Xiling Empire

Chapter 854: This mess

The hermitage led by William is a very interesting organization.

Its xìng quality is just like its name-hermitage.

Regardless of world affairs, do not interfere with the outside world, and do not intervene in the lives of ordinary people as "heterogeneous" members, members of the Hermitage must do the above three in order to obtain the asylum of the Hermitage, and the asylum of the Hermitage It is also the greatest significance of the existence of this organization. Although it does not participate in any external battles, it adheres to the principle of protecting all members, of course, provided that members pass the test.

This organization was more like a place for the “heterosexuals” to warm up. In the stormy times, the werewolves and vampires were still hunted in the church, and the powers were regarded as the devil's contractor. In the era when similar aliens formed their own wars, some people were always tired of fighting, and William, who was traveling around the world, met many such war exhaustors, and deliberately united them to establish them. An organization called the Moonshine Retreat. Of course, this organization has nothing to do with your spending habits of spending two months a month, and it has nothing to do with the Sheshan Retreat. In fact, it can be regarded as a monster club. The oldest surviving monster club in the world.

Today, times have changed, but the Moonshine Retreat has not changed much. It still adheres to the ancient code of not participating in any battles, and provides protection and help for all the tested "heterogeneous". It seems like a humanitarian organization in the dark world Neutral and biased towards justice, the leader of the monk is werewolf William from beginning to end. This werewolf, who has a high reputation in the dark world, has accumulated amazing wealth and connections when traveling around the world, allowing his organization to In the sense that it can stand on the earth, William provided us with a long list of names of people who have helped the establishment of the Hermitage.

I can't say this list casually, but it's okay to pick a few names from it to scare you: Li Shimin, Elizabeth I, Zhu Yuanzhang, Zaiyu, Churchill, Du Yuesheng, Hitler, and ...

I think this list is quite a meal. An adult with a normal view of the world can eat two pounds and a half-speed effect on this list. It should be no problem.

"The people on the list did help the monks, but they didn't know it themselves," Werewolf explained to us. "I met these people, and then tricked them into giving money or looking for" people. "They didn't know. What was my own money used for, so this list of names that could not have been put together appeared on this list. For example, Elizabeth I, she did n’t know my werewolf identity, but I saved her once, so I got a sum A big bounty, this money was eventually used to renovate the hermitage's castle, so I wrote her name. "

I said I could accept this explanation, but still pointed at Hitler's name.

"I don't like him," William frowned. "Even though he was a good leader for the Germans, he was a disaster for humans, so I tried to convince him that I could find a magic for him. It ’s easy for a werewolf to show potion to overthrow the potion of a soldier ’s potion. I just deceived him a lot of money. ”

"Germany has a credit for his failure," Lin Xue said. She still respects the old predecessors of the dark world of William. "There are more than a dozen German tanks in his castle, and I asked him not to give them. "

At the time of the first operation of Great Love Wujiang, we had known about the "heterogeneous" dark world that was born and raised on the earth. We knew that even on a seemingly peaceful earth, there were a large number of intricate and special ethnic groups. Wujiang has played a lot of games with a foul gesture. We do n’t know much about this strange and interesting special society. It can be said that apart from Lin Xue ’s ability group, a young organization, Our knowledge of the dark forces on the earth is still at the level of fiction, and this meeting with William also allows everyone to have a more reliable understanding of this special society, especially shallow: she finally has a chance to satisfy herself The fire of gossip.

We find that William is a very peaceful person. His xìng style is completely inconsistent with his identity. Although he has only had less than a day of contact, this rich Tangshan dialect has a thorough knowledge of Chinese history and can be without anyone. The werewolf who had been chatting for a long time gave us a deep impression. The appearance of him was really not consistent with the identity of a werewolf, and even less with his "Earl" (although self-proclaimed) name, but how to say it, this temper Tǐí three are unscrupulous and unscrupulous, and it seems that it is not a big deal to have an extra werewolf like the second uncle next door.

Near the evening, William had fully recovered his physical strength, and was accustomed to the awkward feeling produced by the bracelet that kept suppressing his werewolf bloodline. He was already curious about the werewolf, and he had invited William with the enthusiasm of the family. Staying for a light meal, even Ding Ling and Lin Feng, who were going to the Shadow City for treatment in the afternoon, also stayed together, so a few of us started to squat on the sofa and talk about the mountain.

At this time William was talking about his great achievements.

"At that time, it was the winter of Siberia, but the hardest season. What is the concept of exile in Siberia? Let me tell you this, prisoner, beheading, a drop of blood will not flow, because the blood is frozen before it is sprayed. Stayed there, people ca n’t live in that place-of course it ’s better now, but at that time, I went to Siberia to die. I was exiled to Siberia in the coldest winter ... Well, it was exile. Werewolves are Powerful, but the werewolves cannot unite the world because human beings have more powerful things. The Tsar has holy knights who specialize in dealing with the "devil". I can't beat them, and I am almost cursed. I should not act alone.

