Xiling Empire

Chapter 825: Violent intercept

The alarms on the attack of Macross and the discovery of the shadow space control core came almost at the same time, as previously guessed: the detection technology in the hands of the Avengers and their protection against their headquarters were very powerful, and they were scanned in the control core. For a moment, the other party also confirmed the position of the intruder. [The Seal of the Seal of God]

"Warning, it was detected that the overtime feast strike was on the way, and the fleet boundary had a high-energy response. The crust of the Star Wars III ship cracked at dusk, and we are suffering from an air-drop gravitational shock!"

The moment the alarm of the air-drop gravitational shock sounded, the Empire fleet facing the offensive side had suffered a real battle damage, and a team of Protos aircraft wandering on the track of the "Dusk Three" planet warship seemed to be attacked by a gust of wind At the North Pole, a fierce formation disorder occurred. The three aircraft carriers collided with each other and turned into a pile of twisted metal fragments. The ejection capsule rushed to the hard and artificial crust of the planet battleship at an abnormally high speed. First, all this happened within ten seconds of the electric light fire.

This is the first time I have seen such an attack. I did not see a beam of energy or a large-equivalent warhead that jumped over. Our spaceship was inexplicably flung out. According to the alert of the warship, it was obviously some kind of gravitational-based. Effect weapon, but it ’s really the first time to see such a haunting attack.

All planetary warships immediately opened the gravitational isolation barrier, disengaging themselves from the universal gravitational system of the universe, in order to prevent the enemy ’s larger-scale gravitational attack on the dusk of “Dusk Three” near the North Pole. A nearly 1,000 kilometers long and widest Hundred kilometers of terrible cracks, turbulent psychic energy burst out from the cracks like magma, forming a spectacular chain explosion damage tube system over the star ship's north pole, the reaction was very rapid, it immediately cut off the starship damage location Power was supplied, and emergency repairs started there. The escape capsule, which was almost thrown towards the surface by the gravitational riot, survived the gravitational isolation of the starship, but a small number of them turned into bright fireworks at high altitude due to collisions.

After this weird gravitational attack, the enemy's conventional artillery fire came slowly and generally landed on the fleet. Due to the existence of the macrospace strike technology, these artillery fires burst out from the cracks in the space distributed in all directions of the celestial system fleet. It blocked all the dead ends of the entire fleet.

The psionic dead star began to accelerate. The spatial chaos caused by the coordinate-like engine pulling this unprecedented stellar fortress left a black web-like crack on the surface of the dead star. It was not the dead star that was damaged but the space coordinates. In a small area, it is constantly changed, and the space itself is superimposed many times, eventually forming a low-speed space. The light cannot form a view there. These wide low-speed bands seem to be blocking the progress of the Phantom Death Star. A black ribbon, wrapped around the giant star, looked weird and terrifying.

Our **** formation quickly locked in the space coordinates of the attack. Surprisingly, they came from every corner of the entire shadow universe. The enemy did not mean to bring the spaceship together, but directly in the tens of billions of light years. Attacks were carried out from a distance.

Macro-strike technology makes this attack possible, but there is no doubt that if the enemy does not gather troops and only rely on macro-space to transport firepower, their attack power will be greatly reduced. The huge size of the celestial system fleet is obviously not enough It is impossible for the intercepting firepower to stop this behemoth. The enemy will keep us like this?

Sandora held the same confusion as me, but she didn't hesitate. Regardless of what the Avengers had planned, the emperor had already advanced to this step with no reason to step back.

"All Super Macros fire, go all out!"

