Xiling Empire

Chapter 885: We only have this

Chapter 858 We Only Have This

Barnard is the most prestigious old man in the town, and can be said to be the most informed elder in the area. From this he can tell at a glance that we are not tourists from the big city, but in the final analysis, he The insights can only stay at the level of the little people.

Even considering the overall status quo of the obscured world, I am afraid that Master Barnard is not as smart as Uncle Wang in any corridor on the earth-I have always believed that every residential building and alley on the earth has deep An uncle Wang is as firm as a faith.

After all, Barnard has been dealing with the metal station all his life. In this remote and remote place, all members of society have only metal sorters. Every day, there is nothing to think about except working and going to food synthesizers to get quotas. A person does not have the opportunity to engage in intrigue several times in his life. He can see real Ayutthaya people and advanced spaceships simply because he has lived long enough, but he has nothing to do with savvy. So Barnard made a big mistake when judging our identity:

He was frightened by his own speculation, and then took everything for granted. He didn't think about whether it was necessary to be so open and honest with our strangers, saying everything that should or should not be said-of course he might It was also considered, and what he said were all things that can be found with a little bit of heart. I am afraid that more than one person in the town knew that Old Grick was on the "hope", but Barnard didn't have much. There is nothing wrong to say, of course.

In fact, in strict accordance with the rules of this world, Barnard does not consider us to be special agents from the big city. After all, we do n’t look like people living on garbage dumps.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to walk around garbage dumps in such bright and precious clothes. All the resources in this world are hard-won. The output of each synthetic factory has a limit. Luxury products like gorgeous clothes can only Priority is given to residents of Ayutthaya. In other parts of the world, it is impossible to find the same thing, as if you could never find a nuclear plant in a place called Dawangzhuang Village. In this way, it is an undeniable fact that we are from Ayutthaya, and the older sister also gave Glick a self-discipline machine that was very generous: I ’m afraid that Glick is a little child, but Barnard ’s knowledgeable The old man knew very well how precious an ancient machine is without any fault. It is a kind of wealth that needs to be closely protected for any group, not to mention that the self-discipline machine looks so brand-new, and its smooth surface is simply It ’s like just coming down from the production line, being able to carry such things with you, and having the right to make a private decision to give it to a civilian child, then only the officials of Ayutthaya can do it, as if on earth, even if you have no identity Proof, if you walk in the street and you see half a catty, you will have half a catty more than a hundred dollar bills It ’s impossible for ordinary people in this world to be the same as ours, just like a working class on earth says nothing about it. Throw in the past more than half a catty money, even if you throw a steel Beng year's income is not enough I'm afraid you out of the two hundred meters ......

Father Barnard's judgment was correct. The only mistake was that he overestimated the high-level attention that Old Grick might attract.

A plumber at the bottom of the spacecraft, and a metal sorter who could only pick up obsolete parts in a garbage dump a few years ago, such a small role is doomed to attract the attention of special agents, the latter The big characters to be concerned about, such as the captain of the warship or the second mate, can't go to the trouble of finding the son of a plumber repairman? Cao Cao asked Zhou Yu to burn half of his family's house with a fire. He went back and chopped Jiang Gan at most. Do you think he would trouble the soldier who nailed the boat at that time? Not to mention that the soldier was burnt to death ...

Sandora casually persuaded two sentences, and with a little psychological suggestion, she successfully relaxed the nervous Barnard and believed that we would not take away the little boy named Glick. Then out of curiosity, the older sister asked the other party a little more about Glick and Waterdrop. After all, the two of them are now orphans (and only we know this for sure), and we happened to get the spaceship that their father worked in the last days of his life, and we may even have seen the old one. Glick, the ambitious plumber who wanted to find a new continent might be one of those corpses I saw when Huska and I entered the wreckage of Hope, so everyone thought the two children were with us. Fortunately, out of this fate, I also want to know more about them.

"Little Glick is the oldest child in the town, and in a few months, he will be fourteen," Barnard knew that we wouldn't take Glick away, and seemed relieved that this had been in a backcountry In his whole life, the honest and kind-hearted old man loved Glick as a little grandson. "He is not the same as other children. It may be influenced by his father. That child always likes to be in the mechanical storage area of ​​the metal station. Around, there is a place for adults to work, and children rarely go there at this age. Little Geek usually likes to pick up some weird and strange parts to go home, and then assembles all kinds of strange gadgets by himself, such as can play The projector of the image, the church even sent someone to copy some image data from him to study things in the age of the gods. He was also a little cranky, but not as serious as his father, but some of the child The idea was indeed sensational: he was even particularly concerned that some ancient synthetic machines would one day malfunction, and even that they would be constantly flowing from underground factories. Material information will one day be exhausted, whimsical thing this dilemma, it is fortunate that he is only a child, an adult if there is this idea, that's incredible sin.

