Xiling Empire

Chapter 919: Sailing in the abyss

Chapter 919 Sailing in the Abyss

"Abyss, this starship was used to ... detect the door of the abyss!"

Sandora had a solemn expression, and her words were firm.

Perhaps the impact of this news was so huge that I didn't respond for a while, but just subconsciously, it was only a few seconds later that I realized how exaggerated something Sandor had just said, and suddenly Exclaimed: "Wait, sailing in the gate of the abyss ?! You say this thing sailing in the gate of the abyss ?!"

"Only this is possible," Tavel quickly operated the holographic projection, dividing the scan of the spacecraft's wreckage on the screen into several areas and continuously zooming in until the details of these places were barely visible. "As a medium-sized star Ship, it has too many unnecessary defensive equipment, and almost all of these equipment are designed for superconceptual damage. The so-called superconceptual damage refers to the form of attack that breaks away from any kind of tangible damage, such as material or energy, with invisible power The effects of damaging the target, void, abyss, divine power, and many special powers owned by the emperor are all superconceptual injuries. At present, the easiest example you can understand is the cursing power of Mother Chen Qian. This is the most powerful super power. One of the ways of conceptual damage. This starship has far more equipment to prevent super-concept damage than necessary, and it is obviously not prepared for combat ... in theory. "

Tavel just concluded from a theoretical reasoning that the starship was used to face the abyss environment, and Sandora's conclusion was more firm and straightforward: "I feel it has something to do with the abyss."

"It has an abyss reaction ?!"

Suddenly I was shocked that I would shake off the two wrecks subconsciously-of course, only a little such thoughts were generated. According to the current calmness of Sandora and Tavel, I know that Sandora should be another meaning. It's just that the danger of this kind of abyss is too high. It can be said that it is the most dangerous enemy we have from the beginning to the foreseeable future, so you can't be nervous when you hear this thing.

"It wasn't an abyss reaction," Sandora shook her head slightly, then raised her slender white arms. In the next moment, black flames and smoke swept her half body, and the girl's hand became The huge black claws spit out the dangerous abyss of flames from the claws. She used her claws to mark the two pieces of wreckage, and then whispered, "This is a very delicate feeling. Tavel doesn't have An abyss reaction was found from the wreckage, but the abyss power in my body resonated with this wreckage, as if I had found a companion ... I guess, maybe these two wreckages were just purified, at some time in the past, this The starship absolutely sailed in an abyss-filled environment, and this voyage lasted for a long time. It has been in contact with the abyss environment for a long time. Even if there are many defense facilities, it will be difficult to completely avoid the impact of the settlement. Now it has become a mutant substance that has affinity for the abyss energy. Although from the data point of view, each of its metal plates is no different from ordinary interstellar alloys, but It was able to feel the kind of stir in the face of the abyss of flames. "

"To be honest, the subordinates are completely confused in this regard," Tavel looked at me with guilt, and in the past, the sister of the glasses, who was always full of confidence, showed a look of frustration. "The Institute can't crack it till now. What's going on with the mutation in Her Majesty Sandor's body, and her subordinates can't analyze the scientific basis of Her Majesty's intuition on these two wrecks, but it should be accurate. Now we can assume this: The wreckage of the starship was designed to explore the abyss gate, and successfully performed a mission in the abyss gate for a period of time. The cause of its destruction is unknown, it may be the role of the abyss or it may be destroyed War. This is the theory. "

After listening to Tavel's statement, I turned my attention to the huge metal wreckage floating in space. It looked dead, the silver-gray armor layer was torn apart hard and deep channels and mechanical structures were exposed in the crack, and a normal There is no difference in the wreckage of the ship. If it wasn't for Sandora's ability to sense the remnants of the abyss by virtue of her mutated talents, perhaps no one would have thought that this thing had sailed in the gate of the abyss. None of the conjectures can be confirmed, but according to Tavel's theoretical inference and Sandora's intuition, we might as well believe this statement. Then, maybe this can explain why the fallen apostle fleet had to fight such huge casualties. Rob this ancient heritage. Even if you don't know what the starship has researched in the past, it must have this great significance.

"What the **** is an abyss door? Is that the black ball?"

I suddenly asked Sandora.

Abyss Gate, we often mention this word, and we have witnessed the true Abyss Gate ourselves, but it seems that there is really no precise statement about the nature of this thing. The gate of the abyss in the impression is a dark ball, like a black hole, with absolutely smooth edges and symmetrical shapes. It is not matter or energy, not even space phenomena. All known descriptions in the multiverse are The gate of the abyss cannot be described, so the four words of the gate of the abyss become its full description.

Sandola The only person I know who has personally entered the Abyss Gate and is alive, so I want to hear what the Abyss Gate she saw firsthand.