With an order from Sandora, the **** formation composed of thousands of eternal-class motherships, hundreds of thousands of main ships of various types, and countless small and medium auxiliary warships immediately began to fight back. This was a very strange counterattack scene: all The enemies are out of the normal range, they can only intercept us with a macro strike, and we can only use the same method to counter the vengeance's artillery fire from the cracks in the space close to our army, and then We opened the same crack again and threw the missile beam self-explosive fighters and bricks into the sky above each planetary ship. The psionic beams crisscrossed, but as long as the distance was a little farther, the outer space of the celestial system fleet was calm and smooth. Except for the lively explosion, it was almost quiet enough to shoot more than forty Hong Kong and Taiwan dramas ..., ...

"I don't know where they went wrong." Sandora frowned in confusion. "Their ships in shadow space still don't have any tendency to gather to the core of control. They launch attacks so far, and waste nearly 100%. The power of forty weapons is simply letting us into the base camp. "

"I don't think so."

As soon as my blame fell, the bridge vibrated violently: it was another weird gravitational strike. It abandoned the planetary warships that could not be affected by gravity, and began to attack the **** formation.

The Admiral itself also carries a gravitational isolation device, but its power is clearly not comparable to that of a planetary warship. After the enemy's attack arrived, a dozen abnormal gravitational points suddenly appeared in the array of the Royal Fleet, released from these points. Gravity bō actually caused the Imperial Admiral's hull to tilt sharply. I stabilized my figure while watching the outside scene. Dozens of small frigates were captured by mass points, and bright fireworks were formed after disintegration. Other large mothers The ship barely stabilized its stance, but the Macross strike was interrupted.

"You see, I don't think the enemy's interception / firepower is gentle at all! I hold on to the armrest of the seat tightly, watching the busy command hall below." Sandora, what is this? Which warships are dedicated to gravitational weapons? "

"I'm afraid it's not a regular battleship." Sandora's face was darkened, and the total flagship could not be immune to the enemy's attack. The situation was not so good, and even worse, we couldn't find where the enemy that made the gravitational attack was: it It's not a space attack, and two consecutive attacks are nowhere to be found, as if the space around us naturally changed.

At this moment, Sivis, who was busy tracking the source of gravity, suddenly reported loudly, "Your Majesty! The basic rules of the space where the fleet is found to find anomalous information within the celestial system fleet formation are being modified!"

"Revision of the rules?" Sandora stood up suddenly. "What's the matter?"

"The situation is unknown, but the law of gravitation in the celestial system fleet has been chaotic. The mass and gravitation of all warships are changing the mass of a single fighter just beyond the sun! It destroyed its own flying formation!"

I was taken aback by Tavel's report. This situation can no longer be described as weird. This is not an ordinary gravitational strike at all. The enemy did not throw us a mass point, but simply distorted the law of universal gravitation within the celestial system fleet. It's a law-like weapon!

Tavel's report is just the beginning, and soon the subordinate fleet sent more damage reports related to "gravity out of control". A group of civil society warships hit the quality wall when intercepting the enemy's time-shifted warheads. Originally, there was empty space in front of them, but a gravitational region suddenly appeared with a thickness of only a few micrometers, a width and height of no more than one kilometer, but a mass of more than a few thousand white dwarfs. Dozens of warships were thrown away. The soft dough on the wall is ordinary, and it is strangely pressed into a flat metal cake in space. The frigates that are separated from the mother ship to intercept the overtime fire have basically encountered similar dooms. The empty space is full of moments. Gravitational faults that are constantly oscillating, even if the armor of the imperial warships cannot withstand such a blow, their hulls may be in gravitational faults with a difference of more than ten times at the same time. Over and over again, the destruction limit was reached instantly. The psionic shield's defense against this attack is very weak, because it happens to be Have isolated the role of gravity!

"The contraction formation, small warships moved close to the mothership, all the large ships opened the gravitational isolation system to the maximum." Sandora commanded decisively, then turned her head to the command hall "Tavel, give me a gravitational distribution in the fleet space Figure. "

The star map on the officer's platform flickered, and quickly filled with colorful patches.

