Xiling Empire

Chapter 977: 1 family, more messy

Chapter 977 The Family Is More Messy

I have always felt that Lin Xue has a life attitude that is very worth learning by herself. Even if she has the power to predict the future, she does not want to use it easily on her own. In her words, this is to make life more interesting. After all, according to the prediction mechanism, her observation of the future will cause the historical process to be booked in advance. Although it is not a 100% fixed future, it will also change life from a surprise full of surprises to a tasteless one. As a human being in human society, Individuals who have grown up obviously do not like this uninteresting lifestyle.

But now, I think it would be great if I had this ability. At least I would know how my daughter is slowly being poisoned by the unhelpful relatives.

The restaurant we stayed at was a cheap restaurant opened by the students. The owner of the store did not know which business-minded sister Misaka, and there were two goblin partners. It was a relatively famous restaurant on this street. The biggest feature of the shop (also a feature that cannot be copied) is that all the waiters are three-headed 60 cm high mercury lamp dolls. These little arms and small head dolls run around the ground to pass dishes and collect things. It can be said that it is a scenic line in this student restaurant. If you come here to eat, you can interact with the funny and cute three-headed puppet, but be careful when walking and look at your feet, because it is easy to kick over a sneaky little girl. Guy. The tables here are all specially made. There is a small folding ladder next to the table. Only three-meter-long mercury lamps with three heads can climb up the ladder to clean up the chopsticks-after all, they can't reach the table even they jump up.

Looking at the puppets running around holding the tray, Xiaoxue always looked cheerful, and from time to time he suddenly picked up a little guy who didn't hold something in his hand. No puppet dared to approach this place, and I was a little curious: "At that time, were these little guys still active?"

"Of course, and the number has reached hundreds of thousands. In the Royal District, these little doll heads are very popular partners and staff. They are cute and smart, but the 'Princess Dolls' at that time were already with these alchemists. The puppets are not the same. When I was born, these puppets were divided into many types. Some of them have their own intelligence and biological characteristics. They are actually a new type of apostles with special appearances. They are good at fighting and logistics. There is a large group on each spaceship of the Royal Fleet. There are some puppets that are directly controlled by Sister Deng. They are super-equipped by the scientists and used as guards. We call them the "Princess Knights", which can be envied. Now, there are still a few prototypes now, and the sisters behind Misaka are directing them. But at that time, the sisters Misaka were very busy, and the puppets they controlled were not so fun, they had to work. " Here, Xiao Xue seems to be thinking of something interesting, and can't help but grin: "Of course, when you're in the wrong hands, you will get stuck in the corners. Point'd not changed, I heard it wrong from the start had come forward. "

It seems that some things are similar to what I expected.

I know that the birth of Xiaoxue is many, many years later, time is passing, things are wrong, and maybe many things around me will gradually disappear, but presumably these mass-produced mercury lamps will always be retained, and behind them Misaka sisters.

This is to say that the current new empire's biochemical transformation of its various races.

Prior to this, after obtaining Atlantis biochemical information, Sandora and I have started the genetic enhancement project for the soldiers of the servant army, and now this project has gradually developed to face the entire macro world. With the joint efforts of a group of bio-specialized scientific experts and Li Lina, the Empire has developed standard bio-retrofit processes that can adapt to hundreds of life forms. These processes are low-cost and require only a little energy and equipment loss, and some even personnel No need to participate, the automation equipment can do everything. All Shadow City citizens, honorary citizens, indentured workers, and vassals have the right to accept the transformation of the standard process-of course, this is also their obligation to fulfill, even the life forms of many vassal races are constantly being adjusted by the Empire No one can refuse, unless you give up any benefits provided by the Empire. This adjustment can make members of a race stronger, smarter, more adaptable to extreme environments, and longer lived at the genetic level.

Each world has many empire biochemical stations that perform this adjustment task. The entrance of the biochemical station will read this sentence:

Extend your life, temper yours, and then use them to be more loyal to the emperor.

The original direct purpose of genetic reinforcement was to add more abundant and excellent servants to the empire, making them more powerful and accumulating richer war experience. The Atlantis artificial **** was once the product of this plan. : The entire race was “leaped” collectively into a superhuman race. Now that the new empire is constantly unlocking the tech tree, we have begun to try to replicate the miracle that happened to the Atlantis race.

As a by-product of this plan, perhaps we will create countless super-long species that can fly ball lightning while flying-of course, it is difficult to say whether all vassal races can communicate with Atlantis in the short term. It can also be immortal. After all, the basis of many creatures may not support eternal life. Some races have a limited life and cannot see the possibility of unlocking. Some races are unwilling to let their age exceed one thousand years. Everyone loves immortality. For some mortal races, death is actually part of a complete life. In response to these situations, our solution is the typical spirit thinking plus jingle doctrine: if you really feel that you have lived enough and have completed all the responsibilities and obligations to this world, then you can submit a death application, which In this application, the priests who have the theological deities will perform the magical verification. After verification, the applicants can be sent to the life temple of the local world for free, where they return to the river of life, and correspondingly, the death of the applicant will be There are one or two new newborn quotas in the area (extra quota, because we don't actually need to worry about insufficient living resources, this quota is only used to commemorate the dead). Newborns born from this quota are based on the theology of life. Doctrine identifies the dead as the godfather / mother, thus completing a life cycle from actual to symbolic.