"The black ball?" Sandora shook her head. "It just looks like a ball, but in fact the gate of the abyss is a flat surface: it is a circle that is always at a 90-degree angle with the observer's line of sight. On the plane, for each observer, the abyss door presents a different angle, and it changes with the change of external perspective, so you will have the illusion that the abyss door is a black ball. "

"Ah? Is this OK?"

I think this is a bit hard to imagine: it is not difficult to understand the appearance of a circular plane in space, as if you put a piece of paper in front of you, but it is a plane in front of any observer. This is incredible, if so Then, is it still different from a ball?

Hearing my doubts, Sandora explained: "For the observer, this is no difference, but for the world, the plane is the plane, and the facts cannot be changed. The observer with a single perspective will never realize the black shadow in front of his eyes. Whether it is a sphere or a plane, unless you can stare at the gates of the abyss from all dimensions of the world at the same time. So in very old times, the empire always thought that the gates of the abyss are similar to black holes. "

"It appears positive in any perspective, but is it essentially a flat plane?" I can only accept this poorly understood setting. "That is, there are countless observers. There are countless positives ... well, this will not be discussed first, what exactly is in the gate of the abyss? Sandora, you have been in, there is another space? "

"In the gate of the abyss ..." Sandora showed a look of recollection, then her face looked strange. "It cannot be measured by common sense and there is no proper adjective. After entering the gate of the abyss, you may indeed feel that you have come to a darkness. Space, but this 'space' is full of sense of contradiction, matter is no longer matter, energy is no longer energy, everything you know takes on the nature you do n’t know, including yourself. In the endless darkness, I can feel countless things, complicated, prosperous, constantly changing, as if walking in a lively street market with my eyes closed ... Well, I can only describe it that way, it feels weird. There is no time in the gate of the abyss, or Time is passing, but you cannot be integrated into the time system of the Abyss Gate. As the only alien in the 'Gate', the Abyss Gate will repel you, all kinds of weird illusions will start to attack the invaders and endlessly kill them. ...... Okay, I can only say so much. My situation was very confusing at that time. Maybe my memory was still a bit off, but the gate of the abyss was really the same. Disorderly 'space', something the entity is accessible, but it is not so easy. "

Another pile of vague knowledge that made her head as big as a bucket, but I know that it is not Sandorla who is unwilling to explain it more clearly, but something like the gate of the abyss that cannot be understood with the concept of an ordered world, except in person For a while, I'm afraid no one can tell what the place looks like. Of course, normal people may not be idle and jump into the gate of the abyss.

Seven hundred thousand years ago, Veska and the then emperor fought fiercely. After the war, she captured the spaceship in front of us, but it is not certain whether this spacecraft was torn into two parts in the fierce battle that year or has long been like this— -The latter is also very possible. If the spacecraft was a test sample in the past, it might have been broken into two sections by the abyss when it was dragged from the door of the abyss, and Veska snatched them. It's a specimen. As for the motive for that girl to grab a specimen, we don't need to think about it. Huska did 700,000 years ago without any motivation.

"At that time, the old empire was not overthrown, plan X should be in progress. At that time, someone was studying the abyss gate in such a radical way," Sandora whispered as he looked at the wreckage of the spacecraft. "Maybe this The scientific research vessel is also one of the many research projects of Plan X. "

"Speaking of which I just forgot to ask," I suddenly remembered something and said to Tavel, "why haven't you taken this ship apart?"

Normally, in accordance with the working efficiency of the Imperial Demolition Brigade, such a research sample has long been unloaded eight yuan, how can it now look the same as when it was just dragged back?

Tavel seemed to have expected that I would ask this question, and immediately called up a scan of the battleship marked with many key points, and replied, "Sir, we have encountered trouble in disassembling the sample. I am afraid these two paragraphs The wreckage cannot be brute-forced in a simple way. "

I glanced at the scan of the battleship roughly. Although the complex structure was dizzying, I almost saw a nested energy system, which started from the reactor on the front of the battleship and was cut off by the waist of the battleship. The place was cut off, and then the remaining energy pipeline on another wreckage spread to a closed compartment-it did not extend to the engine position, indicating that this energy system was not the power part of the spacecraft, but a huge device independently opened.

"The wreck contains a complex set of energy circuits to provide additional power to its core research section. At present, this circuit has been cut off by the disintegration of the battleship. Unfortunately, this system is probably being charged before the cutoff. The circuit is full of high-concentration phantom energy. Damage to the middle part of the battleship causes the circuit to automatically activate safety measures. All energy pipeline networks are blocked in sections and sections to prevent the active energy inside from leaking into nearby sensitive equipment. Over the past 100,000 years, these safety locks have broken under the condition of continuous energy shock ... "

"That means ..." I seem to understand.

