Xiling Empire

Chapter 943: Believe me, the scientist is the guy who destroys the world. Look at him ...

Chapter 943: Believe me, scientists are the ones who destroy the world. What do you think they made?

(The new month is said to have doubled at the end of this month, but ... but I'm really afraid that you will forget this crop by the end of the month. Who will remind me to ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month? In addition, if you have a guaranteed monthly ticket, you can vote in advance. Or if you do n’t feel sure at the end of the month, you can vote in advance ...)

Sandora and I returned home safely and successfully completed the task of rescuing the database. By the way, it was possible to come into contact with a shocking secret that was just enough to scare people out of white hair. This made our mission worthwhile. The celebration of victory is like triumph.

Although I still feel all kinds of discomfort so far, I don't know if I really have a bad stomach ...

As long as we weren't out yet, Tavel was ready outside. The entire dismantling space was detached from the research center and pushed to the edge of the concept of shadow space. Instantly, she started the space abandonment process. The wreckage of the deep submersible ship that was about to explode was pushed into the void together with the entire dismantling space. After a thousandth of a second, it completely disappeared from the main material world.

Subsequent tracking data showed that the wreckage exploded as expected on the twelfth minute after entering the void. The intense energy shock caused several void probes to be tracked and burned. The "echo" generated by the information storm echoed in the void for a full sixty minutes. Only slowly subsided.

The deep submersible is a product of cutting-edge technology in the old empire in various senses. Its amazing energy system and information carrying capacity may have been an unsolvable mystery to us for a long time, and such a valuable thing It was so self-destructive, it was really a pity.

Tavel's mood therefore seems very low. To say who is most sad for the loss of the deep dive ship, then only the spectacle girl who is about to marry the laboratory in front of her. She has already beaten the wreckage of the deep dive ship for more than half All kinds of research are at the critical moment of breakthrough. Maybe just give her a few more days, she can get a lot of research results, but all this has become a bubble with the fatal accident of the deep submersible. , Such a huge blow, even the Apostles of the Spirit cannot accept it frankly. I understand these things, but there is no good way to comfort her. Perhaps the only thing that can reassure Tavel is that the database is saved after all. Well, so, at least part of the research on deep-submersible ships.

Everyone who was nervous for a long time took a break in the research center. Lin was a success today. Although Ilson Tucao this dragon **** girl said that her only credit for today is that she sold muscles for a long time, Ke Lin still looks very I ’m happy, even when I ’m talking, it ’s a little bit louder than usual: You have to know that the usual Lin is a standard receiver, and she does n’t dare to speak more than ten cents, let her raise her head and look at each other For a while, I could have asked the coward's life, but now, with a happy smile on her face, she took the initiative to greet people, and I could n’t help but feel a little moved when I saw this situation: you said What kind of bullying is this child usually ...

"Is Lynn useful this time?"

The dragon **** girl seemed to have had enough time with her friends, and was finally dismissed by Monina, who couldn't stand it, so she lay on her face in front of Sandora and me softly and proudly. "I can do the job."

"So you haven't completed the task normally?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked at this little dumb girl.

"Occasionally things get messed up," Lynn scratched her hair embarrassed, as if she apologized for fear of someone blame herself, "I know I'm a bit stupid, but I'm doing my best, but I'm just trying Big, if I can only work hard, I'm very good! "

I always feel a bit disagreeable with this sentence. Strength may be an advantage, but this guy's strength is obviously beyond the scope of "merits". In the days when she stayed in her own house, I even thought that The only effect of this brute force's strength is to stimulate domestic demand and stimulate industrial development. There is a weird girl at home. Do you know how many appliances we changed each month?

Of course, Lin's performance was good this time. She did a good job, but I think it's mainly because the energy plug is really strong enough. If anything with a slightly lower quality makes Lin toss for an hour, then we are not celebrating. Instead, they formed a circle to give a fight to the dumb dragon god.

"Say, that database or something, how do you get it out?"

After chatting with some happy Dragon Girl who managed to do something successful, I turned my head to look at the bad mood of Tavel, and brought up the topic that is currently most likely to attract the attention of the other party.

Tavel was sitting on the sofa not far from the side of Sandora and me. It took her a little bit of speech just to let her sit down in front of us. At this moment, she owed herself, and replied: "Database removed It's not difficult, as long as you enter the void form again, you can sense the 'foreign body' in your spiritual world, and this 'foreign body' is the database. "

"I'll go, no matter how many times I listen, I still feel that it's strange."

I poked my lips and felt that Tavel ’s statement was full of strangeness. Well, not only was her statement strange, but her own psychological feeling was also strange. A database, a table with a weird thing, is now hidden in the In his own spiritual world, in the words of Tavier, that thing was eaten by himself. How do you think this thing is weird and weird, what do you think the thing is on me? ?

