Xiling Empire

Chapter 830: Impenetrable cage

A dazzling beam of light rose from the distant horizon and pierced deep into the space. After a moment, a dark sun-like flame appeared in the dark universe. The alloy crust beneath the feet trembled slightly, and the deep humming sounded in the air. In the distance, the ground cracked a huge canyon, the red rays reflected from the canyon, and the translucent phantom shields reflected the glow of the sunset, and the rolling waves from the direction of the red canyon The influx is a thermal radiation "radiation" that almost instantly melts ordinary steel.

The rumbling ground was flat, the distant Red Canyon was slowly closed, and the heat waves and high-energy beams outside the horizon also disappeared into sight. []

This is near the North Pole of the "Dusk III" planet battleship. The Grand Canyon that suddenly appeared and then closed slowly is actually its weapon heat sink, and the beam outside the horizon is the powerful power of "Dusk III" The main gun, known as the "Legion Cannon", can superimpose hundreds of Xinghe main guns into a line by superimposing the phase, so the monster ’s penetrating power is so outrageous that it can be almost instantaneous Break through any defense below the rule level, even if it is a thousand-kilometer-thick Schilling Starship alloy. And it also has an attack power on the defense of the law. This is where the weapons of the Star Wars are really stronger than the conventional weapons, and it has no way to compare with the real Star Wars of the old empire.

In addition, with regard to the word "Legion Cannon", I know this is a name that sounds silly, Shun, but at least it ’s more simple than the "movement"

"Much better, right?

"The attack was over, the weapon system was under normal load, the target was damaged, and no signs of counterattack were found." The core thinking of the Star Warship reported to us the results of this attack with a mechanized voice, while standing with me on the "Arctic at dusk 3 On the tower, Sandola looked up at the sky and froze her hair that was blown by the wind, her eyes very solemn: "Ajun, we don't have much time."

"Forty-eight hours have elapsed, more than half an hour has passed, and there are still less than ten hours. What the **** did that make ..."

I looked up at the sky, although it was dark, but the light of the continuous artillery still vaguely outlined an unusually large shadow. It was a fuzzy polygon with many polygons of varying brightness. The detector The feedback information shows that it is a giant dodecahedron with a diameter of more than 12,000 kilometers. This huge polyhedron hovered solitary in an absolutely empty sky. There were no celestial bodies around it, even the cosmic dust was absent. The space was "clean" to the incredible, making this huge polyhedron like an island in the desert. The whole body of the target is dark, and the light reflection "radiation" rate of each side shows a certain law. The first surface is a wonderful total reflection "radiation" mirror surface, which can theoretically reflect the shadows on the other side of the universe. If you have Good eyes, and the twelfth plane corresponding to the fully reflective "shooting" plane is completely unable to "shoot" any photons, and even has a "horizon" like a black hole. The spirit technicians speculate that these regular ing surfaces may hide the secret of this polygonal super strong defense force. They have studied this for two hours, and the only conclusion so far is that the No. 1 face is really **** ...

This is our ultimate goal: the core of the control of the shadow space, a huge, sturdy, inexplicable, and heinous iron cistern. And this heinous thing has been standing for an hour under our concentrated bombing.

The weird facility huge enough to be one circle larger than our planetary warship hovered over Sandora and me. The behemoth black figure took up two-thirds of the sky and looked up. It brought me a very Heavy depression.

The probes we sent landed on this silent and strange facility without any effort, but the information returned can only make people understand its skin "hair": regular dodecahedron, except for the ridges around each face Outside. The whole structure is very smooth, no mechanical protrusions and functional structures are found, no muzzle, no engine, no antenna, and even no access to the entrance. If it is not the quality of the radar feedback is not uniform, I would almost think that thing It is a solid iron block that is cut smoothly.

Despite some battles, the Avengers fleet in this universe is still huge. Only the enemy forces that broke into the Phantom Star's "shooting" range from the real world were eliminated. Other Avengers were In every corner of the universe, we naturally have no extra energy to clean them one by one, so these avenger fleets have not been damaged. It is strange that since the emperor entered the range of five light years near the planet-like control core After that, all the avengers ’attacks stopped abruptly. The information from the probe indicated that the ships did not stop pushing, but just kept alive and silently looked at us, just like the silent warships in the Warsong Gennacu. Similarly, this situation makes people sleepy. In the end, I can only explain that this is the credit of n small 5: he and the trapped vengeance spirit **** once again suppressed the violent body.

After the psionic death star entered the "shooting" range, it began to decelerate. At the place where it is still at a distance of half a light-year control core, we finally gave up the plan to hit the psionic death star here. Including the "Dusk No. 3" at our feet, a total of ten planet warships broke away from the celestial system fleet and came to try to destroy the shell of the control core, but so far, nothing has been done.

