Xiling Empire

Chapter 872: Lilin's Flicker

Chapter 872 Lilin's Flicker

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As the meteorite samples gradually glowed green, a group of scientists were sweating hard to try to separate them, and they took all possible measures, including small tractors, lifting equipment, traction used in the laboratory Ropes and crowbars, and even some people are desperate to touch the space matter that may be fatal, but the results are all clouds: meteorites are not moving, and some unknown human power is shrouded in these samples, making them seem to exceed It seemed as if it was frozen in the surrounding space.

Everyone was sweating, and what worried them even more was the protective clothing that was so heavy that they could go to the Stalingrad charge of 1942. These things were too demanding on the wearer and they had withstood Of course, astronauts in training are wearing similar things in space. Of course, the average age of these national treasures on the scene is 50, and most have periarthritis and various orthopedic inflammations. The oldest one was Help to send Armstrong to the sky-you have to let a group of old men and women with one point of intelligence and physical fitness do this kind of physical work, isn't it nonsense, they can wear this equipment to complete three hours of observation experiments are considered super Work hard.

Of course, no one would have thought that the first step of good research turned out to be manual labor ...

These top experts and scholars on the earth collectively include life-long achievements in the most cutting-edge fields of space geology, life sciences, physics and other disciplines. If they form a group, they can contract at least four or five Nobel Prizes for more than ten years. But now they have followed up in the first part of the experiment: they can't even move the meteorite samples placed on the operating platform.

"Its energy reading is rising steadily, and I don't think it's a good sign."

A protective suit grunted breathlessly. The loudspeaker behind the old lung leaf bellows from six or six years passed from the speaker behind it, "I thought of an explosion."

"Maybe we should evacuate here," said another protective suit who couldn't hear the sound of his knees and leaned over his knees. "There are some spare samples stored in ... somewhere else. Maybe we just stimulated these meteorites by mistake. The energy inside makes it reactivated. Next time ... "

"and many more!"

The people present were uneasy and preparing to stay away from these meteorite with higher and higher energy readings. Someone suddenly found something and stopped the commotion of the colleagues loudly.

"Look at these green lights-they are combining!"

I saw the green light mango leaking from the meteorite, as the vocalist said, after leaving the stone, it immediately changed from a halo into a fluid state like smoke, and converged in the air. The staff found that the readings of the nearby Geiger counter and other various forms of energy detectors were quickly stabilizing, while the green halo in the air became more solid as the energy radiation of the meteorite decreased. texture.

In the end, those green light clusters floating in the air condensed and quickly transformed into a little girl with a faint smile.

The little girl has a typical oriental face, a long hair shawl, a sweet and serene face, standing over a meter tall, wearing a light green dress and a bunch of white and cute little feet. She floats in the air and is covered in body. The translucent texture appears from above and below, like a ghost looking down at the stunned scientists standing below, always with a faint, harmless smile on the face.

When this scene appeared on a small island in the Pacific Ocean and our living room at the same time, the reactions of the two sides were very different. At least twenty scientists on the Pacific Island called their **** and mother, There were two other scientists who shouted that God or **** had a little disagreement at this time, and we agreed that Lirina was born to be a deceiving material.

After a short argument, the scientists agreed that shouting should be called at this time, so one of the scholars who might belong to the project leader but could not see any difference from others due to wearing protective clothing pointed at the little girl in the air and exclaimed Get up: "God! This is unscientific!"

The little girl in the air smiled and opened her hands like Jesus' sister: "Science your sister!"


"Kee, I mean, after a long journey, I finally saw a thriving life again. The world is moving ..."

"She's pretending to be X." We watched Lilin pretending to be a ghost while holding seeds in a house in a northern city on the other side of the globe, Lin Xue pointed it out sharply.

"She's pretending to be X," I nodded with deep conviction, "but the average person can't pretend to have this effect-have you ever seen Li Lina talk to people with real expressions a few times a year?

Lin Xue immediately stubbornly said, "Yes, every time I get beaten, the expression on that face is really painful."

The mercury lamp next to it immediately made me feel very happy. I drank the yogurt bottle and drank it. Then I held a fried chicken leg to find the Yakumo blue, which was basking in the yard. She was convinced that as long as she kept feeding, there would always be One day, I can domesticate the huge fox, at least I can persuade the other party to agree to contribute a tail of her own as a pillow.

At this time Li Lina has successfully produced enough light and shadow effects for advent (because my elder sister and I have banned her and ca n’t toss human civilization at will, so she has made a precious "advent ceremony" for herself. (Great work), based on the petrochemical gesture of that circle of protective clothing, you can judge how pulling and mysterious she is now. Obviously, she has successfully challenged at least twenty scientific common sense in the past minute. The most scientifically challenged group of people in the world, I guess if she didn't explain clearly how she came, half of the scientists would be best off with cerebral thrombosis.

