Xiling Empire

Chapter 841: Religious rituals are troublesome

As the protagonist of this special celebration ceremony today, the children were placed in two gold-made áng, and the priests were carried on the ceremonial platform, but they are talking about áng, which is only for the height ratio of Atlantis In other words, at least in my eyes, the two glittering little tans are almost as big as Pandora's single huáng. (Chapter of this book)

The two children were just placed on a rectangular platform for baptism. Before the high priest had time to step forward, Na went out first, and this suddenly became a little bit agitated.

The guy hurriedly ran to the baby huáng, looked at it inside, then exclaimed abruptly, ran back with a crying face.

"Is Lou?"

I looked at Na in amazement. It was her who was happily holding the child just now. How can I see this dead one after looking at others?

As a result, Na looked up at me with a forty-five-degree angle, weeping huā at the corner of her eyes, and grumbled aggrievedly: "Mother, you were born bigger than me, how do you hold it?"

Everyone spoke, and suddenly they were speechless.

Only Sandora was able to analyze calmly: "Because they grow very fast, it is recorded in the database that Atlantis also learned to walk and be tested by the natural environment within a few days. After they were born, It almost grows when I see the wind ... "

Sandora was doing science for us, but I found that there were two little guys with strange faces.

Pandora and Huesca clenched their fists involuntarily, and looked at the forty-five-degree sky with their eyes indifferent. It looks like they have lost their goals in life. It seems that it is better for these two guys to accept a lifetime than Her own big baby is really difficult. Na is really an excellent thunder soldier. I should be fortunate that it wasn't Pandora, the two little lunatics who had grievances about their height that had already broken through the sky.

Na also found two depressed expressions of the two meters and two soldiers, and quickly gave a consolation: "Don't be sad, I just watched, the two little guys are bigger than me, they seem a little lower than you ... ... "

I looked at Na ’s height, eh, one meter and nine meters, not even one meter and one meter. Then she said it was really convincing, but this little girl was also a tragedy. For decades before and after her life ended It was one meter and nine meters, no wonder it was possible to have a common language with Sister Pandora.

Wiskar was naturally encouraged, and his eyes ran forward brightly. I was seeing tears in my eyes: Is this poor little guy already degraded to find the superior height from the baby?

In the end, before my tears filled my eyes, Veska ran back with a crying face, holding my terrible sigh, and twitched while he said, "Woohoo, he raised a finger, Still a little finger placed horizontally ... "


Na was lucky to have a second combo at this time: "Oh, considering the growth rate of these two children I just felt, they will be older than you in 48 hours ... "

This girl who does n’t mention which pot should deserve to be beaten on the ground by Pandora and Huesca!

The interruption of the three little girls made the priest who was in charge of the ceremony seem overwhelmed. The black robe giant with a silver and white mask looked at it with a particularly innocent look for a while, until Sandora responded and sent them The baptismal signal continued, and the priests were relieved. At this time, the baptism of children was officially started.

The first is the holy water for bathing, which is a kind of high-concentration radiant water that can make half of Washington into radiation "radiation" in 20 minutes. Several assistant priests put a huge egg-shaped sink on the baptistery. In the middle of the center, I found that the sink was actually remodeled with some kind of living compartment, and various interfaces and mechanical structures were left on the surface. It was only a question that it turned out that the Atlantis had replaced the old empire in the early days. The scientific research team used to create the first generation of human survival capsules are preserved and regarded as some kind of magical relics, they think that this thing in ancient times was given to the first Atlantis artificial **** Birth, then it also has the ability to reborn.

The sink is filled with a radiant "radiating" water that emits a faint blue light. The two sacrifices will pick up the children (here by the way, this is a pair of brothers and sisters) from the gorgeous áng, and recite a few words in the air quickly Prayer, then put the two children in the sink.

At this moment, I also saw the two very special lives today: Sure enough, they are bigger than Na.

But in addition to being very big, in other respects they are like normal children, such as fatty limbs and crumpled faces, the difference is that these two smooth children have shown their baby status and It doesn't match the silence. They didn't cry, they didn't make any noise. They were only 72 hours old, but they were able to open unusually godly eyes and watch everything around them alertly and challengingly. When caught by the priests, both children made The amazing action is to bend your arms to protect half of your face and protect your head without affecting their observation of the surrounding environment.

