Xiling Empire

Chapter 863: Peaceful 1 day

Chapter 830 A Day of Peace

The fine weather for many consecutive days has completely dispelled the last ray of cold left in the winter.You can already feel the warmth of spring in the outdoors. In this northern city that always comes later than other places in the spring, This kind of weather is only a few days a year, so in such a good day, even the home that does not like to go out squatting will be willing to go out to bask in the sun and sterilize its already moldy back. Kill antivirus. Win calls,)

Our huge house between the villa and the warehouse was originally found by Lin Xue, because the surging population at the time caused the house where my sister and I had been living was not enough, and a large house that liked to dismantle and dismantle The lady just accidentally broke a set of time-lapse cores and almost sold her debts. Of course, considering the guy's face, I'm afraid this is also a nonsense), so I just knocked on such a house from her hand, don't say, no matter How is it all the Lin family's industry, this is really a good location. It is said that in the beginning, Mr. Lin was preparing to serve as a fixed base for the power organization in this city, so it can be described as convenient transportation but not noisy. We even You can surround a small yard in front of the house without worrying about encroaching on public green space. This small yard, which was completed last year, has become a good place for some lazy eggs in the family who don't want to go out to bask in the sun.

Bubble, me, and everything else.

Considering that there are several masters in the family who are not suitable to appear in front of ordinary people, Sandora has also activated the yard's camouflage system to ensure that certain aliens do not attract the attention of passersby when they jump and jump on the doorway, such as-lying on the yard Dozing mercury lamp on the wall.

I may have finally pulled back a city in the battle with Li Lina. This girl was asleep at twelve o'clock in the excitement last night.

\ "Spring ... it's really fast year by year."

I moved a stool and sat at the gate of the yard, lamenting leisurely, and on the grass next to me, the nine-tailed fox Yakumo blue, who was struggling to form a large golden ball, raised his head and took a look After the sun yawned comfortably, the fox's ears on his head twitched slightly, wrapping his head with his tail.

I really want to touch it twice. Hey, this guy ’s tail seems to be slippery than before after the hair spray disaster. Or ... touch it? Shouldn't she bite?

Or say that leisure is a nuisance, usually I am not such a boring person, but today I had a hard day off, and I had nothing to do in the morning, and I started to think about it. The most attractive thing in front of me is, of course, beside me. This honestly bully fox.

If you want to say why the fox will bask in the sun here, it's a bit long to talk about, or the reason for a certain sleeping god: After a short sober awakening, he announced that he had entered a state of sleepiness and had to make up for another month. And she is one of the two agents of the Fantasy Township ethnic group in Shadow City. Of course, such a arrogant negative idle work is certainly not possible, especially Reimu, and she severely criticized her good Jiyou for being lazy and irresponsible. The important thing was to give her all the bad behavior by herself, so the fox was thrown over by her unscrupulous master to replace Yakumo's liaison. The monsters of Fantasy Township are not the same as the other residents of Shadow City or Avalon. They are not counted as a tributary race, but because of the demolition compensation, they receive special treatment from the empire and stay in the status of "foreigners". Living in the capital of the empire is like being a foreigner but settling next to the presidential palace. This is a very complicated and sensitive location, although I don't think this at least a little noisy guy will not cause trouble, but the rule is It is stipulated that they must have someone in contact with the high-level empire at any time to ensure that \ "it seems to be very strict in their management. Originally, this job was responsible for Ling Meng and Yakumo Purple in turn. Now one has to make up for one and feel lazy. So honest and hardworking Lan became a full-time liaison officer, running between Monster Town and the first family. Today is her day to report the work of the monsters.

The current work of the monsters is, of course, to suppress or treat the "heterogeneous" affected by the energy of the moon in various parts of the world, and this work is now coming to an end. As the psionic radiation between the earth and the moon decreases to a safe threshold, many wills The stronger abilities and the indigenous monsters have restored their self-control, and they turn around to help suppress the people around them, and the work pressure of "Big Love Without Boundary" will naturally be okay, even in the abilities team. After that, I already had plans to let Daai know no end to the operation in advance.

However, this plan was jointly rejected by Miss Lin and Qian Qian.

Without any trouble, the monsters in Fantasy Township have completely entered the state of eating, drinking, and fun. Anyway, before Daai Wujiang officially announced the end of the mission, they were all traveling at public expense. These guys who have never seen the world almost I want to play flowers all over the world, especially those who are afraid of the world [covering the sky] like chaos and magic yarn, and I don't know how crazy they are every day. Anyway, they send postcards from all over the world. Hey gadgets were sent here in batches for the past two days, because the only address the monsters knew in the watch world was my home.

