Xiling Empire

Chapter 895: Ayutthaya

Chapter 895 The Great City

It's no surprise that Glick became a celebrity.

But he didn't seem to like this situation very much. Although he was quite happy at the beginning, but now he was frightened by those enthusiastic uncles and aunts. The old dirty little garbage worker was washed away. He also changed into new clothes brought by the rescue team and was pushed to the public to accept the torture of the people. Only half an hour, the guy yelled and ran back.

Now we have transferred to a large transport ship heading towards Ayutthaya. Due to the breakdown of the transport ship ’s mini-jump system, the spacecraft can only reach its destination at the cruising speed in the atmosphere. The journey takes about an hour, and there are currently more than ten minutes to reach the station. . The space in the transport ship is much wider than that of a small transport ship such as the Combatant class. Because of the use of basic space expansion devices, the Gnacu here is almost as wide as a football field. The victims are gathered in the Gnacu He whispered about the current situation and sighs of the destruction of his homeland. Of course, there is also a imagination of a new life. The overall atmosphere is much better than we expected.

This may be well explained, because in this world, "personal property" is a less important concept. Most of the production tools are actually collectively owned, and the necessities of life must be made from food synthesizers and drinking water synthesizers. Collectively distributed, all daily necessities such as daily clothes and medicine come from a variety of synthetic machines, and most of the houses and homes owned by individuals come from the ruins and can be seen everywhere. In this delicate "communist" state Residents will not respond too much to any degree of loss of their belongings, and because the material output of the ruined world is unstable, many ordinary people are in a state of migration at any time. They have to follow their work scope. Moving is also a common occurrence. Even in the condenser town, which has been stable for decades, there are also many residents moving. In both cases, the impact of the destruction of homes will naturally weaken a lot.

Most of the people's feelings of regret are only from the place where they suddenly left their habit, and many things didn't have time to take away, and regrets. These feelings are not too painful, and in addition to the elderly are more easily sentimental, many young people feel sorry for The reaction was not intense. So it seems easier to do disaster relief in this world than on earth ...

The spacecraft reached its destination safely after ten minutes: a large town that was ready for the victims. The transport ship landed on a huge metal platform behind the town, unloading all the victims and some responsible arrangements. The office staff then left. The few of us were the last ones to get off the spacecraft. Sandora used mental interference to make everyone ignore our group of guys who seemed incompatible with the surrounding environment, and her sister and Lin Xue began to a lot of surrounding environment.

"Looking as rotten as the condenser town," mumbled the Prophet, "that is, the area is larger, the shanty towns are more neatly distributed, and the towns are still built along the steps-maybe this is all considered Are cities in this world planned? But they are still shanty towns. "

"This place is really clever," Sandora looked at the huge metal platform under our feet. "This should be a barge docking station for an aircraft carrier. They built a town along the terrain outside the aircraft carrier's comprehensive command station. , And then use the nearest barge docking station directly as the airport of the town, so that the spaceship can take off and land here-if I guessed right, this should be a place similar to a logistics transit station, and it should be the main supply center of Ayutthaya. "

"By the way to that big city?"

I glanced at Sandora, and the other side smiled slightly: "It seems that these victims cannot enter the big city, but we have enough knowledge about the ordinary individuals in this world, now it is time to see how the upper levels of it are."

"I have to remind you," Lin Xue rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes slightly. "Don't play for too long, there will be a disaster waiting for us in the near future."

"Everything is ready," Sandora held her chest with both hands, "pl-15 is ready for enough ecological colonial ships and assault ships. Once the world collapses, no matter what the cause of the collapse, we have enough time and manpower The indigenous people here were rescued. Of course, it would be better if the cause of the imbalance in the world can be found before that. It is also one of the best-preserved ancient battlefields in the old empire era, and there are rare living fossils everywhere. "

I thought about it, I think there are actually many people here who have a longer history than the fossils of this universe, but considering the age is a taboo for girls, I do n’t dare to say this, otherwise, even if Sandora ca n’t do it, Bingdi That violent woman would kill me with a brick ...

Just then, Sandora frowned suddenly, and then withdrew from the surrounding spiritual hints. After a short while, Glick's voice came from not far away: "Ah! Here! I look for It ’s been a long time since someone came to you. It ’s from Ayutthaya. It should be to take you home! ”

Glick seems to have been looking for us for a long time, but due to Sandola's spiritual suggestion, everyone would not focus on the landing platform. As a result, he circled around for a long time until Sandola noticed until. He ran to us panting, reaching for a group of figures in black robes not far away: "They ... hehe, they are monks from Ayutthaya. They said they want you. I asked them if they would take you. Go home, but they didn't say. "

Sandora and I looked at each other, and saw a slight smile from each other's eyes.

