Xiling Empire

Chapter 876: Invisible Devourer

Chapter 876 The Invisible Devourer

In fact, I have discovered that my greatest strengths may not be that they are particularly capable of fighting, nor will they save the world, nor will they be able to mix up any serious business into sitcoms, or even feed a big stomach queen who can swallow the world and A group of little girls who can destroy the world, but ...

It's the constant trouble and the tirelessness.

Well, it's too bad to say so, can I just let it go? With so much trouble all day long, how much you want to be able to enjoy it! Anyway, I can't be happy.

The short message of less than seven seconds transmitted by the Void Survey Ship No. 8355 has been analyzed over and over again. The resident host of the headquarters in Hilling has searched every pixel and every syllable, even including Possibly mixed with the background noise and the shadows refracted by some reflective areas on the screen, she used this simple but effective stupid method to gather information in order to find the last second encounter of the 8355 spacecraft before losing contact. What's wrong, the technicians also checked the attenuation of the signal strength during the transmission of this information. It is said that this clue helps to discover whether there is a high information bit interception such as a void barrier near the crashed spacecraft when it sends the final message. Thing. If the wrecked spacecraft has a void barrier around it when it sends the final message, then even if this barrier is still latent (the trap will not actively expose itself until the trapped prey starts the void transmission), the message sent by the spacecraft Small waveform distortions can also occur, which is the experience summarized by the emperors during the years of war life.

However, the chances of these attempts to obtain useful information are very low. According to the current situation, the Void Investigation Ship 8355 lost contact with the headquarters when it did not respond at all. Before that, there were no threats of enemy attack near it. When it disappeared, the spacecraft itself was not attacked. If their lost contact was indeed due to the attack, then I can only say that the enemy is overwhelming.

Sandora ordered the release of three Void Probes. These probes have now entered the Void Realm, and are fine-tuning their information characteristics to slowly approach the "position" where the spacecraft 8355 lost contact before, this process is a bit Similar to tuning an old-fashioned radio, you carefully turn the tuning **** until its variable capacitor suddenly overlaps with a certain channel, and you will receive a signal-for travelers in the void, it is the station. .

Although all types of probes have excellent concealment capabilities, they have chosen very careful speeds to approach the "crash site" and maintain a unit of "distance" from each other, a distance that is conventionally understood in the void It is meaningless. The distance between the probes is actually the difference between their information characteristics. A single unit difference can ensure that they do not fall into the ambush of the enemy at the same time. It also ensures that when one of the probes is attacked, The other two probes have a chance to tell the story back.

However, while everyone was holding their breath, three probes passed the "coordinates" of the crash of spacecraft 8355 one by one. When they entered the void and disordered band, they returned nothing.

"The target point is blank, no wreckage of the Void Investigation Ship is found, and no trace of fighting has broken out in the void area," a low-ranking officer responsible for tracking the probe reported loudly, "the probe is preparing for a second sniff ..."

"The second sniffing was completed, the target point was still blank, and no wreck of the Void Investigation Ship was found."

"So big a ship, can it disappear out of thin air?" I turned to look at Sandorla, still frowning, and suddenly guessed, "Will it be broken because it was broken so much that it was assimilated by the void in an instant?"

"Impossible," it wasn't the queen who answered me, but Bentice, who was suddenly teleported. This mighty female hooligan bit the potato chips without knowing it, and stuffed the remaining half of the snack into Sandora, "I know what your Void Scout is. It can be said to be one of the hardest things to destroy in the conventional spacecraft you have built. A small spacecraft that can travel freely in the void space, I have a headache. It has no weapons, but it is extremely slippery. Like a fish in the void, it can jump into the blank 'coordinates' to escape the battlefield in a thousandth of a second under attack, and that kind of thing seems to have a core ... "

Sandora glanced at Bettis with a strange expression: "The core of multiple traits, that is the escape capsule of the Void Scout."

"Yes, the core of multiple traits is a weird thing that will not be injured in the first blow no matter what kind of blow it is subjected to, because it is said that it is always under three contradictory mathematical descriptions. Damaged attacks are destined to not destroy all three of them at the same time. "I didn't expect Bingtis to be so eloquent when talking about the Empire spaceship, although she often claimed that she was a guy who couldn't do anything with Hilling's technology." Therefore, the destruction of the Void Investigation Ship under any circumstances will save at least one escape capsule. "

"Isn't it invincible?" I let out my hand, my expression was a bit inexplicable. "Neither does the Eternal Mothership have this configuration?"

Bingtis slanted me a glance: "There is a specialization in the surgery industry, isn't it that you can't catch small bubbles like this!"

I hit Haha in the sky, and suddenly thought of one thing: "I said, you are a protoss, how do you know our spaceship so well?"

Bingtis' face suddenly changed, and she said unnaturally, "Of course, I often contacted Sandor when I had trouble ..."