I started fumbling around on my body, tossing for a while, and spoke curiously: "Ajun, are you a bitch?"

As soon as I stayed, Lin Xue hurry up and said: "He ate a database and felt that he was a little allergic ..."

Everyone: "..."

"Cough, Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about this," Tavel coughed bizarrely, "Because of the turbulent information in the void, the database has been transformed into a collection of information after contacting you, and saved in your In the Void state, this state is just like Alaya lives in your spiritual world, there is no actual material impact, so you can assume it does not exist. As for removing the database, this should be done in a few days, according to The intelligence possessed by the subordinates will be temporarily decomposed after being disturbed by the void, and then reassembled in the form of a mathematical model. This process takes five to seven days-theoretically. "

"When the time comes, what should I do, you say first I have a mental preparation."

I said, I thought I probably did n’t need something like emetics, after all, I did n’t really eat the thing, and Qianchan had been thinking about biting her finger beside her for a long time. My arm: "Ajun, should I scratch you?"

...... This girl has already firmly believed that I have a sister-in-law, and I'm afraid she won't think about anything else for a while.

"Just re-enter the void form, and leave the rest to your subordinates, who will guide it to the material world."

Sandora said nothing from the beginning, frowning and thinking about things, and then she looked up and looked at Tavel: "How much do you know about that database? Tell us as easily as possible."

"Your Majesty, as you wish."

Tavel nodded, stood up, opened a huge holographic projection screen in the air, and transformed into a stance of explanation. It instantly reminded me of my junior high school math teacher's style—the pair of glasses looked so instructive. However, after all, the junior high school math teacher must have one tenth of Tavill's beauty and figure. Maybe we are also a college student at a key university at this time. Well, it is easy to digress when the spirit suddenly relaxes from a high degree of tension.

"The specific source of information is the Red Moon Cube," Tavel pointed to a large unshaped geometry on the holographic screen, and gently pushed his glasses. "After Mother Lin Xue warned, inside the Red Moon Cube, The restoration and analysis and reconstruction of science and technology have been suspended, but the reading of its data has been going on. We have obtained a lot of distorted scientific and technological data, all of which are based on fantasy mathematical models, and then through the arbitrary distortion of the rules To make it happen, the database discovered by the two majesty is one of the technology samples that can be formed in the real world. Although it has not passed mass production verification, as a prototype, according to the records in the Red Moon Cube, It has already been installed and tested. It now appears that it is installed on a deep dive vessel.

This is a model of the database recorded in the cube. It should be very similar to the database you found. As shown in the data, it has no physical properties and naturally does not have any mass and hardness. It does not belong to matter or energy, except for confirmation. Outside of existence, there is no way to interact with the real world. From the outside, it looks like a crystal clear crystal, with the illusion of silver and white-in fact, it has no color. The shape of this thing is not fixed, but if you observe it for a long time, there is actually a regular change in its shape, that is, it will only change from regular octahedron to regular hexahedron. This is the surface characteristic of the "Phantom Database".

Then there is the principle of storage of this utopian creation. This is the most fascinating and surprising part: it uses dimensional differences to record data!

Its ontology is actually in an "absolutely high dimension" that can be explained by a mathematical model. This "dimension" does not exist in real space. Only a large amount of specific information and mathematical models can be stacked and made descriptive. The database is a small piece of information located in this theoretical dimension. This piece of information can store the information and output it to the real world after dimensionality reduction. This description is very abstract. Please explain later.

In short, this is a very complicated model. Even if the subordinates have consulted all the information they can find, they only know the principle of fur now, but it is certain that the capacity of this thing is unlimited. "

"Infinite capacity?" I was surprised. If you say how amazing the capacity of this thing, even if you say a number that cannot be expressed in mathematics, I won't be surprised, because at least you can imagine, But you say that there is such a thing now, it is not connected to the Internet, it has a fixed size, and there is no way to upgrade itself. It is such a solitary storage, but it has unlimited capacity, which is incredible. An thing with unlimited capacity is Means that it can record an unlimited amount of content, so is it still possible for such a database to be read? !! How do you retrieve information from it!

Tavel seems to have known that I would be so surprised, but just smiled slightly: "Yes, the capacity is unlimited. Although this kind of thing cannot be explained from the laws of the real world, but if it is built with a perfect mathematical model, The concept of 'infinity' is easy to come up with. The technology in the Red Moon Cube is like this. They are all based on the perfect model of imagination. They are tempting, but they all destroy the stability of the existing world. Just like this database The way it achieves infinite capacity is the difference in dimensions. For an easy-to-understand example, in the mathematical world, we can consider "points" as the most basic unit, so a line can contain an infinite number of points, because the " "Length" is zero, a face can contain countless lines, because the "width" of a line is zero, and a body can contain countless faces, because the "thickness" of a face is zero, individuals with a higher dimension can easily record low Because of the infinite amount of information in one dimension of the space, because this information no matter how stacked it is, it occupies for high dimensions The meaning of "storage space" are zero.

