was very dissatisfied, "The avenger sacrificed the entire army to break into you In the defense line to steal such a broken iron box? "

"I pry it open!" Ilson took out his golden sword without saying a word, and tried to split the box into two. I was shocked when I saw it. Fortunately, Bingtis responded quickly and kicked on the spot. I kicked this devious God of War aside, and muttered with my chin. "It looks a bit of a Greek style. I just don't know what it is used for. I hope that this tossing something so frustrating today is worth the price. Right. "

I looked at the metal box on the ground like it. It was only about one meter long, more than forty centimeters wide and high. It was square and square, and there was basically no decoration on the surface. Set of plug-in locks, obviously this is some kind of container, but no one rushes to open it (except for Ilson's stupid one), because no one can tell whether this one has been added with self-destruct function, which is related to the Empire. You have to guard against everything, don't forget that they are famous for their tactics and their tactics ...

"Great God, we have won."

Zeus' thunderous, thunderous voice awakened me from his thoughts. He and the Atlantis warriors have come forward. I labored to look up and found that this giant has many wounds that are healing rapidly.

"How about the loss?"

"Some soldiers returned to the Lingmu River, but most of them survived with glory." Zeus nodded slightly, then suddenly led the soldiers next to him to let me go, and I saw others behind him. Is an old man riding a sphinx, "another dependent leader, he wants to see you."

From behind Zeus, there was a mottled white hair, but the old man was very muscular and handsome. The other person looked old, but the light in his eyes was like a strong soldier. I was a little surprised on the spot: " Roland Gayle !? "

"Yes, Your Majesty, it's nice to meet again, although the environment is a bit worse."

The former Roland Gayle consortium leader and the current chairman of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community, the elderly Roland Gayle replied with a loud voice, "A group of Community fleets have just arrived at the Fog Star base, and this time I have become the fleet leader- It has been hundreds of years without going to the battlefield in person. I want to see if there is anyone I can help with here. I did not expect the battle to be over. "

"The Community Fleet has arrived too?" I asked with a bit of surprise, because when the organization of the fleet came to this world, the Community Fleet was not included in the plan, but I soon understood what was going on: He and Sandora jointly decided to put the Celestial System Fleet into battle, and half of the community ’s army is in the establishment of the Celestial System Fleet. Although it is not the main force, they also exist as an essential **** and maintenance force. Presumably Rolandi Seoul is following these **** formations.

However, the giant world gate has not yet been built, and the celestial system fleet now only has two small planetary warships just teleported to Mist (under the ocean). The community's fleet should be supported by the vanguard.

Elder Roland Gayle has always been a person I admire very much. Even if he is nominally a power leader under the empire, it will not affect the warm welcome of all members of the "First Family" to this tough guy. Let Zeus lead the soldiers to **** him. After the unclear use of the black box returned to the general flagship, we talked to Roland Gayle for a while, mainly to inquire about the status of the Civilization Community.

It is gratifying that this tortured ethnic civilization has now re-established a normal social order, gradually transforming from a deformed civilization that kills or is killed every day to a continuously developing normal civilization. The fierce folk customs in the bones are It can't be changed, but at least now they can think about something other than war.

As the overall flagship of the Celestial System Fleet is the sun on which the community currently depends, so after the psionic dead star broke away from their stellar system, the integration department arranged an artificial star to temporarily replace this vacancy. In addition to the change in the color of the sun, the community The lives of ordinary residents were not affected by the war mobilization order.

After such a long period of improvement and expansion, with the efforts of countless builders and Schilling hosts, the current celestial system fleet has been much more powerful and perfect than before. At the beginning, this fleet removed a Phantom Death Star, which was the flagship of the total. There are only twelve simple Star Warships as **** formations, as well as some conventional spaceships escorting the Star Wars. Now, the third generation of Star Wars personally designed by Tavel (codename is still "zero", because In the science and technology tree, there is no need to change the designation of equipment without essential technical layering. When the first generation of equipment is installed, the old equipment is automatically retired to become a civilian model, and the code is cancelled. Next, the number of these third-generation planetary warships has reached more than thirty. They run around a phantom dead star in a series of complex orbit systems, forming a three-dimensional **** grid, which is more powerful than the original celestial system fleet defense force. Strengthen on the big. The old **** starships were demolished with most of their weapons and completely converted into ecological planets for living. They are now the home planets of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community. These home planets also run around the phantom death star, but their Orbits the entire celestial system fleet periphery, and also follows the classic Kepler orbit in the universe.