As for the water drops ... it's an ordinary little girl, but she usually doesn't like talking too much, sometimes it's so quiet that people will ignore it. She's Glick's sister, but she and Glick A very different temperament, just like her light blue eyes different from her brother's. Water drops are a special case of the Glick family. Maybe God saw that Glick's family had already had two generations of uneasy guys, so let the water drops be born to balance it, haha. "

Father Barnard said, he couldn't help laughing, and my sister and I also knew it. Grick is a bear child with constant passion, and his sister is just another extreme, quiet and quiet. Not much to say, when we were a guest at her house, the child was so quiet that people could n’t help but ignore it, and I ’m afraid that even Pandora was not as good as her: after all, although Pandora was face-to-face. San Wu, but at least that girl always has an occasional dip in her belly ...

When we said goodbye to Barnard, we said that we might stay here for two more days. As for the reason, I didn't say much, just to reassure the old man that we absolutely do not intend to hurt two ordinary children.

The gatherings in the town are over. The boring daily life makes this world even the only entertainment activities so boring and short, but these are to us, the residents of the town look satisfied and seem to gather in Blowing together and eating low-quality snacks that taste as good as cement are enough to make them praise the world so beautiful, and children are even more joyful. They are holding inferior desserts in their hands and rolling around on the dirty steel streets, making them all over Dirty, but none of the adults came out to scold them, and that was enough to make them cheer.

In any world, children are much closer to happiness than adults.

The artificial light source in the sky has been dim, and only a fuzzy orange-red ring is left. It is like a solar eclipse. It is the nuclear fusion sun that uses the residual heat and light radiation of the reactor to provide night illumination for the ground. We returned to Glick ’s In the hut, it was found that there were warm orange lights in the hut, and both children had returned home.

They really are different from ordinary children. The younger sister Shuizhu is too quiet. After finishing the game with her peers early, she goes home and sits in a daze, while Glick is worried about the tattered parts he collected: named " Dudu's self-discipline machine stayed at home to fix those things, and Glick couldn't wait to come back and see what his baby looked like.

Well, the answer is very overwhelming for Glick. When we returned, the super-efficient self-discipline machine was calmly wiping the front armor of a brand-new single fighter. Of course, the big thing is not It may be placed in the room, so "Tudu" also removed a wall of Glick's house by the way, so that the head of the fighter can reach out from the house, but Grick himself did not seem to have demolished his house. care……

I firmly believe that the self-discipline machine didn't assemble an Optimus Prime entirely because it was afraid to tear down the town.

Of course I'm kind of curious about what materials it used to assemble such a big guy. Anyway, I don't believe that the parts of Glick stacked in the room and behind the room are just enough to assemble a fighter. Even if all these things turn into water, I am afraid it is not enough A set of fighter planes was cast. For our question, "Dudu" pointed to the metal sorting station not far from the town with his own robotic arm, so everyone knew the source of the material.

It turns out that it still takes a long time for this self-regulatory machine that still maintains the idea of ​​Emperor Factory to understand the world.

Of course, a very dangerous civilian such as a fighter plane cannot be moved by a child like Glick, but everyone is really not willing to disappoint this cute child, so Sandora had to stay in the grid. Without knowing it, Rick removed the aircraft's firepower start-up module, but that's why I still feel unsafe. In this backcountry, a clear and bright Empire fighter is almost as prominent as the jingle on the bald head. I don't think it's fun to let a child take such a thing as a toy.

"It's okay!" Grick was immediately anxious when he heard me say it, and he shook his hands with a loud voice, "I will protect this! And no one dares to **** others' supplies, which is stipulated by the church, Robbing a resource quota is a felony ... "

Lin Xue glanced at each other: "The question is, can you drive this thing? Aside from that, do you know how to get into the cockpit? Do you know how to replenish it? How often does its brake pads last oil ? "

Shallowly and simply dragged my arm: "Ajun, is the fighter's brake pads oiled?"

I looked black: "Does the fighter have brake pads?"

Glick lowered his head with a look of frustration, and Lin Xue's problems all seemed to be heavenly books.