This is the battle instinct written deep in the genes is waking up.

Are these two bear children or babies? Did the Atlantis childhood end in the third sunrise of life? !!

I voiced strongly, even though I also knew that this ferocious "ripe" such as those imperial soldiers who can smash the cannon with a cannon when they jump off the production line, but after all, one is a mass-producing Apostle, the other is The carbon-based creatures born from the normal birth of a mother's womb, and the latter's exaggerated growth ing is really impressive.

After putting the children into the holy water, the host sacrifice immediately began to read the prayers of blessings. The prayers were not long, and there seemed to be a lot of free play, because I found a lot of things that are consistent with today's situation. The priest first welcomed two children to this world, and then announced that they were the first pair of babies in Atlantis after the beginning of the century. This was of great significance. Then, the sacrifice announced the "Big God" and the testimony of the three leaders. With the blessing, the two children will thrive, and they will become excellent fighters in a short period of time. They are basically all words around these things, not so much prayer. Rather, it is a very pragmatic birth record and future life plan. It took less than a minute to finish these prayers that I thought might be half an hour, and the priest in charge of the ceremony paused with a scepter in his hands, and suddenly shouted three words in a loud, quirky voice: "Haragun!"

I suddenly noticed a slight change in the atmosphere between the several Atlantis priests participating in the ceremony, and even Ares next to me suddenly became serious. Well, although I can only see his chin 管, but I think it should be a particularly serious chin 颓 ...

"Halagon!" After the words of the two assistant priests and chief priests came down from the team behind them, they repeated the three meaningless words aloud, while one was holding a large rectangular box, the box was metal There are some crooked huā patterns on it. I don't know what's inside, but I can see that the assistant priest's hand has been shaking slightly, as if there is a living thing in it.

Na stretched her neck and looked curiously at the two big boxes. I thought that if it weren't for the older sister's pull, she would have rushed over to taste the saltiness, and even the mercury lamp was not rested, while twisting on my shoulder Go whispering: "A child was born so seriously, eh"

I felt something, raised my shoulders, and the little doll immediately clasped my head tightly: "Hey! What! Do you fall?"

"I'll give you a welcome ceremony like this at the time?" I whispered. "In accordance with the specifications of the imperial princess, how can we have more than 20,000 tables full of Han to celebrate your birthday, and then give this process by the way Do you go again? "

The mercury lamp knew that I was joking, but I was immediately at ease, and then began to bite my scalp.

At this time, the two assistant priests had placed the big box on the edge of the sink containing the holy water and the children. The holy water in the sink was only about ten centimeters deep. Two strong "babies" (I'm sorry to say they were babies , Bina is a big one!) I was sitting upright out of the water curiously and poking my little head out of the sink. At this time I saw the box in front of me, and unexpectedly came out of the vigilant god.

"Inside" Na seemed to be sensing something, exclaiming in a low voice, covering her mouth.

The box was suddenly opened. After two or three seconds of silence, two agile black shadows emerged from the inside!

Before I reacted, the two shadows had fallen into the sink, and immediately followed by a whisper of whistle and a fight in the splash of water.

"Halagon is a poisonous python," Aris bent over and explained in a low voice. "This kind of python can only live on Mount Olympus. We regard it as the elf of the holy mountain, and the instructor who tests the children ... ... "

"I'm going! You are desperate!" Even Na couldn't help screaming this time. I responded faster than her and rushed over on the spot, but Sandora took my arm by one hand, then pointed At the sink that had been quiet for a few seconds.

Yes, it quieted down. The hissing and fighting lasted only a few seconds in total. I was even thinking that the two children who had been born for three days were killed by the second, but the parents who gave birth always looked with a smile. Looking at the sink, it didn't seem to be spiked. When the fight was over, they looked at each other and came to the side of the sink to remove the "Harragong" poisonous python which had been torn into several sections.

"Healthy child! Long live the gods!"

The priest in charge of the ceremony lifted up the heads of two almost boa constrictors. The high-pitched voice came from under the silver and white mask. Other priests also raised their hands and repeated aloud with a weird tone that was uniform and suppressed first: "Healthy child! Long live the gods!"