"Dad!" A sudden call made me look back from my divergent thinking. Xiaoxue was holding a piece of barbecue in front of me. "Dad, you eat, and mom, why don't you eat?"

I think it's weird. While chewing the food that Xiao Xue handed over, he said indistinctly: "You're really familiar with it. Let's meet for a few hours."

"That's what you think. I've been with you for ten years ..." Xiao Xue said in a mouthful rumor, there was no such thing as the girl's hold. Perhaps this picture really cannot be said to be uneducated, but to say It was she who did not have to hold back in the presence of her parents-she awoke me with a word.

Yes, in my opinion, this strange girl named Chen Xiaoxue met with herself just a few hours ago. Except for the intimacy of the blood and the inexplicable affinity between herself and the other person, it is basically equivalent to A stranger I just met, but what about Chen Xiaoxue?

She had lived with us all for a decade or two before the projection came over!

It can even be guessed that maybe until recently she was eating and watching TV, chatting and shopping with her parents in another time and space. Today she is still with her parents, but just how old are the people on the opposite side. The scene is novel to Lin Xue and me, but it has been repeated to her many times. This difference in feeling is really strange now.

Lin Xue obviously thought to go with me. Her face was always a little red. At this time, she gently touched my arm: "Wood, it seems we can adapt in the future. I bet this child will never be kind to us. Yes, but ... I really have no experience as a mother! "

I gave a smirk, and squeezed Lin Xue's cheeks handily: "Our children, my children, my children ..."

The corner of the young lady's mouth froze, and she held my waist with chopsticks: "You have the right to choose silence, anyway, I will find a way to shut you up!" Then she looked at the oblique upper part with a forty-five degree angle, and sighed with sigh Nianyu: "This is a good thing. I have never before gone further than Sandora and Shallow. I originally wanted to find a balance in my heart. This time I have overbalanced."

After eating, Xiao Xue's energy was not less, but she was more interested because she was full and satiated. She dragged Lin Xue and me through the whole college road. This was the beginning of an embarrassing journey at the other end because of this. The girl saw a lot of familiar faces along the way. The girl was sweet and greeted everyone when she saw her. Even if the other person was shocked, she couldn't stop her from approaching each other with affection.

"Mitsumi sells bracelets? Business is good? The bracelets are still faded?"

"The fourth aunt gave us two skewers, me? Oh, you don't know yet, but you just know my dad, don't you?"

"Ah! Auntie, auntie, good afternoon!"

"My grandfather! My grandfather! The bracelet looks so good! Is this plastic or glass?"

"Is that Uncle Kuchurin? Is he still carrying his lightning rod?"

"Hey, Uncle Ball! You have words on your body again, who wrote it to you: Please keep rolling at a constant speed to avoid crushing. It must be the junior students, oh no, you have n’t taught at the college yet- Me? I'm Chen Xiaoxue! You'll know each other later! "

A strange girl named Chen Xiaoxue is full of energy, saying hello to every erect walking object encountered on the road, and even including rolling walking (this is a cold again) creatures. She bounced out of her mouth and crackled everybody who met him head-on. If she greeted people like this in general, it would definitely be treated as a neurosis, but the person on the opposite side first saw her before Seeing me and Lin Xue, he was so astonished that after the strange girl walked by, he turned into a sneaky question and asked, "Where did you pick up a living treasure?"

I don't have the heart to tell these people that after a few years, an identical living treasure will have to toss the residents of the entire city from the age of one.

After Chen Xiaoxue finally started holding a panicked Altoria "little aunt and little aunt" and kept calling, Lin Xue and I finally couldn't help it. I stepped forward and dragged back the girl who had collapsed. "Where did you get all these messy titles! Is Altolia a nephew relationship with you?"

Xiao Xue looked up at the sky for a moment, and shook his head: "How do I know, a large group of people from childhood to large, you said that they are all elders, but I learned to speak early, others like to agree when they say hello, so I can only scream. I called it when I was a kid, except for male and female, the other titles came randomly. Anyway, the called person would understand the spirit ... "


At this time, some people finally reacted. It was Medusa who called her four aunts just after being caught by Xiao Xue: "Boss ... what the **** is this?"

"Introduce you," I saw a lot of people around, so I pointed at Xiao Xue, and looked helpless. "This is my girl, eh, I and Lin Xue ..."

The young lady turned her head around and looked at the sky. She didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't deny it. So Yingling was suddenly upset around him. Kuqiulin was quick and pointed at the strange girl Chen Xiaoxue who looked at least seventeen or eighteen. Boss! It's too big! Maybe it's jingling for ripening! "

Medusa's face changed drastically, and Altria shouted with a sword: "Get cover! Hidden!"

