Xiling Empire

Chapter 902: Helpless

Chapter 902 Helplessness

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack !!!"

The highest priority alarm message was broadcast over and over in all channels. Every spacecraft of the Imperial fleet sounded a harsh air defense alert at the same time. The soldiers rushed out of their rest areas and rushed to their respective jobs. The shield of the Admiral of the Empire gave off a dazzling blue light in an instant, and the rapid increase of the shield strength made it dazzle like a blue sun in that thousandth of a second, in the deep roar, the total flagship and Several Revenge Angel II battleships began to recharge their weapon systems at all levels, and the blue phantom rays began to wander around the spaceship array in space, as if time was blooming on the black velvet tapestry. A large swath of blue sparkles. \\ 9v k. Starter \\

The enemy's first wave of attacks arrived almost sixty percent of the time when the spacecraft was not fully in combat, and several rough energy beams wrapped in black and red lines pierced space and rushed towards us. They are fast, fierce, and full of tyrannical atmosphere. This is the destruction artillery bombarded by the imperial fleet that was more dangerous than ever before under the aggression's anger. Several small frigates and even shields that have been attacked have the future. It flickered into a distorted semi-molten metal and burst into an orange-red ball in space. The souls of hundreds of emperors were uploaded directly to the regeneration plant located in the nearest mother ship. The main gun immediately bombed the mother ship behind the frigate. The three vengeful angel-class mother ships and the longitudinal arm of the Admiral were attacked at the same time, and their respective shields appeared with a dangerous pale white ripple: this It is the phenomenon that the shield part weakens after the attack power exceeds the recharge speed of the shield. This means that the damage suffered by the shield in a unit area has exceeded a critical value. Such as damage to several more shield would be in danger of being broken.

However, after all, the Revenge Angel is a super battleship that is more enhanced on the basis of the eternal battleship. Their shield capacity and fast adaptability to various types of attacks are far better than the prototype spaceship. All three motherships are shocked. Dangerously resisted the enemy's long-possible assault, while Admiral Empire, as the general flagship, originally had the most powerful shield generator and resisted this attack.

Even so, all the ships were damaged in varying degrees-after all, they were not prepared, and part of the space anchoring device of the spacecraft was still in standby state, and the sudden attack caused the spacecraft to vibrate violently.

The vibration came from the lower end of the longitudinal arm, as if it had spread through the space inside the flagship of the total flagship. We just came to the bridge with the in-ship transmission device. The sudden shock almost shook people. The damage control host immediately began to calculate the damage of the spacecraft and began broadcasting throughout the spacecraft: "Note that the attack exceeded the threshold, the overall shield neutralized 17%, the energy supply in the eb-33 to eb45 areas was limited, and the corresponding area There is a 97% chance that your dispatch system will be overloaded. "

The main flagship immediately automatically activated its own repair function and began to bring back several shield generators that had been paralyzed due to the previous attack. The ship-borne host and weapon control center quickly searched for nearby space fluctuations and tried to reverse them. The starting position of the enemy's launch of the Macross Strike, all the information terminals in the command hall were switched to a striking red window, and more unusually powerful energy fluctuations were quickly gathered in front of the position.

"Abyss forces have an additional neutralizing effect on the shield," Sandora immediately judged, "the energy predator is online! Offset this disadvantage!"

The shields of all battleships were immediately covered with a very thin white halo. When the second wave of abyss bombardment from the cracks in space arrived, this layer of halo immediately played its due role, and the incoming energy was almost offset. Half, and all of the Star River guns of all the revenge angel-class battleships from the starting state into a fully charged state.

The General Flagship Weapon Center has vaguely located the source of the space-time strike, and Sandora has immediately decided to launch a retaliatory strike on this inaccurate coordinate but no more options.

The storm eye-like space vortexes opened in front of each battleship's main gun, and dazzling blue and white energy beams gushed out of the restraint and rushed into these space vortices. (Baidu search for "", watch the latest update of this book)

However, the role of this attack can only be guessed: the exact position of the enemy has not yet been determined.

This was a short and violent confrontation. From the arrival of the enemy ’s first bombardment to the end of our retaliatory strike, it took less than thirty seconds, and it was these short thirty seconds that had evaporated the fleet. All nearby celestial bodies, even the ruined planet under the protection of the joint shield, were even more dilapidated by the impact of energy: almost 50% of the astral structure was blown away, revealing countless interiors A crisscross alloy skeleton and a looming dark red energy core.

"Pl-15, how are you?"

Sandora's gaze turned to a nearby location monitor. A ship with a special blood-red coating resembling the eternal mothership but with a larger volume and a more sloppy shape was recharging her main gun there. The royal emblem of the ship ’s bow belongs exclusively to Sandora, indicating that it is a member of the vengeance fleet. In fact, I was curious how Sandora saw at a glance that it was the “Overseer”, because in my eyes all the Empire ships It's all the same, but Sandora recognized her adjutant without retrieving the other party's serial code. This skill is really unscientific.

