Xiling Empire

Chapter 899: Search and rescue

Search and Rescue

We were curious as soon as we saw this cathedral at first glance. This building looks so unique in the world of ruins, not only because of its smooth and intact outer shell, which is incompatible with the surrounding dilapidated buildings. Also because this thing was identified by Sandola as being built before the war hundreds of thousands of years ago, that is to say, this cathedral is a veritable ancient relic, not an indigenous people here excavated from the ruins The junk that the materials themselves assemble-this alone makes this cathedral so eye-catching. There is no advertisement in the whole text and another thing that is interesting is its internal structure. A place called a church has no religion-related things, no reliefs and murals, and even the words related to God are not seen. At half a star, the most here are alloy walls and holographic screens like the corridors inside the battleship, and an isolation cabin every other corridor. This structure feels inexplicable at first, but when we are in the holographic On the projection, I watched it separate from the high ground, and the moment when it slowly lifted off, all the questions were solved ...

Is this weird church really a spaceship?

"Members in the ship, please note that this ship has left the fixed port, and the ship is now blocked. This ship will be separated from the external gravitational system. The artificial gravity system in the spacecraft is starting ... it is completed."

A soft but unemotional electronically synthesized female voice suddenly sounded in the room, just like the sound of a ship's main engine on an ordinary spaceship, and as its voice dropped, we felt a moment of weightlessness, and then everything returned to normal. This big iron goblet that suddenly changed from a building to a spaceship seems to isolate itself from the gravitational connection of the entire planet, and instead uses its own gravity system to maintain the internal environment. Normally, a spaceship This operation is taken to make a large attitude change in a near-Earth environment.

I guessed right, just a few seconds after the church or the spacecraft activated the artificial gravity system, the obelisk-shaped "building" on the monitoring screen began to slowly tilt over, changing from perpendicular to parallel to the ground. The former cylindrical attachment towers that were closely adjacent to the church spire were also lifted up along with the church. At this time, they formed a cross that was perpendicular to each other. It was mounted on the bottom of the "church ship" like a base. The bright blue The chromatic energy halo permeated from the four tips of the cross and the engine mouth at the bottom of the "church ship", like a layer of mist.

"The attitude adjustment of this ship is completed, the main part is running well, the output power of the reactor is lower than the theoretical value, troubleshooting is being performed and the system is being reset ... the system is set up, the reactor cannot be repaired, and this repair plan is suspended. Disengage the final barrier lock bolt, and it is expected that the final barrier will enter the open state after 30 minutes. Warning, the final barrier condition is scanned abnormally, the barrier shield response intensity is zero, and the barrier structural integrity is decreasing sharply. Our ship advises the captain to take it immediately One of the following three operations: First, immediately return to the final barrier lock bolt, and the ship will start an emergency plan to reset the barrier. Second, immediately send a distress signal to the superior information acceptance center of the ship and move away from the final barrier. This option is successful. The final interpretation right belongs to the ship. Third, please immediately go to the captain's lounge in the z-66 area and write a will. The ship promises to keep your will properly but does not promise not to give it to the warlord. I wish you a journey Pleasant. Dear friends and friends, for your safety and the safety of others, please bring your own luggage, passengers with children ... wrong, sorry for the passengers, because the train was late, the next stop ... Oxygen synthesis plant has been successfully opened, the atmosphere of this planet ... Our ship has recorded orders, entered standby mode, and the autonomous learning module is online ... "


"I always think there is something wrong with this thing?"

The older sister pointed at the console where Jode was standing, and muttered in a low voice.

Sandola looked at Yod with a sneer and smile: "I know what happened. The ship's main engine has been in standby for hundreds of thousands of years and has never been maintained. Now it's messed up ... you can't keep talking about this. Things mute? "

Yod raised his hand in a particularly helpless manner, looking at the console that had changed completely: "I don't know what to do. The previous bishop did not tell me it would become like this ..."


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"This ship ’s friendship reminds you: please pay attention to your personal safety during flight conditions. Please do not stick your hands or head out of the window during the speeding of the spacecraft to avoid danger ... Passengers carrying children please keep them in their luggage ... Long live the Legion All roadblockers are dregs! Fire is on, in the name of the generals, to tear up their defensive barriers! Flight food is free and unlimited, please take care of your passengers and destroy these dirty low-level creatures! "

There was no sound at all in the room, and there was a chaotic shipboard broadcast at all. Obviously, this ancient spacecraft, which had not been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years, had suffered a serious system error, and it did not know where it went. It stands to reason that the military supplies manufactured by the Spirit Empire should be able to support hundreds of thousands of years without problems, but think about it, all things in this world have been baptized by war, even the hundreds of meters we are riding now The long obelisk-shaped weird spacecraft is obviously not a complete battleship. God knows which part of the spacecraft's mainframe is now smoking.

