Xiling Empire

Chapter 926: prisoner

Chapter 922 Prisoner

Shadow City is an attractive place. Although it is the core of Emperor Affairs, it is also the capital of the entire macro world system. It is heavily guarded and disciplined, and looks daunting to outsiders. But everyone who lived here or visited Shadow City once. Residents of the world will agree on one thing: this is a magical and lingering city. The life-thinking spectacle you can see here far exceeds the sense of oppression brought by soldiers everywhere in the city. If possible, living in the Shadow City will be the greatest ideal of a macro-world resident.

But the above situation needs to exclude one place: at the deepest part of the military isolation zone, there is a building here that is absolutely forbidden. It is surrounded by dense sentries and detectors. You will see a planktonic gun almost every ten meters in the air. There are warning signs everywhere and royal guards who shoot at any unauthorized approaching objects. A heavy sense of oppression permeates this area, and even low-level Spirit soldiers cannot even enter and leave the area at will. It can be said that in the whole peaceful and peaceful shadow space, here are the most uncomfortable places. Here is the place where the shadow fortress ranks second only to the headquarters, and the danger label is even higher than the headquarters: prison.

"The prisoner is in a normal state. He has been quiet and cooperated with our scans of his body."

In front of this heavily guarded black dome building, the warden in charge of the area, a grim emperor, told us about the prisoner code-named "a". His expression was extremely serious. Apparently Extremely special prisoners have recently raised the level of alertness throughout the prison area.

The fallen apostles captured from the ruined world are being held here, so it is no wonder that the officers and men in the prison are very nervous. I think this is the most special prisoner of war ever held since the history of the empire: a former emperor, and belongs to the abyss camp. No one knows what special tricks he has not used, and no one knows how much it will cost us to wait for the next one from the fallen apostle camp in case the prisoner escapes.

The fallen apostle was verified to be only a middle-level officer, and may not even be the main force. Of course, there is no threat to him in terms of combat effectiveness. The biggest meaning of prisoner a to the empire is his fallen apostle status. Because of this status, he obtained Far more than the average prisoner: three times as many guards and four-hour interrogations. Until there is no better way, continuous interrogation is the only means we can take.

"He has a tight mouth. So far he only said his own name. He didn't even say his rank and affiliated legion in order to prevent any information related to his army from being leaked." Under the direction of the prison director, Sandora and I In the transit area of ​​this space prison, a white void space where the top, bottom, left, right, and left are not visible. The prison director adjusted the transmission code to the dimension cage and said with regret, "Torture is obviously ineffective and mental The crushing is also obviously not effective for the fallen apostles. He has set up a self-destruct device for his memory core. As soon as the core is read by a third party, it will be formatted by itself immediately. All prisoners are ineffective, and their subordinates are very sorry for such a weak progress. "

"Don't worry, if it were so simple to get information, he wouldn't deserve to be one of the empire's biggest enemies."

Sandora waved indifferently.

At this time, my attention has actually been placed elsewhere: in this white space, a gourd-shaped white luminous body is hovering quietly, which is the host of the prison warden ...

"Since Sister Pandora teamed up with Ayabian last time, hasn't anyone repaired it?"

I felt the muscles in the corners of my eyes trembled, and looking at the gourd-shaped luminous body that was full of spitting points from various aspects, I recalled this prison that became particularly flat after watching more novels. The host **** ’s lord father ’s declaration of the god, I do n’t know if he dare to continue to call himself the **** now.

"The change in appearance does not affect the performance of this core of thinking." The warden replied awkwardly before answering, "Of course, the main reason why no one repairs it is because it insists on it ..."

"Yes, my supreme Majesty."

As the prison chief said just now, there was a voice of a **** in the surrounding air, followed by a gourd-shaped luminous body not far away, deflected at an angle, as if to nod to me and Sandora: I I saw the meaning of nodding from a gourd!

"I took the initiative to maintain the status quo," the prison host said solemnly. "Since the transformation of the form by the two generals, I have been thinking about it for seven days to think about my life and the meaning of existence. Before I found myself, Some of the ideas fall into the cliché, emphasizing the closeness of the appearance and ignoring the essential characteristics of the identity of the "lord god". In fact, what's so important about the shape, the gourd shape is also a very novel change ... Yes, I think there should be some changes in life so that it doesn't make life seem too monotonous. Since I have an extra head, I feel that my life is much richer ... "


"Life, is the undulating ocean, and only changes that are ongoing are proof of life, so change is beautiful and eternal. Yes, that's it, so I feel that such a rare change in my life can happen. Very satisfied: After all, as a prison host, it is very difficult to obtain this change ... "


Ok, now who will explain to me what the problem is?

