Xiling Empire

Chapter 959: Come to Divine Realm again

In front of us stood a tall man with short silver hair and a slightly thin face. There was a handful of silver-white beard men on his chin. His face was pale and peculiar to the dark protoss, wearing a thick black and red dress. It looks like humans are in their thirties or so, and the meter is like a deep and serious medieval nobleman-I know you look familiar with this section, because this root is taken from the front-needless to say that someone must have guessed who is coming. {m}

This tall dark protoss stood in the living room of my house with a somber face, because of his presence, it directly caused the sun at 11 o'clock and noon at home to be as dim as 7 or 8 in the evening. He stood straight and his hair was meticulous. Combining it into a slide-like state, every fold on the dress seemed to be adjusted countless times. Obama did not necessarily hold him so seriously at the press conference. The uncle greeted me with a serious face: "Hello , Met again, this time I was sent by the Father God to deliver express ... "

Bingtis swept away from his usual appearance, and hid behind me with a tangled face, at this time he reached out his head and stunned angrily: "Dad! Why are you here!"

That ’s right, as many of my friends who have guessed or did not guess just opened the previous chapter know, the 30-year-old uncle wearing a dress-up board just like the old British gentleman is not someone else, right? It is the father of Bingtis, a female hooligan, who once warmly hosted our family's Uncle Kuwain in Divine Realm.

I was surprised when the uncle appeared, but soon I was very relieved: This time Bingtis couldn't catch anyone claiming to be his aging mother.

I finally knew why Bingtis was so anxious in the spiritual link, without him, I was afraid of Dear ...

"Isn't it? I sent the express delivery—" Uncle Kuwain looked at Bingtis with a headache. "The Father sent someone to send a hand-written letter. Just when I have time, just come and see, or you Mom is always worried that you have already been locked up. Do n’t let your lips go. See for yourself what you are like now, even if you do n’t go home. Even if you forge my signature, even if you forge my signature-you are still wrong! You raised a girl like this and I was called a parent by the Father, and you will not lose heart! Today you have to follow me Go back and apologize to the Pantheon! "

Immediately, I looked at Bingtis with a terrified expression, and the latter looked at me with a dark face: "Look! I owe six reports that I didn't write, and the full-time excellent performance subsidy was all the way to the end. There must be an accident to make up the report Proof of the situation, do n’t ask dad who to go to ... ”

The father and daughter were facing each other. A sound of flapping wings suddenly came from above the diagonal. Looking up, it turned out that the mercury lamp was flying down from the second floor. Seeing that everyone in the hall was not at the dinner table, and there was an outsider at home, the little puppet looked around curiously, but apparently she lacked interest in the outsider. After hovering on the ceiling, the little puppet sat decisively. On my shoulder: "Stupid, dinner!"

Uncle Kuwain looked at the mercury lamp with two eyes at once, and the aristocratic manner that had been almost tossing off just dropped again, and stretched his arms to come up: "Oh, the little girl is down, let the grandfather Hug ... "

Bingtiston froze when he froze, and jumped over in a frantic way. If it wasn't in front of her father, I'm afraid her mace was slamming out: "What nonsense! Don't you know this is a puppet !?"

The uncle shrugged indifferently: "You won't allow me to hypnotize myself? I'll be my daughter-in-law and finally get married, okay?"

I found that Uncle Kuwain is indeed worthy of being the nemesis of Bingtis, because he may be the only one who can shake the rogue goddess's dark history without fear of revenge, and I firmly believe that Bingjie has no courage Eight punches with her father and king, so when Uncle Kuwain laid out the ice discus, the female hooligan instantly shrank like the little girl who was sent home from school to skip class. i

At this time, the mercury lamp can think of who the silver-haired man is in front of him, and his face can't help being weird. At first, the Kuvain and his wife were so passionate about this little doll. This left a deep impression on the latter, but the reason for this enthusiasm Obviously it makes people laugh, so the unsociable mercury lamp has no idea how to respond to this uncle, and can only nod his head in a difficult way according to my usual teaching. This is a greeting, and then continues to pull my head and scream to eat.

Uncle Kuwain found that his own magical daughter and the atmosphere of our family had affected him. I'm afraid that even if I die, I won't be able to finish the official rhetoric prepared before. We are also acquaintances, so I sat down politely. With a wave of his hand, he took out a scroll with a pale golden light and handed it to me, saying, "This is a letter from the Father, and it must be delivered to you before you leave."

"It's impossible to even look around." Bingtis added sourly.

I put the wriggling doll on the chair next to me, and took the scroll that the uncle handed over with a puzzled expression. As soon as I started, the mysterious energy surging on this thing made people extremities and bones. Shu Tan, I couldn't help but be a little surprised, and said to myself that this is indeed the ink treasure written by the father and god. The theory estimates that every character on this thing is buckled and thrown into another world. When the language of the rune is believed, some people believe it-I have decided Now, no matter what the Father God wrote, he had to print forty or fifty copies of this thing and hang it on the four walls, maybe he could ward off evil ...

