Xiling Empire

Chapter 966: Underworld, Underworld

Chapter 966 Sin Fate, Sin Fate

After returning from Shadow City, I called Qian Qian and my sister and said that there is something important to discuss-is the word correct this time?

My elder sister looked at me with a serious face and couldn't help but sigh: "Ajun, it seems that this time you went to the **** world, you have brought a lot of shocking news. It just seemed that you didn't finish talking. Is it related to the gate of the abyss this time? "

"No, it's a private matter, let's be a child," I thought about it, "sister, you remember about ten years ago, the day you first told me and talking about preparing to move, it was Isn't something unusual happening? "

One day after a lapse of more than ten years, it is reasonable to say that this is something that most people ca n’t remember, but there was a special thing that day. The older sister first mentioned to me and Shallow about the possible future move. This incident can be said to be a major event counted in my own life like the first two decades of boiled water. Not only was I deeply impressed, but Qian and her sister also had some memories of it, so I still felt confident after asking it.

"Ah, you asked this suddenly," my sister was obviously surprised by my question, but still remembered frowning. "It was really difficult to remember things more than ten years ago, but when I first talked about moving, I'm still a little bit impressed ... It seems that you and Qian Qian were there that day, Qian Qian's parents went out, and Qian Qian had dinner at our house. "

Shallow thinking can be more active than her sister. At this time, she remembered more things and added loudly: "Stewed pancakes! Vegetarian stewed pancakes! Ah Jun also cheated people to put rock sugar in the stewed pancakes! Later, Chen Qian asked Ah Jun himself ate that bowl. "

I was suddenly stunned, with blushing ears and a light head: "It's not a lie. If you hit a snack, you just put spices in the bowl. I just suggested it!"

"Oh, I think of it like this, one day, indeed," the sister smiled warmly. "Ajun, why do you suddenly think of this? Do you want to go back to our house and look at it? A few years ago there It looks like a commercial street. "

"No, I want to ask, who of you remember what happened that evening," I shrugged. "Did you remember that the sky suddenly darkened, and then Shallow was still crying ..."

Next, I explained in detail the wonderful events I experienced in the "Brigade Wall" of the Temple of God. Of course, in order to prevent misleading the memories of Qian and her sister, I removed the things related to the Temple and took this Said to be suddenly remembered. After listening to her sister and her sister seriously, they both waited for two full minutes without talking. Qian Qian looked at the forty-five-degree angle with her finger on her chin. She was cute like a little squirrel thinking about life, and her older sister was Frowning, pressing forefinger with the index finger, after a long time they shook their heads at the same time: "I don't remember!"

Sure enough, it confirms the conjecture of the goddess of the highest life!

If what we encountered at that time was really related to the abyss, that thing has obviously destroyed my older sister and my adult as well as my shallow memories!

"But I remember a few days after that, our flu seemed to be very serious," said his elder sister. "Almost half of the people in the old city are not feeling well. Many people are even seriously ill. You and shallow I took leave and didn't go to school. I remember this very well. Later, the local newspaper seemed to say it ... "

"Newspaper! Right, newspaper!" I patted my head, quickly connected to the spiritual link, and texted Sivis, "Sivis, help the experts in intelligence activities, find a copy for 15 years The local newspapers in the former city of K are about September to October. I'm not sure about the exact dates ... "

Finding a newspaper more than ten years ago is a matter that often has technical content. Ordinary people may not even think of how to do this, but it is not a problem at all to give it to experts in the military intelligence department. Weiss even moved a finger and said a word to complete the task I gave her:

She pointed to Ling Meng and said, "Go, get back the shooting life Maruwen."

As a Tengu, as an ideal, ambitious, enterprising and humble learner, and a Tengu who loves newspapers and gossip, she has an incredible hobby, that is, she not only interviews the news, but also collects old news-she loves Clippings.

I do n’t know when she started doing this. Anyway, it is said that Wenwen has already collected a set of newspapers that can be collected in the entire history of city k, and distributed it to her at the Time and Space Administration. In the welfare room, the thick newspaper clippings that can cover the fortifications in the Middle East can be piled all the way from the basement to the ceiling on the second floor. When I heard that someone finally agreed with his love of journalism, Tengu girl was moved. I drove a small truck and brought my collection to my living room. I was almost in a hurry.

With the help of "senior writers" (when Wenwen claimed to be), the report of that year was soon tossed out, and a news was shocking: "A sudden outbreak of anti-season influenza in urban areas, please the general public to pay attention to weather changes".

After seeing this title, I decided not to believe what was written in the newspaper ever again.

"Look, here's a line of words: ... some patients are showing symptoms of mental stupidity ... Looking at Nancheng District from Xinjieqiao, it is overcast ... abnormal weather is coming, pay attention to health ..."

After reading it, I asked my sister with a somber expression: "You said, you're all stunned. How do these experts judge that this is an influenza epidemic?"

