Xiling Empire

Chapter 961: The highest state of littering

Chapter 961 The Highest Level of Littering

I think the Father God is thousands of miles away (of course, that ’s the meaning, from the shadow city to the realm of the gods ca n’t be described by thousands of miles). Calling yourself from one world to your own home is definitely a major event, but never expected This incident turned out to be so important. It is obvious that what he told me can no longer be described as thriller-I insist that his main purpose is to watch the scrolling of various expressions on my face, so that he can recover slightly. Calm point.

Relatively calm.

"A great cataclysm in the void ..." I scratched my mouth, lingering over the word that my father had just said, and then white-brained, "Is the world all over?"

I can't blame me for associating in this respect. The three words of the cataclysm are really shocking, and this time the word "nether" is connected to this word. I dare not imagine what such a thing would look like once the cataclysm changes. In other words, it is eternal and immortal from various theories. There is no beginning and no end. The absolute void that cannot be changed can also cause periodic catastrophes? No matter how you think about it, it is a matter that cannot be discussed.

At this time, how I wish God the Father told me a happy April Fool's Day.

The Father God groaned and shook his head slightly: "No, that's another thing, the reset of the void ... Unlike the disaster in our understanding, maybe it will not destroy anything, or maybe the world is still on its own track. It is also possible that all the abyss will disappear in an instant and then start to evolve again. Any kind of result is possible. The word Void Catastrophe has nothing to do with the events it may trigger. At present, I and Hurona There is only one thing that can be determined. The connection between the two cycles of the void is a very grand change, but this grand change does not necessarily affect every world-it is also possible that you can sleep and the catastrophe is over, except Everyone in the world has nothing but hair, nothing has changed. "

I made the father and **** say more and more confused. What I don't like is that this kind of **** and deity has several natural paragraphs. In the end, it is a purely theoretical thing that has no conclusion. Otherwise, the political exam will be passed early. Can you tell me something that normal people can understand?

"Then how can you be sure that this will happen?"

As I said, I tilted my head and looked at the ancestor of the Abyss Gate, which was under the bottom of my buttocks, but was suppressed by a layer of "lake water". Now I seem to have adapted a little to the surrounding environment. This Abyss Gate is clearly dead. It ’s no longer threatening except for responding to people. The Father ’s God would not let ordinary protoss approach. I ’m afraid that it ’s just because of careful consideration. Anyway, if this thing is just uncomfortable, then if you want to go from the mental hospital casually, Find a critically ill patient here and feel at ease.

"Some time-consuming records and the inferences obtained by exchanging a large amount of information with Huron," said Father God with certainty. "Void must have this property. Although it is an unexplainable existence as a whole, it does not Does n’t mean that it ca n’t be unbalanced in a short time, but because there is no time and history in the void, and there is no cause and effect, so no one dare to determine whether the cataclysm has happened and whether it has happened. Maybe now you see All things are already things after the cataclysm, and they just appeared a few seconds ago, including the crystal jungle in front of you, and me, maybe only a few seconds in history-these are all It is possible, but as a member living in the void, you cannot detect all of this. In short, I want to say that we are not sure if something is going to happen, but it must have a basis. Of course, it is also with me I just said the same thing, maybe we do n’t have to worry about it. The words “catastrophic” are different from different perspectives, and they shuffle the whole void at one time. Cheng, perhaps due to the influence of each of the world not as a breeze. "

"Don't enlighten me, and then I should be guilty of delusional paranoia." I quickly waved my father to pause on this topic. In fact, I don't worry about it anymore. The biggest advantage of this person is that Outside of Rakuten, I can especially save myself memory. I ca n’t figure it out and it ’s useless. Generally, I do n’t want it at all. For example, maybe this may happen and how it may happen, or maybe it ’s a big void. Cataclysm—It takes at least Chinese level 4 to straighten out this sentence. You said, I think it takes a lot of thought for this shattering thing, "Now, this thing is only known by three void creatures, including King Huron. ? "

I think since God the Father now suddenly yelled and told himself about it, and Sandora had never mentioned anything about it before, there must be very few people who knew about it, maybe it ’s only the Void Bioenergy Perceived things.

Sure enough, the Father God nodded quickly: "This is something I just wanted to understand a while ago ..."

Immediately, I felt that I might have a pit father, and sure enough, the father and **** then said: "About 200,000 years ago ..."

I remembered one of the most commonly used sentences when Bingtis was chatting with himself, which was "this thing is not too long ago", and then followed by "23 million years ago ...", each Each character reveals a horrible sense of insaneness. This group of rich second-generations does not even know what time is!

