Xiling Empire

Chapter 971: Arrests

(I still ask for a monthly pass, I will not forget this crop this month until the last day !!!)

Three Expeditionary Forces rushing to the front line to attack the fallen apostolic research world have already fought against the enemy. They used the voids in those three worlds as breakthrough points and successfully smashed the enemy's defense line. The size of those voids was larger than we expected. This greatly facilitated the expeditionary forces. According to the information from the front line, the soldiers can almost imagine how violent the runaway subject was before leaving the fallen apostles' territory-"it" is like an angry bullet that continuously penetrates several worlds, one after another A star-sized horror blood hole has been left in a universe, and the sovereign world of the fallen apostles has been "bloomed" because of this. Each planet has been deleted from history due to the evaporation of information. This is simply an order for the scientific world. The loss of people's gall—this means that a lot of new information will disappear from any records in the most thorough way, unless they are saved in a database on the spiritual network in advance, but obviously, what is still being researched will not be Appears in a public database.

At a moment that Lin Xue chose deliberately (this moment may help guide the future in a better direction, but the young lady never explained why he chose so, in her words, the head of a certain wood is not enough to understand The power of butterfly wings—I regret this). The Empire and the Royal Fleet have left Star Harbor. Under the cover of the passed away courtyard system, we quickly approach the fallen apostle along the safe concealed path explored before the Expeditionary Force. Territory. However, we did not go to any of the three research worlds in the midst of the war, but instead headed for a void space (there may be a void information band of the world or other entities) that never appeared in the coordinate database. In the path explored by the expedition, but after three jumps, he has entered an unfamiliar area. As you guessed, this direction was also indicated by the young lady. Although she did not understand the navigation device, she knew what kind of symbols should be displayed on the navigation device in a suitable future. of course. She can only indicate a vague position. According to this position, the fleet cannot enter any certain orderly world. After all, she cannot directly locate the escaped experimental body, and the information obtained through indirect positioning is always It is very vague, but this is enough, the fleet can already save a lot of time because of this.

to be frank. I am very envious of Miss Miss's ability to operate the navigator without being able to understand it, which is obviously not harmful in the exam. It should be possible to replace "select c". After all, for me, both situations are the same: I don't understand what it is, but I can still fill in an answer ...

During the advance of the fleet, our liaison with the three front forces remained unblocked. The headquarters had been transferred to the bridge of the Admiral, and Sandora and the senior staff were directing three simultaneous outbreaks from infinity. I was pretending to help out, and Lina was pretending to be admired. Shallow is pretending that she is serious-but in fact, apart from sitting upright, she has started to snot.

The battle on the front line lasted for more than ten minutes. When the emperor and the fallen apostle were in formal combat, a frontline commander suddenly returned information: "Your Majesty! The situation here is not right!"

Sandola immediately glanced: "Report your findings."

"Your Majesty. The number of garrison troops is much lower than expected. I mean the enemy ’s mobile unit-the most intense artillery fire we encountered came from semi-fixed sentry strongholds and space forts in space. The number of fallen apostles was less than half ! "

I took a look at Sandora: "Will it be because the experimental body killed too many warships and caused the fallen apostle to be out of use now? You know, we destroyed that ha in the ruined world at that time. Lan's main force. "

"Even if their losses in the battle of the ruined world are as great as possible, the remaining local fleet cannot be dealt with by a semi-empty creature," Sandora said quickly. "The strongest empire is the fleet and not some Individually, you can't fight a fleet, let alone a replica, God knows where those ships are. "

"At least it seems to be a good thing now," her sister interjected, and asked Sandora, "but should we be careful of ourselves?"

Sandora narrowed her eyes: "You mean, the fallen apostles may have noticed the movement of the Empire fleet. They are showing ignorance, in order to hide their eyes, and in turn attack Shadow City or other imperial territories?"

The sleepy and superficial shallow listened for a while, and suddenly opened his mouth and summarized the idiom: "Wei Shu rescue Zhao ..."

I thought about it for a long time before I came back. What she wanted to say was Weiwei rescue Zhao ...

Sandora looked serious, apparently her sister's worry was not impossible in her opinion. The fallen apostles are the most dangerous enemies you can imagine. They are as harmful as the abyss, and much more cunning than the latter. You have to guard against Lily Na also guarded against their damage.

I involuntarily cast my gaze on the young lady, the other side narrowed her eyes slightly, and white light flickered in her eyes: "50% chance."

I said I needed her to explain.

