Xiling Empire

Chapter 860: unknown origins

Chapter 860 Unknown Origin

I have to say that the "conventional spacecraft" created by the imperial technicians of the eternal class to challenge the lower limit is really an outrageous behemoth. I think that no one in the world except the Spirit apostle will be neurotic enough to build a ship close to one. A battleship of 100 kilometers, and then the length of the first 20 kilometers is a cannon. The 20-kilometer main gun section is no wonder that some people say that the design concept of the eternal class is a gun barrel with an engine. Is the imperial technician designing this thing human?

Such a huge Star Warship has a magnificent volume after disintegration. Even the wreckage, its largest piece has a body of nearly ten kilometers. (The most stable, ...) And such a huge starship naturally has a complex energy supply network that matches it, which can ensure that the energy supply of each part of it will not be interrupted at the same time under extreme conditions. (Special models of hundreds of kilometers, or even hundreds of kilometers) is stupid.The eternal energy system consists of a large number of modules. There will also be a small phantom extraction factory for each kilometer, and each battleship module will also have a separate small reaction furnace, which can be described as a battery-powered generator everywhere, which results in that even if it is broken into pieces, every piece of it will have It has quite a lot of residual energy, which is enough to allow the intact machine in the debris to run for a long time, so don't think that the eternal class starship that has been broken into pieces is safe and harmless. There was a time when you tried to capture the imperial starship in the war. The idiots of the wreckage were all killed by the close-propelled guns that were still working tenaciously after the disintegration of the battleships, even if those close-propelled guns had only one artillery and a black fixed deck.

And just how daunting is the complexity of this energy system?

Let me tell you so. With the detailed blueprint provided, it is enough to draw out its peculiar energy pipe network, which is enough to exhaust all the cartographers in North and South America.

Why do I focus so much on the eternal-level stubbornness of the body? OK, let's look down at Huesca's face ...

The little girl's half of her face is still dark. A few seconds ago, a smear caused a black spot that was only the size of an egg to directly spread into a partial solar eclipse, and she still reached out and rubbed from time to time, causing the small face to be more More and more flowers, it seems to have to reach Bao Zheng's vigilance.

A few minutes ago, when we entered the corridor, we found a sentry cannon with sparks. This automatic turret used to suppress the enemy's invasion has a recording function, so Veska went to play with the control of that thing. Core, I want to see if its recording device can still read things, because the scar on the surface of the starship's wreckage proves that it suffered a violent attack before disintegration. Regardless of whether the enemy has invaded the battleship, the recording device of the sentry gun is at least The last scene before the disintegration of the spacecraft should have been left, and that was exactly what Sandorla and I were very concerned about.

After checking the recording device that had been completely damaged, Veska made a child-like and childlike one that fits her height of 1.2 meters, and I scared my sister to death by doing it once when I was a kid. What a stupid thing to say: she took a look at the barrel of the sentry gun.

And that's it.

You said what this silly girl thought just now, hey, holding the sentry cannon to see if the caliber of her is right, and Visca's brain is abnormal. It's too cute. In addition, how do I think this scene has happened? Mi Er holding xx's weird things to study and then got a black face.

Of course, this gun didn't cause any harm to our young general. She was shocked and suffered a setback in her self-esteem. Now, Wiska is still rubbing his face in a grievance, flattening his mouth, The appearance of crying was not hurt, but I felt completely shameful in front of my brother: Although I think it is just cute to burst.


Pandora walked beside, occasionally glanced at the small dirty face of Vizca, and couldn't help whispering in my mouth, but I couldn't stand it, and took out a bottle of mineral water from the portable space. I probably washed and washed the cat's eyes, and finally recovered her original appearance, although there was a little blackened piece, which was better than just now. (. Genius only takes 3 seconds to remember.) Shouldn't this kind of sentry cannon beat me, should I care ...

Due to the direction of the wreckage and the distortion of the internal environment, we are actually walking on the wall of this corridor.The interior has been turned upside down and turned over.The original wall became the floor, and the ceiling became the wall. The road extends into the deep darkness, as if there is no end, according to the environment here, Wisca judges that everyone is now walking on the vertical corridor of the fourth psionic acceleration track, this corridor runs through the energy acceleration coil, the length It is at least two kilometers long, but it can be directly connected to the control center of this section, which is the strongest part of the space section of this spacecraft. If there is any place in the spacecraft that can be kept intact after the disintegration of the attack, there is only The control center for each compartment.

The lighting and air pressure in the corridor are sometimes strong and weak.It seems to be caused by insufficient energy in the environmental regulation system.It may also be a place with air leaks nearby. The footsteps of a group of five people echoed monotonously between the four walls of the metal casting. The occasional pause is that Veska is checking whether the information node of the route can still connect to the wreckage "" Final Recorder "(a black box-like thing)), but it seems that the damage to the spacecraft is too serious, it The data network has been fragmented and cannot be counted on.