As the supreme leader of the Star Protoss, writing a letter in person is definitely a remarkable thing. Before I unrolled the scroll, Bentiss sternly emphasized to me many times that this thing is extraordinary. It is said that there is a record of God the Father since the record. I have only communicated with one person by hand, that is, the divine king of the Protoss. At other times, I have written orders with the next god, but there is absolutely no letter communication. Bettis thinks this is because my identity is also a void creature. I occupy one third of the population of the entire void creature race. The father and **** must use a letter to show sincerity. Anyway, Bing Sister had already blown this thing into the sky before I opened the scroll myself. I can clearly see that Hearing her meaning of sourness, but more able to hear her determination to paste the bricks once I found that this thing was not framed with gold trim on the bedside.

The scroll is opened, and there are only a few lines of text on the pale gold "paper" less than a foot long. The symbols I have never seen are not even the Protoss, but it is amazing that I immediately understood what was said above. meaning:

"My friend Wang Chenjun, Zhan Xinjia, heard that the empire is gradually recovering, the recent victory, and the heart is so relieved. There is something to tell you today-a trip to the divine realm, urgent.

Father God, Xingchen left a pen. "


I think I know why God the Father never wrote to people ...

"What did you write?" Bingtis couldn't help seeing the change in expression on my face, and hurriedly drilled under my elbow. As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw Uncle Kuwain's face and swipe the screen. I went through the exclamation mark in the same way, so I quickly hurled the unrolled scroll in front of this female hooligan without any female consciousness: "Don't you see it, but squeeze it over?"

"Nonsense, this is for you, others don't see the content at all-the father is so powerful, he must be afraid of my dad peeping. I"

Bingtis's father's face turned green on the spot. I found that the uncle, who was like an old aristocrat when he was sitting still, was actually a person with a lot of emotions.

There is nothing to hide from the scroll, but I was suddenly invited to go to the divine realm. Bingtis seemed to have mentioned this before. The only thing that was unexpected was that the time concept of the protoss was normal. After only a few days passed, the Father God sent someone to invite, but the specific matter was not clear to either Bingtis or her father, only to confirm that it should be urgent.

"When is it going?" I said as I closed the golden scroll-I was still hoping that this thing would ward off evil. At that time, dozens of prints were hung in Liliana's room, "I just had nothing in these two days. thing."

"Father and God personally instructed that the matter was important, and it was best to start immediately." Uncle Kuwain nodded solemnly, then raised his eyes and looked at the direction of the restaurant, "Well, it is not too late to leave before eating-also Did n’t you eat it? ”

... how do I feel that this dark **** is similar in nature to the unshakable King Uncle?

Bingtis is very clear about his father's true colors, and when our family went to the divine realm, they had already witnessed the magic of the Kuvain and his wife, so at this time she did not feel embarrassed at all. Walking towards the restaurant with his own dad: "Okay, when you came over at 11:30, I guessed you were holding a meal ..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone had a lively dinner. This was also the first time the family returned for the first time after a few days of harassment at Bingtis's house. Uncle Kuwain praised An Weina and her sister for their craftsmanship. Absolutely, three attempts to feed the mercury lamp were attempted during this period, and the meal ate for two full hours. In the end, I suspected that her father had not eaten for three days ...

When Uncle Kuwain came here, he was teleported from the Tree of the World Temple. This time, I also followed him the same way. This is also the first time I have returned to the **** world after the direct connection between the Shadow City and the **** world was opened. So I was looking forward to it a little bit, but then I found that the process of teleporting from the temple to the realm seems to be no different from the usual portal. The only difference is that this portal is directly controlled by Ding Dong: this is a more stimulating factor. Already.

Because this time it ’s not business but doing business. Of course, the more important thing is that I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to stay in the **** world for a long time. Therefore, there are few living treasures including Qian Qian and Lin Xue who have little interest in participating. Many, in addition to me and Uncle Kuwain who want to return to the realm of the gods, only Ding Dong and Bingtis are accompanying, the former is to go back to the highest life goddess shrine to report to the goddess sister by the way, the latter was caught by her father Apologies to the Pantheon.

Divine realm, as always, the picturesque scenery is magnificent and mysterious and solemn ... Anyway, this group of almost omnipotent upstarts has never been too embarrassed to toss their homes to be more beautiful. Looking at the boundless green grass, I can't wait to let you lay down and fight. I think it ’s a crime to roll off. This time we took a through train, so we went directly to the center of the divine realm: the glorious divine court without passing through the void node.

The magnificent four main shrines and the Father ’s Palace of the Big Macs stand as brilliant as before when they left, but I searched the memory and found that the situation is still a little different: there seems to be one more above the glorious temple. There are a large number of floating squares that are functioning. There are a lot of protoss who are surging with huge energy in and out of the square. They are all in the form of gods. This is usually the attitude of the protoss. In addition, I have carefully observed those pairs. Head the golden dragon and find ...

None of them landed with their mouths when they landed.

