Xiling Empire

Chapter 866: Moon landing

Chapter 866 Moon Landing

On the smoky hot pergola on the side of the road, the two heads of empires were chewing at their desks, and Sandola was already stacking half-meter-high plates in front of her, and she threatened people if she did n’t hurry to leave the rest All the hot and spicy dishes were served, and she ate these plates. We all believed that she would do it, and Kuqiulin believed that the bitter tears of the gunmen could only be wiped with tears. I ca n’t wait to toss his pile of tools with three meridians, and as soon as the heroes such as the British Imperial Guard Palace and Sasaki started dining under Her Majesty, I pushed my stall to escape, and there were one hundred and eighty behind him. Urban management chased the same. (m)

For Kuqiulin, it is probably his biggest mistake to engage in the food industry under the eyes of the Queen. If he can still go back today, I think she can leave a life-long disability when she sees cooked food and turns her legs and stomach. In the second half of my life I lived on sashimi.

"Thirty more dishes, everything!" Sandora ignored it. She was the queen. She had to fill her stomach. That was enough. Then she wiped out food at an amazing speed and elegant movements that did not match her. She was still urging to serve.

Kuchulin's tears came down, and it was said on the spot that it would be impossible for Her Majesty the Queen to eat him. In this world, only two foods can be provided to Sandora in real time. One is the omnipotent Anveena. One is all-encompassing nature-but he Kuchuulin is just a hero, isn't it? The hot and spicy skill is still his hobby while teaching Misaka fighting skills, how can it be supplied!

Later, I saw that the girl was really unlucky, so I had to show him a clear way, and whispered in a whisper: "As long as the ingredients are sufficient, Sandora does not care about the taste."

Not only didn't care, Sandora began to eat a periodic table. She also knew it was salty? The tooth marks on the cabinets at home can be said to be caused by the delicious and reliable stainless steel?

Kuchulin was not stupid. He understood what I said on the spot, and then began to give Sandora lettuce and raw meat. Sure enough, Her Majesty was still very happy, and even found no food at all. The taste has changed.

Whenever I encounter such a situation, I still feel guilty to Sandora, I always feel that I have bullied her, because everyone in the family has a bad habit, that is, when eating Whatever you like or what you eat will be stuffed into Sandora, sometimes including watermelon peels and egg shells. When Anvina cooks, Sandora always cats in the kitchen and uses egg shells and onions. Peeled potato sprouts are even disposable plastic bags for appetizers. Since this girl came into the kitchen, even the trash can has been saved-in fact, the last trash can in the kitchen was eaten sneakily by Sandora. She usually handled nearly half of the similar domestic garbage for all of us, and directly led to the six stray cats who usually lived near our home and lived by turning over the trash bin. Finally, they ran to another street in an aggrieved manner, fighting with the local wild cats. A few days.

In addition, when Mercury Lamp first arrived in our house, it once thought that Sandora was a trapped bag. Our bullies were letting her eat garbage ...

Well, this kind of misunderstanding will inevitably occur during the first meeting, but since the mercury lamp found that her small comb was eaten by Sandora, she does not think so, and realizes that I am afraid that Sandora is an indicator of life in this weird family. The tallest one: After all, although we feed her garbage, we also feed her a large LCD TV bought more than 10,000, right? Who have you seen that can be extravagant enough to have a dessert with a 64-inch large LCD plus two ne4?

"Slow down, and no one will grab you."

I coughed twice and made Sandora pay more attention to the image, but this reminder is mostly meaningless, because Sandora's image is really good when she eats. In addition to speed, her performance in other aspects Both are noble like princesses, reiterating again, except for speed.

Medusa, sitting in a casual dress, was sitting across the table, staring at me with a helpless expression, interrupted several times trying to talk, until Sandora slowed down a bit, and I looked up at her when I had time. She shrugged with a cried smile: "Boss, do you have time to listen to me now?"

"Listen just now, try this," I happily handed the sister Zifa across from me a lot of fish **** and vegetables, and taught her how to eat this kind of food. "But nothing to worry about, for me, is it Is it a big deal? "

Medusa drummed her mouth, then learned what Sandola and I were like, chopped the bamboo sticks with chopsticks into a saucer, stirred it back and forth, and put it in her mouth before she was surprised. Her personality is a bit solitary, her style is a bit petty, and Medusa has never eaten spicy food before. She seems to be not a kind of person who dare to squat on the shore of Fairy Lake to fish for mermaids like Kuchulin and Honga.

But this does not prevent Medusa, who has a princess temperament, from being conquered by hotness, after all, the latter has already conquered a queen in the true sense.

"But will they be troublesome if they really go up?" Medusa frowned, asking, "there are two days to go to the moon."

I was holding a string of shiny beef balls, looking up at the sky, and behind my head was the mysterious arc-shaped surface of the mother star. Behind me, Gaia might have noticed my sight and controlled The lights on my mother star gave me a "smiley" pattern.

I sighed silently and lowered my head, as if Gaia was about to start learning badly.

