Xiling Empire

Chapter 844: Daily life

The sun is shining, the breeze is learning, and on the sparkling fairy lake bō, the beautiful mermaid princess jumps out of the water, and the bright fish tail reflects the golden brilliance in the sun. In addition, the princess also holds the fishing line ...

I and Lin Xue were still standing by the lake like stone sculptures. I still held the fishing rod tightly in my hand. This is a powerful thing made of interstellar alloy. Ishana did not bend after catching it. Isa Na's gaze also extended along the fishing line in her hand to the fishing rod, and then to my hand along the fishing rod, and she suddenly exclaimed.


A piece of water huā splashed, but it turned out that Isana loosened the fishing line herself, the whole person and the whole fish ... The whole mermaid fell into the water, and the splashed water huā retreated a little to my face, letting me out of dementia Come back.

"I'm going! Isana! What are you doing here!" I threw away the fishing rod in horror and watched the little mermaid princess floating in the water, her face twisted.

Okay, maybe this one that does n’t usually appear in front of you is a bit strange. I want to remind you of it: Azeroth World, one of the salvation generals, Naga's mage leader, in appearance, is a Mermaid.

Like most of the Salvation Army officers who are important military officers and are not a key leader in the clan, Isana usually lives in the shadow city, of course, her community. The Naga community is the most special place in the Shadow City. It is not a building complex, but a huge innumerable salt lake. Isana herself put forward a lot of valuable opinions when we built this salt lake, plus my family A group of guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, eventually we will build the place as a marine ecological museum, such as underwater beaches, Bakers, corals, sunken treasure chests, and even boat crate, if it was not me at that time 谏Lìlìna even planned to steal the wreckage of the Titanic and sink it there. For the same reason, Qian Dan's idea of ​​putting astral needles in the Naga settlement was also killed by me.

Keke, digression, I want to say that Isana is a mermaid practicing huā-like swimming in the saltwater lake of Shadow City. What is she doing here?

And it ’s been caught by someone ... is this bridge really different? This is an adaptation of the fairy tale that ruined life!

"I thought it was Kuchulin's guy bothering people to sleep again." Isana wasn't underwater with half of her head, and there was a rumbling bubble under her nose. "I was just going to shake him with my tail, it was you. "

I have had more contact with high-ranking empires, and Isana was very casual talking to us when she was in the sī. She knew that these people were not people who like red tape.

"So it's not the first time you've been caught today." I don't know if I should cry or laugh. How could I have encountered such a strange thing, and it is a strange thing that happened to me? ...,

"Five or six times, the most is Kuqiulin, and the other is the white-haired guardian. The fishing level is terrible, but I have patience. I really ca n’t help them catch the fish and hang them. On the fishhook, sometimes I grabbed the fish line by myself in a bad mood, and then threw them a face, ………, alas, Gang Niu wanted to do it like this. ”Isana answered honestly, big Eyes rolled around us: "Master God isn't there?" I remembered, and now the mermaid is still thinking about keeping Dingdong as a pet.

I know that Kuchulin likes to fish next to Fairy Lake, but Hong did not know when he became his fishing partner. The two are regulars by the lake. They will see them fishing almost as long as they have free time. Figure, but I really didn't expect that their fishing was even related to Isana. Looking at the grisly expression of the mermaid princess in front of me, it is obviously the regrets that often accumulate due to lack of sleep. Also, you're sleeping. Someone hooks your hair with an iron hook all day, can't you complain? I know the lucky value of Kuchurin. When walking on flat ground, you can accidentally step on the fire source of aliens and drop it on the earth and fight with the entire Cybertron, not to mention that he came here to take the initiative, … To provoke the sleeping mermaid princess, as long as he hits the pole, I can guarantee that she will definitely be thrown on Isana ...

"Speaking of it, you haven't told me yet. You are not staying in Shadow City's own lagoon. What are you doing in Avalon? Still settled here?" They asked Qian Qian to sit back on the big rock by the lake, I asked with a curious tone, and Isana swam awkwardly to the shore, lying on the edge of a stone and twisting her hair.

"Injury ?!" I was shocked, and looked up and down at this little mermaid princess. "The Salvation Army has been out for a while? An officer like yours is still injured? Why is no one reporting military status?" "No, no war "Isana waved her hands in a hurry, scratching her wet hair with embarrassment" "I went out to play, and then got into a car accident. I stunned: "Going out to play? A car accident? where? "Is there a traffic accident in Shadow City? Doesn't this discredit Imperial Technology?"

As a result, Isana was even more embarrassed: "It's not Shadow City. I sneaked out. Of course, I remembered the regulations of citizen management. At the time, it was invisible, but it was still more than 600 meters underwater in the South Pacific. ... "

Lou Mo's expression was murmuring in an instant: "With whom?"

"With a nuclear submarine ..."

Everyone: "..."