It ’s weird. The giant empire building in our field of vision does n’t have a special defense system. It does n’t even have a shield,

This surprised us when we launched the first round of attack. A black building with no obvious reinforced armor, no phase displacement force field, and even no shields persisted under the concentrated attack of ten planetary warships. It was unharmed for an hour, which has driven the commanders of almost all weapon control units crazy. What makes people crazy is the passage of time.

Another general attack command. Tens of millions of torrents of energy instantly reflected the original dark space like the surface of the star. The original polyhedral control core in the shadows was bright. The bright beams from all directions focused on the shot. The spotlight generally stands out, except for the face in the middle of our field of vision: it is dark, as dark as it is, and it seems to give the illusion of "emptiness", that is, the twelfth face, a completely non-reflective "The weird surface of any photon.

This time, there were no sounds in the majestic tube, but looking at the explosion of fire that was filled with two-thirds of the sky in an instant, I can also imagine a lively scene where the target surface is far more than 100 suns exploding simultaneously, but our attack It's still like a rock sinking into the sea. Before the huge energy completely erupted, it disappeared without a trace. No one knows where the energy was released. Could it be void?

"I think it's nothing if the Phantom Death Star really hits."

I frowned, "hair" "Sandora, what high-tech stuff in the old empire?"

Sandora shook her head: "I don't remember the weird defensive device of the old empire. It didn't look like it was defending against attacks, but it was" the result of any damage to its structure. " Ignore it, if this is to delete their destructible ing, then I have to say that after the Avengers got out of control, it really has an amazing invention. "

"Apart from dephasing and the second gap, I really didn't expect this weird thing."

I mumbled, my eyes fluttered to my sister, "Sister, your function ..."

"Useless, it rejects all information that changes itself. As long as it changes its state, it is blocked." The older sister shook her head. "Lin's brute force and Fedith's golden arrow did not work either, Lin hit She went too hard when she went up, and now it is a child IQ. Icetis is tricking her scales to make repair materials for her bows and arrows. Trying to reverse the time flow of several parts of the target, I want to use the time axis to tear. The information that destroyed it was complete, but it failed a lot, drawing circles in his room. "

I sighed deeply for various reasons.

"If you can get in touch with that voice again, maybe the problem will be solved." I said to myself, "P-15 said that he will wait for you to appear again, but now you are here. How about letting you dove?" "

Instead of responding to my poor mouth, Sandora frowned, suddenly raised her head and said firmly, "Ajun, you're right, maybe I should let them show up."

"Ah, ah?" I didn't respond at once, and when I realized that Sandora was going to approach the weird control core in person, she quickly pressed her shoulder. "Don't mention, calm down, that's the enemy's base camp. This There are too many places with abnormal space. The defense of this gadget has reached the point where it is out of the circle. In case its attack and defense Lou is more dangerous than that.

... "

As soon as I said halfway, there was an emergency communication in the spiritual connection that made people sweat coldly and suddenly look like: "Alarm! Alert! Fog Star was attacked suddenly! The defense forces are shrinking! The defense line is critical!"

My face changed a lot, and Sandora and her sister, who had fallen in the same face, glanced at each other and said in unison: "The Avengers have found a target!"

But this is just the beginning of the situation. When I was about to send some planet warships back to the anti-fog star (anyway, there is no enemy attack for now), a dazzling flash suddenly broke through the space when the fire of the own fleet was suspended, and then The earth on the third evening trembled violently!

"Encountering an enemy space attack! Revenge fleet in shadow space resumes operation!"

P-15's suppression of those violent bodies finally failed, but why didn't that guy come out and contact us and tell us how to open this abominable core barrier? Are they really trapped inside the core and can't even do external communication?

At this time, Na's face also suddenly became bitter, and with a vicissitude in her face, she sighed sadly and sighed, "My grass, this time, all the **** is stupid."

I looked at this savage Luoi with a slump, pinching her ears: "Girl, you can't put a mosaic when you say bad words?"

Na rolled her eyes: "I, it's all **** this time!"

Can Lou ask what happened to those mosaics just now! ?

The sudden resumption of the Avengers and the direct attack on the fog star was unexpected. The two planet warships were immediately ordered to leave the shadow space, to ensure the absolute safety of the fog star base at all costs. The force requirements of our universe have already been Not so high, it's okay to draw a part of the fleet. And why the enemy discovered the secret of the fog **** star, this is only known to God, it seems that we still underestimate the detection technology in the hands of the Avengers.