Medusa has been sitting here for ten minutes, mainly to report to us some information about strange suppression in various parts of the world. There is also a disturbing news. First of all, monsters and monsters around the world have been successfully suppressed, and there are more than 20 more. Within hours, the concentration of psionic energy between the Earth and the Moon will decline to a safe value, and they will be completely fine at that time. This event is turbulent in the dark world, and it has even caused a certain degree of impact on ordinary people. There are many incidents and so-called "miracles", but they are always controlled to the point where public opinion can handle them. The heroes and the Central Committee have made great achievements, and that disturbing news is not a good thing. : The United States and Russia are planning to go to the moon again, and the pilots are all selected.

Even more surprising is that their spacecraft was launched two days later.

"Everyone has a hole card, and for them, the organizer will not even use the hole card for the moon landing in a few days," Sandora said with a serious expression, but she told me with a serious expression. "In a state of peace, it may take a long time to plan and prepare for a lunar landing, but if the situation requires it, launching people on the moon is just a long-distance space flight for the Earth people, They took a small step on the moon in 1969. If no progress has been made for more than thirty years, is it possible? In recent years, human lunar exploration activities have only slowed down, but it does not mean that their space technology has not developed. Now. "

"It's true, too." I reached out and helped Sandora wipe the corners of her mouth. After that, I fed her a paper towel. "Who hasn't got a thing at the bottom of the box? Bubbles don't mean that one was found somewhere in the United States. Are the manned Mars landing capsules in the assembly, they should also have a lunar spacecraft that can be used directly. "

"Bad, they didn't," Sandora shook her head. "I just checked the information link. Several countries participating in this lunar landing program did not have a manned lunar spacecraft that could be used immediately. For a few days, Human beings have potential, but their potential is also limited. They can only temporarily find a spaceship that is supposed to perform another space mission and force a machine onto the moon. As for manned people, it is impossible at all. For human beings, It takes a lot of preparation time-what is about to land on the moon is only an unmanned detector, and this detector has only a 50% chance of successfully landing. After all, human spaceflight technology is still subject to the 'window period'. These two days are not a good time to explore the moon. Medusa, your information is a bit off, and the manned landing on the moon was rejected by their meeting just six minutes ago, because the astronauts were involved in this almost doomed operation It will cause public opinion disaster. "

I felt a little strange at this moment: on the other side of the planet, the group with the most say on the planet was sitting in the parliament building and negotiating urgent moon exploration activities that might change human history. At one end, a young couple was sitting on a spicy hot stall and discussing the same thing in real time. More advancedly, strictly speaking, the latter's "spicy hot meeting" had more weight than the previous one.

"So why are they suddenly going to the moon, what did they do a few days earlier?"

I spread my hands and said that I was a little inexplicable to the high-levels of the nations of the earth. After the impact of the moon, I thought that human beings could eventually curb curiosity. I chose to go to the moon to see what was going on, but I didn't expect them to choose Such a knotty eye, seeing everything is calm ...

"The politics of lower civilizations are all the same," Sandora said as Menqing looked, nodding her head. "The first two days quarreled with each other, the middle two days of fierce quarrels, and the next two days did not give up. I came to a conclusion in five minutes. After the impact of the lunar surface, all countries in the world immediately had proposals for checking the situation on the moon, but no one dared to start without permission. Until now, they had to make a decision, and then several countries were prepared. The joint exploration of the moon has finally come up with the exact plan-in fact, it is the alien observation data that forced them to make up their minds quickly. "

I snapped: "Observation data?"

"The psionic energy readings between Earth and Moon systems," Sandora nodded. "Humans don't understand what energy this is, but at least they can observe it. The psionic radiation in the Earth and Moon systems has dropped sharply in these two days, twenty hours. After that, it will be reduced to such an extent that it will no longer affect any material on the earth, and will completely disappear after a maximum of six days. Human scientists will never be able to sit still in this situation, and those politicians with a keen sense of smell are not fools and no one wants to. Seeing an opportunity that could change human history just slipped away in the meeting: Although no one knows what the opportunity is. Anyway, now they have a lot of secrets, these things are enough for them to prepare in advance In the event, a retrievable probe was launched onto the moon. "

"In other words, hasn't research involving psychic energy (called" zero "energy by scientists on earth) already banned by governments?"

"It is forbidden to study the phantom because this property of energy may overthrow the existing basis of human physics, but even if it is not studied, it is always good to see where the energy comes from in the past?"

Sandora had enough to eat and drink, as if she was resurrected with blood, and a cheerful and optimistic silly girl, I know this is because the current thing is not a thing at all in her eyes, of course to me The same is true, but even if it's not a matter, I can't let it go. So I connected the spiritual connection with a few people in my family and greeted me on the public channel. Suddenly, a bunch of idle people in the family went online.

"Ajun, Ajun, is it fun?" Of course, the first one who chanted was of course shallow. She knew that I had gone to the shadow city to see the logbook, so now I was anxious to know if I had gone to another world again. Chance of wind and rain.

"Nothing. Several countries want to go to the moon. They launch the spacecraft two days later ..."

Liliana called out suddenly: "Oh oh! Boss, you wait, it's time for Liliana to make a contribution, then I will take you down the spaceship ... Wow! Sister I was wrong!"