"The law of universal gravitation is confusing. As long as there are warships in the fleet that have been separated from the gravitational isolation system, the mass will continue to oscillate in milliseconds." The projection, the latter now looks like a TV screen full of snowflakes, the plaques representing different accelerations of gravity flicker to the point of being blind to the eyes of the dog. "At the same time, there are all the basic laws related to quality. . Once the small warship is out of protection, it will disintegrate in an instant, or be hit by a smash. "

"What kind of isolation system do your mother ships and planet warships have, although they are strong enough?" Bingtis was standing on the dangling bridge as if tǐng was not used to it, and had to cry out with huge black wings. Helping herself to balance, Lìlì Na, who was closest to her, was flied by the fan on the spot. "Although the small spacecraft can't fire, it doesn't seem to affect the main gun battle."

"But without frigates, it would be very difficult for us to intercept the enemy ’s macrospace strikes. Conventional anti-gravity devices simply cannot cope with this approach of approaching the law. They are using this attack to destroy our frigates." Seat a moment, angry voice. On the holographic projection, the eyes are full of fire light generated by explosions. High-energy beams and transitional missiles continue to bloom on the energy shield of the Empire battleship. Amazing huge fire groups are constantly blooming. The light blue protective cover constantly produces water-like bō due to the impact. Ripples.

The star warship ’s shield is as thick as the atmosphere, and it looks like it can support it for a long time. However, the mother ship with a weaker protection has begun to lose war. They must not only support their psionic shields, but also cannot be protected by the frigate. In combat situations, it is responsible for outputting all counterattack firepower, and it is necessary to use multiple output forces to build a gravitational isolation force field to protect the entire fleet. In this case, the mother ship ’s energy consumption is huge, and the shield recharge speed is also extremely limited. The great impact, when the enemy ’s Macross strike gradually gave up attacking the thick and fleshy planet battleships and concentrated on sweeping out the mother ship formation, the latter appeared to be overwhelming.

A dazzling flash of light suddenly appeared below the outside scene. After tracking the lens, I found out that it was the enemy's dozen main galaxy guns converging to form a line, and made a powerful attack on the planet battleship Teldrassil. This attack even broke through The starship shield left a wide scar on the silver-gray crust of the Teldrassil.

Under normal circumstances, its shield should not be afraid of this degree of shelling.

"Your Majesty! The thermodynamic laws of the surrounding space are confusing, and the psionic shield burden is increased!" Sivis's emergency report explained the reason for the sudden weakening of the starship shield. Sandora immediately ordered the change of the starship engine's power output mode. Calculating forces to correct the energy loss caused by the confusion of thermodynamic laws, but obviously, this is only an expedient measure.

"Law-like weapons, and more than one, amendments to the laws of gravity and thermodynamics ......... Is it the Warsong?"

Bookola's eyebrows tightened, her voice sounded very gloomy.

"Warsong?" Asked curiously.

Sandora looked at the giant holographic projection, and her eyes seemed to pass through the flames of war, to reach a certain corner of the universe: one is a planetary battleship, the real planetary battleship in the old empire era, it is my celebration of a huge victory The flagship that was ordered to build was equipped with a full set of seven types of law weapons and damage definition systems. It was named after me because of its power. The Avengers have never used this thing. I thought it had been destroyed by the rebels when the old empire collapsed. It's ... "

As Sandora's voice fell, the officer's platform quieted.

The shallow non-linear thinking can sometimes focus on the common people's unexpected but crucial point: "Isn't the empire unit afraid of the chaos of various rules if it is a weapon of laws?"

"Yes, the Spirit unit itself is not afraid of the chaos of the rules." Sandora shook her head. "But chaos of the rules can cause a lot of catastrophic phenomena. The resistance of the Spirit units' laws against these phenomena is not 100%, and the laws of weapons and nature The law of confusion is not the same. It is offensive, as if it is the same flame, one is the open flame of nature, and the other is the stellar furnace.

