Xiling Empire

Chapter 98: Sister's circle (on)

It is impossible for me to put Tosca to death.

Although this guy does make me uncomfortable, it is not necessary to kill him, because in a way, Tosca is just a toy character, just an object that I am teasing, And if you really use any duel to kill him, it will also leave the impression that the head of the Greek Empire will be reported. This image can be used as a small leader in the street, but it is settled in an empire. It was a shameless personality.

Of course, this does not mean that I am too hypocritical, so a little punishment is still necessary.

After this incident, no matter what background Tosca has, his future is completely finished, and I am afraid that his future will not be much better than a homeless man with a ruined home.

Even if William saves his life, it is impossible for Agna to spare this stupid thing that almost broke the big deal.

Looking at Tosca, who was already in despair, and William with a cloud around him, I finally decided to let him go.

"Forget it, I just wanted this arrogant young man to learn a lesson," I waved my hand, stood there with a look of old-fashioned, and the temperament of a peerless master soared in my imagination, "I hope he Remember that humility and caution are qualities that should be maintained at all times. "

Shallowly shallow, sister, Sandora gave me a neat eye.

William froze for a moment, and it seemed that he didn't believe that I would simply let Tosca seriously offend the majesty of the Schilling Empire. After a moment, he finally realized that he hadn't heard wrong, and immediately said excitedly: "Thank you! The benevolent Emperor of the Spirit, sure enough, only with your qualities can you become the same existence as the God of Light ... "

I was too lazy to listen to him continue to make flattering, so he waved his hands to express impatience, William, who was going to continue to shoot, immediately shut his mouth with interest.

"Okay, now everything is done. Obviously, we do n’t need the support of human force at all. According to the plan I proposed before, the enemy ’s east army will give it to you to deal with. My partner and I How about we focus on the enemy's West Army and the hidden main force? "

There is no doubt about it. The exaggerated tension shown by Pandora and Shallow was witnessed by many upper layers of the Otto Empire. If they had some doubts and exclusions from the Spirit apostles before, this idea no longer exists at all. , Even if it is not for the sake of face, I think there will even be someone who is planning to let us take over the task of fighting the abyss ...

If you think about it, it ’s really weird. Obviously, we have to come to help, but we have to go through such troublesome things. So, what I hate most is stubborn religious ...

The biggest feature of demonized creatures is that they don't need rest at all, no fatigue and fear, and they don't require any compensation for injury or death. They can continue to move as long as the abyss power in the body is not dispelled. The monster army that marches continuously, regardless of day or night, is advancing very fast. A few days ago, they only appeared occasionally on the edge of Pandora's warning radar. By now, they are close to the border of the Otto Empire. .

We are now stationed on an unknown high ground on the Otto border, ready to meet enemies who are about to enter the attack range.

Considering the terrorist attack power of several of our main dps and the long-range combat methods of the whole army, once fighting with the monster army will definitely affect a considerable range of human towns, so we have to choose to be stationed in the wild area-grudges and grudges ... ...

"It would be nice if the bubbles were there."

看着 I can't help complaining when I look at the rough walls and the "table" in front of me, which are completely unsatisfactory from ornamental to precision to sturdy.

As a special evolvable Schilling host, Little Bubble has the learning, creative ability and independent consciousness that ordinary clones do not have, which means that she can also be like her mother Bubble to produce the next generation of Greek Instead of becoming a one-time replica, the master of the spirit master has her own shortcomings-her growth process is too slow, not even faster than ordinary human infants.

Although the spirit masters copied by the general method are low in intelligence and not creative, they have a full set of blueprints for the building of the spirit. They can start working immediately like a computer with office software pre-installed, but little bubbles Not the same, although there are a lot of blueprints in her little brain, her three-year-old child's mind can't grasp such profound things at all, that is, the current little bubble does not have the function of a spirit master .

At this point, we can see from the 45-degree-inclined defensive tower outside the barracks, which is as crooked as the children's building blocks we live in, and outside the barracks.

Tragedy, tragedy ...

"Mum ..."

The small bubble huddled in my arms, making a cry of unclear meaning, and then the little head arched back and forth.

Sure enough, it was too reluctant for a child who couldn't even speak to knock on the front line.

I rubbed Xiaobuo ’s head, and then reiterated my point: “I still think that Xiaobuo should be sent back. She is too small, and it is still a bit dangerous to go to the battlefield.”

Sandola shook her head and said, "Don't underestimate the host of Hilling, she is still small, it is still possible to build a few individual turrets, and she also has the ultimate life-saving skills. . "

I know what Sandora makes sense, but I think it's weird that a girl of this size is going to fight the enemy, but the next second, Pandora squeezed the little bubble aside and got into my arms. , I suddenly thought that in the Spirit Empire, the fighting power of a creature like Loli is very powerful ...

It took me a lot of work to calm down the two little lollies who were crowding around each other restlessly in my arms, and suddenly noticed that my sister sitting at the other table seemed to be struggling to write something.

Hmm ... is it my illusion? Why do I seem to see a real black grudge behind my sister? And what kind of insidious smile that my sister appears from time to time, as if the old witch in the cartoon stirs up the pot of poison?

At this time ~ www.readwn.com ~ others also noticed the situation of her sister, and then everyone, including Sandora, was neatly sulking. He was still counting the number of holes in the house on the ceiling. Ding-Dong slipped into my collar even more quickly.

Although my sister is so angry now, is it necessary to exaggerate?


Sister Xi suddenly yelled happily, and the cold resentment around her swept away, and then she came to us with her masterpiece showing off.

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Sister Yun obviously did not know how big her ability radiation range was just now. She just put a stack of white paper just completed in front of us.

Alas, it's not blank now, because there is something on each piece of paper.

Circle, many circles ...

"Cooked pancakes?" I said the only thing that my poor imagination could think of. To be honest, I was really hungry.

My sister-in-law stabbed a shudder on my head, and proudly held up the stack of paper and said, "This is the secret weapon I prepared-the beacon of disaster!"

It's a good name, but it's full of hilarity on a circle of white paper.

Seeing some of our weird expressions, my sister frowned very dissatisfied, then dragged me out, and at the same time gave an order: "Follow me!" Everyone immediately followed, to see what the sister really was What great results have been worked out.

There is a small vacant lot outside our temporary resident site, which is just suitable for experiments. My sister took one of the so-called disaster beacons, laid it on a stone, and then pulled us back quickly.

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