In the spiritual connection, the chicken flying dog jumped. Obviously, a group of idle long-haired guys at home finally got excited after they had something that interested them, and after Lilina decided to take down the spaceship, the protoss quintet also Participate immediately and come up with many constructive ideas, such as smashing down with Lynn's shield, pulling down with a rope, fanning down with wings, and knocking down Ya with the face of Ilson ...

Anyway, as soon as the topic started, I immediately focused on how to toss the spacecraft that was launched two months later.

I had to yell loudly to calm them down, and immediately ruled out Lina's second plan of "a fart to crash the girl", and then let Veska answer.

In the current situation, Veska is a well-deserved party. After all, the human detector will fall on her head, although the volume of that detector is not comparable to the dust of another Veska body. .

"What do you think of Earth people throwing stones on your head?"

Lina feared that there would be no chaos in the world, and said eccentrically in the onlooker channel that she could not wait to immediately advocate the tone of Huesca's destruction of the world.

Huesca thought for a few seconds, and I was really worried that she made a decision to shoot down the Earthman's spacecraft from the moon, and with this little girl's crazy character, it was not impossible.

But what was unexpected was that, after thinking about it for a while, Huesca said slowly: "Anyway, I've filled those three craters."

Suddenly everyone showed a thrill in the spiritual connection.

Lirina is the craziest one, and naturally the one with the loudest voice in this case. This girl stunned on the spot: "Hey, hey, is there a mistake! Humans want to go to the moon, just throw it on you for no reason. A small stone and throwing a bunch of inexplicable **** on you, can you tolerate it? At this time you should level up the unified world and illuminate the horizon with helium flashes is your real destination! "

After Lilin said this, she screamed again. Apparently, the older sister showed her tutor again.

Veska didn't care about Lina's agitation. No one knew what she was thinking, but I seemed to see the little face of the girl through the spiritual connection. She thought for a long time, and said with a gimmick: "Landing on the moon, anyway, they have several satellites around me all day long, I'm used to it, and I think it's fun ..."

He said that when he was having fun, he stayed for a moment, as if looking for words that could describe this situation, and then said firmly: "It's like playing with ants, watching them crawling around to explore the grass-right brother , I found an ant hole at the door! "

When I heard this, I understood, but my heart was a little cold.

Huesca can tolerate humans launching probes to the moon, tolerate a bunch of satellites flying around him, and even tolerate human beings leaving all kinds of strange equipment on the surface of the moon, not out of generosity. It was because she didn't look at Earth people at all.

When humans fired a probe to the moon, Veska turned it on with an attitude of playing ants!

Although this little lunatic has long been known to be a life-threatening guy and she has no guilt at all about things like genocide, this is the first time we have experienced this intuitively.

"It seems that there is still a long way to go to correct Huesca's world view."

Sandora whispered to me on the encrypted channel, "She lacks the moral values ​​that the Apostles should have in this regard. A civilized civilization should be admirable even if it is awkward when exploring the universe. The girl didn't seem to have any similar thoughts. "

Sandora was right, but no one could blame Vizka for this. After all, when the child needed to shape the world view of the Apostles of the Spirit, she was being pursued by her fellow men.

Huesca said that he has no opinion on the upcoming moon exploration of mankind, although the reason for this no opinion is not so bright, but at least I don't have to worry about how countries around the world could easily join together to launch an emergency lunar probe because of a family of troublesome people. He was taken captive wherever he went. On the contrary, the older sister and Sandora had inadvertently expressed concern about this special human space operation. The specific manifestation was that they had begun to watch the news webcast ...

This lunar exploration program was broadcast in the news the next morning, and was simultaneously broadcast by the major media around the world. Countries around the world capable of firing into space finally worked together on this event, so The leaders of the countries involved in this operation spared no effort to describe it as a landmark human turning point, that is, "we are about to unveil the ultimate question of whether human beings are alone in the universe", but I think they want to reveal Kyvska's veil ...

Some people with a keen sense of smell naturally find a lot of nasty ~ www.readwn.com ~ The easiest thing to think of is that some countries have always been hiding their own space power, and to launch a moon in two days without any preparation The detector (which has been dead since the day of the moon impact and only had seven or eight days of preparation time), which has exceeded the current level of human spaceflight known to the general public, which shows that someone is hiding in Tibet, but now No one cares about this. The energy radiation in space is weakening every minute and every second. Now it has decayed by 60%. It almost no longer interferes with any artificial satellites. These can only be confirmed by precision instruments. The energy is still slowly spreading around the moon. No one knows what hit the moon, but no one wants to miss the chance to see it. Scientists have said that there may be a huge energy on the back of the moon. Celestial body, but now this celestial body is transforming into ordinary stones, do you not want to expose the aerospace strength? Yes, you can wait until someone comes back from the back of the moon with technology that is enough to advance your technology level for a thousand years.

Although countries have banned direct research on energy that is a serious violation of common sense in physics, one can go to the source of the energy to find out, but the most instinctive urge of human beings is curiosity and exploration.

So, over time, the human race, named "the dark side of the moon," was the most time-consuming space operation ever, and it finally kicked off on time.

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