No one answered my question, my sister just nodded: "It seems that there was such a thing, but I'm almost forgotten. Ah Jun, you said you still heard some strange sounds?"

I nodded: "Today I have mentioned the abyss and submarine ship again. Why do I always feel that these two things are related?"

"That's related to 呗." Qian Qian immediately shook her head and said, but unfortunately, this girl's way of thinking is that everything in the world can be connected at any time, so it is not a reference value.

"The time is not right, but things like abyss ca n’t be measured by common sense. If there were really abyss in K City at that time ... how could this be possible? At that time, we were all ordinary people. The abyss contact had long since disappeared, "the sister waved her hands mockingly," and the calm for so many years, will the power of the abyss be like this? Show up in a world, and then suddenly leave without doing anything. "

"Let's leave this alone, let's take a hypothesis now: if the abyss really happened to the three of us once, then what exactly did I hear-let's just say, I think of the log of the deep submersible ship The "shouting" mentioned in it said that it wasn't the message sent by the deep dive ship that was heard more than ten years ago. "

It may be that I contacted Tavel just now, so that my thinking also expanded. This cranky mind and the brain can almost be read as a script. The only information I can think of that echoed in my head was the abyss. Submarine. However, no one is sure about this speculation. It can only be said that this may be the case: the deep submersible ship issued a shout inside the gate of the abyss, but this shout was delayed by tens of thousands due to the distortion of the environment in the abyss. Years ago, it was not until more than a decade ago that it suddenly popped out of another rushing door of the abyss and reached my mind, a potential void creature. In this way, it is in line with Tavel's conjecture that all the gates of the abyss are connected, except that it cannot explain why the abyss forces that fell on city k disappeared.

After the brain made up for this, I suddenly felt that this thing was too dramatic!

Just as I was lamenting that life is a dog blood show, either type a or type b (the dog doesn't seem to have a blood type ... Let's study this!), Suddenly Lin Xue's voice came from behind him: "Oh, What are you talking about here? "

I looked back and almost sprayed out on the spot: this girl was definitely just coming out of the kitchen with at least a dozen cucumber slices on her face! Looked like a watermelon cream lozenge.

"What to see, I haven't seen anyone who posted cucumbers." The young lady's upper and lower lips didn't move, and she talked abruptly with me.

"I've seen cucumbers, but I've never seen cucumbers like yours," I smiled and pointed at the cucumber slices on Lin Xue's face. "The impression is that the billions of thousands don't take a bath with milk every day and spray 30,000. One gram of perfume is a waste of the national economy when you spend hours tidying your clothes out. At least I thought so before I knew you. "

Lin Xue arrogantly squeezed me to the side, letting me be almost together with Qian Qian, sitting down on the other side, and by the way, reaching for my collar of clothes, "Where are you head of state, look at yours Adidas bullies. "

I was speechless for a while, but I still took the cucumber slices on the face of the young lady and said, "Okay, don't play with the treasure. If your skin is still being maintained, how many sisters will suicide in the world, the tender will be fast. You have been planted in deep sea fish. "

No girl does not like others to praise her appearance, even the girl synthesized from rare materials such as Ms. Lin. Although the cucumber slices have been pulled away, she still has a smile on her face, but she still tries hard to pretend Looking angry, I couldn't help pinching each other's nose while looking at this cute expression that can hardly be copied. The two have been together for so long. The proud young lady can accept this A certain degree of intimacy, of course, it is inevitable to take a backhand on my waist and eyes while accepting it. How do you say this, Miss Lin is not proud, does this world still exist?

Just then, looking at Lin Xue's face, I felt a movement in my heart.

Some pictures slowly overlap, and an idea and a word irresistibly gradually reverberate in my mind: wouldn't it be so daddy? !!

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Xue raised his hand and knocked on my head. "Really going to take the wood route?"

"Now, you lived abroad when you were a kid?" I squeezed each other's paws and asked seriously.

"Almost ..." Lin Xue tried to retract his hand, but in vain, he had a slight red face and gave me a glance. "But when I was about a year old, I went back to China for a year, because my dad found that he couldn't talk to me in Chinese anymore. Communicating, my mother meant that he would kneel on the TV remote control every night without picking up the girl, and change the station for ten minutes, and the volume changed for twenty minutes ... "

I'm going, Lin Xue's mother is so powerful, but this topic is still second, and now I just want to say one thing: the fate of this pit father!

"What's wrong? Why are you so abnormal today? Let's go for a while!" The young lady reached out and fiddled in front of my eyes, while her sister and Qian Qiang cast a curious look at me, and Qian Qian asked with concern. Out of a box of Starshus, I don't know what to think.

"Now, do you remember that year, you should have lost your way and wandered into a small alley ..."

I said slowly, there was at least a grass-clay horse that strengthened the camp, with white hair, yellow hair, and gray hair. If Snow Girl nodded this time, I will order Shadow City to open Fucai tomorrow. Industry, life is a bit dramatic ...