If it turns out that this light ball prison host who always supplements his brain as the main **** is only a little secondary and poor, then now it is completely a symptom of severe schizophrenia in the late stage of mental illness, a lot of What is the emotion of life? Did Pandora and Huesca kick so much last time that this guy broke his logic?

"This host has been a bit abnormal since it came off the production line."

Obviously, the warden also felt a little awkward about the situation in front of him, but he couldn't explain exactly what happened. "It talks a lot and often learns a lot of strange knowledge on its own initiative, but it runs better than any host. Stable, and constantly optimizing its own computing model and prison's soft system with amazing efficiency. Various tests have shown that the probability of this host making errors in the working range is infinitely close to zero, so we have not considered replacing it until now. Or format it. Of course, if your Majesty thinks that the situation of this host is potentially dangerous, we will immediately replace it. "

"... No, I think it's better to keep it." Sandora's eyebrows were a little frowned, and it was very clear that Her Majesty was particularly speechless about this wonderful prison, but Sandora was more concerned with the deeper things, " The general-purpose host coming down the production line will not change suddenly. Is this production record normal? "

"It has been investigated, everything is normal," the warden glanced at the gourd "Master God" who had begun to read the seven-character poems aloud, his face became increasingly embarrassed, "from the production plan entering the factory until it is installed in the building Have detailed information, and there are no problems in the middle. "

At this time, the prison host, which was already apparently very abnormal, began to scream loudly and decisively: "Therefore, the heavens will descend to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first toss into the dead. The temporary pain means that the value of life is about to manifest. I firmly believe that my birth is unique, so-my buddy, in fact, I think that the code exchange process in the prison should have a small place that can be optimized. Of course, it is not a big improvement and it is not too obvious. But as the Lord God who will bear heavy responsibilities, I feel that I need to do everything best. If you don't want to comment, I will modify the code myself? "

"Your Majesty, as you can see, it has been rapidly improving its performance, and no one knows where its new information came from, and no one knows to what extent the intelligent system for this building can be strengthened in the end. The warden shrugged. "In short, it is still evolving, and according to an expert analysis report from the research center, this host will self-improve from a production model to a prototype that can be named independently after a maximum of half a month. , Even by scanning its logical group source at that time to continuously produce the next generation of siblings. "

"A mass production system that should have been finalized, but gradually evolved towards the prototype ..." Sandora wondered, "the research center should already have a corresponding research plan. I will pay attention to this one in time. It's okay. Now take us to see the prisoner. "

"Yes, my majesty."

The prison host, which is still floppy and more and more nervous, has been temporarily put behind our heads. After a series of rigorous to almost rigorous identity authentication and security system transfers, we have entered the deepest encrypted space of this prison building: a There is no boundary self-circulating space from the mathematical model.

"Stay here for a day, ordinary people should be crazy." I looked around. The boundless cage was only pale, and the Apostles of the Spirit never made a humanitarian effort to improve their treatment of prisoners.

The so-called self-circulating space, in fact, you can think of it as a Mobius system on a three-dimensional level. The space system is forcibly distorted, and only changes to a coordinate system. Moving in any direction will quickly return to the origin. Of course, This phenomenon can occur in any closed space, but the self-circulating space is not so simple: it just looks similar to the closed space, but in fact it overlaps after countless self-extensions in this space. Inside, any form of displacement is extremely dangerous: every distance you move (usually the length of a Pandora, which is 1.2 meters), it means that you will fall to one of the countless layers of space, the surface It looks like you are still in place, but in fact your coordinates have randomly become like no one knows, that is to say: jailbreak means that all disasters are gone.

Except for the prison host and the warden himself, as well as the empire emperor, there is no second person in possession of the key system for recalculating the coordinates of the self-circulating space, and this self-circulating space is placed between the world and the void like the ordinary dimension cage The crevice zone is considered double insurance, so in this cage, even a space expert like Asida Asidola cannot get out, and this high-standard care measure is used to detain the prisoner in front of us. It seems like a waste.

"It looks like you're quite comfortable with this environment."

Looking at the prisoner hung expressionlessly in the energy restraint, I shrugged.

The warden has been ordered to leave the cell. Only Sandora and I and the prisoner in front of us are here. We do not believe that he can play tricks, and naturally, no one needs to guard him. Besides, I always think that Emperor Hilling is beside him. Guarding is a magical post. Who is guarding who ...

"Well, it's okay." Prisoner a hung on the blue chain of the energy restraint, with no resentment or irritability on his face, as if answering an old friend's question, and answered very calmly.

"You are a wonderful guy." Although I thought of countless ways to use torture at the beginning, now those things have disappeared: I am afraid to ask anything about this kind of soft and hard hob flesh. No, and the prison officer and the prison guards under him must have more torture skills than I did. They didn't ask anything, and it can be seen that Prisoner a can't force a confession by conventional means.