But just when we were about to give up checking this corridor and headed directly to the core of control, we always cried out, curiously looking at the dark corner suddenly passing by the corridor: \ "Look there! There is someone! "

\ "Where?" I hurriedly followed the shallow fingers and saw the \ "person" in her mouth. Of course, in this case, it should be said to be a corpse.

A corpse in a piece of overalls that looks a bit weird, and lumps in the corner. In the corner where the other party is, we have passed several times along the way.They are recessed directly from the alloy walls in the corridor. The next two or three people are operating inside. These small niches are control terminals that monitor the operating status of the energy circuit. Most of the time, this terminal will run on its own, but in emergency situations, the spacecraft can also be manually operated. The power furnace was forcibly shut down, and of course the soldier who fell here should be the technical soldier responsible for controlling the power cabin, but I found that the clothes on the body were strange, one-piece overalls? There is no such thing in Emperor's clothes.

With this curiosity, and finally the harvest of seeing a fallen soldier in this huge wreckage, we came to this corpse. He was leaning against the crystal panel that had been darkened because of the stop of operation, and his body was abnormal. Twisted, there is a large pool of blood stains under the body-in fact, not only blood stains, strictly speaking, he seems to have turned into a floc in half his body, and the fragmented limbs and plasma spread on the ground, dead. It was so miserable that she changed her dark personality in an instant, otherwise this girl could spit it out on the spot.

I also feel a bit sick. Although the wind and waves have experienced a lot, this kind of death is really miserable.

\ "It was caused by the shock at the time of the crash." Sandola's expression on the face was very indifferent. Maybe in her opinion, a semi-flocked body was really no different from a bowl of tofu brain, \ "he might think Stabilize the power of the power stove, and half of the palms are still hanging on the emergency stop switch. "

\ "More importantly, this is not an Imperial soldier."

Viska followed the finger with the corpse, turning the semi-flocculation into a scorched dust, "a carbon-based creature."

I feel like the situation is a bit confusing. In the wreckage of an Imperial battleship, its sentry gun attacked its original owner. This may be explained by the failure of the turret control system, but why is there a The remains of carbon-based organisms?

\ "Go." Sandora glanced around the distorted alloy wall and walked first towards the control center.

Along the way, we found more bodies one after another.

Just like the corpse just encountered, the members of these unknown warships are wearing rough work clothes not belonging to the emperor's uniform, and are lying in the operating room of the control node everywhere. There are men and women. The common point is that they are all dead. Miserable, when the wreckage of the battleship fell to the surface of Mars at a dozen times the speed of sound, they were shocked into a nearly crushed state without exception.These people were all carbon-based creatures, and they were carbon-based creatures that had not been strengthened. Their fragile bodies couldn't withstand such energy.

Pandora collected a few samples of corpses along the way, and analyzed them roughly.It was found that the cause of death of the crew was not a shock wave when they fell, but a violent psionic energy outbreak.The source of radiation may be the energy channel of the battleship itself, indicating that they It was all dead long before the warship disintegrated, and then the wreckage of the spacecraft fell into the world without any control.

The three wreckages that hit the moon just now happened to be "close" and entered the universe a few days in advance.

\ "Why are they in my spaceship!"

Unstable red light flashed in Viskar's cat pupil, indicating that the little girl's mood is not good now.The Apostles of the Spirit have extreme headaches for the four words of empire property. She is a special madman who can't accept her warships to be occupied by a group of "carbon-based monkeys" of unknown origin, even if it is a spaceship she no longer needs--and more importantly Yes, those carbon-based monkeys have sunk the spaceship! !!

So now, in the mind of Huesca, there are bursts of unknown fire, and this kind of unknown fire burns in my opinion is very unnecessary: ​​you do n’t need this spaceship, and maybe have been in space for hundreds of thousands of years How can we not allow people to occasionally pick up floating garbage?

Of course, this is just my worldview, which is completely inconsistent with Vizca's thinking. We know Vizca.

In addition, I am also curious, why there is no Imperial soldier in an Imperial battleship, and its members are all carbon-based creatures of unknown origin. After examining their cells, Pandora found these "people" and Earth people The genes are very different, the body structure is not the same, but the appearance is close.At the same time, she also found some basic elements in the cells of these corpses that do not conform to the list of substances in the universe, which indicates that they come from a place very close to the earth The evolutionary environment is not the indigenous of this universe, which is consistent with our previous speculation that the spacecraft forced to land from another world.

\ "In front is the central control room of the power section."

We stopped in front of a heavily deformed heavy gate. Weskar pointed at the gate and turned around. Pandora pressed the control end of the gate twice, but after a while of metal noise, the gate was still frozen: it was stuck. Dead, and mechanically stuck.