"It's strange how you look at things." Bingtis touched me with his elbow, "But this channel is open ... Well, it seems that this time it is really a big deal. The reason why Father God sought you. , Gusu roughly guessed. "

I immediately looked at Bingtis in amazement, but did not expect the other person to shake his head: "Anyway, you will know that this thing is quite complicated. Except for the high-level protoss, only the previous Emperor Spirit knows some inside information. Sandora should also know. But this matter has something to do with the secrets at the beginning of the establishment of the divine realm, so although there are many people who know, the only person who can directly contact the thing is the Father and God, it seems ... , You know when you go in. "

It took me half a minute to give Bingtis the grammar, and then I was surprised to find that she didn't say anything!

The suspended square is located above the splendid divine court. From our present angle, we ca n’t see the above situation. We can only see the bottom of the square floating with the light and horizontal lines, and feel the amazing energy condensed above the square. This can't help but have the urge to fly up to see the situation, but before the impulse becomes a reality, the gate of the Father's Temple has been opened, just like last time, the fatherless God without a shelf this time pushed in person again The door came out to greet guests.

This style of him makes me always feel that I'm actually looking for my neighbor's brother, and I don't feel like seeing the gods at all.

Father God, a kind-hearted young man who looks just as ordinary as his neighbor and brother, appeared in front of me wearing a simple short robe like home casual clothes, and kindly grabbed my hand when he came up. Are you there? "

I shook the arm of the other person with enthusiasm, "I came here after dinner-all right at home?"

... then Bingtis and her father both petrified in front of the Father's Temple, Ding Dang jumped from my head and curiously danced around in the air in the air, apparently I felt the atmosphere was wrong but I didn't know what was wrong, but the Father and God I didn't know, and said with a mild smile: "I know a little bit about the customs of your world a while ago, shouldn't it be okay to say that?"

My brainstem is almost cramping. I just responded to it habitually just now, and now I find out how uttering the greeting of the Father and God is, but the bright smile on the opposite side of the second brother is really too courageous. Point out how outdated such a greeting is between the two leaders-of course, the main thing is that I can't beat him, in case the father and **** are so angry and angry that they decide to kill me ...

"Ding Dang went to the goddess first."

The little things quickly flowed around our heads for a long time, and found no one to take care of themselves, so they came in discouraged and dragged my ears, and told individual plans to go to the Temple of Life, I grabbed a bag of candy from my pocket and hung it on Dingdang said, "Take it and share it with everyone."

Ding-Dang happily spelled "Yeah!" In the air, and then, like a heavy transport plane, carried a pack of candy almost larger than her and buzzed away ... It was really buzzing, this little thing The movement with so many "loads" is at least three times larger than usual, and it must be particularly fuel-intensive. Maybe I should remind her to put sugar in the portable space first.

The father and God watched Ding Dong drift away, with a faint smile on his face, and said a long time: "Every child has a day to grow up. In that year, the Ding Dong that the chicken and the dog jumped all the time turned out to be unique. Goddess. "

I really do n’t know how the “Godhead” of God the Father was summed up. If I remember correctly, Ding Dong is a well-known wonderful work in the world of God. Basically, the four main gods and the Father God themselves were both in Ding Dong ’s childhood. That little thing has been pitted, I always think that this is the place where Ding Dong is particularly powerful. After all, bear children are very common, but bear children who have smashed the glass of the **** of God are relatively rare. The same fruit knife you use to cut potatoes and cut Can Qin Shihuang be the same-Ding Dong belongs to the one who cut Qin Shihuang.

"So what's the matter of calling me over?"

After Bingtis and her dad also left, the father and me were left in front of the temple.

One thing I found is that when talking to God the Father, the atmosphere will always relax involuntarily, even if Sandora has repeatedly emphasized to show respect to the Father before coming, even if Icetis has been meeting for a long time. How serious is the Father God, I ca n’t get serious in the presence of this neighbor and my second brother, and the tone becomes a tone of chat with the neighbor, and the magic is that I and the Father both I feel extraordinarily normal. There are two explanations for this weird phenomenon. The first is more scientific, that is, as the void creatures, there is a sense of rapport and affinity between the two of us. The second is More confident: The two dads always have the same topic, especially the two dads are still relatively unsuccessful.

"Come with me ~ www.readwn.com ~ Father God said, reached out and pointed at the square floating above the glorious temple, and then pulled me to teleport up," I show you to a place, where to do Be prepared, the environment there may not be very comfortable. "

The white light flashed in front of me, and I found that I was already standing on the boulder square at high altitude, which is the aerial platform I saw in the glorious divine court. This square is very large, and the distance is thousands of meters. I looked around curiously After a while, I found out that this square is a platform for placing portals-in the center of the square, there is a huge space door.

The door is actually a space that is cracked like a cobweb. Obviously, this thing is a temporary passageway. No trimming has been done. Many protoss handle near this door, and a small part enters and exits in this door. Out, the strange light and shadow can be seen on the opposite side of the door, but the other side cannot be seen at all.

I still feel confused, but the Father God has not explained it for the time being. He nodded slightly to the nearby protoss guarding the gate, and then took the lead in the space crack, and I quickly followed.

In front of me is a beautiful crystal world.

Around, there was an unusually disturbing atmosphere.

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