The dimensional difference database is such a scientific miracle that can only exist in theory. It is a perfect device built on the basis of mathematical models and theoretically only in theory. It relies on a complex set of formulas to connect with the real world, judges the main dimensions of the current real world by itself, and then converts them to a higher level of the current dimension through the conversion of mathematical models, thereby having infinite information about the real world. The storage capacity is like using a plane to record how many lines there are-infinite, the width of infinite lines adds up to zero. "

"I understand why the conventional way can't reach the database."

Suddenly, Sandola exhaled, her face suddenly staring.

"What is built on a mathematical model is definitely incompatible with the real world. The incompatibility of a database is its dimension. It is always at a one-dimensional level higher than the current dimension. In three-dimensional space, it is a four-dimensional object. Eleven-dimensional space, it is a twelve-dimensional object. No matter what method you will use to interact with it, as long as you ca n’t master the unique read and write frequency at the beginning of database manufacturing, you will never be able to touch it. Of course, the void is the only Ignore any conditions to access the database, because the concept of dimension is not valid in the void, the database and the void will 'solidify' at the moment of contact, and then dissociate into the most basic information ... if this is not inside the red moon cube "Dangerous technology is indeed the safest and most powerful storage device ever."

"But is this possible?" I barely understood the abstract concepts, but I still couldn't believe the existence mechanism of this hyper-dimensional database. "You see, the development of imperial science and technology has limits at a certain time. Yes, this shows that the dimensions that scientists could control were limited. Even if they created a world with twenty dimensions, there were twenty-one dimensions as the limit, but this database can ignore any boundaries and let itself Adding one to the dimensions of the current world, does this not create something that cannot be created? I mean, isn't this a paradox? "

"So it is the technology recorded by the Red Moon Cube, where there are all paradoxes," Tavel sighed, "mathematical models are the only things that are difficult to be controlled by limits, things that can never exist in the real world, But it can exist. This is the terrible part of Red Moon Technology. It turns all paradoxes into possible. With the self-recognition of a closed message, these dangerous technologies can distort the existing rules of the world and create these stability for the world. Things with huge hidden dangers. According to the verification of the subordinates, although this database has been successfully created and can operate independently without destroying the integrity of the world, it is a very flawed thing-it is impossible to create a second This is the case in theory. "

"Huh?" Sandora immediately looked at Tavel. "What's going on?"

I quickly coughed: "Oh, you don't really want to copy this thing, right? It's the technology in Red Moon."

"Why not?" Sandora shrugged. "The technology in the Red Moon Cube was discarded only because the success rate and the proportion of harm to the world were so different, not to say that there is absolutely no chance of success. This database has been successfully created. It means that it belongs to the one-hundred percent of feasible technology, and of course it cannot be easily given up. "

"But this is really not replicable," Tavel shook his head. "An object that always exceeds the dimensions of the current world cannot be constrained by the current world, that is to say, the database has an overflow that cannot be suppressed in the current world. 'This kind of overflow ignores the barriers of the world, so if a second database appears at this time, no matter how far apart they are, whether they are in a world or not, there will be fatal conflicts: Whose dimension is higher? The result is all over . Theoretically. "

After saying this for a long time, this sentence is the easiest to understand ...

Sandola sighed helplessly: "Okay, let's put the database thing aside temporarily, even if this incident is resolved here ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will leave it to Sivis for follow-up . Lin Xue, also work hard for you, and observe if the Red Moon Cube has created new threats. Every time we contact the knowledge related to it, we will run into trouble. It is good to be careful. "

Lin Xue waved his hand to express his understanding, and muttered, "It's not disturbing to throw or stay."

Next, Sandora assigned the aftermath of the incident in detail and saw that there was nothing left, so she announced that she would go to each house and find a mother.

The incident has been resolved, and everyone started to leave the room one after another. It is almost time to reach the evening. The older sister has to go back to greet Fanzhe. Lin Xue is also ready to continue cooking. The family hula has disappeared. Even Sandora was seduced by the supper. I really have some doubts about what kind of material the family made. How can such big events be calm and so fast one by one: How did they do it Change your mindset from Hollywood to a good vegetable house in a second?

"Your Majesty, please wait!" Just as I was about to leave, Tavel suddenly called out in the back, and I turned around strangely, but saw the other person's face with a very uneasy look, "Sandora His Majesty assigned the aftermath of the incident, but his subordinates ... what to do? "

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