But after all, I am one of the most powerful werewolf leaders in the world. After half a year, I unified all the canines in Siberia ... "

"Then you ask a Siberian wolf to send a message to the Tsar, saying that if he doesn't end his exile, you will instigate canines in Russia to go to Moscow to pee," Lin Xue rolled his eyes and took it, "This story you said After that, the wolf was eaten as soon as it was out of the snowfield. "

"Chinikov is a brave wolf," William said, sadly raising his hand to draw a cross. "But I forgot that most Russian civilians living near Siberia were illiterate at that time, and I hung it around my neck. "The brand didn't come in handy at all."

"Then how did you get out of Siberia? The paladins have been on the snowy field border, xxx?"

William shrugged: "Half months later, the October Revolution broke out, and the Paladins were withdrawn to guard the cathedrals everywhere ..."

The real wrong of Chinikov's death.

"Well, there should be no taboo for werewolves to eat?" The older sister, who was preparing Anwen for lunch in the kitchen, suddenly probed in and interrupted the bragging of the werewolf. "In addition, do you have any preferences? We have them here. The best maid in the world, her cooking is not easy to enjoy. "

An Weina's little head emerged from the wall the next second, with a shy look on her face: "It's not enough. To be a perfect maid, An Weina needs to practice harder. "

"You ..." William froze for a moment, then shook his head calmly. "I have ghosts in my castle, but it's not as smart as this one. You are truly boundless in love. It has surprised me so much."

Then he raised his voice again and shouted to the direction of the kitchen: "Please be as simple as possible, except for dog meat and wolf meat, I'd like to have spare ribs!"

Looking back, we saw our weird eyes. Brother Werewolf embarrassed mōmō's head: "Eating habits, I also like to eat big bones raw when I was young, now I have changed."

We continue to watch and salute.

"Well, can you hear me?"

At this moment, a sudden unfamiliar voice came from my spiritual connection, which surprised me slightly. After a reaction, I determined that it was Ding Ling who was talking, but this time it did n’t sound like normal. It was so hoarse that it seemed to be her original voice before her throat mutated. Ding Ling was able to talk to us spiritually. This technique was still taught by Lin Xue.

"what happened?"

I silently responded in the spiritual connection.

"Let Senior William ... here, is that okay? You usually don't seem to contact ordinary people as much as possible?"

"What are you talking about?" I laughed secretly. It turned out that the little girl who was a little bit older was just worried about this. She was more responsible than a young lady, although she was worried that it was far from the place. In order not to be violent, we usually find a box to put ourselves in the wrong place? This is not a military restricted area. You have Lin Feng, but I have to ask, how many people in your power group have shown pathological changes? "

"No statistics have been calculated yet," Ding Ling said in a low mood. "As of the latest data at 9 am today, seventy percent of the members of the organization have reported their bodies in the nine hours since the lunar energy burst. An exception occurred, and the number was refreshed almost every five minutes. "

I covered my forehead and lay on the armrest of the sofa, beckoning to shallow: "How many people can your big love use at once?"

"I don't know," Shallow scratched his head and blinked his eyes, "At that time, I was looking for‘ idle staff ’in logistics, and then I added a group of guards who were jingling, probably a few thousand people.”

Because there was a guest William at the scene, some words could not be understood, even she knew it, so she replaced "Imperial Serviceman" and "Elite Warrior" with "idle personnel" and "guards under Ding Dong". Two words, and my heart crackled together.

The love of thousands of human-shaped self-propelled weapons is boundless. If you want to say combat effectiveness, it is completely okay to sweep the world, but killing is not the same as saving people. A terminator can carry six machine guns to dry a strengthening company. A Huanren can't perform an operation on his wife at the same time?

Now the situation has deteriorated. According to known theories, 90% of the "heterogeneous" species on modern earth are remnants of the Atlantis civilization of that year, that is to say, there are all ancient genetic memories, and the moon ’s energy burst In terms of these "heterogeneous species", it is a warning of an enemy attack that is enough to awaken their ancient genes. I do n’t know how many special features and demons and monsters in the whole earth add up, but they certainly far exceed the number of people who love infinity.

What's more troublesome is that these heterogeneous species cannot be treated with a unified method. There were thousands of biochemical monsters created by the Atlantis civilization at that time. These intricate genes have been circulated to look like they have been mutated. Therefore, the variations they produce after being exposed to lunar energy radiation are not the same. The energy suppression methods and purification levels required are not the same. The best result of batch production of hundreds of thousands of vaccines for them to distribute uniformly is that the earth has since We are ushered in another era of apocalyptic law. All the special function people died. Then I was punished by my older sister and kneeled down on the radiator. Ding Dong had to write a review of more than 3,000 words ...

Speaking of Ding Dong, I haven't seen her for a long time today. When William came over in the morning, because he was not interested in our topic, he ran and played alone, and he didn't know where to go.