"You thought about this 200,000 years ago. Why did you tell someone else now?" I muttered with my lips, "Sandora never mentioned the cataclysm in the void."

"Because it doesn't make sense," the Father God glanced at me. "This is a state of affairs that even the Void creatures struggle to understand, neither your Spirit Apostle nor my Protoss can do anything about it. Right For life outside the void creature, they ca n’t even access any evidence related to the cataclysm in the void, which is equivalent to giving them a noun and letting them study all the background knowledge is just as unrealistic, so I did n’t tell them Man, at least until he can determine the nature of the Great Cataclysm in the Void. Of course, after you go back, you can bring it up with others, but that should not make sense. "

I understand it, but I also say that if it is useful or useless, I have to say it after returning: This is related to the personality and environment of the person. After returning, I will face various foreseeable bombings. She has to use the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty to satisfy her gossip mentality. There is no one of the girls in the family who is a fuel-saving lamp. In this respect, the father and **** are different from me. I am sure that he is approachable again. Then, under normal circumstances, no one would hold a Shuanghui ham sausage against his head and say "Do you say it or not" ...

I suddenly felt a little curious here. According to God the Father, the Void Cataclysm is only a theory that should have occurred, but there is no evidence to explain it at all. Even God the Father himself does not know what this thing looks like, only It can be determined that there will be a synchronous change in the entire void at a certain point in time. Then, what's the use of saying this to me?

Calling someone in such a hurry is a matter of great importance.

The Father heard my question and thought for a while, and said, "Because you are relatively free."

Then added: "Then I'm also more busy ..."


"Okay, no kidding," Father God laughed unscrupulously, and patted me on the shoulder. "I just think that since this thing was discovered by a void creature, then I have an obligation to let the other third of the population. Share this information ... "


Seeing from the fact that since the population of the Void creatures has increased by half, the Father God has been a little too excited. You say how lonely the tribe of our total population is.

"In addition, telling you about the Great Void Catastrophe is just to provide you with background information. This time I come to you. What I really want to talk about is another thing related to this: see the door to the abyss in front of me, I said However, if the Void Cataclysm really happened, this door may be left over from the last cycle, because this thing is completely different from any known abyss, and it had no humans or animals before I created the divine realm. The damage has existed for years. "

"Then what?" Some monks like Zhang Er were scratching their heads. I have been talking to the Father for a long time. I feel dizzy and brain-blowing. The other party knows so much that you can't help feeling when talking to people. The topic has been jumping, and the jumping point of each jump is something you haven't heard before. After talking, I found that the most common words I have said are very monotonous, which are "then" and "why?" It hurt me a lot.

"This door to the abyss has not been moving for many billion years, but it suddenly opened once a few days ago," said Father God, reaching out his hand a little in the midair, and instantly, dozens of meters above the door of the abyss. A black space crack appeared in the air, and something slowly floated out of it. "The children ventured in and ended up salvaging this."

Floating out from the cracks in space is a large irregular metal cluster, the surface has been semi-melted, some shiny blue crystal clusters can be seen in the metal cluster, how these things look familiar.

Father God touched his chin and said, "I have been studying for three days, and I don't think you can even imagine who made this, except you."

I looked up and stunned.

This Nima is a part of an empire ship! !! Just now this large group of metal turned over in mid-air, and there was the emblem of the Spirit! Saying that the Father and God researched for three days before reaching a conclusion, should I spit it out?

"Are you sure that this thing was taken from ... this place?" I was a bit unorganized and pointed my finger to the abyss door that was separated by the water under my feet. "No, I don't understand why, Empire How could the parts of the spacecraft fall into the bottom of the abyss gate of your divine realm-in other words, wouldn't you have invited an empire spacecraft to visit the crystal jungle many years ago? "

The Father God gave me a white look: "Look at this place, can your extra large things come in?"

I was speechless for a moment.

God the Father slowly put down the huge metal puppet in the air, and rested on the door of the abyss, which was already honest. Anyway, there is a layer of crystal lake blocking it. Don't worry about this thing falling down, and then we will go around this. A large pile of metal turned around and researched. At this time, I was able to understand. In fact, the main purpose of the Father God calling me is not really the theory or reality of the Void Cataclysm, but this sudden change from God. The fragments of the imperial spaceship that emerged from the gate of the abyss at the bottom of the realm, but to talk about the fragments of the spaceship, I must first show me the gate of the ancient antique abyss of God, and see the gate of the ancient antique abyss. Can't help but drag the topic to his own research project, I found that I really have a lot of similarities with the Father God: we both digress and do at least three thousand words ...

"I don't see what this is doing. It would be nice if Sandora was here. She would know it."