The sky was also ignited by artillery again at this moment, and this time it was not only the artillery that appeared before us, but also the swarming battleship of the Avengers. After the suppression of p-15 failed, the enemy seemed to have completely restored its ability to move. All corners swarmed over, launched a violent attack on the Celestial System fleet and ten planet warships here, and they had just rested for an hour or two. The **** fleet and the servants immediately returned to the battlefield, and numerous huge spaceships roared and rushed out. Gnaku, the planetary warship and the giant aircraft carrier, went to battle with the approaching enemies. The air defense alert sounded through the atmosphere of Dusk No. 3, and the distant earth cracked again. The heat radiation grid of the weapon system broke out. Beyond the horizon, huge beams began to slowly draw across the sky. Two ships above us would suddenly appear. The Avengers mother ship was cut off.

Although it is still impossible to effectively damage the control core, the Legion Cannon is too easy to destroy conventional warships.

"There is no time to think about it. Even if I take a risk, I must go and see for myself."

Sandora said decisively, gazing at the giant polyhedron occupying two-thirds of the sky, I finally sighed, "Well, you're wrong. You don't have to see it yourself, but we . "

Before Sanda had time to speak, I squeezed her cheeks: "Don't forget that I'm your husband, now it's time to take it together."

My elder sister started coughing next to her, Na then pretended that she was shy and afraid of pure Xiaoluo, but I knew that the information circulating in her head was enough to write twenty **** books. I should be glad that Bingtis was not on the scene. She told Na merged together, and the world was completely bleak.

It does n’t take any trouble to get close to the control core. This is a very weird fact: the control core ’s defensive power is amazing, but it does n’t have any tendency to fight back. Since the first attack was launched an hour ago, the only damage we have caused by the attack on this polyhedron has been Lynn's temporary intelligence and several arrows from Bettis. The probe we sent can very easily land on the surface of this thing without being attacked. I am afraid that someone will say here: Why is it so easy to attack the landing core? Is it enough to log in directly?

I think I need to explain this: what we want is to stop this **** thing, there is a bird on the surface of him! Am I occupying such a large iron goblet to cover all three rooms and one hall?

If it's shallow, I'm afraid to nod.

Sandora and I came to the surface of the control core very smoothly without any interception in the middle.

I think this is really easy and pleasant. The previous fears and enemy Rulin seemed completely redundant, but Sivis had already entered a state of high alert: both Empire heads stood at the door of the enemy's base, and There is also a completely unprepared look, which should be anxious for these ordinary officers. You see that most of the neurasthenia from ancient times is bodyguards, and co-presidents should be heartless, such as American blockbusters and also like Sandora and I.

We landed lightly on one side of the control core. It was as wide as a continent, with no margins at all. A group of imperial agents and hundreds of Atlantis man-made gods standing two meters and six feet on the sidelines were on alert. , And I looked down to study the material of the "land."

"Smooth" can reflect the shadow, but it will not slip. It has a crystal luster, but it is not crystal. Our previous bombardment for an hour did not leave any traces on it, and the defensive power of this thing was outrageous.

The fire net interlaced by the main guns of the Xinghe and various warships reflects the distant space into a sea of ​​fire, but the sky above the huge core of control is quiet. Both the enemy and us are very careful to keep their attacks away. Here, the emperor was worried about accidentally injuring the two emperors, and the Avengers were obviously afraid of damaging their base camp: it can be seen that this thing may still be damaged by ordinary artillery fire, but I do n’t know how strong the attack is and how long it can last. Crack its carapace.

"It's a starship alloy after mutation, but if it's just a starship alloy, it shouldn't be such a strong defense ability." Sandora frowned and went up and down the smooth, mirror-like ground. "They seem to be mixed with something It is not energy, nor a solidified force field, but a pure thing that protects this fortress. I can feel some familiar atmosphere. They are just opposite this fortress, but ... if a small sample can be obtained, Maybe it is possible to crack this layer of shell. "

I wondered seriously whether Sandora was going to try the taste of this alloy and make another plan: this is simply impossible!

We have been here for more than ten minutes ~ www.readwn.com ~ Nothing similar to the entrance has been found. The surface is smooth like a mirror, and this mirror covers the entire polyhedron. It is natural, there is no channel for us . The sound of p-15 never sounded again. I think that the sound of not knowing whether to believe it or not may be the release of his pigeons.

But oh, it's the word again, this time I think it's much more cute. However, the peaks and turns often appear at times we never imagined.

When both Sandora and I were at a loss, a white light suddenly radiated from me. Then, under the holy and warm atmosphere, a white and beautiful figure slowly emerged from the air, and then lay on the ground.

"Brother Monarch, they told you to go in, why didn't you go in?"

Araiye patted his spotless dress and trembled his feathers, and said to me and Sandora curiously.

"They?" Sandora and I agreed.

"A lot of spirits hun, they are just opposite this mirror." Alaya nodded strongly, pointing at the ground under our feet. (To be continued !.

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