"Then you're here to heal yourself." Lin Xue looked at Isana with admiring eyes. "Why don't you go to the Temple of Life? In that place, as long as you don't die, anyone who looks at the gate can revive you with blood. ? "

"The water quality is good here" Isana finally told the truth. "And the fish is stupid. Except that some people are fishing tǐng is annoying, others are more comfortable than Shadow City, so I will stay here temporarily." This guy was engaged for a long time because of Ava The water, fish and fish on the side of Longxian Lake are elegant and elegant, so they come here in the name of nourishment. Of course, this is understandable. After all, this place is the premier paradise in the empire capital area, and it is even called "the sacred capital". In terms of environment, the shadow city is far inferior to Avalon in terms of environment alone. Isana is also a naga who is very sensitive to the environment of the water body (of course I have always called her a mermaid considering the visual habits). Naturally want to rely on here. But how to say, anyone can stay in Avalon, even the subordinate commander of the Avengers can temporarily reside here, but only as Isana, she is a senior general of the Salvation Army, and It is a cadre-level figure in the Ministry of Military Affairs, and it is necessary to implement relatively strict military management regulations, and this management regulation clearly stipulates that military cadres must not arbitrarily stay away from the centralized location. She can only come here for the sake of injury.

I ca n’t lie to this little abacus, but of course I ca n’t lie to the old churros of the military ministry, but now it seems that the guys of the military ministry have opened their eyes and closed their eyes to this mermaid. I almost caught the goddess as a pet, and everyone is probably used to it.

As for the so-called rear-end accident, Isana said it in a few words, in fact, it is her escape from the xìng grid that is playing tricks, and everyone must remember that this guy was as early as the first Azeroth Friendship Association When I was in front of the leaders of various ethnic groups and the "Divine Envoy", I almost knocked the butterfly out. This kind of courage can't be done without ordinary eyes.

A few days ago, the lawless mermaid princess challenged the rule of imperial residents' management: she went to watch the world for an afternoon.

Ishana claims that this is to feel the beautiful scenery of the South Pacific Ocean. By the way, I regret the second reason to taste the salty waters of the earth.

The result of this game was very severe. She had a fierce collision with a nuclear submarine of a certain country. Although a senior officer of the Salvation Army had a good physical fitness, after all, she could not compare with the Imperial soldiers, so she was hit on the spot. Su also dropped a few scales and was ordered to write an inspection of three thousand words. As for the nuclear submarine, there should be no major problems. There have been no reports of deep sea nuclear leaks in the news these two days ...

Isana honestly told her bad luck experience, and then suddenly burst out of the water and put her tail in front of us: "Look, here it is, let the submarine paddle be scraped, and three scales are dropped, then Their submarine immediately emerged, and I was urgently teleported back to Shadow City. "

I looked at the fish tail in front of me, and found a cute pink cross bandage, extra large, full of joy against the smooth and shiny fish scales.

"Underwater type" read the small text on the crossbar lightly and muttered, "It's really strange." Isana's tail slaps twice on the rocks on the shore, and said a little distressed: "This is in I bought it at a clinic in Dongcheng District and said that it can keep sticking under water. The doctor also suggested that I eat lighter in the past two days and try not to let the wound see water ... "

Lin Xue sprayed on the spot, and then looked at Isana's eyes very seriously: "After returning, holding the doctor to open the bow to the left and right, first give the 120 big ear scrapers to you! You are welcome!"


"Ya, let a fish's wound try not to see water!" Lin Xue cried with a stomachache.

Everyone: "..."

Because Isana has temporarily become a resident of Fairy Lake, everyone ’s fishing plan can only be temporarily suspended, but we still have grilled fish to eat: Isana shows everyone how a mermaid lives in nature, and she uses herself The tail was beaten and beaten, and eventually we were fainted as many fish as a hill.

"Eat these casually. The ones that have recently appeared in the lake taste pretty good." Princess Mermaid said cheerfully.

"What a pity." I rubbed my hands and looked at the fresh fish that were shot dead by Isana. It was indeed produced by Fairy Lake. I didn't recognize any species!

"What is it?" The mermaid princess fluttered her tail, and her face was full of angry gods. "These guys have no respect for Naga. Even if they were watching the newcomers, they buried my face with sand. I have to wear a diving mask to sleep in these two days. Do you say that you have a naga sleeping with a diving mask? It is this time that you take advantage of this opportunity to help me eat something, maybe they will be a bit safer. "Isana After complaining, I lay on the rocks on the shore and basked in the sun. I was ready to taste the taste of grilled fish for a while, and a few of us started to discuss how to prepare these Avalon-made dishes. .

In all fairness, my craftsmanship is okay, and there will be several kinds of huā, such as braised pork ribs, chicken with mushrooms, sauerkraut, and beef with red oil, which is occasionally easy to sloppy noodles into a paste, shallow craftsmanship Similar to me, and she is more inclined to Master Kong: Obviously, our craft is worthless when facing things other than instant noodles. Sandorah jumped yù to try, but when she saw the juice she took out, she immediately turned the big After all the stones have burned a hole, I think it might as well be eaten raw.

