Xiling Empire

Chapter 87: Actually, my last name is

The next morning, when Arayer slowly walked down from the golden sunlight with the flying white feathers, he was stunned when he was looking at the base with his sleepy eyes full of apology.

Qian Qian This girl has a very strange attribute, that is, when she sees something very strange, she will occasionally fall into a state of mental excitement.

So the girl whose head was severely shocked shouted "Ajun came out to see the angel" madly to find a certain sleeping Emperor Emperor, and did not notice the two standing behind the angel. Twin sisters who are almost tired.

As one of the world's arbitration institutions, the individual energy intensity of Alaya is quite amazing. In addition, now that the abyss forces are fully blocking the space transmission port of this world, there is a solid plane barrier between the earth and this world. It ’s even more difficult for Asida and Asidora to teleport Araye over the two Schilling Emperors at the same time. Only this special twin sister.

I was dragged all the way from the bedroom to the square in the center of the base. This girl obviously wanted me to quickly see a rare creature like an angel (although she has seen a lot of creatures that only exist in the legend in recent times. , But she does n’t seem to have any sense of aesthetic fatigue), so she chose to go almost straight. In the process, I hit the road three times in total, two isolation pier, four navigation lights, unknown A few equipment, and a small bubble coming out in the morning ...

When I stood in front of Alaya, I was already full of clothes and bales ... (seemingly exaggerated?)

"Oh, good morning, Alaya." I sorted out my clothes at random, then showed a bright smile, and greeted the angel sister in front of me.

"Good to see you again, my monarch."

Araiye still spoke with her soft and pure voice, then put her hand on my head, and began to treat me with a white halo with a touch of golden halo that hit me along the way .

Immediately, I felt those wounds healing at an alarming rate.

"Ding Dong, do you say this power is the Holy Light?"

叫 I asked Xiao Budian who just passed by.

"咦 ——" The little thing floated in the air and carefully observed Araiye for a while, then nodded surely, and said, "Sure enough, it is the member of the Spirit Apostle who is in charge of the mysterious and unknown power. This Spirit Apostle is completely modeled after light Protoss design is no different from real angels! Even more powerful than bi-level angels of the same level! "

I really do!

"Ajun?" Qian Qian finally responded, sweeping between me and Arayeh with a confused look, "What's the matter? Do you know angels?"

"I still know the goddess!"

说 I said, a jingle that would be jumping up and down his head.

Looking at the mystery that is becoming more and more confused, I suddenly said positively: "Actually, on my surname, you can call me God or Mr. Shang ..."

"Not this ..." Qian Qian has now fallen into a serious confusion, so much that she forgets how to fully express her thoughts.

When I saw the cute expression that was confused, I felt a sense of accomplishment in my heart, and it was not good to tease her, so I explained: "Okay, well, her name is Arai, and she is also a spirit apostle. It is modeled after the Protoss. On the other hand, she ’s a high-level Spirit unit, but she can also be counted as a real angel! "

It took a long time for Qiandan to finally recover from the shocking fact that the Spirit Apostle = Angel, and began to study the beautiful wings behind the angel sister in front of her with curiosity, making the latter look awkward but not Good to escape, can only keep looking at me for help.

Alas, my sister Angel, I am a helper. You do n’t know that in daily life, I have always been the elder sister, the second child, the third child of Pandora. As for my younger, it depends on how she feels ...

In previous chats with Sandora, I have learned that individuals such as Arayer among the Apostles of the Spirit are imitations of members of the Star Protoss. Since the Otto Empire believed in the **** of light, that **** of light is very likely. As a member of the Starfield Protoss, Araye could not be more appropriate to deal with them.

I was also worried that if I misled in the name of the true god, I would encounter horrible things like sky punishment, but Ding Dong dispelled my doubts: Although humans in this world believe in the God of Light and gain strength from that God, but Does not mean that the God of Light knows everything that happens in this world. The connection established solely by faith and prayer is very weak. Most gods have a number of subordinate worlds. They cannot know the situation of their followers in detail. Unless the situation is serious to a certain extent, the gods will not interfere in any world, not to say that it is such a remote "wild earth world".

Of course, if I do bad things in the name of God ...

I'm afraid the first person to launch a day punishment for me is Ding Dong. Don't look at her usual giggling, humans and animals are harmless. After all, it is a protoss who has been trained by a goddess for two hundred years ...

"Okay, don't play." I said, dragging the shallowness of curiosity to my side, and finally saved Alye's poor wings, and another winged creature Ding Dong immediately flew to the latter in sympathy. , Began to help carefully organize the other party's messy feathers-I thought that her wings did not suffer a little torture!

"Arayay, I'll take you around the base first, and then tell you my plan-hum, I always look down on rigid fanatics, and toss them up this time!"


Araiye promised, and then kept up-pop!

浅 I and Qian Qian turned their heads and saw Alaya lying on the ground embarrassingly, trying to get up.

"What's the matter?" I quickly stepped forward to support the other person, and asked the twitch on my face, a holy and elegant angel fell on the ground in a wolf, this scene is really funny.

"Too much flying ability, I can't walk anymore." Sandora's voice came from behind me, and I turned back, just to see the latter's playful smile, "I didn't expect, Chen Jun, your idea is really good Many-With the trump card of Araiye, you can do whatever you want to toss the Otto Empire, but you still have to see how much Araiye has affected people in this world before making a conclusion. "

I nodded and carefully pulled Alaya to know how to walk ...

Then I found out that Alaya didn't fly around as often as Sandora said, but forgot how to walk ~ www.readwn.com ~ In general, she walked quite smoothly, that is, wrestling on the ground She is born with ...

Sure enough, the ancient admonition that people do n’t look good makes sense. Who says that holy angels cannot be natural? !!

Facts have proved that Alye ’s impact on humanity in this world is quite huge.

天使 When the angels appeared in front of the three Murrows, their mouths were big enough to put in a duck egg—Mu was still more reserved as an elf, and basically he could put in an egg.

"God ... angel ?!"

Muro's response was no better than the first time I saw Alaya.

Although he did not believe in the **** of light, he knew the image of the angel. However, the Otto Empire was able to persist for so long under the gift of the **** of light. He looked at the holy girl with silver eyes and golden wings in front of her. , Feeling that if there is a substantial sacred power around him, he has no doubt that he is facing the legendary angel.

"Well," I nodded and said, "It is indeed an angel. You can call her Alaya. I heard that the Otto Empire is a fanatical believer of the God of Light. I am afraid they will refuse the entrance of the Spirit army, so she called her. Come and help. "

My tone is relaxed as if I have no money to find an acquaintance to borrow two silver coins, making Muro look dull as if they were petrified.

It seemed that I felt such an impact was not strong enough, and always followed the shallowness behind me and said, "Originally we were going to find a few gods to speak in person, but recently, the gods have engaged in civilized citizens' evaluation activities. God is going to be a judge. Alaya is just fine. We were arrested. Can she talk about it? "

Huh ... pull, shallow you can really pull!

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