"Every time she comes to my territory, she will cause a lot of trouble," Sandora said differently. "I will send the fleet to hunt her down when I am in a hurry."

After listening to the cold sweat in my head, listen to her and chase her down—Bingtis thought that it would have been an angry person for many days. Let her good Jiyou say the words of chasing and killing, of course, we can also Sigh for the way high-end people exchange their feelings. In general, most of the damage friends in universities are to expose each other and whisper two sentences to steal two buns. But were the two girls directly killing them back and forth?

After thinking about it for a while, I decisively did not investigate the scene where Sandora sent the fleet to hunt down Icetis. I always felt that after thinking about this problem for a long time, I had to be infected with Pandora virus.

"Bingtis is right," Sandora resolved the packaging of potato chips and potato chips, halos flowing in her eyes, "The Void Scout is a cutting-edge special service that can survive in any extreme situation. Except for being intercepted by the Protoss regular army or besieged by a large group of imperial fleets, there is no external force that can make it disappear instantly ... I think it should not be attacked, but something ... eaten? "

Sandora said three words with uncertainty. I think she can associate the word. The half bag of potato chips just made a great contribution.

At the instruction of Sandora, the three Void Probes shuttled back and forth several times around the disappearing coordinates of the 8355 spacecraft, but nothing was found, and we began to think hard about what clues we had missed—well, Sando La and Bettis worked hard to think, and after thinking for a few minutes, I found that I really wasn't this high IQ.

At this time, the older sister also heard the news and rushed over, and brought Pandora and Huesca who had already covered themselves with arms. They were two meters and two meters like the terminator of the model version. They appeared in front of everyone and held each other. A cannon that can be used to repair the bridge across the sea was disassembled there.

The two believed that the enemy sentry was attacked.

"The spaceship has disappeared, but the probe hasn't found anything," the elder sister understood the situation in detail, started to analyze it with his careful thoughts, and then slowly said, "I have a stupid solution."

All of us looked at her together.

"Send another spaceship over," said his elder sister very seriously, "Of course, do not have a crew this time, find a reconnaissance ship like the missing spacecraft, fly to the coordinates of the accident in a self-discipline mode, and then put the previous All operations of the ship before it lost contact were kept intact, and the three probes were watching from a safe distance. Although it may not be possible to retrieve the first ship, at least we can look at the ship What happened? "

Sandora nodded instantly: "It's really worth a try, and recently pl-15 uploaded a lot of information on the Avengers, Tavier has improved the automatic control system of many warships based on them, including two upcoming" Needle "class voids Scout ships, let them go. "

In this way, the "stupid method" that the older sister said has been unanimously agreed by everyone, and I found one thing very sadly: my own brain may not be saved, and the old sister put forward a plan in fifteen seconds. And in the three minutes I was thinking about, I went off the topic and ate what I ate tonight. Although this may mean that I am really married to Shallow, but if I continue to go further and further on this road of digression at any time, In the future, my best end may be to find a psychological counselor to spend the rest of my life. You see, it's only a few seconds, what am I thinking?

"Ajun, what's wrong?" My elder sister asked me curiously after seeing me for a long time. "Is this approach wrong?"

I thought about it: "Can you say that a psychiatrist can cure lack of mind?"

Everyone: "..."

Sandora twisted my waist tightly and ordered the second reconnaissance ship to leave immediately.

The efficiency of the reconnaissance ship is most suitable to be described by Reliance. Sandora's order was just issued shortly after the highly automated spacecraft that had just entered service has entered the void and moved closer to where the first spacecraft lost contact. Coordinates, but because there are no occupants, no matter how high the degree of self-discipline is, the mission of this spaceship is only to serve as a rock for path exploration. Under the command of the ship-based mainframe, the spacecraft shut down the information correction engine and began to reduce the output of the power pack. At the same time, it released the ship-borne probes and turned on various active and passive detection devices. At this point, everything is normal, three voids. The probe is in a safe "position" (this position is easy to understand, in fact, the three probes and the second spacecraft do not exist far and near each other at all, and they observe each other as if we are watching thousands of miles away on television The live broadcast is close at hand from the information, but geographical location is not the case) The ship was locked, and the data shows that it is working well.

A few of us including Bingtis, a female hooligan, took it seriously and looked at the returning picture with a breath of breath. The silver-white battleship that was streamlined like some kind of plant seed pod opened the information shield constantly repelling the surrounding void forces. The assimilation effect makes it look as if it is shrouded in a layer of fluctuating water curtain, and then, in front of all of us, it just disappears out of thin air ...

Yes, it disappeared out of thin air!

There was no sign at all, no attack, no jumping away, and no sudden breach of the void dragging it into another world. The reconnaissance ship suddenly disappeared in an absolutely abnormal way, like a poorly contacted light bulb, suddenly Blinks, and then completely melts into the endless darkness of the void.

