Wan Xiu and Xingmei and March Seven just walked out of the cabin.

Then I saw a sphere wrapped in an irregular shell with a cloud of antiparticles.

It's not far from it.

But there seems to be no reaction to Wan Xiu and others.

"Ah! It's the Antimatter Legion! This gang of crazy people came over, watch me go up and beat it! "

March Seven did not have the slightest fear, took out his crossbow and wanted to step forward to aim.

"Wait a minute, this is a baby."

"Huh? What the? I didn't hear too well..."

March Seven naturally heard clearly, but she suddenly didn't believe her ears.

This is the antimatter legion.

Actually said this is a baby?

What good people would say this thing is a good thing!

And Wan Xiu also quickly gave an explanation.

"In order to prevent the escape and annihilation of antiparticles, the Antimatter Corps has created two small ion traps for transportation, collectively known as baryons and antibaryons, which are the energy sources of the virtual pawn and may be available to us."

"Oh... We can understand the words, but what does it mean? "

March Seven scratched his head, still didn't understand at all....

"Star, take the bat, March Seven, you break its protective shell, I'll help you process it."

Wan Xiu handed the bat to Xing, who took it with a blank look.

Although March 7 did not understand, he still took a bow and shot arrows.

Her index finger gently pulled the bowstring, and the six-phase ice that she had become some kind of condensed matter crystallization quickly gathered into an arrow!

Shoot out with the momentum of breaking wind! Under the premise of attribute restraint, the shell of that baryon suddenly shattered!

The loaded antiparticles immediately began to dissipate!

Wan Xiu seized the opportunity and caught it in the air!

The invisible star god energy was like a big hand, and the black hole in the palm resembling an eye absorbed it all!

After entering Wan Xiu's body, then it was completely used by Wan Xiu.

Wan Xiu then put his hand on the bat and expelled the anti-particle.

There is hardly the slightest obstruction, and all the antiparticle energy is absorbed by the bat.

The bat then bloomed a strange blue-purple color similar to that found on the body of the virtual pawn.

"This is..."

March Seven was stunned.

Xingmei also looked at Wan Xiu with a puzzled look.

Wan Xiu was expected of this.

In the plot, Xingmei knocks people everywhere with this thing, won't you really think that this is an ordinary bat, right?

But most importantly, finally get rid of the fact that you almost became a galactic batter!

"This is one of the strange things included by Ms. Black Tower, although I haven't seen her catalogue of strange things, but I can see the difference in this thing to some extent, so since it can be used as a virtual pawn, it can naturally be used in turn, fortunately, carrying antiparticles is very simple for this bat."

"At least before you have new power, you can count as a self-preservation ability, look there, there is another pawn who has fallen behind, you can give it a try."

When Xing Mei looked at the pawn, she was not the slightest bit afraid, but extremely resolute.

She took a step forward and stepped forward with her bat.

The virtual pawn roared, and just about to attack, Xing Mei had already smashed a stick on the head of the virtual pawn.

The entire head armor is directly dented!

The pawn seems to realize that he has been destroyed.

So it is like embracing the joy of destruction, which eventually leads to annihilation.

"This power is indeed very strong!"

"Wow! I didn't expect you to know so much, but, Xing, have you been injured before, why is it a little awkward to walk? "

March Qi asked suspiciously, Xing Mei, who was still admiring the power of the bat, was a little too late to care about it at the moment.

"This... Yes...... Yeah! I accidentally bumped my leg before..."

March Seven blinked, and nuzzled again.

Knocked on the leg?

It's like falling on your butt.

"Okay." March 7 did not dwell on this somewhat mysterious question.

Then he looked at Wan Xiu, and his blue-red eyes flickered.

"Our Star Dome Train and the Antimatter Legion have actually had a lot of dealings, and I really haven't heard that antiparticles can still be used like this!" And your amazing abilities! You're a destiny too! Knowing a lot and having skills, shouldn't it... It's a genius club! "

Wan Xiu smiled and spread his hands.

"I used to be a reserve member, and if I hadn't switched to gynecology, I might have been able to enter."

"Huh?! It's true! "

March Seven just wanted to praise Wan Xiu by using the title of Genius Club, but he didn't expect that Wan Xiu really had a relationship with the club?!

Although it is only a preparation, for her, it is actually no different.

are geniuses who can stuff a big ~ pile of things in their heads.

"If you enter the Genius Club, it will be equivalent to working for the Star God!" This is for many people can't ask for it, such a good opportunity, why switch to gynecology? "

March Seven was full of curiosity about Wan Xiu, and asked endlessly as he walked.

Wan Xiu smiled indifferently and thought of a reason to say it.

"Instead of studying the nature of the universe, I think women need me more."

"Oh~ Then I can learn medical knowledge with you! If available! "

"Of course, I recommend starting with artificial respiration."

March Qi smiled sweetly, his cheeks were slightly red, it seemed that the side effects of that artificial respiration had not receded.

"But then again, Esther has been looking for you, and she seems to be in a hurry! I'm all stomping on the spot! What is your relationship? Tell us about it, we're very curious! "

"Station Master Esda? She's my girlfriend. "


Xing Mei and March Seven paused at the same time, and their jaws shook!

PS: Thanks to the 1000 tips for the undefeated 1000!!!

Thanks for the monthly pass to soak up the spring sun!!

Thanks to Jiang Fusheng for the monthly pass!!

Thank you Mengling for ζ monthly pass!!

Thank you for the monthly pass of Hanxing Shigetsu!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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