The expression on Lin Xue's face was obviously a bit dull, she was not stupid, even if there was no prophet mode now, she guessed what I wanted to say, and based on her IQ, which was eighteen years old, she had read at Cambridge Masters. I'm afraid that my memory is stronger than that of me and Shallow and my elder sister, so she froze for a while and looked at me in wonder: "I remember when I found a dirty little brother and asked for directions, he was wearing A school uniform with a line tutu ... "

"Then the two also exchanged gifts. How cute and polite the Snow Girl was at the time, how did this make life a misfortune?" I was sure, and I let out my hands with tears of laughter, and finally didn't forget to emphasize "Say 'little brother', these three words are the impression you have left from childhood to the present. How can I feel that you called me three years old!"

"No! It turned out to be you?" The young lady screamed strangely, and jumped out of the sofa more than two meters sideways, and when she squatted on a low table not far away, she was sleeping under the table with blue body. I was frightened out of the window, and I shrugged at her. "What's impossible, you know I lived in K City when I was a kid. I used to move from the old city. You left it to me that year. A stamp is coming. You wait, I'll look for it, and I still have it! "

The young lady stared at this side as tightly as he saw. There were six points in her eyes, three points in anticipation, and a decisive one, "Don't you dare to lie to me to kill you?" The elder sister narrowed her eyes and opened her eyes. Me, Qian Qian is traveling outside.

I was tumbling in the carry-on space, but it was not easy to pour out a stamp from the debris pile more than ten years ago. When I first got the carry-on space, I was not too embarrassed. At that time, I was very happy to mess up the mess. Useless things were thrown in, and I almost decided to go to the world the next day alone. At that time, I thought so: I used a portable space to hold a whole house and go to the south pole to build a cabin, and then waited. When the scientific research team came over, I wore a red cotton jacket with a white beard, hurried the car to meet them, and lied to them that all Santa Clauses were on strike this Christmas ...

This silly x thing finally failed to come true for a more silly x reason: I have never found a deer that can freeze in the South Pole ... well, it is a mistake made by young people, now I have completely I don't envy those two goods who are alone in the world with space rings. What's so good going out? I can't even eat a chive box.

"Look, that's it." After a long while, I really turned up a small iron box. It was an oversized pencil box I used in elementary school. At that time, I opened a few layers of plastic grids fashionablely. It contains all the babies before junior high school, including rubber heads with engraved words, small wood carvings, a dime coin with a round hole punched after smoothing, two iron nails flattened on the train track-polished into Little darts, and a commemorative stamp that has quickly turned into black and white photos.

Seeing the little piece of paper, the young lady fell off the low table directly, and then ran over the distance of two and a half meters to **** the things in my hand: "You ... you really are this guy! It's too much! No ... well, do you really use this stamp? "

The young lady screamed when she found a layer of confetti still on the back of the stamp.

I looked up at the sky: "Ah, didn't you tell me to write to you at the time, I take it seriously ..."

Lin Xue: "... what, I didn't seem to know that I needed an address to write a letter, so ..."

"So the post office took me out."

Lin Xue: "..."

After being silent for half a minute, the young lady's face became stranger and stranger, as if she had already fought for 300 rounds with her in her mind. When I was trying to ask the other party if she had eaten something wrong, she suddenly sighed: "Nieyuan ! "Then he pulled out a small cricket from the carry-on space, and threw it over the air:" Your pig, eight rings, wood! "

When I looked at it, I immediately smiled: it was the "woodcarving" I gave to the girl who was wearing the same dress as the little princess, a wooden handle with a small hammer head twisted and crooked, of course, I always insisted that it was an unfinished The completed Pig Bajie, even though this thing is finished, it also dies to form a rake.

"Smile at your sister, you must be thinking of unhealthy things in your mind!" The young lady gritted her teeth and looked at this side. "Don't think wildly! I was only nine years old that year, I heard nothing, nine years old! You gave hormones to Miss Ben I will talk about it until I am thirteen years old. I just forgot to throw it away when I left it with me, but after a few years I felt that it was a pity to throw it away. How can I count it as a childhood memory ... Hey ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ what's your expression! "

In the end, the young lady's face couldn't help turning red, and she sighed again in the sky: "Oh!"

For the first time in my life, I don't think that destiny is such a jerk.

At this time, Qian Qian finally came back from the state of wandering away from the sky, and jumped from the sofa and pinched my neck: "Ajun! You have to explain to others!"

I looked at Qian Qian's fierce face and cried without tears: "Excuse me ... what am I explaining! Didn't you listen to Xueya that year, we were only old, and we were a few years old and had an IQ without a table Who has so much flamboyant gut, let me explain why! "

Qianchan let go of her hand and sat back on the sofa like no one else: "Nothing, people just said that the heroine is watching TV at this time, yes, I want to eat sugar fried chestnuts, buy some tomorrow!"


Lin Xue was stunned for a while, and suddenly said to me with a spiritual connection: "Do you know how much trouble this shallow saves you, wood?"

I continued: "..."

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