Xiling Empire

Chapter 982: Shallow guess

Chapter 982 Superficial Guess

The 700 billion strong performance allows it to walk in any environment you can imagine. Even without the shield and space shielding system, it is enough to face the extreme environment in any situation on the earth. I do n’t know the Father What do you want to see? Every time when I want to stop, he will say a word: "Choose a direction, and just go on."

Well, it seems that at least at this time, this father God, like the second brother next door, will still have a mysterious mystery, but what is it to go casually? In the past thirty minutes, we've been to the South Pole, the Mariana Trench, Central Sahara, the Himalaya Peaks, the Mississippi River and the Maldives-I think God the Father should be a little bit more impressed with the most magnificent scenery on Earth Interested, but the conclusion is that for this power, there is no difference in any scenery, he is not interested-or just the opposite, he is interested, but he thinks we should continue.

Okay, after so much relaxation after a period of contact, maybe I already know a little bit about the second brother ’s characteristics on the co-pilot. He is gentle, kind, and has a trusting temperament. In addition, what I just felt was indifference and extreme "inertness". Well, it is inertia. This property can only be expressed as a character trait when the creature is in the void. Inertia does not only mean that the void creature is not active. Strong, even more, means that the void creatures have a tendency to "slowly treat" when facing everything in the world. I find that both myself and the father and **** like to slowly think about a problem, and not to worry about the troubles to be dealt with next, No matter how big a bunch of things we have to deal with, one of our expressions is the same: smile very indifferently, then complain with a little bit, work impatiently or pretend to work.

What makes me weaker than him is that I still have the "crazy" mood now. I don't know if it's because there are so many bear children around him.

In the course of the chaos, the father and **** appeared a little thoughtful look from time to time. He studied the aurora in the South Pole, the sand in the Sahara, and the bright lava lake under the Mariana Trench, but he did not explicitly say that he was Researching something just makes people feel that he always has something to do. After 45 minutes, I ca n’t help it. The places of great value on the earth seem to have turned around. After staying for three or five minutes, I found a world wonder in each altitude range. As a result, the attention of the father and **** seems to be out of the local scenery. I can be sure that if he is interested in the scenery, he will not be in the Victoria Falls. Let's study ants. "In other words, Xingchen, what are you going to watch?" I remembered that the other party asked him to call his first name, but the Xingchen name had only one name, so he called it directly.

"There is nothing left to see nearby," Father God looked at the sky, and the Colorado Grand Canyon was cloudless. "I am verifying one of my ideas, and now I am a little bit frowning, but ... can we go further? "

"How far?" We stopped in the Grand Canyon on the other side of the earth to study whether there are any further tourist attractions, and then we jumped out of our mindset, "Oh, let's go to outer space?"

God the Father looked up and said, "Deep space ... maybe it is really necessary to go there to confirm the situation. Chen, go to the depths of this world."

I was stunned, and said in my heart that you didn't go out and go around at the beginning. Is it necessary to exaggerate? However, after thinking about it, for a group of people who can take a cross-world outing, entering deep space may not be a hike, so I shook my head and activated the 700 billion world-wide transmission function. As for the goal ... OK Well, I still chose the coordinates that I might be interested in with my eyes closed. The slight dislocation and buzzing sounds flickered during space transmission. We have reached deep space. A light blue energy barrier floated on the 700 billion post-modern style car shells, and it has entered the extra-atmosphere mode. The internal space of the vehicle began to reorganize. Soon, the seats and compact manipulators disappeared, and the car shell began to become transparent. A group of four people seemed to float directly in space, and the surrounding environment was clear at a glance.

Good luck, there are celestial bodies in sight: 99.99% of the entire universe is desolate, and the seemingly starry space is actually no more impurities than a swimming pool mixed with a hundred grains of sand, but Just now, 700 billion yuan automatically included areas with gravitational points as correction options when providing coordinate references. We were directly guided to a faint brown-red star in one space jump.

At the top left is a solitary brown-red star. At this distance, it appears to be huge, almost equivalent to ten times the size of the sun on Earth. The lines on it can be faintly distinguished, but the car astronomical analyzer (you listen Listen, car! This is more face-saving) It ’s actually smaller than the sun. The brown-red star ’s nuclear reaction is slow, it has a massive core, and the surrounding space is filled with cooled air masses. The nearby red spectrum has been increased by several orders of magnitude, and the analyzer has detected heavier metal elements and some planetary residues.