Lin Xue's face showed a sorry expression: "Two futures appeared at the same time. I have never encountered this situation. In the first future, the fallen apostles lost three worlds in this raid, and we won a great victory. And found the troublesome so-called 'replica'. In the second future, they counter-raided the Shadow City. We almost lost the Avengers base and half of the arsenal. The two futures appeared at the same time and completely overlapped. I do n’t You know what's going on, but ... it seems that one of the previous predictions touched a paradox, causing a problem with the screening mechanism in my head. What will you do now? "

The prophecy of the young lady will never appear this kind of serious contradiction. She always only has two answers: seeing it or not seeing it. Even if the interference of the other party is more serious, what she sees is only a little fuzzy, but now. She saw two directions that were almost completely opposite at the same time, which caused us to look at each other with anxiety, but Lin Xue remained calm: "Temporarily, I can feel that this is temporary, and now we still think we should Let ’s do it, whether to return to Shadow City or continue to intercept the subject-I have to remind you. The subject is a very troublesome guy. Although I ca n’t see the other party ’s identity in several predictions, as long as When it comes to that goal, I feel very upset and have a terrifying urge. "

Sandora watched my reaction. She was a military strategist, but she was not good at instinct to decide things. At this time she wanted to see my opinion, and I thought about it. A strong wave: "Fleet continues. Let the Shadow City strengthen its vigilance, and the power of the dying garden will be fully activated. Any abnormal information outbreak in the void will immediately saturate and strike the past."

At the end, I shrugged at Sandora: "I can only think of these stupid ways."

"Stupid methods are often effective," Sandora nodded, refocusing her attention on the report. "The first and third teams have detonated the 'bombs' located near the void of the void. Now the void erosion of the target world The phenomenon is rapidly intensifying, and the enemy's outposts near the breach and the facilities that are filling the breach have suffered severe damage. The military goal is half completed. "

Everything else seemed to be in our plan, and the severely inadequate defense of the fallen apostles was quickly broken by the Empire fleet. Maybe those guys who have been out of mind did not even think that they would be bombed by the fleet in their own land (of course, they did not expect that Emperor already had the conditions to monitor their communications: equipment, and experts), and the response was slow at the beginning. They caused huge casualties, and then the "gifts" dropped by the assault fleet in the void of the void. These gifts caused the full-dimensional fissures in space, which were only half a moon's size, to skyrocket to a stellar size in a thousandth of a second, than The speed of light is fast. All the space fortresses set by the fallen apostles are inevitable. They were torn to pieces by the violent force of the void. All the next military operations are in minutes. Assault the landing craft to train those who have been raven. Humanoid nuclear bombs were sent to scientific research planets that had been ploughed several times by ship guns. After predatory removal of some databases, humanoid nuclear bombs burned down all equipment, of course-they left the shell of the research facility.

However, we do not think that we can take this opportunity to grab much technology from the research facilities of the fallen apostles. Everyone knows that there are actually two kinds of strongest technologies in the Spirit Empire, one is Phantom Technology, and the other is various Self-destruction ... The violently demolished databases were later proved to have all been emptied by their original operators.

Of course, there is also regret that the three worlds in which we have coordinates are the focus of scientific research. For a scientific research base, there is no value of plundering without scientific and technological data. This attack by the emperor is doomed It can only do damage to the enemy, but it won't gain much for the new empire.

But better than nothing.

The fast-moving spacecraft that first rushed through the line of defense traversed spirally trajectories at sub-light speed in space, as if a large number of intricate lines were drawn behind the fallen apostle's line of defense, and then again from the flank before the enemy's counterattack fire came. Charge the enemy, which is a typical apostle-like killing of the spirit spirit. The commander assigns a target, then as long as two conditions are met: the target is not dead, and it is not dead, the assault troops will endlessly charge forward. Any Deterring methods other than direct confrontation are futile. The fallen Apostle spacecraft that has already reacted is obviously very clear about the fighting methods of these former compatriots. The frigate clusters located on the periphery began to spread out at the maximum speed. In the face of assault ships known for their high firepower and explosive power, the weak defense frigates abandoned The joint shield turned to space and mobility against the imperial fleet. Behind the line of defense began a melee fight with 10,000 kilometers as the basic unit. Battle damage began to frequently appear in the fleets of both sides.

After the second wave of assault ships detonated the "bomb" and opened a huge void, they chose to form a temporary fortress. Some specially designed devices protruded from the ship's armor plate and combined three to four ships into one. A weird-looking space fortress, these assemblage-like assemblies produce a joint shield that is far more than one in the family, and at the same time, the energy rays travel upstream of the armor plate, focusing on powerful shelling. This is a combination of offense and defense Method-This structure was created after Carter's suggestion and targeted research by Tavel. The fallen apostle warships were compared to conventional imperial warships. The most significant advantage is the use of violent abyss power to increase the explosive power of all equipment. Their attack power in the first three waves will be stronger than any ordinary spacecraft. In response to this situation, the Sixth Fleet experimentally improved its tactics. And equipment, the small spacecraft greatly increased the explosive speed, and the large spacecraft worked on joint shields and cluster artillery in order to withstand the enemy's firepower in the deadly first attack, and then it was much easier- Abyss power still hurts the fallen apostles. Their artillery could not sustain over-limit firing for a long time, and the grandchildren were unable to succeed. Now, the new tactics provided by the third intelligence core have shown results. On the battlefield facing the bomber, the emperor showed repression for the first time. situation.