\ "The self-destruct device of the control center is still running. Fortunately, the outer armor was not forcibly cut just now ... It's strange that if the self-destruct system is operating normally, why did it not explode after the crash," Stars flowed in the eyes of Veska The light is like a data stream.She reached out and held a bare cable near the door. She had connected to the database in the control center. Her eyes were still a little confused, then she shook her head and said confidently. \ "The door has to be repaired, probably in a few minutes."

The little girl said that her hands had moved, and her forefinger sometimes turned into a probe, sometimes turning into a light-cutting knife, and the movement was fast.In less than ten seconds, a large piece of machinery would be removed next to the door that had been jammed. Here, the messy power unit and the crystal structure with unknown functions were revealed, and then, like a workshop monitor, biting two strands of cables and driving away ...

The more I look at it, the more I find violations, a one meter two little loli, a decisive empire general. At this time, like an old technician, sitting on the floor to repair the access control, you say what she is doing now Is there any one of your two attributes? And it seems that the technology is no worse than the imperial technicians or self-discipline machines with special procedures. In my opinion, the complex gate power device, which can not be removed except for the shell, has changed in her hands after a short time. Became part of the ground.

Then she couldn't pretend ...

\ "It's okay to remove the stuck place anyway," Veska scratched his hair awkwardly, "" I'm not a technician ... that, Sister Sandor, please help you pry the door open, now it's not It will explode. "

Sandora rolled her eyes and waved her arm, summoning her big claws again. Originally, the abyss claws that could make people scary on the battlefield, now she is doing the work of knocking on the door: but this efficiency is really unnecessary. That said, the door made of strong interstellar alloy was honest after Sandorah pried a few times, and then it fell down ...

Viska stared blankly at the door that had long been turned into an ornament, and his mouth was flattened for a long time: \ "Woohoo ... I just opened it for a long time !!! ''

I scratch my hair: \ "Why didn't we push it just now?"

Sandora grinded her claws on the wall next to her, and looked at us helplessly: "Okay, I can get some things for everything, I'm used to it now."

\ "In addition, brother, I also make sure of one thing," Vizca stunned my arm with a look of defeat, \ "I'm afraid its self-destruct system is also down, so we don't have to be so careful when we come in . "

I watched awkwardly and whistled twice, leading the girls into the control center. As soon as I stepped into the door, I almost fell on the ground.

\ "How ... what is this ..." I stepped under a foot, then stood firmly in the central hall, which was inclined almost forty-five degrees, with cracks and bare pipelines everywhere, watching the seven twists around Badly crooked walls and a bloodstained terminal, \ "I almost fell."

\ "The gravity system is still in effect," Sandora also swayed before standing still, with a somewhat awkward smile on her face, \ "Unfortunately not normal, there are at least a hundred different gravity forces in different directions. Field, be careful when you walk, maybe you suddenly feel that the world is turned upside down and the floor becomes the ceiling ... "

\ "Just like this?" A shallow voice came from behind and above, and I turned to look at it, this girl was standing with her head down on the ceiling not far from us, at a thirty-degree angle with my head, Strangely enough, her skirt didn't go away: her gravity was facing up.

\ "I'm going today, I'm really insightful today." I mumbled, approaching the control core deep and shallow, and had to say that walking like this is really unaccustomed, and more troublesome than in a gravity-free environment, because I It seems that there is always a little bit of reaction speed, human beings should? ) The ability to adapt to the new environment is not as good as that of Sandora and Pandora. Only shallow is happy to play around there. She can stand still, so the sudden change in gravity is to her. There are plenty of opportunities for preparation, and it turns out to be fun ~ www.readwn.com ~ The control center also has a lot of dead and miserable corpses, and due to the gravity disorder here, these corpses that turned into debris during the impact are almost full The orientation is covered with nearby machinery and equipment, floor ceilings, walking in such an environment, and the erratic gravity under the feet, and the continuous lighting system of the electric light on my head, makes me feel as if I am walking on a quiet mountain The only difference is that there is no silly girl in Silent Hill who giggles on the ceiling. Shallow light is too noisy.

There is still no dead body of the Apostles of the Spirit.Some are only those aliens who know where they came from. We have not paid much attention to these dead bodies that have already collected samples, but in the idea that the dead are big, I still It was really painful for Huesca to cremate the corpses along the way like the corpses in the previous corridor. After all, he had to be evenly painted on a flat surface of more than 500 square meters after death.

\ "Navigation log ... Great, there is even a database online here!"

Weiska cried out happily.She was standing next to the control core in the center of the lobby. There was a circle of data terminals in front of the huge dim light ball. Now, she found what she wanted from these data terminals. thing.

珊 Sandora and I looked at each other with a smile on their faces:

Nothing comes!

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