Xiling Empire

Chapter 984: Little bubble, you are amazing

Chapter 884 Little Bubble, You Are Mighty

It is quite difficult for a senior female hooligan such as Bingtis to learn to stay quiet and not to disturb people, especially after the only monster here who can calm her father and walk across the border of the universe, the female hooligan seems to be hibernating. Just in the spring, we are negotiating business affairs here, and she started to use parables to teach bubbles how to hide their faces ...

The only way we can deal with this is to ignore her, otherwise the more people this guy deals with, the more mischievous it will be.

"If these six hosts can evolve into a parent machine ..." Looking at the six mass-produced bubbles sitting on the sofa like a row of dolls, I have started to think about them, faintly from their small faces. Seeing a curious look may be curious about the environment here: The place where the emperor lives is another dimension of the x field for ordinary apostles. One trip is enough to go back and blow two months of cowhide, not to mention this time Here are the mass-produced bubbles that have just produced their own consciousness. Although they lack emotions, they also lack the ability to cover their inner thoughts. In fact, if you carefully observe them, you can easily read out the emotions of these little guys, just I didn't find it just now. Of course, they may also be curious about the emperor's family. It is estimated that these little guys never know what their emperor and mother-in-law are like in their daily lives. They just saw that we were on the officer seat. It is estimated that the most grass-roots imperial soldiers have never seen them squatting and squatting beside the teeth of a road to pancake fruit ...

"That would be the moment of bulls," Bubbles got rid of the entanglement of Icetis, and nodded sympathetically to me. "Unfortunately, I don't think it is possible. Their innate physical limitations are the first reason. ——This is easier to solve. It can be replaced with a new set of components. The biggest trouble is that the soul and life are essentially two different types of life. The production machine and the mother machine are actually two different lives. For the entire database, these mass-produced machines can at best be regarded as USB flash drives that have copied directories from the database. You can expand the capacity of the USB flash drive to be as large as the database, but it still cannot have the query capability: it is not supported on the structure. A USB flash drive with a capacity of several hundred million megabytes cannot run programs, so I guess these hosts will eventually evolve into a state between the mother machine and the mass production machine, with their own wisdom and certain creativity, and can optimize their own working procedures. But I'm afraid I can't create the next generation of the mother machine by myself, and make the most common mass production machine at most. And their own function should also have an optimization upper limit, I'm afraid the strongest is also It is difficult to compare with the mother machine-inherently restricted, Schwarzenegger, even with his fist, can't beat Optimus Prime. You can give a new flying electric car helium 3 and it can't beat Audi. "

I couldn't help but look at the small bubble that was next to xl34: "That is to say, you can produce a mother machine like the small bubble. They can't, at most, copy the mass production host with the same strength as before their evolution. They count as reproduction, and only you count as fertility ... "

Before the words were finished, the bubble bumped into my stomach with a pinch and blushed: "I hate it, child, dad, can this topic be kept at night ..."

Bingtis took a sip of ice black tea straight out of her nose.

"I x ... you guys are really playing, Chen, you are still a bit human, is she as tall as your navel?"

Bubble turned his head and said, "We and the children who have been playing soy sauce for a while-little bubble, go play soy sauce!"

The little bubble disappeared in front of us immediately, and then came back empty-handed. An Weina floated out of the kitchen a few seconds later, telling us that the little bubble suddenly appeared in front of her and took a picture of all the soy sauce bottles in the house. Slap ...

"You better tell her not to make soy sauce, but to buy soy sauce." Bingtis sincerely advised, bubble: "..."

Later, Sandola had to drag us back from the increasingly weird digression road. She took a slap in the bubble and squeezed Icetis off the sofa: "Ajun, now we better find this The reason for this evolution-as far as they can evolve, they can only follow and observe. Anyway, this is a good thing. The key question is: Can this evolution be replicated? "

I scratched my chin: "Do these six little guys have anything in common?"

Bubbles made a row of mass production machines line up, pointing one by one: "Look, what is not common from left to right? The amount of hair is the same-right, don't you lose your hair?"

"I analyzed the birth dates of these mass-produced machines, the implementation of tasks before evolution, their positions, and their contact with the outside world before evolution. None of the previous items found anything valuable. Their birth dates were irregular. It ’s not a batch. The tasks are performed in much the same way. The daily tasks of production machines are just the same. They are not different from other hosts. They are also in different positions. They have no reference value. I do n’t know if it ’s a clue:

All production machines that have evolved, including several other hosts other than these six super-evolved individuals, have had long-term contact with Little Bubble, and these six are the most frequent and longest contacts Yes, Xiao Biao likes to play with them the most. "

I was surprised, holding the little bubble that didn't even talk, and froze on my face. The little girl patted me on the back of my head, jingling out of my chest pocket with panic, wings rolled: "Come a few times a day, come a few times a day, and let Ding Dang sleep!"