The person in charge of the laboratory, that is, an expert who said "unscientific" just now, is excitedly watching the phantom floating in mid-air. The appearance of the things in front of it is completely unexplainable by science, including those meteorites just now. The sudden inability to move the sample, the sudden increase in energy readings, and the change in the physical properties of the light leaking from the meteorite are all things that cannot be explained with existing technology. For a true scientist, only such things can inspire him. All passion: scientists love puzzles.

In fact everyone at the scene thought this way: In any case, humans finally began to face to face a whole new world, and in the first minute of the world before them, it gave them at least double digits. Puzzle.

"Moon Girl!" Finally, a protective suit broke the silence, pointing at Lina floating in the air and exclaiming, based on the term he called out subconsciously, I initially judged that he should usually visit k often, because The people used to call Li Lina this image is "Chang'e, her aunt" ...

The person in charge of the laboratory was a stable old scientist. When Wen Yan touched his colleague who was a little excited, he seemed to want to remind the other scientist's identity, but now he cannot calm down. After all, he is facing a crack from a stone. The humanoid that popped out of it could not calm down as long as it was a normal person. The last creature that popped out from the crack of the stone almost smashed the court of heaven. No-you said that this topic was all involved.

"It's just your name, but I don't have a name."

Lilina looked with pleasure and enjoyment enough to see the old man and the old lady panic in the circle below. Then she slowly spoke. The expression on her face was sweet and innocent. The only difference between her and the angel was that she did n’t know it. There is a little circle on her head, but she will know it clearly. The only difference between her and the devil is the lack of a tail: Lilian with an innocent smile is the most terrible, because it means that she will start to flicker. .

"Before I decided to contact you, I knew the culture of this planet, so I think you can call me Artemis ..."


I was eavesdropping when I was eavesdropping, and there was Miss Lin sitting in front of me. The latter had already propheticly held a pillow in front of her face, and then sighed leisurely: "There are two Artemis of Miwu, Avalon has a Artemis of Miqi, and now congratulations you have another 1.09 meters, are they arranged in a staircase? "

I shook my head and smiled bitterly: "OK, at least she didn't say she was Chang'e."

At this time, the group of scientists in front of Li Lina was also stunned. They are the smartest group on the planet, but this intelligence is absolutely not related to emotional intelligence. They admire the exact data and knowledge. So when faced with the strangeness of being born with mystery and uncertain knowledge, scientists seemed to be incapable, and Lina was fooled by three or two sentences—of course, the decisive effect was caused by the unequal information. Otherwise, it is really not easy for Lina to use Tianfang Yetan to flicker a group of determined scientists.

"Ah ... Artemis?" The head of the laboratory repeated in surprise, "Is that the name of the moon god?"

"No, it's just a code for you to understand my existence. I don't have a name. As you can see, what appears to you is just a memory recorded in these meteorites. I have been floating in the stars for many years, and This planet is my first stop and maybe the last stop. "

"Then I think I understand," the head of the laboratory nodded thoughtfully, and motioned to the assistant to check and confirm that the various recording equipment on the site was in good condition. He realized that this dialogue would surpass any previous human beings about " "The third kind of contact" imagination, this is the first communication between human and alien wisdom in the true sense. From his heavy protective clothing, the body is still trembling. It is not difficult to imagine how his mood is now. Excited, but he still worked hard to calm down and sort out the most important issues, "Miss Artemis ... I want to confirm that you can understand the language system of the Earth people well, and there is no obstacle in our communication. Or misunderstanding, is that so? "

My mother can speak more than 120 dialects from all over the world and can speak directly in your head-anyone who knows Lina knows that this girl must think so now, but she has become a formal official Seriously human and animal harmless sentence: "Of course, I have a detailed understanding of human culture and know any language of this planet. You can believe that what I want to say is what you understand in our hearts, and we will not have cognition. Sexual misunderstanding. "

"Very well, this friend from the depths of the universe, where do you come from?"

The person in charge asked with a very cautious and respectful attitude. This is the attitude that should be faced when facing an alien creature that does not know how long it has lived, and obviously has the ability to surpass human beings. This attitude also makes Li Lina Very satisfied, she replied hurriedly: "I'm from the far end of the starry sky, but there is a place you can't understand, and your most advanced technology can't find it-if you have to locate it, it's in your eyes There is a very young galaxy between the Ursa Major and Ursa Major constellations. "

"Where?" The scientists froze. "Where is Draco? We never expected that there would be a planet suitable for life."

"Now it's dead, Draco is no longer viable," Liliana shook her head with a sad expression, "Draco has been destroyed, destroyed by a war, but you need many years to see the terrible Scene. "

Experts were shocked. This may be the first time that they have realized the shallowness of human technology so clearly and directly, especially when facing the copper wall and iron wall of light speed, how much human cognitive ability will be limited: what they see The starry sky is always the history of the vicissitudes of the sea. To this day, Draco is still shining in the starry sky, but the life from the universe tells them that Draco has been destroyed by war.

In fact, I was shocked too. Our family was shocked. Shocked by the little bastard's letter, Libra was still in that place. Why should I say nothing?