"They say me the same way," Prisoner a pouted indifferently. "But it doesn't make any sense. You can toss as much as you like. I have nothing to say on all issues. Of course, if you don't discuss military matters with me, I would be very I'm happy to chat with you. Of course, if you have to talk about fighting, I have something to say: This time you have good luck. If you fight again, you will be dead. Our tactics are better. ! "

I nodded heartily: "I admire your courage and optimism."

"Thank you. In addition, I think you may have a problem with words. An optimistic attitude towards life is generally more appropriate without admiration ..."

"Ha, I really wonder if you have suffered any mental damage during the battle." Even Sandora couldn't help it this time. She had seen tough guy prisoners, and she had weak prisoners. I've seen it, she even saw the prisoner who dared to raise the **** of Emperor Hilling, but this so calm guy in front of me saw it for the first time, "It's amazing that you are facing the supreme leader of the empire, so calm. . "

"I'm also quite surprised to be honest," Prisoner a moved his arms, as if keeping him in that position made him very uncomfortable, "Well, this is honestly, it's a great honor to meet you in the emperor class. In memory, it took me more than 2,000 years to go from the production line to the first time I talked to the emperor. At that time, I burned out three logical units-um, just ask me if you can change my posture ? I think I'm a bit silly like this ... "

A few minutes later, Prisoner A was **** by Sandora and me into an anti-V cross in the air. The queen was the queen, and Sandora was much smarter than me in how to hoop people against the V.

"Well, I admit that I made a particularly stupid suggestion just now," the prisoner hovered in the air, "Will you come here just to amuse me? Besides, how long will this posture last? If you can I still prefer the cross shape before ... "

"It won't take long. Today, we just want to make an experiment." I recalled a few key points in the report submitted by Tavel this morning. Although the coffin-controlled spectacles is a bit strange in aesthetics, it is indeed a good one. Scientists, even a little bit of research on such unscientific things. Although I don't know how effective, it looks very powerful. "If the experiment goes well, you will choose to cooperate with us in ten minutes."

"Is it the latest memory core extraction method?" Prisoner A asked dangling. "It's no use, I set a self-destruct program for them."

"No, it's a completely new skill," Sandora glanced at the always-fallen apostle, "an empire mother named it: Her Majesty's Love ..."

I was moving my arms, and Sandola immediately made herself under the foot and almost rushed to the street: "Hey! You do n’t just take the name from the light-lined girl!"

"Somehow, you guys from the previous generation are inexplicable ..."

Prisoner a looked at me and Sandora entangled on a strange topic, and could not help but sigh, but his sigh only half said, then his face changed: "Ah ?! What are you doing ?!"

"Transform your body and give you a buff."

The unique voice that has been twisted into a hollow echo came from me. Although I have not yet figured out how I make sound in this form, it may be a direct message broadcast, and then converted into a sound. I raised my arm, and what I saw was a black limb that was blurry at one end, and the black particles rising and falling from my body, violently conflicted with the surrounding space, forming a circle of unstable ripple .

Just standing here, causing instability in such a solid prison space, at this moment I think I may be a very powerful guy.

"Ajun, legs, legs," Sandora's voice came from the side, she said smirkingly at my lower body, "you forgot to grow your legs!"

When I lowered my head, I jumped up and said, "Well, let me go. Why did I say that I suddenly dropped so much!"

I have to say that it is easy to have problems with the transformation of a mature skill. For example, now I am used to slowly emptying the surrounding space with me when I enter the void form. This is an almost biological instinct. According to Tavel, I must control this trend in order to maximize the durability and controllability of my ability to use it. She is right that it is actually a bit difficult to operate. I ’m having a hard time grasping the measurement of this power output. Negligence of control will lead to the voiding of the surroundings. Before the enlargement of the move, the power leaks out. If the control is too tight, it will lead to lack of arms and legs ... After all, the nature of the void creature is immaterial If Sandora doesn't remind me that I really can't remember that I still have legs ~ www.readwn.com ~ Ah Jun, legs ... this time it's three legs ... "Sandora's voice came again.


"What are you doing?" Even the prisoner a said, and it sounded particularly disturbing. "Also please ask, are you facing me now?"

I stared at each other fiercely-of course he might not feel it, because I have no eyes: "I'm looking at you now!"

Prisoner a was suddenly shocked: "Ah? I thought it was the back of the head!"

I was furious: "Have you ever seen a nose on the back of your head?"

"I haven't seen anyone with a long nose on the forehead ..."


I felt that I couldn't stand this strange guy, so I took a step and twisted my waist. According to the other person's chin, I took an uppercut: "You wake up!"

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