A circle of people flashed clean for a moment, and I opened the energy shield with closed expressions, closed my eyes, and meditated one or two or three in my heart. By the time I opened my eyes, Kuqiulin was gone.

Medea, who was running slower, came back with an explosive head: "As a guard, he should at least learn to add an honorific after the goddess' name. Then the boss, this ... the new princess ... well, what happened?"

The spirits have been living in Avalon for a long time. Although the staff belong to the soldiers of Ding Dong, but because of the unreliable guy of Ding Dong, most of them still contact me, so now I know them well. As long as they are not on official occasions, they will be very relaxed. I am afraid this will be the same in the future, otherwise it is unlikely that Chen Xiaoxue is holding Aaltolia and calling her aunt. Now I see that I suddenly lead a brand new princess. And it is said that it was Lin Xue's biological daughter, so even the heroes who did not like gossip came together, even Altolia, I looked around, shrugged, and told everyone about Xiaoxue's history.

Of course, in the end, they did n’t understand anything except “Xiao Xue is from the future Princess.” The way this strange little girl came to this timeline is really too detoured, and I suspect that she came here purely. Tossing people reasoning ability.

A group of heroes was very interested in another princess, and they proposed that a welcome ceremony should be held at least once. This is not surprising. The heroes we pried from the Holy Grail world were specially selected, and most of them were From the era when the princess knight swept half the sky, except for a few non-mainstream heroes, people in this era are extremely sensitive to the following words: princess, king, knight, conquest, and honor. I believe that for them, among members of the royal family Anything extra is worth preaching, including an extra princess and a king ’s cat, and Lin Xue, a pure little couple, has been a model of empire love for a long time. Now two Suddenly, one extra character came out with a seventeen or eighty-year-old flesh. How can you let these guys who are idle all day and accumulate adrenaline to soothe their turbulent brain fluid ...

However, Xiao Xue didn't seem to catch the welcome ceremony very much, because in her opinion, there was nothing to celebrate. In her own timeline, she met the gang of spirits almost every day. In less than a month, it was too difficult to understand how to hold a banquet in such a short time. This is again the difference caused by different time axis perspectives, and visually I will have to deal with this difference for a long time in the future.

Of course, in the end, I still agreed to the wish of the heroes to host the welcome ceremony, because I know these unreliable and drunkards occupy half of the country. I'm sure that most of the reasons for their welcome ceremony are actually for their own fun. After mingling with the fairies from Fantasy Township for a long time, this tendency has become more serious. Xiao Xue's cold to the welcome party does not seem to affect their activities at all.

It's half-afternoon, Xiao Xue is still very spirited, but her parents don't have much energy to sway outside. You should know that during the first half of the day, we were nervous and ordered a simultaneous raid. The scuffle in the world of the three fallen apostles. I really want to know what material this strange girl is made of. It stands to reason that she should be more tired than we are: the girl didn't just fight the fallen apostle, she But led the fleet from the enemy's hinterland all the way! Speaking of the “Ultimate Sons” that were born after the Great Cataclysm in the Void, is Chengdu a special alloy?

After I got home, I found that Qian Qian had returned. Listening to the quiet family members, including Sandora, were surrounded by a small circle of small hair girls, and the rosy girls were included, and Qian Qian was giving them joy. Speaking of something, when she saw our uncle appearing in the living room, she suddenly pointed at Xiao Xue and shouted loudly: "This is this! This is projected from the future! Your sister!"

As soon as the voice fell off ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xiao bubble appeared in front of Xiaoxue unconsciously, looked at the latter with a stunned expression, and said with a frowning arm, "Gua!"

"Sister Pao! Wow, Pao Sister who can't speak yet!" Xiao Xue suddenly lifted up the little bubbles and put them on her chest for a while, making her want to feel what it was like to be a sister Shouting from the little bubble Gu Xiaoya, Xiao bubble looked naive but was not stupid, she knew what sister is and what sister, and because of the talent of her spirit host, I am afraid that the understanding of Xiaoxue's origin is no better than others How much is shallow, so she feels that she should say hello to her future sister as an elder sister. The only regret is that she absolutely ignores her current height ...

(Recommend a book, "Lunar Driver", a new science fiction book, which tells what happened after humans discovered that the moon is actually a giant planet carrier. The reason for this recommendation is that in this overgrown era, it turned out to be unexpected Has a good relaxed writing style and ideas, the main character's mentality is normal, the role performance is very clear, and the commendable is that the content of the book deserves the label of "sci-fi", which has a somewhat classic sci-fi taste. Of course, there are defects, If viewed from the perspective of orthodox science fiction, this book still has technical loopholes and errors in details, which may be related to the fact that the author is a liberal arts student-but now in this environment, you can hardly find anything more like science fiction than it Science fiction.)

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