Sandola frowned and touched my arm: "Ajun, Draco is a sign of inanimate life."

I looked at her in horror: "Ah?"

"After two days, the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community, the New Eden Commonwealth and the newly formed Ethereum Fleet will conduct actual combat verification to test the combat effectiveness of the Ethereum Fleet and its ability to cooperate with the conventional fleet." Then he turned on the Shadow City by himself, "Sivis, military order, the actual verification location of the Vengeance fleet was corrected to the capital universe, and it took place in Draco. Whatever you do, do n’t spread to nearby living galaxies ... ... "

"Not so much!" The people in the room were shocked at once, and only Tanchan immediately jumped up from the sofa cheerfully: "I'll buy melon seeds!"

I don't know how many steps this girl has omitted and think of it, but I know that Sandor's decision must not be changed.

"Be responsible," Sandola looked at me very seriously. "Especially things that have an impact on a civilization, even the emperor of the empire, must also be responsible. Lilian told humans that things may change their historical process, Because according to my estimation, they may find the observation technology that can compensate for the influence of the speed of light. At that time, Draco will not be able to explain it, so I will destroy it while there is no birth-of course it is more important. The fact that Draco's environment is really suitable for the revenge fleet to exercise, it was originally one of the several alternative locations verified by actual combat. "

Lilina didn't know that because of a word, Sandora had decided to really destroy Draco. At this time, she had begun to answer the questions of the scientists, which seemed to be indifferent. In fact, each answer was her calculation, one step. I took this group of experts and scholars who represent the apex of human cognition of the universe to the ditch. Now she has finished the tragic history of the **** galaxy's destruction in the flames of war, and is suffering from racism and invaders. Sin, the original very wide laboratory, now the sky is full of holographic projections with shimmering light. On the projections, there are thrilling scenes of war, huge starships, the sun that dims, and the swarm of insects. , The disintegrated planet, each scene is beyond the description of interstellar war in any human science fiction film, with the help of these pictures, the little girl fully exerted the rich and outrageous motivating force accumulated in three lifetimes, originally It's an absurd story. When she told it, it had an epic shock effect. Those who have never heard of it The earth scientist of this surreal story was deeply attracted by this sobbing story told by the "moon girl" in a sad tone, and even forgot that he should now analyze the problem as a researcher instead of sitting here and listening to the story. Even through video surveillance, I also saw that some people with delicate feelings secretly wiped away the tears on their faces when they were told by Li Lina about their tragic wars, and their compound gloves hit the high-strength plexiglass mask.

This is normal. Anyone who really hears the story told by Liliana will be moved because-because that girl even moved the most nebulous battles of the Great Nebula and Kepru to the most exciting adaptations. It's in her story!

"This is my story," Liliana ended her "memory" after a full hour, and then concluded with a transcendent appearance, "Our civilization has been wiped out and fallen in a series of internal friction and war. On your satellite is one of the many arks of life that we launched before the end. In fact, they are just an ore that can effectively save the DNA component. My compatriots use these huge stones to pass through the super-light channel. Launched into the depths of the universe and let them wander freely among the stars, and the ark I boarded on chose your planet. "

After hearing this story, all the people present booed. Only the laboratory manager, the most respected old scientist, remembered the most important question: "So, Miss Artemis, what do you look like ... Well, I may not find a suitable word description, but you are beyond the way human cognition exists, and I think you know what I am talking about. Are you a holographic projection? "

"No, I'm a soul," Liliana shook her head flatly. "Don't be surprised, the soul exists, but it can still be explained scientifically, but this explanation can't be understood by you now. I was before the collapse of civilization. The collection of consciousness, as the only sober passenger of the Ark, determines the course of the Ark. I use the energy in the meteorite to make a living, and use its special nature to incarnate to communicate with you. But maybe the time for our communication is about to run out. As you can see, the energy in these meteorites has dried up, and I am now using your last remaining energy to appear before you. "

"This is really amazing ~ www.readwn.com ~ incredible!" A younger voice sounded, "Soul! The consciousness gathers! This will be a subject that causes great movement!"

"Hanson, keep quiet." The head of the laboratory reprimanded in a hurried tone. When he heard that Lirina said that she was about to disappear, he realized that he must hurry up. : What is your mission? Carrying so many samples of life and coming to another planet suitable for life, this is a very sensitive thing. If this truth is made public, I do n’t think our Earth ’s government will Ignore this potential threat. On many occasions, Earth people are not friendly. "

"Is it unique to scientists?" Liliana shook her head indifferently. "Then you can rest assured that the life samples in the ark are all inactive. We have perished. There is no need to sacrifice another world to resurrect ourselves. It is the way of the universe. The meaning of the ark is only to tell this universe that we have existed before, and the meaning of my last appearance before you is to tell you how a civilization has committed the mistake of extermination. That's it ... "

As the last few words dissipated in the air, the projection of the little girl in the air finally faded and disappeared completely in a flash of insufficient energy.


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