Therefore, the entire celestial system fleet is actually composed of four parts. The first part is of course the peculiar death star as the general flagship. This is the well-deserved core of the super fleet. The meaning of the fleet is the psionic death star. The second part is its military starships, including more than thirty third-generation planetary warships and satellite systems of these planetary warships (a giant space fortress equipped with functional modules, much smaller than starships, but larger than Some conventional battleships are huge). The third part is the civilian starships located on the periphery. They are ecological planets, and the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community settles on it. The fourth part is a large service fleet, including the Empire fleet with military missions, and the Community fleet responsible for maintaining starships, transporting materials, and combat aid (they sometimes sometimes call themselves worker bees).

After the war mobilization order is issued, the space system ships will not be deployed. Those civilian starships and basic defensive conventional fleets will be left. At this time, an artificial star that simply provides light and heat is required to replace the phantom death star. -At this time, the entire system looks exactly like an ordinary stellar system.

The post-war finishing work has been carried out by the servants. As for the metal box of unknown purpose, Tavel is ready to start research tomorrow: Because the giant world gate has entered a critical assembly stage, all qualified Imperial technicians have started at the outpost That door. Bubble sent a mass production host down, and a temporary military base was established on Cinnamon. We did not return to the Admiral, but this base stayed temporarily. Later today, Sandora also came to the surface.

The main purpose of her coming here is to confirm the "unmixed" phenomenon of the Avengers found in our battle. The news is obviously of great significance to Sandora, but unfortunately, in addition to the testimony of the parties, we No evidence can be preserved. All the Avengers have detonated, even if there is no self-detonation, it is only a relatively complete corpse. From a corpse, we cannot analyze anything related to spiritual confusion. The only thing that has a little research value now is the memory cores we collected from the battlefield. They come from some avenger commanders. Bubble is analyzing the data stored in these cores.

After arriving at the temporary base of Cinnabar, Sandora immediately found the leader bee soldiers who participated in the battle at that time, and asked in detail about the situation of the Avengers without mixing, and then came to the lounge to say hello to me, and I found her face The haze on it is finally much less than the previous few days.

"The specific information has not been confirmed, but the Avengers fighting us are indeed some shells." Sandora said as she sat down on the sofa next to me, and I carefully asked: "This ... the difference should be Is n’t it big? Anyway, we are fighting the Avengers. ”

"Not the same, at least I'd like to think it's different," Sandora shook her head with a grin, but her voice sounded somewhat relaxed. "If you let me know they're attacking me in a fully awake state, that's too It ’s hard to accept, and now ... at least it proves that their actions were not out of their spiritual mix. For the Spirit apostles, betraying the empire alive is more disgraceful than death, so knowing that they are already 'dead', I really feel relieved ... Ajun, isn't that a bit of a deceit? "

I really do n’t know how to answer at this time. Sandora ’s conflicts in her heart are empathy for herself, maybe as she said, it ’s self-deceiving, but anyway, she now has a reason to tell herself The Avengers have not betrayed.

"The loss of the Mobrador civilization is also serious this time."

I didn't want to keep Sandora on the topic for too long, so I turned her attention to another direction. "Although the Avengers did not carry out a targeted slaughter of the Mobradorians, they cleared the road. Almost a third of the population of Cinnamon has been killed, mostly civilians and miners. The local army is frightened and no one resists. "

"Resistance is useless," Sandora frowned. "The Apostle of the Spirit is a very purposeful race. Since the Avengers want to act on this planet, they will crush everything that blocks them. But you said It's also really impressive. It is said that after the Avengers landed, all the troops on this planet were dispersed like civilians, and only a few dozen monks in the world resisted-of course, they were all destroyed on the spot. "

Then we looked at each other and sighed.