Well, it seems they have finally found this small group of suspicious elements, which saves us a lot of trouble.

"Let ’s take a look," the older sister nodded, and walked forward, but just remembering something, she turned around and looked at Grick, "Yes, we may have to leave for a while, just here Don't make it easy, we will meet again soon. "

Glick's eyes widened, but he quickly lowered his head and said, "Well, I know ... you want to go home after all, and you won't stay with us all the time. But these days are really Happy to be with you, I and everyone have seen a lot of wonderful things! Thank you so much ... that ... that ... "

"Ha, rest assured, the 'spaceship' is yours," I took a moment's glance, and immediately understood what Glick wanted to say. This child, who had been dazzled by his father since childhood, was only interested in one thing. That is the spaceship, "Captain, you are indeed entitled to own it, and maybe you will have a real spaceship of your own in the future."

Glick suddenly looked up in surprise: "Really?"

After receiving our second confirmation, the child immediately shouted and shouted Long Live, and then ran away in a few seconds ...

"Um, did he forget to say goodbye? Are we saying goodbye to him?" I helped Fuzheng sitting on my shoulder and slept with a mercury lamp, a bit helpless. As a result, Glick followed the gust of wind I ran back like this: "Ah, by the uncle, forget to say goodbye. Don't you say goodbye to everyone else? Grandpa Barnard would like to thank you again, if it wasn't for the reminder of Sandra, this time everyone will It's really dangerous. "

Why is Sandola the elder sister there, and it's my turn to become an uncle?

"There will be a chance," the older sister said with a smile. "But it's better to go with your sister now. You can rest assured that your nine-year-old is still aside?"

"It's okay, Shuizhu looks small, but it's actually smarter than me," Glick smiled, scratching her hair. "She just doesn't like talking. She just led me to find someone to register. Then ... I Let's go first. "

After saying goodbye, Glick ran away happily, and didn't know whether to go to his sister or to be busy to see if his "spaceship" was still there. My sister and me looked at each other and smiled. Children. "

The figures in black robes were still waiting patiently on the edge of the landing ground. They saw it when Glick talked to us just now, so we must have confirmed our identity, and now see Glick leave, of which A black robe raised a hand to us far away, signalling that we were waiting for us to pass.

"The shelf is really big," the mercury lamp arched around my head, still a little sleepy, "Hey, idiot human, shouldn't you say‘ Give you death ’at this time?”

I frowned while walking forward carrying the mercury lamp and asked, "Who did you learn from this mess?"

"Television! Bitch brought a lot of TV shows."

There was a puppet at my feet, watching Zi Changzhi beside him helplessly: "You're too fond of children, right?"

Now I know why the mercury lamp yawns constantly until the evening, and dare to have a guy here who indulges the child to stay up late?

Xunzi's face was a little embarrassed, and she stuck her tongue out: "Uncle Sicarlo said that he has recently encountered a market crisis and the disruption of the industrial chain, and the business is not easy to do. He sold me a lot of cheap things ... a little."

I thought for a moment, suddenly: "The **** market crisis and the disruption of the industrial chain! Didn't Lingmeng lead the Urban Management Brigade to block more than 200 lower-ranking officers in the dormitory last week, then the goods are now on the flagship? I have to keep him in solitary confinement for half a month, this business has been done on the royal family members! "

During the conversation, we have come to the people in black robes. According to the understanding these days, the unsmiling people in black robes should be the ruling class of this world. They are called "monks", but in some cases, The monks are also government officials, because the church that worshipped ancient civilizations is the governing body of this world.

The ruling system of the ruined world is weird. It only needs a single organization that is responsible for managing all ancient machines and weapons. Other citizens can engage in production. There is no complicated economic structure and no military strategy between countries. There are also no political disputes. The extreme singularity of the world from resources to production methods to survival means that the world ’s governing institutions can be as crude as possible. The church to which these monks belong, that is, the ruling religion of this world, does not even have a name, because the world has only one faith, and this belief is also the only government in the world. As far as the church is concerned, there is no doubt that it is in front of us. Such monks in black robes-of course there are higher monks who do not wear black robes, they have no hard and fast rules in many aspects, except for extreme worship of ancient civilizations and prohibitions on exploring the outside world.

"Thanks for everything in the world, and I'm glad to meet you," standing in front of the black robes was a tall man with gray hair, about fifty years old, with a neat glance to know that he had carefully taken care of his short hair. He also looked very polite when he spoke. He glanced at us, his eyes clearly paused on the mercury lamp and Yakumo Blue, and then nodded, "I'm a senior monk Yoder."