"A certain degree of overload has no effect," pl-15 responded with a low voice. "The self-discipline machinery in my body is better than expected, and it seems that the recent adjustment of the direction by Chief Tavier was correct. "

At this moment, the enemy ’s uninterrupted shelling finally arrived late. After two assaults + tentative main gun salvos, those fallen apostles who had suddenly entered the fire started the main guns of various small warships. These powers The general but extremely dense artillery fire blasted through a light-year space barrier and began to continuously attack the rushed-up joint shield of the Empire fleet. Although they would not be able to break this layer of shields for a while, our energy rationing was therefore Was greatly disturbed.

"How big is the enemy?"

Seeing that the enemy's firepower continued to increase, Sandora frowned and asked. Suddenly, the enemy's ambush made the Warsong Princess, who had become accustomed to occupying the initiative on the battlefield, extremely upset. "Why are we without warning?"

"At present, at least two hundred eternal class enemy ships have invaded this space. The number of various small and medium **** fleets is about three thousand, and the number is still steadily increasing!" Sivis reported to us from the command seat, " The source of the enemy has been determined, and their last space jump record is three unrecognizable states. "

"Have you jumped to the battlefield many times from the void, 'empty jumps' ... really a bunch of deadly assholes," Sandora smashed angrily angrily, "no wonder they didn't get a warning at all. This way, there is no way Determine their original source. "

After such a long period of contact, I can also roughly understand the professional vocabulary occasionally spoken by experts such as Sandora and Sivis, as now, I understand what these sudden fallen apostles are all about: They were able to complete this assault because the **** did not jump from one world to the universe at all. Their entire fleet made multiple jumps in the void, jumping from one unstable information point to another. Stable information points, completely abandoning supplies and establishing jump coordinates, so that they can hide their sources and navigation paths. When they suddenly intervene in a world, they appear to be out of thin air. If the Empire fleet has a powerful void scan The device may also issue a warning a few minutes before the enemy arrives in this universe, but we didn't, and we were caught off guard by the enemy.

However, it is very dangerous for the fallen apostles to carry out this assault operation. The first is the loss caused to the fleet by jumping continuously in such an extremely dangerous place in the void. According to experience, a fleet does not berth in the fixed world to make its own corrections. If you jump more than three times in the void, each spaceship will be swallowed up to one-thirtieth due to the disorder of the information. Then each time you jump, the probability will be multiplied by two. This is the void for any large-scale The forced erasure of information changes is a traffic accident that even the Protoss could not avoid, and the fallen apostles raided the world through "virtual point jumping" without knowing how many spaceships were lost. The second danger lies in the attention of the Protoss that this kind of dynamic and huge sailing can cause. The Protoss are equipped with void nodes everywhere in the void, just like countless surveillance cameras scanning the endless void, and the 'empty point jumps' Before arriving at the destination, it is a completely random jumping method. You can avoid any risk without regulations. Advance is just a matter of fate. These fallen apostles may hit the Protoss fortress if they do n’t know well. Use a small force and A Void Fortress that can summon reinforcements from the Divine Realm at any time, needless to say what the consequences are.

They are desperate raids.

I can think of this, and of course Sandora can think of it, watching the dense red dots that are constantly jumping from the edge of the radar into this space, her eyebrows are gradually wrinkling, and her voice is very low: "... a person who is not going to die Army, they want to behead us with this raid? "

Sandora's speculation is not unreasonable: to run at any cost and risk being captured by another group of enemies, all signs indicate that we are assaulting a fleet of fallen apostles like the death squad. Those sly enemies will never Consumption of their own power at will, and when they make such a huge sacrifice, the goal is only ... Admiral!

"The joint shield flanks catch fire! Discover new intrusion points!"

The carrier-based host reported loudly, and at the same time mobilized all the fleet battle modules of the Admiral. At present, the battle command network has been established between the mother ship formations and frigate arrays surrounding the Admiral, and the core of this command network It is the Admiral of Empires. The powerful flagship dispatch module of the total flagship can optimize the allocation of the resources of each spacecraft entering the battle network. When facing a strong enemy, a fleet in a good dispatching state can be almost Seen as a whole giant battleship, the most direct effect that can be seen is that the joint shield outside the fleet is increasing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. The artillery fire engulfed by the abyss power from the cracks in the space is hitting the joint shield. The ripples on the surface are already like small splashes.

"Wait ... what's going on?"

At this moment, a voice with great confusion suddenly came from not far away. Several of us looked around and saw the old man holding the machine next to him, looking at us in shock.

At least four voices here shouted in unison: "Uncle, haven't you gone yet?"

Well, I admit that one of those four voices is very shameful ...