This is a burned-out star that may have transformed into a red giant in the past. It devoured its own planetary system, then collapsed into this picture, and the remaining solitary dwarf became itself. Tombstone, in the dark and empty darkness, only the former remains and planets turned into clouds to accompany it, eh, it seems that he is literary again, but the dying celestial body in space seems to have a kind of desolate and solemn beauty, although I I'm not an astronomer, and I don't know where this feeling comes from, but after seeing this dying star, I still have a sense of touching the scene.

The Father God glanced at me: "You feel sad, even though the other party is just a celestial body. When you somehow touch the inanimate things in the world, you start to be a qualified void creature. You subconsciously and yourself The essence of nature is two: you are the source of all things, so you are connected to everything, and because you are the end of all things, the death of all things touches you deeply. "

I took a deep breath. Regardless of whether I understood it, I wrote it down first, then said, "Well, I have been taught, but how great is a void creature?"

"Void is just great," Father God smiled, "It will not be long before you will enter the next stage: you begin to feel calm about the reincarnation of things, and no longer feel sad for a specific death, but this does not mean your Feelings will wear away, but will enter a higher stage of wisdom. You begin to realize that the concept of birth and death is all born in the void. The dead still exist in your eyes, so that you begin to grasp the power of being out of nothing and in any place. The power to redeem everything, but it will take time. "

"Um, I think it's very early to say this, I just figured out how to make myself more than twenty-four hours."

"When you forget what time is, there is no limit to your void form, but it is indeed too early to say this." Father God smiled. "In fact, I just want to confirm why the Nether Cataclysm Only the world we know has survived, and now, a little bit guessed. "

"The world has mutated after being connected to the void creature."

Father God pointed at the vast space outside and said with a smile, he was not referring to the distant nebula, nor the dwarf nearby, but the darkness.

I stared at it for a long time, and then looked back when I saw the light shadows, "I didn't see anything."

"No, you see it, but you still can't realize what you see. This is a process of instinctual awakening," Father Father smiled, "I studied the creatures of this world and found an interesting phenomenon: this world The structure of mortal eyes can see the tip of his nose, but almost no one realizes it all the time. "

"You mean, that thing is right in front of me, but I subconsciously ignored it?" I rubbed my eyes in confusion, and continued to look at space vigorously, well, I know, most of what the Father said was not directly observed with his eyes. Things, I just want to try to see if I can really see anything.

"Almost the same, these changes are very, very subtle. With your precise grasp of your own power, you can't find where you left your traces. It's like a mortal walking a path, but you can't smell it like a dog. He smells the same. "

I said in my heart that the analogy of God the Father is really not good. What kind of parable do you listen to?

"Mutation, mutation, that is, the world connected with the void creature has mutated, and then," I slowly understood what the Father and God were concerned about. "Do you think this has something to do with the cataclysm of the void?"

"At least this kind of mutation may be the reason that all the worlds favored by you and my family survived the cataclysm in the void. I just paid attention to the flow of information at the bottom of this world and found that there is a very small amount of all information Mark, I have also paid attention to the "marking" of the two spaces: the earth is the area where you live most, and now the space in front of you may be your first visit. However, in these two places, the underlying information The tiny marks in the stream are of the same intensity, which means that some kind of variation occurs 'uniformly' throughout the world. It is likely to even become an information feature of this world: you know how to determine a world in the void, by passing Its information statement, if the same data can be observed at any point in the world, then this data is highly likely to become the information statement of the current world on the level of the void, that is, due to our existence , The world is tagged with a label, and this label is for the void to "see". I was thinking about this problem yesterday and night. Today In the morning and you just want to come out and check with the look. "

I don't know what she thinks. The first thought she came up with at this time turned out to be: "Wow! Didn't you sleep yesterday? Stay up late?"

Father God gave me a terrifying look: "Why is her point of entry so sharp?"

My face was embarrassed: "... she's in trouble."

God the Father didn't care. He smiled and waved, and replied seriously: "It wasn't so exaggerated. I fell asleep when I thought about it-about ten o'clock."

I slapped it on my forehead: I went back to the room from 9.45, fell asleep at 10 o'clock, and after thinking about it for 20 minutes, I fell asleep and dare to claim to be thinking about it all night. See The Father God is also a vicious man in the lazy world. The void creatures are all inert ...

You may also find yourself showing something awkward, and Father God coughed awkwardly, and continued to explain to us: "Of course, there is still a question now, is that those extra information fluctuations are caused by the connection with the void creatures? , That is, we need to rule out the possibility that they are self-generated by the world. "

"It's not easy. Find a world that hasn't been 'marked'. The normal world is compared with the marked world ..." I slap on my head when I say half, "I'm going, I'm stupid x It's ... "

"The problem is here," the Father and God nodded unscrupulously, pun intended, and pun intended, "We are void creatures, so any world we observe or even have a little connection to will be marked, so In theory, you can never find an unmarked world: they all collapse to the only answer in the moment they are observed. "

"I think of Schrodinger's half-dead cat."