It is not yet known what these monks have planned for us, but since the other person introduced himself very politely, we also said our name. Of course, there is only the name, and there is nothing more to say. Although we have no bad impressions on these monks, we also lack any trust. In any case, Glick's father seems to have been killed indirectly by the monk's intercepting firepower. This has impressed these people in our eyes. Decline.

"We got the news that when the disaster happened, it was you who issued a timely warning to protect civilians from death and injury." Yod opened the door and said, and he hid his hands in the wide black robe with only one up and down his body. With his face exposed, this outfit made him look extraordinarily rigid.

After getting our confirmation, Jod nodded, and directly said what I thought he was going to do: "So the Ayutthaya Church is very concerned about some people, we investigated the identity of several people, but found that you are not in any population. In the record, and you claim to be from Ayutthaya, this is also a lie. In other words, your identity is suspicious. My question is correct? "

Sandora said indifferently, "Oh", "How do you plan?"

The other party quickly discovered that our identity is abnormal through the population registration. This is not surprising in this ruined world. Although many management agencies in this world are almost blank, only the resident population registration is abnormally complete. This is too normal. This world Everything is based on the distribution of subsistence materials. People have to collect their own subsistence data from various synthetic factories, and they must submit their labor records in the same way. This kind of universal ration is based on absolutely strict population registration. Yes, there are no undocumented people in this world, because such people do not even have the possibility of survival. Without a personal record, there is no food ration, no clothes, no drugs, and even no water.

And our group of guys who have no information no matter how to check it, but also have many times of continuous movements, I am afraid that has been noticed by Dacheng, including the small gifts we gave to Glick and so on ... that is no secret. , Any residents of this condenser town can ask.

"Don't worry, we are not malicious, at least not now," Yod nodded slightly, seeming to be strengthening his tone. "But we need to bring a few to the city for questioning. Rest assured, this is not an interrogation or arrest. The archbishop simply ordered out of curiosity that I must bring you before him. "

This monk spoke very politely and had a much better attitude than we expected. Coupled with the fact that he had planned to go to the city along the way, we nodded happily on the spot.

The monk team came by a transport plane, which is also an old-fashioned combatant transport plane, but their aircraft is somewhat different from ordinary goods. At least they look cleaner, the appearance is more intact, and they are painted in lavender-this This color may be the "noble color" of this world, and I have never seen civilian facilities painted with this color.

The town where the victims were housed was actually the satellite town of Ayutthaya. As Sandor had guessed, this town had off-board spacecraft landing platforms and various loading and unloading equipment (all semi-fixed robots on the giant aircraft carrier deck below the town). It is a special material transfer hub for Ayutthaya. The lowest speed cruise mode of transport planes has passed, and the journey is only ten minutes. Soon, we have arrived at the absolute center of the whole world, which has a special existence: Ayutthaya.

Although we have seen all the appearance of Dacheng from the information returned from the probe before, we can't help but feel surprised when we really fly over it.

This is a huge city that is enough to be called a super metropolis in the normal world. It is located in a very strange place: it is a huge circular deep pit with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, which has surpassed that of this ruined planet. The size of any wreckage remains around this big pit is the same as the rest of the entire planet. The metal earth piled up by countless battleship wrecks, but from the boundary of the big pit, it is a layer of smooth to almost mirror surface. The alloy wall is like an overall armor plate. The shape of the entire large pit looks like a standard round bowl. The big city with the same circular shape is located in the center of the bowl. The radius of the city is about the large pit radius. About three-quarters of the time ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking at the strange terrain where Dacheng is located, especially the smooth mirror-like alloy parabolic surface on the wall of the large pit, I have speculated maliciously more than once-if there is no transportation, How can someone climb up?

The huge round pit like a bowl that Ayutthaya had caught the attention of Sandora and me two days ago. At that time, looking at the picture transmitted by the probe, Sandora made a speculation, she felt that it was in After the ruined planet has been formed, the traces left by a high-powered weapon bombarding the planet can explain why such a regular circular pit appears on the metal ground piled up by the numerous and uneven battleship wrecks, and this concave The inner wall of the pit still has obvious traces of metal melting, but Sandora himself admits that this does not make sense in normal tactics-

"When the ruined planet took shape, all the spacecraft on it had been disintegrated and crashed. It didn't make any sense to attack a pile of battlefield debris. It was a waste of energy."

That's it, we can't explain why a certain warship commander who fought in this universe hundreds of thousands of years ago decided to fire on a pile of wreckage. The whip corpse is not the style of the Spirit Apostle.

Anyway, after being baffled, we had to temporarily guess that this gun was made by Huesca, because she could make such a convulsive action on the battlefield.


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