This topic is not as good as before ...

As I was talking to Sandora, the lounge door suddenly opened slightly, and a shallow little head came in. "Ajun, Ajun, that ... the Holy Pope and Uncle Zagu came, and brought There are several people, they want to see you. "

I had an unexpected expression. I didn't expect them to come here at this time, but thinking about the disaster that happened to Cinnabar, I basically knew why the other party came.

Mobrador's visitors were arranged in a small room next to the command room, because this is a temporary base, and there can be no high-quality entertainment venues. When Sandora and I entered the room, we found that there were already a dozen people in the room.

The knights of the Blue Church, the Holy Pope (he is temporarily the ruler of the Blue Church in the name, because the slacker of Zaku does not want to do anything at all), and Uncle Zaku, these people are more familiar to us, and Sitting opposite them were a few unfamiliar faces. They were wearing weird military uniforms and looked a bit desert-like. They were a blessed but spiritual middle-aged man. The latter was a little bald, with a clear and bright head. It was dense sweat beads, and his face was as clean as the forehead. From time to time, he took out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead, and every time he raised his head, he would emit a shiny reflection.

In the other corner of the room, there were several high-ranking servant generals. Roland Gael and Tykes were inside. They seemed to have been chatting with each other for a while. Now even in the elderly of Roland Gael, the faces of the generals There was a look of impatience.

Immediately after Sandora and I appeared in the room, the Holy Pope and Uncle Zagu immediately led up a few knights. They seemed to be saluting. Several knights performed cross hands with the blue church. The Holy Pope and the others The knights awkwardly tried the 捶 ing military salute of the Spirit Empire. Uncle Zagu looked at the messy etiquette on both sides and gave him a wagara (a cigarette-like thing) ...

"Okay, it's imaginary." I waved to let the pope, who was already accustomed to make-up, do so much salute, and then reached out to take the "cigarette" in Zagu's hand and gave it to Sandoran. The latter was appetizing, and his gaze turned to those strange faces.

The latter was trembling, and the Pope immediately whispered very severely: "What are you waiting for! They are the Emperors of the Sages!"

At this time, the group of Mobrado talents in military uniforms stood up one by one, and then saluted in a panic: there were bows, salute, 捶 ing, and one began to borrow cigarettes from Zagu ... ...

For a long time, I can see that these people are very nervous, even a little helpless about the current situation. They seem to have been brought here by someone suddenly, and they don't know what to say. When Sandora was used to the coldness in front of the outsider While glancing at the opponent's leader ~ www.readwn.com ~ the latter even stunned involuntarily. I looked at the Pope and Zaku strangely and wanted them to explain.

"We are saddened by the attack on Cinnamon," the pope sat meticulously, despite the fact that there was only a small ball of light in his brain, but this did not prevent him from achieving the full etiquette of this skin. All miners and civilians. "

"Fortunately, this is a mine," Sandora said indifferently. Although it was a disaster that involved the death of tens of millions of people, she was accustomed to this kind of war. Thinking about the problem was also a very rational "compensation or profit". From the beginning, she seems that Cinnamon is a mineral planet with a sparsely populated and evacuated population. The attack here is at least stronger than that of the Mobrador host star. It's not her ruthlessness, but this is the way of thinking she must have in this position. "I also sympathize with the attack here. We didn't expect the rebellion to attack the civilian planet. So who are these people?"

Sandora pointed at the cowardly middle-aged man and asked dissatisfied.

Uncle Zagu lazily leaned on his seat. He had been in contact with us for a long time, knowing that there was nothing to restrict at this time. Hearing Sandora's inquiry, he raised his finger and pointed to the opposite side: "He is the current high commander of the Mobrador coalition government and commander of the government army." R! .

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