"The enemy's reinforcements appeared 20 minutes later," Lin Xue muttered, rubbing his already painful forehead, and some kind of unidentified interference always made it difficult for her to concentrate. "Thirteen minutes later, the gravitational trap used to block the battlefield began to weaken. That was the best time to evacuate. Third team. Your timing is in the fifteenth minute."

"Fleet understands," the frontline commander replied immediately.

"The universe looks empty," Sandora has been studying environmental monitoring reports from the front. Scanning information from 423,000 deep-space probes is gradually sketching out strange scenes in the fallen apostles' territory. "Except for those man-made planets, the number of distant celestial bodies is extremely scarce. Formed stars or planets can hardly be seen in the deep space, and within 10 billion light years of scanning. All mass comes from those who are chaos at high speed. The chemical reaction of cloud clusters and dark mass areas, the former usually has a radius of millions of light years. Looking at the galaxy that seems to be crushed, the latter is just some empty space. There is no dark matter, but it has a 'mass' attribute. Is this what the world destroyed by the abyss looks like again? "

"This ghost place is definitely provoking the dignity of scientists, and Tavel will be excited," Lin Xue muttered, holding his head, "our soldiers don't need to kill their lives in such places, ready to let them withdraw."

Sandora stared tightly at the information screen in front of her: "No, wait, they've just infiltrated an abandoned space fortress, what might be found."

Almost as soon as Sandora's voice fell, a frontline commander really sent back a message: "Your Majesty! We found a log file that was too late to empty!"

The log file was quickly deciphered. This is a set of general information without encryption. Above is a damage report.

"The test subject lurked for a short period of time after being out of control, and then suddenly broke out and attacked multiple worlds in a row. The attacked institute recorded the last action pattern of the test subject in hopes of locking the target's next action," Sanduo Pulling through the information transmitted from the front line, "According to the prediction, the subject may attack a window universe called cx-8. From this window, the universe jumps directly into the area that the fallen apostles cannot monitor, and the subject is completely escaped from birth. God ... I know where the enemy battleships are! "

The expression on our faces has been revealed: no doubt, the enemy has found the clues of the fleeing experimental body, they sent the remaining garrison to arrest the target, so the defensive forces in these three scientific research worlds Unusually weak, then next, all we have to do is grab the time!

"The position of cx-8 is recorded in the log," Sandora glanced at Lin Xue, and nodded to me. "Just as we are heading now, we can arrive after two jumps."

I touched Lin Xue's arm lightly: "Well done, go take a rest and leave the rest to us."

The young lady grunted and left, and said before leaving: "As soon as possible, don't let that subject be caught back by the fallen apostle, otherwise the trouble will be too great."

The Royal Fleet adjusted its engine quickly. In the next six minutes, the Fleet made two jumps at the end. We have now entered a completely unfamiliar area. The situation at the edge of the macro world's edge can't see the situation here. The last Void node has just been passed. If Void is regarded as a tape, then we have entered the blank space between the two songs-forward, it is cx-8 belonging to the fallen apostles territory.

"I never thought that we could be so close to the fallen apostles' territory so soon, although it was just an island on the border." Sandora sighed, and ordered the fleet to raise the level of concealment to the limit and jump into the main material. world.

I shrugged: "But in turn, the fallen apostles have attacked many times in our territory. Azeroth, Kepru, almost inland, should be out of breath."

But despite that, I do n’t seem to have too much tension, although this is a historic moment—the emperor attacked the homeland of the fallen apostle for the first time. This strange sense of smoothness is very strange. It seems that we should have To be more serious, hold a meeting in advance to organize a day of oaths or something? Anyway, I feel a little strange, but I still don't have a sense of crisis. This may be because Lin Xue has always been very relaxed.

cx-8 is a dark red world.

The entire universe is dark red. This depressing spectrum fills the entire space. Everything in our sight, including those nebula tornadoes that stretch like mountains over a few light years, and huge red hanging on a black space background The spheres are floating with a dark red halo, these colors are caused by red shift.

The entire universe is redshifting ~ www.readwn.com ~ but this is not right-redshifting should be based on the existence of light waves, space should be dark, and only something that really exists is a light source, such as a A star or a fiery cloud, but in fact, the entire universe is glowing and red-shifted ... How is this possible?

Sandora slowly said, "It may have been a big bang when the abyss arrived. The universe was a pot of hot and bright soup at that moment. Then the abyss destroyed its development process, and the remaining fragments became a Incomplete snapshots, the anomalous physical phenomenon we see should be the solidified "view", but the "view" here is not only a picture, but also a genuine event. The data shows the edge of cx-8 It is still fragmenting, and it will be eliminated by the abyss in tens of thousands of years. This is an excellent research object. If Tavel is in ... "

Tavel's mass projection suddenly appeared next to her, and she pushed her glasses. "Your Majesty, his subordinates are here."

I smiled at Sandora: "Do you think she may not submit a companion application?"

Everyone was helpless, and a report came from the command hall: "Your Majesty! Fleet assembly found within radar range!" (To be continued)

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