To this day, the database extracted from Mars is still at the final stage of cracking, and the turmoil of the psionicists in the world has also been basically suppressed-indeed, it can be described as suppression, although I have not personally handled it, but it is said that there are several An uneasy heterogeneous organization once questioned the action of Love without Boundaries and resorted to radical resistance.Therefore, in some parts of the world, the suppression evolved into repression. The executor was Miss Lin, and the power group was used. Name, but the dark world is personally aware that the relationship between Daai Wujiang and China's power group is unclear. This time in the global file, only a big love Wujiang organization was not affected at all, and the high-level team of the power team fell down. The next big film, so the actual situation of the so-called "suppression" is actually self-evident-anyway, now everything is smooth and drowsy, so I also got this rare day off.

There was a breeze blowing, with a hint of coolness, and also fluffed the fluff on the blue tail. I looked around, suddenly with a smirk, and reached out and grabbed the fox's tail.

I often see Orange Meow rolling in this pile of furry things, and it feels really good.

I caressed the huge ball of hair on the ground in the direction of the fluff, but it didn't mean anything evil, but it felt very fun. I felt a kind of combing hair for my domestic kitten and puppy, even though the cat was bigger Point, but Lan really looks like a cat when it's quiet, especially now that lying on the grass in front of the house with his tail in the sun and dozing off is really fun.

What's more fun is that she seems quite dull. I twiddled her tail twice, this guy didn't even want to wake up!

\ "Hey, boss, make fun of the fox."

A voice, no big or small, came from behind me suddenly at this time, making my movements stiff instantly.

I turned my head, and sure enough, Li Lina was standing with a look of "I know the truth," standing less than three meters behind her. The focus of her eyes was naturally the tail of the nine-tailed fox.

\ "Boss really has a wide range of hobbies, and finally awakened his weird hobbies for human grandma?"

The mouth never brought the fake Lolita goddess officer to the door with a grin, and the smirk looked more fox than the fox next to my foot. I knew this girl was going to take this opportunity to make a big point of the lion's mouth, so she thought for a while , Hesitated, "You said, shouldn't I kill you?"

\ "I'm going to kiss my mother!" Li Lina almost got down, and looked at it resentfully, \ "Dare to take my position in you is a status that can be killed at any time?"

I don't speak, I look down and take off my shoes.

\ "Ah, don't fight! Isn't it just a joke ..." Li Lina crouched down on the ground, making sure no shoes came over, and then slowly got up, \ "Who doesn't know you, dull, what, No character in this life can be more bounded. "

Then the two of us started squatting and studying the color of Yakumo blue.

The fox sleeps without heart and lungs, and she doesn't even realize that her tail has become a toy for others.She is holding one of her tails and covering the other tails with her body. It looks like a huge hair ball, even her head is buried in the villi Below, only a pair of pointed ears were exposed, approaching to hear a uniform and slow snoring sound-nine-tailed fox snoring while sleeping, I still knew for the first time.

Lirina was full of bad water, so this time it was no exception. After confirming that the fox was sleeping deeply, she took out a pair of small scissors from her pocket and planned to cut a bunch of hand in hand on the other's tail. Little man, I'm afraid she would dare to do it if I weren't here.

I solemnly remind Lina not to bully the fox while others are not paying attention. After getting the same serious verbal promise from the little girl, she moved her small bench and moved her position to the most sunny field of grass in the courtyard. In one episode, there was a glorious glare before him, and a white and holy figure stumbled out of the air.

\ "Araiye, get up and bask in the wings."

Angel Sister has been sleeping for nearly fifteen hours and just woke up. I think she has been too boring lately, so she shook her out to bask in the sun. Alaya has always been the least of us. Most of the day Time is sleeping, and when I ’m not sleeping, I take the child in my spiritual sea. Even if I process the reports of the Raven troops uploaded from Shadow City, she is done in the spiritual world, so sometimes except me, other people Even to forget the existence of this confused egg, when there is no way, she can only be forced to drag her out to bask in the sun.

Although it was 9:30 a.m., Araiye muttered to me persistently "Good morning", then looked up at the clear sky and the warm sun. The angelic sister suddenly showed a happy smile and opened it slyly. After reaching the three-meter wingspan, I sat down on the ground, put one wing on my knee, and handed a small bottle: \ "Brother Monarch, help."

I saw the label on the small bottle suddenly: feather care.

Araiya usually wipes his wings with this weird thing?

The angelic sister taught me softly how to use this bottle that smells a little osmanthus fragrance to maintain her wings. I did it with a strange feeling, sprayed the translucent liquid on the brush, and In the direction of the feathers, I washed and brushed Araiye just like I usually combed her feathers, sunshine, grass, clean day kneeling on the grass, and me sitting next to Maza and combing angels with shoe brushes ...

I always think that something in the picture just now is actually superfluous ...

Anyway, the days of peace are good.

Arayeh has many habits that only she can have. For example, when someone is combing herself with feathers, she suddenly raises the other wing upright and then slowly lowers it down. When she first did this, she always Can scare me, and later I realized that it was she who stretched her waist-if you didn't see it with your own eyes, can you imagine what an angel stretched her waist?

It's like setting sail ...