"Well, maybe ..." I glanced at Glick, and thought that he was now an orphan. It was not easy for such a small child to take their sister to live with each other, and naturally had some ideas in his heart, so The words turned around, "Maybe this one can be left for you too ... keke, don't rush to call, I just said it is possible, you will know in two days."

I think it's very simple. Glick and the brothers and sisters of Waterdrop are also connected to each other. If it wasn't for the old Grig's spacecraft crashed on Mars, we wouldn't find this world that grew out of the grave, and arrived Here, the first person we met happened to be the son of one of the members of the spaceship. There might be a certain number in the meditation. In this case, I feel that I may not be able to let go and leave. Let me not talk about how to deal with this world. At least the brothers and sisters, Glick and Shuizhu, should make arrangements for themselves.

Even if it is treated as an orphan of the fallen soldiers-although Old Glick is only a plumber, a plumber who longs for a new continent in such a closed world is enough to be called a warrior. This is the consensus between Sandora and me.

Glick seemed very excited. Although we guys of unknown origin and him only met for a long time, he has made this child with no world experience completely a friend or even a savior, and brought him out of the boring and boring daily life. So he began to invite us to dinner at home with great enthusiasm: The hymn party is not a dinner party, and dinner can only be eaten after the party.

"Grand Barnard gave us a lot of food because of the guests from Ayutthaya. This is something to entertain the guests," Glick asked his sister, Suzhu, to quickly prepare food, and said to us happily, "Yes, Pakistan Grand Nad said that guests from Ayutthaya could not live in shanty towns, and he said he wanted you to rest in the best house in town ... "

"No, we have a place to rest," Lin Xue quickly waved, "You forgot, we have space equipment, so the transportation and even accommodation equipment needed when traveling outside are carried with you."

Glick, who had limited knowledge of space equipment, was immediately at ease.

Waterdrops brought what she had allocated from the food synthesizer. The silent little girl laboriously put a large metal box on the table. The sound of Sandor's teeth grinding almost simultaneously sounded, and We also followed the curiosity and glanced at it. It wasn't what we expected of the food in this world, but just a little curious, what would be the food for the guests here.

But just at a glance, everyone sighed with disappointment: what appeared to us were dozens of neat gray and white squares, just like those previously held by water drops.

Is this compressed organic matter the only thing you can eat in this place?

"What's wrong?" Glick glanced at us strangely, then took a long box from the box and stuffed it into his mouth, crunching, "except for the soft gums for very young children, these grains are Staple food, isn't this the case in Ayutthaya? "

She spit out her tongue, curiously picked up a piece of food, sniffed it under the nose, and found that it had no smell at all, and then took a bite in her mouth-and then she decisively stuffed it into Sando Pulled.

I also tried it out of curiosity, and it turned out that Sandola had an unknown piece of food in her hand.

The taste is rough and tasteless, even with a slightly salty mechanical taste, eating in the mouth as if a chalk head mixed with rust, if this is all the food in this world ...

The poisonous island **** took a bite of this plaster-like food, spat out my tongue mischievously, and said with a spiritual connection: "Brother, I think that zombies run rampant cities are much better than this world."

Obviously, no one at home can adapt to this food, they are simply too bad!

Well, in this case, Sandora is an unquestionable exception. She is a magical girl who can eat tomato sauce and eat tons of reinforced concrete prefabricated boards, not to mention the gypsum-like food in her hand, when everyone They all said that when they could n’t accept this thing, she took on the role of a rice bucket without any delay, but another person who could also eat these things without changing the color was surprising: Liliana, she even looked I ate a large piece of "chalk pastry" as usual.

"Are you surprised?" Li Lina licked "White Grey" at the corner of her mouth and glanced at us ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have eaten even dirt. "

I couldn't help but press the other person's small head lightly, and the latter narrowed his eyes comfortably: "Well, it's over now, let's remember the bitterness ..."

The "guest" in front of him didn't like these foods, even if Glick was a small child, he could easily see this, so he suddenly showed a very restrained and embarrassing look, his face was not good, even watching The drops of water were a little dull and their heads were lowered: "I'm sorry, but we only have this ..."

At this moment, I really felt guilty. I believe everyone has this idea, so the older sister immediately patted the shoulders of the two children one by one and said with apology: "Don't do this, it is our fault. ,but……"

"We are guests and are bothersome, so in this case we should take out the food."

Lin Xue is indeed the young lady with high IQ. The excuse to find it is called a quick one. As soon as the voice falls, she pulls out of her own space and can't help but want to take it out and bring it from the earth. Various snacks ...


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