Father God was surprised: "Who is Schrodinger?"

"Schrödinger, a cat abuser, designed an experiment, which later proved that the observer would cause an uncertain state to collapse to a certain state. The general meaning is this. Now the void creature is obviously the only one who is qualified to become an observer at the level of the void. Therefore, any connection we have to the world will be regarded as observation, and then presented to us is the universe that has been changed. Unless there is a higher level of existence than the void creature, it is impossible for us to jump out of our perspective. . "

"That's really impossible," the Father and God sighed. "Now I can only reverse the evolution of its birth process based on the underlying information of the world itself, and finally determine that the tiny marks are not generated by the world itself. It is frustrating to build on theory but not on examples. "

"The same in other worlds?" I asked, although the Father said that he had just remembered this last night, but I still remembered Xiao Xue's words. At this time, the Father must have considered the cause of the Great Cataclysm in Void. He has observed other worlds, but he is not as clear-cut as he is today.

"Some similar situations," Sure enough, the Father God nodded. "In fact, this phenomenon has been discovered a long time ago in the **** world. There are some 'extra products' in every world. Extra products do not occur naturally due to the evolution of the world. But it seems like redundant data, which cannot be deleted at all. At first, we thought this was a normal phenomenon and belonged to the natural law of Genesis. If it was n’t for your daughter ’s message, I ’m afraid I wo n’t copy this until the Void Catastrophe happened. The situation is linked to the intervention of the void creature. "

"Still want to confirm, to what extent can this 'associate with the void creature' be broad? You see, in some worlds I haven't touched at all, except that the Imperial soldiers once surveyed a coordinate there, leaving at most an observation station, There are tens of thousands of such worlds in the macro world network, and I haven't asked any of them myself. How can such a world be connected with the void creatures? "

"Do you think that if it weren't for your existence, would those soldiers have a chance to discover those worlds?" God the Father asked in return.

"... If I don't 'wake up', it seems like the whole new empire is still in the shadow," I felt as I felt my chin. "The new empire will have no connection with me, so even if the new empire recovers for other reasons, hope The world discovered by the spiritual apostles will not be exempted. "

"This is the reason. The information perturbation of the void creature is stronger than you think. If you act as a cause, then the consequences and all the subsequent events will hang in your name. What you are experiencing now Everything, the history of the Schilling Empire since its recovery, the original source is that you activated a mother star. "

I nodded, I understood, and put everything together. Bingtis was drowsy at this time. She wanted to play when she came out, but did not expect that her boss and the current landlord ran to the meeting with a business trip. Twenty billion light years away, the female hooligan dared to anger, but could only roll her eyes and yawn, and she took a piece of drawing paper and sketched the dwarf star with great interest, noting that my sight swept away. Then, Qian Qian suddenly looked up and laughed, "Ajun, did you say that the fallen apostle copied you in order to survive the great cataclysm in the void?"

My father and I said at the same time: "It's possible!"

"The fallen apostles are my enemies, can they be counted as related to the void creature?" I asked eagerly, the Father and God thought a little, and the look became complicated. "Of course the fallen apostles are connected with you. ~ www.readwn.com ~ But more than 90% of their world has nothing to do with you-because the fallen apostles existed before you awakened, and they found that those worlds were not affected by you, that is to say , Your connection to the fallen apostles camp is limited to themselves, and not to their world. "

Maybe I ’m afraid I do n’t understand. The Father God then explained: “There are restrictions on the connection with the void creatures. The first is direct connection. You have direct contact, direct knowledge or hearing, which are all directly related. You There is a connection between the goal and the target without a springboard, and the second is causal inheritance, which requires you to interact with other directly connected people because of you ... "

"It's like one is a double-click program directly, and one is a double-click shortcut?" Asked curiously, "whether a normal apostle or a fallen apostle counts as a program, and then the macro world belongs to the shortcut established by Ajun, but the fallen apostle The side shortcuts are all built by themselves. Ah Jun is not the creator and has no access rights-so all their territories are excluded from the white list. Once the antivirus software is turned on, all invalid and disguised shortcuts will be deleted. ! "

For the first time, I was overjoyed by the shallow logical concatenation ability: the association of this girl is too sharp!

Although she could think of this because she was known as a computer killer, she was frustrated by viruses every day and became a doctor ...

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