I was combing the feathers for Alaya, and a brisk footstep came from behind me, and then the sound of Bingtis' surprise came over: \ "Wow, basking in the wings-your feathers are nice, how do you maintain them? of?"

As soon as I looked back, I saw that the hooligan goddess was bending down with a full of curiosity and stroking the smooth wings of Alaya, a pair of peaks and peaks between at least d and e almost made me wonder Breathing, I could only tilt my head awkwardly: "Don't move, I'm combing her hair."

\ "Comb hair? No wonder the hair color is so good," Bingtis took a strange look at the brush and conditioner in my hand, and sat down on the other side, and opened his black wings with a bang, \ "It just looks like you are free I'll scratch it. Wait, this is commonly used for stabbing, Alaya, you try it, the gods all use this to maintain feathers, I think it's not bad. "

The angel sister, who was always indifferent to everything, turned on her eyes at this time, looking forward to looking at the black crystal bottle Bingtis pulled out from her arms, and then dragged my corner of clothing: \ "君君 哥哥Give me a try! "

I do n’t know how to describe my mood at this time, anyway, it is full of various subtle violations. Looking at the black crystal bottle in my hand, of course, I do n’t doubt that it is a treasure: something from the **** world is a plate Bricks must have a suffix name of the artifact, not to mention that it seems to pack beautifully exclusive aristocratic things.

\ "This colorless?"

I shook the bottle in my hand and asked, looking down on the wings behind Bingtis, it was so beautiful, like putting a pure black night on my shoulders, the only problem was that it was black, and Alai Yeah's feathers are white.

As a result, Bingtis just heard my question and flung over a look at the idiot: \ "Different colors? You think this is shoe polish!"


Bingtis ignored me, and began to talk to Aliyah about topics that only they can talk to: \ "Girls, you have to remember that if we are birdies, we must know to protect our most precious wings If you don't have it, the wings are not just an organ of action. In this impetuous age, it is your second face. The dry and discolored feathers will not only affect your mood, but also give people an impression of trance. The objects are hard to find. I think your wings are in good condition. I just don't know how to decorate myself. When I have a chance, I will introduce you to an ion hot spot. Let's iron a moire wave under the wings ... you The monarch and brother are good, but they still need to strengthen their care for girls ... "

I continue: \ "..."

You and I talk about the maintenance of the wings, even from this topic to the life-long event. I ca n’t stick to it at all, I can only give this in silence. Two talented sisters apply lubricating oil. How rare is it that you say, I don't know who has to change their heads to intervene.

But this is just the beginning. I just waited for the two birdmen to let them bask on the grass by themselves. There was a sound of crackling flapping wings behind them. Without waiting to turn back, a little The figure was already sitting on her shoulders: it was a mercury lamp, and she slumbered on the wall, and now she recovered.

Fang Bingtis and Araye both stood up in unison, watching the mercury lamp slowly recovering the black wings, unanimously:

\ "Do you know four ways to wax your wings?"

The puppet somehow looked at the two bird people lying on the ground and winged. The sight finally fell on the back of Bingtis, and then his eyes slowly lightened. \ "噗 Da" jumped to the ground and reached out to grab Rogue goddess feathers: "" A lot better than mine. "

\ "Envy," Bingtis raised his face incomparably, \ "then eat more spicy chicken wings, eat more that can grow wings ... Also use your dad well, he is a man who likes to use other people's wings manually People are controlled by others. Usually, when he combs feathers for Alaya, you also let him comb it for you, which is comfortable-this bottle of care for you can prevent hundreds of harmful rays. "

Bingtis's mouth is so strange, what did she say? I haven't had time to refute her \ "person outside control", the mercury lamp has flew over awkwardly: \ "Bomb, you really Can I comb my feathers? "


It looks like this girl just didn't refute the fact that others said that I was her father?

A few minutes later, there was another little puppet lying on the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ But this is just the beginning. After a while, Monina who went out to buy food also returned, she saw The grass was neatly lined with two large, one small and three pairs of wings, and immediately became envious, and then became the fourth person to bask in the wings.

The fifth and sixth people were respectively Ilson and Uncle Kenser, but Bingtis drove the two grandfathers to other places on the grounds that the men in the penalty area were away from the men. Due to insufficient space in the yard, the last two I was hung on the wall by my ideas, like a door **** left and right. I don't know how the situation develops like this, anyway, when I react, the house, the yard, and the winged bird people ... angels ... anyway, they are long-winged guys, even Lin all saw Hunting Heart and wanted to bask in her own scales, but I was desperately caught. This stupid dragon **** sister is too powerful. How do you say that a few hundred meters long body is hidden in the yard?

A group of winged families in the family came to the yard to bask in the yard. It was spectacular. Not only I was amazed, even the shallows were inspired by the interest. She also wanted to bask in something, but unfortunately she did not have wings. After some serious thinking, she took out the quilts at home ...

Today is so peaceful ...

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