The cheering began to spread from the priestly team until the other Atlantis who participated or watched nearby also raised their arms and cheered. The whole scene was as weird as the **** totem festival in ancient times. The discordant note, the older sister had to give me a note from behind, and whispered, "What a big man, it's OK. There is no positive type."

This ritual of Atlantis seems to be over. Although it is short, the process just now is full of blessings, baptisms and tests. Many onlookers, especially the horrified monsters, have learned about Asia. Trentis, the fierce human civilization of this man-made civilization, especially the next step, they actually used the deadly poisonous snake to test whether the child is healthy or not. In fact, they did not just test the child ’s health, but also the offensiveness of the child. Fighting instincts, these are all written in their genes, just like newborn babies know how to avoid fire, they know how to destroy the enemy and protect themselves from birth.

What happens to children who do not have this ability?

"On the death baptismal table, the holy water sink is exactly the coffin for this kind of failure." Faced with my doubts, Ares said so frankly that "no fight and no killing is a genetic defect for the Atlantis, This means that the genes given to us by the gods have bad mutations in those failed products, but this kind of thing rarely happens. Only three babies in history have had a combat gene showing a hidden status, and those babies have not been able to leave. Baptismal table. The enemy will infect the weak among us. Babies who cannot grow through baptism will easily become enemies controlled by the abyss. This is for their benefit. "

"Don't do this in the future" I took a breath and still felt that it was necessary to say something on my nose. "I know that custom was normal in that case, because you would have to perish if you didn't survive the fittest, but the existing empire Backing you up, this **** baptism is better avoided. "

Ares froze for a long time, thinking for a long time, I thought he would stick to his opinions, but in the end. The pong man nodded his head and replied sternly, "So let's change our customs."

It seems that I underestimated the impact of what the "God" said had on these Atlantis. Their customs were based on the meaning of God. Then the meaning of God changed, and they immediately changed their customs. A fanatic!

Sandola's eyes fell on the priests. Now the two babies have been cleaned and replayed their own parents. The young parents are accompanying the two children, while the other priests are washing the sink with spices and holy water. On the blood. Watched for a while. Sandora suddenly said: "Children whose fighting genes are hidden also do have the right to survive, but this baptism can be preserved. Don't let the next generation forget how to fight."

After saying this, she smiled at me again: "The affairs of the Mobrador civilization made me a little sensitive, but for such a race born for fighting, it is not a good idea to protect too much.

I looked into Sandora's eyes and immediately understood her thoughts, then nodded: "It's also one and this baptism is also considered as an intangible cultural heritage, shall we set up an incineration, ........., eh , The Ministry of Culture has related things? There are so many worlds under the name, and there are many rare customs. "

Sandola rolled her eyes and ignored me, and only Na explained to me kindly, "Boss, the Ministry of Culture doesn't care about these things."

The baptism of children has ended. We did n’t do anything except to watch, but I still feel satisfied. After all, it is equivalent to seeing strange alien customs, but Kona does n’t think so.

She always feels that she hasn't blended in with one thing. She still remembers the grand words that she would bless the goddess with her goddess before leaving. Even though it seems that people have never expected this, she Still lingering about it, when the two children were about to be taken away, the little girl suddenly popped out.

She called Ding Dong, who was struggling to rescue the owner's hair from the mercury lamp above her head, and announced that she would give the child "a loving blessing full of goddess gifts."

Several Atlantis priests immediately expressed some cramps on Na ’s request ~ www.readwn.com ~ They respected this little girl who was only one third of her height, because she was a friend of the "Great God", However, they did not dare to answer the party's request, because the teachings of the Atlantis did not allow them to accept any other god, even if the **** usually lives in the pocket of the great god, and importantly, the great **** looks forward However, at this time, a child is allowed to accept the blessing of a strange god.

"Let's go with her, or she'll make me a day."

I saw that even Zeus used a difficult look and shrugged at them.

Na cheered and led her goddess forward to bless.

Ima may be the day of religious revival ...

I didn't do anything, I just watched people jumping!

"I'll go, no matter how many times I watch, this child is big enough." Ding Dang was on her head, and she was looking at the "baby huáng" along with her. "Dang Dang also looked inside. At a glance, he nodded in agreement: ". Ding Dang sees everyone big ... "

Everyone: ""! .

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