"Well, it seems that you really don't know how to make it quiet. It seems that we can only do it ourselves." Sandora was in a bad mood with the messy radio sound in the air, and she planned to shut it down by tough means. The ship-borne host, who has fallen into a chaotic logic, changes his expression and seems to want to stop, but someone has already taken a step faster than him: Viskar suddenly ran to the console three or two steps, kicking in A bang on a terminal left a small footprint of five centimeters deep on the solid alloy plate: "Quiet!"

Speaking of violent madness, Sister Pandora is stronger than Sandora, and compared to Pandora who has converged, Veska is a guy who thinks about what to do.

The neuron-like nightmare-like shipboard broadcast in the room quieted down for a while, but only a few seconds later, the synthesized female voice sounded again, and whistled sharply with a high octave: "Long live! Long live the general! My ship heard your voice and Have your identification code! Are you home? Please order General, who do we kill this time? There is a new world to destroy? Or a new game? Sorry General, the ship ’s lens in front of you seems to be malfunctioning. , Can't see your face, please wait ... "

The ship's main engine said quickly, before all of us had responded, Rory had said a lot of things, and then when I was about to step forward and asked about Veska's situation curiously, a little The small, multifunctional probe suddenly whistled and rushed into the room, hovering very close in front of Huesca.

"Oh, oh, I see, I see, it's a general. It's nice to see you again. What a familiar figure, you can see all your figures at such a close distance ..."

A cold wind blew through, and everyone shivered involuntarily.

Pandora ran to Huesca in two or two steps. The sisters unanimously lifted their feet and slammed the machine in front of the console. He walked while walking and said: "Just as much as you say, just as much as you say. You have talked so much for 100,000 years! "

After the chicken flying dog jumped, the entire console has been transformed into a mosaic under the violent training of Huesca and Pandora, but the operation of the spacecraft itself does not seem to be affected at all. It seems that the spacecraft's control center should be elsewhere. The room that Yoder knew was probably just an auxiliary control room, and smashing the console here did not affect the operation of the spacecraft itself.

Huesca also vented his anger after punching and kicking, at this time blinking confused red eyes and watching the twitching holographic projection in the air: "Yes, who are you? I seem to know you?"

"Ah ha ha ha!" The neuropathic carrier suddenly burst into a loud laugh, completely different from the gentle synthetic female voice just now, "Master, it really is your style! It doesn't matter, this ship is Your most loyal car, let this ship see your schedule ... Ah, battle, battle, or battle, the schedule is completely unscheduled. Whoever we see fights with, okay, let this ship check the firepower bank ... etc. Wait! Oh, my general, what happened ?! What about the ship ’s firepower arsenal? The core power furnace? Where is the warship anchoring center? Wait, why is this ship in such an ugly shell! This tiny What is the body, is this an insult to the glory of the soldiers-- "

"Visca, do you know this neuropathy?"

Although I had guessed something from the insanity of the ship's speech, I stepped forward and patted Veskar's shoulder, confirming it by myself.

"I ... probably ... I knew it a long time ago, it seems to be my flagship," Veska knocked on his head, his face showing a very distressed look, "brother, I don't remember, it is my flagship, But I do n’t know what it ’s called ... I lost it a long time ago, but ... I never knew I had a flagship before. "

"No matter what your previous flagship looks like, now this spacecraft with only a few hundred meters is definitely not what it was originally." Sandora looked at this although it was spacious, but it was definitely not a grade compared to the flagship of the Empire. Non-core control room, "It looks more like an escape bay."

"Ah, yes, the escape bay! I was destroyed, I was destroyed! My ship was shot, my ship was shot! The reaction furnace was on fire, and Gernaku penetrated!" The insane carrier yelled. "General, please get on the escape tower, this ship will detonate the battlefield, haha, let's all go together! Yeah! Yeah!"

"Can I be quiet about this neuropathy?" Bingtis suddenly took out a mace and smashed one of the console terminals that had been mosaic. "Kitty, you shut up this product, I Give you half a catty of toffee. "

"Kitten?" I was taken aback.

Bingtis pointed at Veska's eyes: "The nickname that just came to mind."

Visca's attention was focused on the last half of Bettis: "Taffy?"

After the toffee purchase, the carrier was forced to shut up.

"I said, can someone pay a little attention to this direction now?"

Just when we learned from Veska what was going on with this obelisk-shaped ship, and the other party answered the mess and made people scratch their hearts, a somewhat awkward voice suddenly came from the corner of the room. I Looking up, Yod was looking at it in a tangled manner.