I walked around the irregular metal with a radius of at least ten meters for a few minutes, and I said helplessly. If this thing is still complete, the half-hanger knowledge that I have accumulated in dealing with various spacecraft in the past two years, Maybe at least I can see what kind of starship it is, but now the goods have been burned beyond recognition, and the disfigurement level must rest on people. It is because they are thrown into South Korea and spend three million. Then non-general experts cannot solve it.

"That's right, then take this back when you go back."

God the Father nodded and understood, and I took it curiously: "I'll take it back directly? You don't keep researching? In fact, I can send a few experts to the **** world to assist you in your research."

I say this mainly because I am a bit embarrassed. Obviously, this is another incident caused by the empire's random littering of incombustible garbage, and this time the incombustible garbage was also thrown in a very amazing place: the basement of the Father ’s House, Besides, if you kick a football into another person's living room, you can't go away and take it away. It's not a problem, at least you have to pay for the glass. God the Father also said that the gate of the abyss has only recently become active. Although he downplayed and bypassed this matter, it can be reminiscent of the group of protoss sentinels who have recently been reinforced. I have every reason to believe this. The child has something to do with the iron urns in front of me: there is a possibility that the gate of the abyss is because the girl has a bad stomach.

However, Father God and I were not polite at all, and pointed at the metal-sized maggot full of house size, and said, "You can take it back, let's keep it a little useless, and I have to worry about which naughty one will secretly tear it down for you." . "

I was a little speechless when I heard that Father God used the words "naughty" to highly summarize the starry sky gods. I can only say that this person in front of me is really a grandpa's grandmaster, regardless of the star domain. How many gods, how many of them are white-bearded old men who look like Gandalf? In the eyes of the Father, they are just a group of children who can be very noisy. Based on this mentality, I think that the word "Father God" may not be just A title is also likely to be a post at all, in popular terms, called "the **** of milk" ...

When I think of it, I think of the Father and God family again, and then get confused again ...

I do n’t know if it ’s my illusion. After removing the spaceship fragment, the surrounding environment suddenly improved a lot. Although the sense of depression in the abyss is still there, the image of the abyss gate under the water is obviously lighter. And the purple mist in the air is also dissipating, it feels as if the door of the abyss has been choked for several days and finally the stool is unblocked-well, this metaphor is a bit disgusting, everyone just appreciates the spirit.

When I left the crystal jungle, I looked back. The crystal lake shrouded by the power of the abyss has only a light line in the forest. From the outside, I ca n’t see the purple and black fog on the lake. I asked curiously Father God: "Have you ever thought about solving that abyss door? Although harmless, but I always feel that it is not safe to put such a thing in my own house, and it seems that it is useless to keep it-say you No collectivism, right? "

"It is not so easy to destroy the door of the abyss. Basically, the whole world of God may be moving," said the father and God, which scared me. "Do n’t look at its small scale, and it has almost no power, but As something that has existed with the Divine Realm to this day, it is always something special. "

What ’s so special about it? Father and God did n’t say it. It ’s a little secret. I ’m not a gossip. Of course, this has nothing to do with myself, so I do n’t ask any more. .

We returned the same way, and finally came out of the sky square. When I came out, I found that the sentries around were evacuating in batches. The square, which was originally very wide, now looks more empty, and at the edge of the square, some bright lines It is gradually spreading inside the platform, and the square gradually dissipates into the air from the four sides.

"Actually, the crystal jungle has stabilized since the children salvaged the shard from the gate of the abyss," Father God explained. "This last sentry is to guard the shard and prevent others from entering the crystal jungle. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ Now you take things away, this temporary channel can also be closed. "

It seems that this is what I have to deal with in the realm of God. Chat with the Father and listen to him talk about the Great Cataclysm in the Void. (In the words of his old man, it is to share information with the other third of the people. (See him excited), and the main thing is to bring back the spaceship fragments that do n’t know why it came up from the gate of the abyss on the bottom of the **** world to study, then you can go home, but before returning We have to wait for two people, one is Dingdang who is giving work in the Temple of Life, and the other is Bingtis, who is being escorted by her father to every god-leader who is released with pigeons.

Looks like I suddenly went into a state of idleness.

I wanted to find the two living treasures, so I bid farewell to the Father on the central square of the glorious divine court, and walked alone. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for people to walk around in the glorious divine court, but obviously I am an exception. The status of "friend leader" is tossed aside, and the hukou of the void creature can bring a lot of privileges. When the Temple of Life advanced, I still tried to create an atmosphere for myself, so I hypnotized myself. This is a whole third of the population of the Nether creatures marching towards the Temple of others ...

(Starting overtime ... the update is expected to be postponed for an hour or two ...)

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