Why don't you see what a good place to stay!

"You mean, Little Bubbles can promote the evolution of mass production hosts? She is transforming her sister?" I asked in surprise while helping Ding Dang flatten her wings squeezed by Little Bubbles.

"This is an unscientific place," Biao grabbed his hair and frantic. "My girlfriend, can I still know? She has not applied for similar data services at all, and she usually plays with these copies. Eating food, making fun of things, just being so busy together can lift the mass production machine into a half-body machine? Do you think the science of the sky is scientific? "

The spirit hosts are accustomed to data. In their opinion, there is no detailed data description as the basis. Everything is unreliable, including the super-evolution of his own girl. Bubble is usually a deadly house girl with five poisons. But in terms of her own work, she is not vague at all, and she will not accept the vague statement that Little Bubble "may" have "some way" to transform the mass production machine.

Sandola glanced at both of us, then continued to fiddle with the data terminal, and after a moment showed us a holographic image: "If the argument is not enough, look at this."

On the holographic image, a white gourd-shaped thing is dancing in the air to celebrate youth.

"We have an equally inexplicable prison host who suddenly became interested in online novels-as if some mass-produced bubbles suddenly fell in love with sweets. This host claimed to be the **** and for some time even really wanted to apply This post, now claiming to be the new generation of philosophers, extolls youth and good times, and has tried to hook up with Biberu's sister many times-but the latter has declined you with gentleness. You can see this when you have time. The rhythmic poems and social research papers written by boring guys, by the way, can not ignore the improvement of the Imperial prison system. "

Has the pit father behavior of this strange prison host almost covered up its contribution?

"Small bubble did not touch the host, but a considerable part of the components used in the latest overall upgrade of the host were made by small bubble," Sandora glanced at small bubble who was biting the coffee table. "Well, As an exercise, this child seems to be awkwardly making things than a normal host, and now he can only make some small-scale components. "

"Don't tell me that abnormal gourd just went crazy after that upgrade." I gaped.

Sandora nodded. "That's what happened."

I hugged the little bubble again, and studied the strange little girl just like looking at the baby. This girl jumped out of her arms every few minutes and started biting the coffee table and sofa. Maybe she was grinding her teeth. I stared at my dad with a curious look, then suddenly reached out and poked at my nostrils, overjoyed.

"Your girlfriends seem to be very good at cheating." Bingtis commented quite unkindly as I looked at my face twitching.

"Well, baby, father, I gave you a baby." Summing up for a long time, Suddenly burst into words, then lowered his head and thought, "But how did this happen? And not every The mass production machines that have been in contact with her will all evolve. You also know that Xiao Bubble runs around all day long. Almost hundreds of mass production machines have had contact with her, but only dozens of them have evolved in the end. , The evolution is significantly only six, and this seems to have nothing to do with the contact time and frequency: xl935 has only contacted her two times in total, and played for two hours, but xl935 is these six super-evolved individuals One. What's going on? "

"Evolution depends not only on the external environment, but also on her own qualities," Sandora thought for a while. "Of course, someone running after you will run faster, but you must have legs, too?"

Various facts show that Little Bubble should have a talent that we have never realized before. She can affect other types of hosts and cause it to have a sudden change in intelligence. At present, this effect is reflected in low- and middle-level logical hosts. It seems that she does not have the ability to make advanced hosts-such as eternal class ship-based hosts also strengthened. The conditions under which her catalytic ability takes effect are unknown. Every host that has evolved has contacted her, but the host that has contacted her may not change. The current statistical results show that she has catalyzed 14 mass production hosts (six of them are about to become refined), one prison host, and three intelligent cores of buildings that are still not sure whether they have really changed. In the future, I want to keep a direct connection with my strange girl, to observe how she rewrites the target thinking mode.

However, as the core character of all of this, Xiao Biao herself is unaware of these. She is inviting six little sisters to share her toys. Sister Jill is surrounded by Xiao Biao x7 and pinches. Reminiscing about his emperor's career, Bubbles was a little unwilling to check the other dozen production hosts in the living room. They are very likely to have evolved individuals, but their extraordinary performance is basically a flash of light. By the way, Bubbles greeted them and practiced for an hour at home. Currently, she is still at the stage of playing the piano. It seems that she has to play for a while.