"That is to say, we can't relieve the pressure of the more than 2,000 sections of the closed energy network here while ensuring safety," Tavel spread his hands. "Unless we can find the original blueprint of the spacecraft and determine a safe passage. , And then send operators into the spacecraft to release the pressure in the six main energy pipelines. Otherwise, if it is dismantled, the sensitive equipment in the scientific research vessel may be damaged. After all, this is not a battleship, but a scientific research vessel. Its most important equipment is all very fragile, especially the database. As long as that thing is destroyed, the wreckage is immediately a pile of scrap copper and iron. "

Next, Tavier explained the difference between dismantling scientific research ships and dismantling samples of ordinary warships. I understand the difficulties that technicians are facing now.

Decomposing a precise scientific research ship is not the same as decomposing a five big and three rough warships, because their most valuable part is different. The latter's valuable part may be a weapon system, or it may be armor or advanced shields. Generator, while the former's most valuable is a fragile and sensitive database or various types of sensors. Of course, the two have very different tolerances to harsh environments. The wreckage of the battleship we grabbed has undergone a big explosion. I am afraid that most of the sensors inside it are finished, and the rest is still in a state of crumbling even if it is intact. To make matters worse, these two wreckages still remain There is a lot of energy!

Generally, a spacecraft does not retain energy in this fragmented situation, but it is very special. The special mission of sailing in the gate of the abyss allows it to continue to operate in the fragmented situation. At least its energy system can do At this point, although it has been cut into two sections, and after 700,000 years of long-term release of energy, 80% of the activated phantom energy still exists in the energy network of the starship wreck. Now all the energy switches in the wreckage are offline, and dismantling them by conventional methods can easily lead to the runaway of all energy nets, just like digging a handful of sand from a crumbling sand tower. If you do n’t know its current Where is the balance point, just touching an energy switch is a disaster.

Under the suppression of various energy restraint devices, the violent destruction of the energy network may not completely destroy the wreckage, but those sensitive databases and scientific research equipment will certainly not be able to keep it.

"Do you have a specific plan?"

I think Tavel, despite his bad looks, was dignified rather than hopeless, and could not help asking.

"The plan is there, but ... I'm afraid it will take some time," Tavel quickly adjusted the picture on the holographic projection next to him. "The subordinate wants to try the energy grappler-if a group of energy nodes is placed on each wreckage The energy predator, and then started at the same time, may be able to decompress all networks without disrupting the energy balance of the wreckage, but this needs to be taken slowly. The energy predator must be operated at the lowest output to ensure that the phantom energy network does not collapse and damage Other equipment, and it takes time to set up an energy-grabbing device, theoretically. "

"Then let's do it first, we can't get the blueprint of this thing," I nodded and looked at Sandora's expression. I'm afraid she thought so too. "The fallen apostle lost a loss anyway. Supporting the main fleet, and so much movement has long attracted the attention of the Protoss, they will certainly not have much movement in a short period of time, we also need time to replenish the troops, leaving you plenty of time. "

Tavel made a military salute: "Your will!" Then the mass projection slowly dissipated into the air.

"You know, Jun, I have a feeling." Only me and Sandola were left. She simply leaned against my arms, and kissed my face with my face lovingly. "It seems like we just It ’s time to come in contact with a terrifying truth ... Too many sensational studies were done in the last period of the old empire. Each item in plan x seems to be chilling now, but a ship capable of sailing through the gates of the abyss Scientific research boat ... This is not even crazy for the Protoss, I do n’t know who it is, but it can definitely be related to the sleep of the empire ... This feeling is very strong, and the Intuition has always been accurate. "

I promised, and then suddenly became interested in juggling, so I held Sandora's soft body from behind and kissed her gently on the earlobe.

Suddenly the girl in her arms stumbled involuntarily, and then twisted her head, hitting my chin fiercely: "Why, so suddenly."

I hesitated and laughed twice: "Nothing ... I suddenly want to say that you have been working hard all the time."

Sandora turned her head, her face close to her face full of confusion: "Ah? Ah Jun, you suddenly have art?"

When the two were alone, the lonely and queen queen was actually just a girl who was a little entangled and a little silly. I was not very used to the sudden intimacy of numbness, so now Sandora seems a little overwhelmed. .

Maybe it was a long talk with Bingtis this morning that made me suddenly think a lot ~ www.readwn.com ~ I think it is necessary to say good thanks to Sandora, and I also recounted her with Bing in the morning Ties' conversation-about how a leader should fulfill his responsibilities and how my emperor should be positioned, Quandang talked with Sandora.

"Oh, talk to Bingtis for a long time." After listening to what I said, Sandora didn't pay much attention to the "Leadership", but showed a subtle smirk expression. "Most of her words still have The truth, Ah Jun, you really are not suitable for everything, but you should be a leader like a navigation light, but ... Actually, there are some things that guy didn't tell you the truth. "


"It's about the fact that the gods usually ignore the prayers from the Nether. In fact, for the special ethnic talent of the protoss, it is not difficult to deal with those prayers, even Ding Dong has this ability."

I feel like I've been cheated by a female hooligan ...

"Bentis doesn't like to deal with prayers from the Nether because that thing always sounds like a complaint call-that's the truth."

! @ #

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