"Who's the busiest at hand now?"

I patted Sandra, sitting next to myself, waiting for dinner, and whispered.

Now that the situation is escalating, let ’s transfer some staff from Shadow City to help. I did n’t expect that I thought it was another shallow game, but there was unexpectedly complex tendency. Heterosexual runaways around the world, this is the end of the world, and Americans can't save the world this time—their X-Men and Hulk are playing sedatives in their homes.

"The busiest? Still asking?"

Sandora rolled her eyes. "Apart from your happy monsters, who is more leisurely than them?"

I immediately patted my head and realized.

At this moment, the meal came to the table, we ended the discussion about world peace, and began to greet the meal. William let the table in front of him look the same as the state banquet and the six rice cookers in front of Sandora, and I was surprised. Stand up and yell, "Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Come out for dinner!"

Ding Dong won't run far, and no matter where she goes, she will appear whenever I greet her when eating. This is the tacit understanding between pets and owners. This time is no exception. After a few seconds, Ding Dong is sharp A thin voice came from the utility room: "Drive! Drive! Ding Dong is a knight! Drive!"

The small grid below the door of the utility room is a special entrance for Ding Dong. The little boy ran out of it by riding a big golden retriever mouse who didn't know where to catch it, and the mouse was still tied with a rein.


Ding Ling and Lin Xue scrambled to the table on the spot, and Qianchan stayed for a while, holding a small piece of flower rolls to feed the mice-this girl is a strange one.

Ding-Dong didn't realize it, and in the horrifying sight of everyone, she rode the big mouse she caught running around the table, whispering something in her mouth while running, I heard it for a long time before she understood that Behind the famous quotes of Caesar the Great and Xiang Yu-but the question is who of these two rode on the expedition?

"no kidding!"

I bent over and caught Ding Dong on the table with a smile, and her mount rat was mad like a rat next to my tu tu chair. This golden-haired rat has surprised me. As a creature, I follow Ding Dong's orders It ’s normal, but now that Ding Dong has left it, it ’s not normal that this unlucky thing has n’t escaped. Lin Xue and Ding Ling have already jumped from the table to the chair. Now I ’m watching and are preparing to zoom in. My head It was found once that such a mighty young lady was afraid of mice.

What surprised William was that apart from these two girls, the remaining group of girls were not afraid of the mice: Qian Qian was still holding the scroll to name the mouse.

"Where did you catch the mouse! Not too dirty."

The older sister reluctantly glanced at the jingle bounced between the cups and plates, preparing to expel the intruders.

"It's not a mouse! It's a Ding Dong's mount! It's called Pikachu II!" Ding Dong shouted softly with a toothpick, then reached out to the window, "Pikachu! Attack!"

"Squeak!" The Golden Retriever immediately stood up and saluted the military salute. The space teleported to the window, waved his claws and scratched the glass. A thunder of at least one meter thick suddenly cut through the sky, in the evening sky. Leaving a bright river that can't disappear for a few seconds.


Pikachu retired and teleported back, picking up Hanamaki tossed it slowly and enjoyed slowly.


William: "... I ... I will never ask, but what is this little thing ..."


The werewolf lay on the ground half-burned.

No creature in this world can slap, feed, and speak with disrespect to God. Violators are punished by Thunder for blasphemy, depriving 60% of their health and 15 minutes of weakness. Except for our family, it is inexperienced. This is the legend God's authority in it.

"Can't hang up?"

Ding Ling gave a careful look at Brother Werewolf, and then watched with awe the Ding Dong who was summoning the golden retriever to the dining table, and was running madly on the table, "God?"

"Yes, God!" Ding-Dang was running around on a mouse, while Li Lina had already begun to pray before meals, and the false goddess Lori crossed her hands in front of ōng, saying prayerfully: "Thank my vinegar for giving me Slip potatoes. "

Ding Dang then peeled the peanuts for her after receiving the other party ~ www.readwn.com ~ Generally fed the mice half and yelled: "Thank you Lina for peeling peanuts for Dingdang!"

"This mess ..."

I covered my head silently, and Dingdang found a new toy again, and this time it was still a mouse. Although this is a mouse that can cause thunder, it is still a mouse. I am afraid that the home will be very lively again. William also woke up at this time. He looked at Ding Dong with a distorted expression, and his voice was particularly amused. "I think it was a huge mistake not to leave this afternoon ..."

"Pay attention to confidentiality. Love without boundaries is abnormal."

Lin Feng muttered to him in a low voice.

Lin Xue started hunting down his younger brother, and William shrugged: "Know-thank **** for the pickled tofu ..."


As soon as I stayed, and then greeted everyone to eat, Li Lina sighed, "Ya said the wrong name, and in the presence of God, according to the organization, he should say thank Li Lina."

I continued to cover my head and said silently, "This mess ..."! .

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