Three Void Probes returned a harsh alarm sound at the same time, and a loud report from the lower officer responsible for directing the probe sounded in the lobby: "Report to the sir! The target disappeared, the tracking failed!"

I, my elder sister, Sandola, and Bingtis, the four of them looked at each other, but not far away, the sister Pandora who had been constantly disassembling a large number of arms from the beginning, stopped her movements, very tacitly Put away his pile of treasures: "No fight, no enemy."

"There must be something there."

Sandora pulled her arms around her chest, frowning at the slow-moving video just before the disappearance of the second spacecraft. "Turn off the engine, release the probe, and turn on the radar ... Which step activated the lurking traps there ... It shouldn't have been destroyed, but it didn't seem to have been transmitted to another world ... Neither ship sent a distress signal, indicating that something was blocking the signal transmission ... "

While Sandora muttered her guess, Master Sister already thought of another thing. She looked at Bingtis and asked with her signature soft but irresistible voice. "You have sent observers there before, haven't you?"

Bingtis nodded: "Yes, after more than a thousand years, I was almost remembered for being killed for work."

I hurriedly said, "If I were the Father, I would be confined for a thousand years."

Bingtis immediately pinched my arm: "In that case, all the houses in the Divine Realm have to be converted into confinement rooms-we are too insensitive to time, and there are serious ones that can even be forgotten in the confinement room. In the end, the sir Please go out. "

Immediately fascinated by such people, I want Sikaro to throw himself in the confinement room and forget it. How much effort can I save? The conservative urban management power is estimated to be enough to build Gao Laozhuang in three days. It's Manhattan ...

Then Sandora and her sister knocked a knife on the heads of myself and Bingtis, and yelled in a tone that particularly hated iron and steel: "Be serious!"

The difference is that Sandora is very eloquent towards Bingtis, and my elder sister has shown me the kind of petting eyes that I dare not resist, but feel special enjoyment. I have watched this look for twenty years. Look at it.

"It didn't work for a full thousand years, indicating that the things lurking here are useless to the Protoss," the elder sister analyzed, and the void probe has not disappeared, indicating that it is likely that only the energy intensity or volume has reached a certain level. The extent of things will be swallowed up, Bingtis, you are an expert, will a world form such an invisible pit after it is destroyed? "

"Do you suspect that the world has become a pit that can devour psionic units after being destroyed?" Bingtis understood the meaning of her sister. "I have not heard that the power of the Protoss and the Spirit Apostle is different. If that world is What the Schilling Fleet destroyed, only the destroyer knew it ... "

Having said that, a few of us turned our attention to Huesca, who was squatting on the ground and drawing a villain with chalk. He noticed the sight around him and immediately raised his head and smiled naively at us.

"Of course there are times when the destroyer is unclear."

Fitis discouraged.

"Notify the passing garden," I saw that everyone didn't speak, and put forward my final opinion. "It's an abnormal situation, and I estimate that the conventional investigative methods are free."

Everyone agrees-I can come up with a constructive idea. Hey!

As a rule-level facility, the dying garden system is rarely used. In most cases, the place where we need it is just its super powerful snooping ability. As the core of a world fragment that was almost assimilated by the void, the dying garden "Born" has the ability to collect information easily through the void. Its observation equipment has two components, one is a large circle of squares located in the central area of ​​Avalon, as an information operation terminal, and the other is directly used at the time. Avalon's predecessor was transformed from the "empty" half-empty boundary "fragment" of the world fragment. This part of the component is permanently fixed in the void and exists in an incomprehensible state, as if innumerable into the void. The tentacles or roots, with which the dying garden will be infinitely close to zero when listening to information from the depths of the void.

Another function of the garden of death is to rewrite the law of the universe of any target to a limited extent under the circumstance of the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ It has only been used a few times. This ability is really very powerful. Even in some ways than the recently fortified "Battle of the Wars" planet fortress (now that thing is still being repaired, of course, I doubt that Tavel will not repair it until it is completely unloaded by eight pieces, ) More excellent, but unfortunately its use is too limited: Has anyone ever seen a street brawl who drew two dozen iron fist rocket launchers on the spot?

For the above reasons, the very important imperial court that caused the death of the garden is in most cases even less well-known than the ordinary garrison troops. Many servants even only saw the name of this thing from the enlistment manual, and the garden of the dead The administrator of that one-meventh version of Artemis has become the most leisurely of all arsenal administrators.

So when I heard that the garden of death was about to start, Artemis almost jumped in front of us, and a small note was affixed to her face. Of course, this is not fun. Cola is the one she rode over. There are also a few small notes on the face of the beast. How cold and humorous are you to say that she played poker with a mount and then lost ...

I began to wonder how strange the everyday life of the Avalon idlers was.


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