"Ah, are you still there?"

Shallow exclaimed immediately.

I immediately gave Shallow a brain collapse: Why did this girl talk without thinking?

"It's almost out of the atmosphere here, where can I go?"

Yod let out a hand, and an old man who was very serious had even made a joke.

I'm afraid that the incident just left Jord scratching his head. Although he remained calm, the confusion and great doubts in his eyes were obvious, and the thing that most concerned him was a ship that could interact with this ancient ship. Little girl hosting a conversation.

"who are you?"

Yod looked at Huesca's blood-red eyes and asked suddenly, solemnly.

Huesca looked up at each other and said, frustrated, "My brother said he can't hit the elderly, but you are really tall ..."

I hurriedly dragged the chair over: "Master, sit first, sit first."

"I have a lot of things I don't understand right now. To be honest, my brain is completely messed up." Yod smiled bitterly and reached out and held his forehead. "Such a disaster would happen ... are you really ... OK? Well, this is not important. The most important thing now is to quickly rescue the civilians. They are still on the ground. According to the knowledge left over from ancient times, when the gates fall, the planet will disintegrate within 24 hours. You promised When will the transport ship arrive? "

"You look outside."

Sandola opened a holographic projection in the air, "The spacecraft has arrived, but I need to accurately grasp the data of civilians on the surface, otherwise the speed of search and rescue will be greatly reduced."

The holographic picture shows the picture of the ruined planet in the low-earth orbit. It can be seen that the earth below has undergone a very obvious change in the great changes. There are countless huge cracks that are slowly extending to the entire planet. The blue energy sparks and bright yellow molten metal that burst out in the cracks made this metallic ball with a gray and black color tone as if it was slowly surrounded by a shiny spider web. However, due to the planet ’s crust's strong toughness, At present, its geological structure has not collapsed, and although the surface disaster situation looks terrible, most of the settlements are far away from those cracked zones and areas with strong vibrations. Therefore, the casualties of the victims are still optimistic-of course, the most important of these It is not the luck of the victims, but the layer of pale green mist that is permeating the entire planet.

A layer of pale green light hangs over the planet like a mist, and the thickness is almost the same as the atmosphere. It looks as if the atmosphere of the entire planet has become green. This layer of green light is not fixed but on one side. Gathered in several places around the earth slowly, and formed significantly more dense patches in those places, where there is a densely populated area-with these bright spots, search and rescue ships can more easily locate where more support is needed Of course, this is also a relatively shallow positioning. If our goal is not to give up one person, we need more detailed and accurate population registration information in the hands of the church-something they use to determine social resource quotas.

This layer of green haze over the planet is the power of Ding Dong and Li Lina, which is protecting life on the entire planet. The combination of a goddess of life and a supreme bishop is invincible. They forcefully provide life rehabilitation to those civilians who were seriously injured in the earthquake, and even keep resurrecting the dead. In the most powerful place of life, I am afraid there will be different places As long as someone is there to help him take the neck back, he will be instantly resuscitated ... I think there should be a group of psychiatrists here for follow-up treatment.

In the low-earth orbit, huge silver-gray figures are gradually emerging from space. They have a flat round shape with a long axis of at least 20 kilometers. They look like apple seeds that have been magnified many times. One end is distributed. Dozens of huge cracks are arranged vertically, and the other end is lined with neat engine nozzles. Blue energy particles are emitted from the nozzles, reflecting the sky of the entire ruined planet.

They are the transport carriers in the Imperial Order. In the battlefield, these spacecraft for transporting materials will never be active on the front stage, but now they have become the protagonists.

Countless small transport ships swarmed out of the cracks in the front end of these transport carriers ~ www.readwn.com ~ According to the command of the unified command link, they rushed towards the planet that was gradually dividing below. From the perspective, it looked like the huge transport carriers. The ship was pouring endless blue spores on the ground.

Despite being somewhat puzzled about what is going on, Jode handed us the database of the planet ’s population held by the church in time, and this database has now been uploaded to all carrier carriers, search and rescue vessels that burst into the atmosphere. It follows the instructions of the database and the distribution of life energy on the surface of the planet.

But the accident still happened.

"We have enough search and rescue ships and search and rescue tools that can cope with any complex situation, but many settlements cannot be located. Diggers are used to moving with machines and mining sites." Another holographic projection popped up in front of him. Si ’s image, "The database I just received contains only the number of residents and the quota id code. There is no information about their specific whereabouts, and because of the strong interference being released inside the ruined planet, our shipborne scanners are not working properly and cannot be used. In search of life on the planet, if this problem cannot be solved as soon as possible, we are expected to miss at least one tenth of the survivors after 24 hours. "

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