Bettis said: "It's useless to say, where is that Star Warship, and killing it first is the right way. Don't you be reluctant?"

"That's already history, of course there is nothing to be reluctant to do" Sandora shook her head "but I'm afraid it's not so easy to find out the Warsong number. Its camouflage system is very powerful and can even disguise itself as a small stone in front of you, A real planet warship is equipped with an extremely advanced space-time strike device, which can attack the fire on the other side of the universe from any corner of Yufu. Covers the entire stellar system ... "

"But I think it should be over there." My elder sister suddenly looked at a certain direction thoughtfully. 1 "I was very hostile again. My mental power reacted to that direction, but the distance was too far to curse. Effective. "

I almost forgot: there is a person here who does not need to actively aim, but needs to be issued by the enemy himself!

"You must quickly get rid of that thing." Sandora stood up immediately. "The Warsong is best at cleaning up the opponent's combat power by destroying the basic rules of the enemy position. Now it should still adjust its weapon system, but as long as Giving it enough time would be a huge hassle. "

"The entire celestial system fleet will be turned around by a star warship." I shrugged. "Is there any weakness in it? "Of course, the overall strength of the Celestial System Fleet exceeds that of Warsong, but on the real battlefield, the data is sometimes the most unreliable. As for the weakness of the starship's protective device is the damage definition system, it can directly modify each time the damage it takes to a minimum value, and this minimum value can only make a splash on its regular shield, so the more The more wasteful it is to bombard with a cannon, it may be a way to concentrate a large number of small and medium-sized firepower ... "

There was a violent shaking at my feet again. It should be an unlucky spacecraft near us that accidentally hit the mass point. The Admiral of the Empire was equivalent to passing by a hundred neutron stars in an instant. After lìlìna, who was passing by in front of her, she said aloud, "Look, small and medium-sized warships cannot approach that kind of thing!"

Sivis's emergency report came again, and it was still bad news: "Your Majesty, the concept of the coordinates of the surrounding space has been subverted! The coordinate-like ascension power has dropped, and the psionic dead star is advancing in the void navigation mode. Get close to the control core in a limited time! "

"Let's go." My elder sister and I said in unison.

"The curse is not a direct attack, it directly changes the target itself, so the damage definition system is not effective for me." The older sister explained.

I added, "Nether is almost the same, and I don't believe its armor can resist the Nether realm."

Sandora glanced at us, although there was some concern in her eyes, but this is indeed the current best plan: if the Celestial System Fleet was bombed in the direction indicated by her elder sister with overtime firepower, it might indeed kill the situation The lonely planet warship, but it will inevitably waste a lot of time, and we have to deal with more than one starship: the avengers of the entire universe are waiting for us to turn the muzzle!

"Be careful, I will provide you with overtime fire support to clear the enemy's **** formation. If the attack is invalid, return immediately: don't rely too much on personal strength, then there is no doubt in front of the entire fleet.

Pandora and Huesca also came out ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because the enemy is always attacking us with overtime firepower, these two little guys ca n’t find a place to use it, they are bored, and now they see a special operation, His eyes flashed together suddenly.

"I know, I know, take you."

I was uncomfortable staring at the stars of the twins one meter two one left and one right, and quickly agreed, and harvested two soft flutter.

"Brother is the best!"

The brother who led the sister's fight turned out to be the best. The two lunatics were hopeless.

Knowing that the conventional main gun's threat to the "Warsong" is equivalent to a single-armed fighter, and to solve the enemy's **** formation, it is mainly based on the overtime fire support provided by Sandora, so we only brought a small amount this time. spaceship. Ten permanent class motherships led a limited number of **** formations out of the celestial system fleet and accelerated towards the depths of space. Burning psionic shields and sun-blocking artillery fire passed under the battleship, and the next moment In front of his eyes, only the super-light tunnel formed by the red-blue shift is left.

Well, let me see how powerful the super warships of the old Empire era are! !! .

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