"It's our enemy," Sandola glanced at me, Tanchan, Liliana, and Yakumo Blue (saying what the fox was doing), and said calmly to Jord, "I suggest you leave the bridge , Soldiers will take you to a safe settlement. "

"Do you still have enemies?" Yod opened his eyes in surprise, "but I'm not afraid of danger."

"No, it's mainly because your presence here may affect our command of the battle," Sandorat said honestly.

Immediately I couldn't stop it. What's the matter, Sandora, you can't be so hurtful to tell the truth, and said that it affects command combat, you see how many of us in this circle do not affect command combat— — First of all, don't you think that you should blast out Icetis and 123 playing poker on the tactical map first?

Yod nodded for a moment, then nodded to us with an embarrassing but understanding expression, and left the bridge with a few soldiers. It should be said that fortunately he was not used to our way of acting, if he was used to it I'm bound to stay dead ...

The enemy's attacks are still continuing, and wave after wave is violent. More and more enemies have invaded the world, and they have surrounded the Empire fleet from all directions. The joint shield forms a huge sphere, defending it. Enemy attacks in all directions, which consume a lot of energy for us, but in this case there is no better way.

The revenge angel-class mothership formation led by pl-15 has launched a fierce counterattack against the coordinates of the enemy ’s most intensive firepower. With its own ultra-high-speed “charging” far beyond the firepower system and energy harvesters of its class warships, these powerful A fissure in one of the fiercest apostles' offensives, which the Avengers fought within a few minutes, suddenly dumbed the fire. Radar showed that the enemy had to temporarily jump away from the original coordinates in the face of this crazy fire pouring, and they were on the edge of the universe. After leaving the wreckage of several main battleships, they began to merge with the nearby small forces, and reduced the firepower of the Avengers to zero.

The battle situation gradually changed from a raid to a brief stalemate. However, the disadvantages of the imperial fleet being surrounded by layers are gradually expanding: the recharge rate of the joint shield is approaching the threshold, and soon we will shift from balance to weaken, while the number of enemies is still Increasing.

As the battle progressed, a number of fleets were involved in a more dangerous situation: those mother ships carrying refugees!

Seventy to eighty percent of the transport ships have now successfully concealed the scope of the joint shield. However, there are a number of transport ships that are far away from the Empire Fleet. They were originally to go to the other two ruined planets and the nearest several large market rings. The refugees were transferred on the island because the foundations of this world have been destroyed. Sandora and I were worried that the other ruined planets would soon disintegrate, so I made a decision to rescue the indigenous people of this world in advance. However, this made A dozen transport ships and a small number of **** ships were isolated outside the joint shield.

The enemies' fierce attacks put the joint shield in a very dangerous state. The surface of the latter is covered with psionic storms up to several kilometers in height. Every shelling from the edge of the universe will set off a "tsunami tsunami" on the shield that is enough to tear up the light warship. In this case, the transport carriers and their escorts that have been ordered have no way to enter the joint shield. They can only hide on the back of the ruined planet No. 1 that is about to become a piece of space junk, relying on small-scale joints. Shield and luck to hold on.

The target of the fallen apostles is us, so for the time being they have not focused on attacking those ships that have little ability to counterattack. However, in this dangerous place, there are devastating artillery everywhere, and the thin and **** transport ships insist on luck. It won't be long.

"You have to find a way to rescue them."

Just glancing at the fleet in a precarious situation, the older sister immediately said aloud.

Sandora also noticed the distress signal from the drop-off transportation team. Her eyes were quiet and she could not see any psychological activity, but after a moment, she still nodded: "Let Sikaro go, now I can He was the only one to go outside in this attack. "

Suddenly I found out that this sad thing had happened a second time: I forgot that the old **** was still an emperor ...

For Sandora ~ www.readwn.com ~ sacrificing life on the battlefield, or even giving up part of the army, are all things that must be faced as a commander, but this is limited to those who already have the battlefield consciousness For soldiers, if a refugee fleet transports refugees, if they are sacrificed because of their lack of fighting power, it will be an absolute shame for Princess Warsong, not to mention that the enemy they are facing now is a destiny such as the fallen apostle. She couldn't tolerate herself being led by their noses.

Several key positions of the joint shield suddenly broke out of a group of frontier-class fortress ships with special coatings. These bulky and somewhat bloated meat pier battleships were Super Cars led by Sikaro himself, and the Royal Reloaded Defense Fleet , Their shields are fully open, almost like a little shining sun, they rushed out of the joint shield against the enemy ’s attack. Due to the thick shape, they looked like a group of eggs flying in the air, and the cross section was more like The CD-ROM ... It sounded like a bit. After contacting Sikaro, I don't think I can think of anything else.

Sikaro has gone to meet the order of the transport team, the strength of the joint shield has dropped a lot, but it is still strong with the help of the energy grapple, but at this time, a particularly bad news came from outside the world barrier Passed it over:

The fallen apostles forcibly distorted the world barrier of that grid structure, and the reserve team we left outside this space could not enter-the reinforcements were cut off!

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