There is no need to consider the mercury lamp, her task is to wait for her to eat: this little arm is small tutu, not to mention whether it will bake something, that is, she can, I guess she can cook herself by turning over the fish.

"Well, in the end I still need Miss Ben to get off the horse." Finally, flipping the bright white on the grill, Miss Lin said in a very obviously contented tone.

I looked at Sandora to prevent her from sashimi eating sashimi, which was already about to run away, and stared at Lin Xue with a surprised look: "" Don't be a master, how did you cook? " Don't you say that you haven't touched this kind of thing since childhood? "

"Can't learn it" Lin Xue glanced at me proudly. "I only learned to cook a while ago, and the first thing I learned was grilling: the technical content was a little lower at the beginning. Today, your wood is really three lives. Fortunately, I can taste Miss Ben's craftsmanship. "I looked at Miss Lin in surprise, while Sandora beside me lost herself again and quietly:" If you want to grasp the heart of a man, you must first grasp it. Man's stomach ... "

Lin Xue's small face suddenly turned red, which was surprising, but in fact I want to say more: Sandora, you actually clicked on the technology tree from the beginning. What you have to do is grab my stomach, and Not to kill it ...

This afternoon's meal is the most interesting one I've found in recent times. Although there is no such culinary feast as An Weina, there is no comfortable restaurant in the house, and the main course is only slightly rusty by Miss Lin. Grilled fish, but it makes people find a kind of fun not experienced elsewhere: picnics in places like Fairy Lake, can not be done by ordinary people.

The happiest meal this time was Shan Gen Deng. She had never had such a picnic with her family. The novel experience made this little doll laugh a rare afternoon, and grilled her face. The fish has become a face. The most satisfying thing to eat is shallow. She is most happy about this free and fun and interesting thing, and the most unlucky is that Lin Xue brought a third fish with a bone to an iron in Sandora. After all gobbled up, our young lady knew that her disaster had begun.

Eventually, when Lin Xue was tired and started to spit letters, Sandora realized that she was probably a disaster. She wiped her mouth, resolved the last few grilled fish on the scene, and went to the deep forest alone. My long-cherished wish finally came to pass: Sandora had self-restocked, and she learned to forage in the virgin forest.

I couldn't imagine what she had eaten, but the next day some spirits reported to the temple that the fairy forest might have been hit by a meteorite ...

After completing this little camping in the forest, and jumping back to the lake again to wait for the mermaid princess to continue playing tricks on Kuchulin, we severally walked out of the forest, but came across the same swim halfway , Lìlì 娜 and Dingdang, who are in the opposite direction to us, this master walked and talked about something neatly, and seemed to be very interested. After asking, I realized that the older sister and a few small children had already returned home, and After the "blessing" ceremony, the two of them turned around Monster Town for a while, and then, at the suggestion of Ding Dong, prepared to go to Fairy Lake.

"Ding Dong blessed the two children!"

The little goddess immediately jumped over my shoulder as soon as she met, holding my earlobe happily and saying, "The process may not be right, but it should be a blessing."

Everyone must know that, for the goddess of life, IQ will always be the enemy. I never thought it would be the end of blessing. Ding Ding did not remember what was written in his Bible!

Lìlìna was proud of holding my sleeve: "But I think today's volatility is still good. The Pope is really a religious genius. Without the guidance of the materials, the blessing ceremony did not leak: I stuffed the two children with the transfer beads, and then chanted the Diamond Sutra to them, so that the Lord Goddess flew around their heads twice, and then painted a cross on each of them, and finally used spices for the newborn. Do clean baptism "

Lin Xue and I rolled my eyes while listening. Finally, after hearing that the little girl even used the old antiques such as incense, she couldn't help it: "Do you still use spices? How about you worship the heaven?"

"Anyway, it seems that all the gods and gods are using it." Lìlìna clapped her hands.

Sandora rubbed her belly. "How do I feel hungry again?"

I pinched lìlìna's ears and almost lifted the little girl: "You're ready to go to the pot!" Lìlìna's teeth grinned and jumped while she dipped in ether: "Isn't it really impossible to remember the baptism process? Well! I wo n’t write the recipe into the new version of the Bible in the future! ”I do n’t think it ’s going to be long before this girl will expand the range of goddess enrollment to the New Oriental ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yes Is there something wrong with going to Fairy Lake? "

When lìlìna put Ding Dang on her head again and said goodbye to us going to the Fairy Lake, Lin Xue asked curiously, but as soon as she asked this, her face changed subtly and dragged Hold my hand and start outside the forest. "It's okay, you guys are busy first, I'll go back with the wood first."

Ding Dang didn't notice the abnormal behavior of the young lady, but she smiled at us with a simple smile, and said with a gesture: "Ding has made a new fish in the past few days. Although silly, it looks particularly good, lìlì 娜Go watch fish with Ding Dong ... "

I was so frightened when I heard the word "fish". At this time, I left a mercury lamp on my shoulder and turned away!

Lin Xue screamed at the countless birds and beasts that mingled in the forest: "Hurry up!" .

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