Sandora put her hands on her chin with her hands crossed, and looked at it across the coffee table: "A sudden change in wisdom is sometimes not manifested on a physical level. The 'mental form' can be built on the exact same physical structure but presents There are countless kinds of amazing things. We can't limit our thinking because of the limitation of the production host's function. In fact, I have a conjecture that the small bubble may not be any known parent machine. Maybe ... When she was born, she was mutated, but just like those mass-produced machines that evolved, her mutation had nothing to do with the structure of the body, but a problem with the shape of the soul. "

"I feel like you're being very cautious." I kept the same posture as Sandora, and they looked at each other with seriousness. "You said Little Bubble is a ... new model?"

I used the three words of the new model very awkwardly-this is a very common adjective for the host, but it is really uncomfortable to use them on my own girl.

"Ajun, you forgot, you are a void creature, and the chance of abnormal situations around you is very high, because of your reason, shallow they become super creatures, Gaia is activated by your dreams, Abyss The creature is only affected by your breath and will gradually recover its sanity. I always feel that a small bubble born in this atmosphere without a reason will be a normal child ... "

Xiaoxue didn't know where it came from, and he looked at us whimpering, "Well, Dad, Sandola, what are you doing so serious? Wow, so many boys and girls! Aunt Boy and you are going to march World Cup? "

"Call bubble mom! The child and her father will take care of your girl!"

Sandora had a heavy expression: "Look, I don't think you can have normal children around you ..."

Me: "..." The abyss creatures really have a halo made by bear children.

"Small bubble can't accurately describe her thoughts till now. She doesn't have complete logic and the cognitive development of things is slow. The usual Schilling host-I mean the model of bubble-in two years. After the development and study period, you should have the ability to make large facilities, and the basic work skills will not be inferior to any mass production machine, but Little Bubbles ca n’t. She is still practicing assembling autonomous robots, and Little Bubbles Do n’t know how to access the secondary host network: This network is used for the copy and the master machine to work together. If judging by the standard of the master machine, these are all defects, and the bubble has been adjusted for the small bubble Countless times, you haven't been able to fix these defects. You haven't noticed it. In fact, Xiaobuo often looks like a faulty unit. Bubbles are always worried. "

I frowned: "But she can let other hosts evolve, and the hidden activity that makes you all have a headache. Up to now, no one can see this little girl. These are not defects."

Sandora exhaled softly: "So I think we should assign a separate model to Little Bubble: she is not a mother machine, but some kind of more valuable ... hatching machine?"

I: "... do you dare to change another word?"

"Cough, that's the catalytic machine," Sandora coughed awkwardly. "In short, let's not discuss the details. If Xiao Biao is used as the mother machine, her function must be defective, but we may have started She was mistaken. She should not be required to meet the standards of the mother machine. Her role should be to act as a coordinating and catalyzing unit in the mass production machine. Now we are not sure if she has the ability to self-differentiate like the mother machine. But most of this need not be doubted. In this way, we have a super strong host unit. Well, now all kinds of data are too lacking, I don't know how long the small bubble's real growth cycle will take. Now it seems that The growth rate of this new unit is too slow, and the working efficiency of the larval state is very low. Only two-digit hosts have been catalyzed in two years. This may also be that we have not found how to use her ability correctly. I suggest that more She is in contact with various hosts in Shadow City. Whether it is a mass-produced Schilling host, a building's intelligent core, or a spacecraft host, you can try it. Critical period of the developing child, we get lucky early ~ www.readwn.com ~ still have time to fully develop the talent found in her power. "

To me, what a small bubble is a mutation unit, what magical power, and what strategic value does it make? It does n’t make sense. As long as the child can spend every day happily and happily, and grow up healthy, it will make people very Satisfied, but if she really has special powers and she also wants to use these powers, then naturally I will not refuse to create some training programs tailored for her. As for Xiao Bubble, does she want to use these powers--

I turned my head and glanced at it. Xiaoboo was playing with a large group of production machines, and they let them drill, and let Xiaoxue distinguish them one by one, and looked quite happy.

If using force is playing, the child absolutely agrees.

After agreeing, Sandora watched with sorrow and was not far away, watching her daughters playing with a look of comfort, and whispered, "Bubble has always been worried, but she I have n’t told you. She always thinks that Xiao Bubble may be a child with a disability. This incident has suppressed her for a long time. Today should be her happiest day: the child with a disability thought that she suddenly became a baby. Nothing pleases a mother more than that. "

I couldn't help but feel shocked: Well, why is a mother measuring one meter and one meter tall?

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