"Bichi! Forehead! Sister!! "

Morgana subconsciously scolded back, and then suddenly felt a spasm in her muscles.

So he hurriedly changed his words.

Keisha wondered if she had misheard it just now, until she heard this sound of Bichi, she felt comfortable.

This is Morgana.

If you call your sister, you really can't accept it for a while-.

Or Bichi listened comfortably.

"Wan Xiu, can you tell me what happened? Don't tell me that the self-proclaimed great Demon Queen suddenly discovered her conscience. "

All the angels looked at Mansyu, dazed at Morgana's sudden apology.

After all, Morgana has been fighting Keisha for many, many years.

Especially for Burning Heart, Morgana has been the enemy of angels since birth.

And now Morgana has come to apologize, which gives her a sense of witnessing history.

"As you can see, Morgana has not fallen, at least this proves that things have not reached an irreparable situation, well, the next thing is between your sisters, I will not interfere."

Wan Xiu got up and stretched out his hand to Thousand Blade Snow next to him.

Thousand Blade Snow trotted over and took Wan Xiu's hand.

"I'm going back first, I've stayed too long this time, and I'll be a guest next time."

Saying that, Wan Xiu will leave with Thousand Blade Snow.

But at this time, Hexi hurriedly shouted.

"Wait! You...... And that's gone? "

Wan Xiu's eyebrows frowned slightly.

"How else? Are you still going to really let me read it before leaving? "

Hexi smiled.

But it didn't pick up the sentence.

Although she is not as shy as she was back then, she has become bolder in the face of the Ten Wings King.

But surrounded by angelic sisters, you can't spoil the image of the Tianji King in front of them, right?

"Ahem! I mean, aren't you going to stay for a meal? "

"Eat?" Wan Xiu twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't tease!" Your world is too dangerous! It's not as safe as our world full of star gods, what if I accidentally fall into what time period? Don't go, don't go! Thousand blades of snow, let's slip away! "

"Slow down!"

Hexi looked at Wan Xiu about to leave, and this time he was indeed a little anxious.

A pair of big white legs wearing knee-high silver boots walked down the steps quickly.

"I mean, you haven't helped us load the dark matter core engine yet!"

Wan Xiu was stunned when he heard this.

It seems like...... There is indeed such a thing...

What was originally taught to Hexi was the ordinary version of dark matter engine technology, which allowed Hexi to build the dark plane of the Angel Lord God.

But that core of the Doomsday Beast is in the hands of Hexi now.

So only the technology was taught, not how to carry the core.

The value of the two is not equal.

And the reason why I came here is not to help with this.

"Okay, I won't delay much time anyway, give me the core, finish things early, and go home early."

Hexi was relieved to hear that Wan Xiu was left behind by himself, and he hugged his arms in his arms.

"The core is in my studio, come with me."

"Go? Your studio is not in the City of Angels? "

"Of course not! It's noisy every day, but I need absolute silence when I work, follow me! In fact, you are also familiar with it, right in the Black King Forest. "

No way.

Wan Xiu had to follow.

It's a revisit.

"Okay, hurry up and study, I'm really afraid that your universe will suddenly collapse, Blade Snow, wait for me here for a while."

Thousand blades of snow nodded heavily.

After Wanxiu left.

Morgana's body also stopped, and she was finally able to calm down.

She couldn't help but complain for a while.

He has clearly promised to come.

I actually put an egg jump on myself!

It really is!

I almost lost my adult!

"Morgana? You seem to be very unwell? Wan Xiu forced you to come? If that's the case, you can go now, and when you leave the Angel Nebula, I'll continue to hunt you down. "

Keisha saw the abnormality of Morgana's body, so she said lightly.

Morgana snorted coldly.

"you! Lao Tzu came voluntarily, I am also the daughter of an angel, go back to the City of Angels, shouldn't it! "

Keisha smiled lightly.

"You still know you're the daughter of an angel? I can't believe it came out of your mouth, should you... Taken away, right? "

"you! Anyway, I'll live in the City of Angels from now on, eh! That little girl, hurry up and make room for the queen! "

Morgana pointed to the angel Lingxi on the side and said.

Lingxi snorted coldly.

"Sleep on the floor, you!"

Morgana was also not annoyed, and pointed at Lingxi to look at Kesha.

"That's how you taught these little dolls to treat the King of the Apocalypse? I don't know how to be polite as my demon cubs!" "

Keisha sneered.

"Then you can go back."

At this point, Morgana was completely speechless.

She didn't want to go back.

But Wan Xiu said that if he didn't see her in the City of Angels next time, he would never touch her again.

Although very sinful!

But it's also addictive!

"Gotta get it! I'll go and soar myself! "

Looking at the saber rattling duo on the side, she didn't want to stay here any longer, and then she suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Sister Kesha, didn't you come this time to introduce an angel to the Star God Crown?" Can I walk around the City of Angels with her? "

Keisha was chatting with Morgana laughing and hiding knives at the moment.

Hearing Qianjian Xue's words, he turned his head slightly and waved his hand to Yan next to him.

"Hiko, let's go, show the guests around."

Angel Yan bowed his head slightly.

Walking down the steps, he came to the front of Thousand Blade Snow.

"Hello, my name is Hiko."

Senkaji Yuki looked Hiko up and down, nodding as he looked.

From time to time, he also glanced at Morgana next to him.

"Hmm! It's beautiful, much better looking than some old witch! Let's go! Let's go shopping! "

"Well, good."

Morgana, who was confronting Kesha, glanced viciously at Thousand Blade Snow.

"This little girl! It's really rude! "

And at the same time.

Hexi and Wan Xiu flew to the Black King Forest one after the other.

Since the establishment of the Merlot Court, the Ten Wings King has left Merlot.

As the Black King Forest has never been developed, Keisha gave it to Hexi as an experimental base.

Over the years, the nine defense systems of the City of Angels, as well as various technologies that lead the universe.

It's all researched here by Hexi.

And this is already very different from when Wan Xiu was still there.

This is no longer the appearance of a primeval forest.

Instead, there are many Western European-style buildings.

The trees occupied most of the front of the front, but they were all neatly trimmed and arranged, without the slightest bit of clutter.

Walk into it.

The first thing that catches your eye is the one-kilometer-long pool.

Walking here, there is a sculpture of a ten-winged angel standing in front of the main hall.

The appearance of the sculpture is that the eyes are closed, as if it is feeling something.

Hexi stood under the sculpture and said smugly.

"How? Pretty much like yours, right? This sculpture symbolizes the scientific research spirit of the Merlot Heavenly Court, and many scholars who visited it said that they realized from this sculpture that the Shiyi King was thinking hard about the meaning of the universe. "

Wan Xiu glanced up...

Like it's not like... It's like a god.

But realize that you are thinking hard about the universe?

Where does this come from?

At that time, I was obviously working the universe.

Come to the research room.

The inside was very clean and tidy, and Wan Xiu originally thought that there would be many people.

But in fact, there is only Hexi here from beginning to end.

Walk through the long corridor to the research room at the end.

When you open the door, you can see the crystal-like dark matter engine placed on an instrument.

This engine is not activated and therefore does not function at all.

Now except for the faint purple light emitted, it is an ordinary stone at best.

"Give it to me, contact Keisha again, and let me connect to her Lord God Dark Plane."

Wan Xiu took the stone and said, Hexi nodded.

Communication was subsequently established with Kesha.

It didn't take long for Keisha to directly open all permissions to Wan Xiu. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then the voice of the successful connection to the dark plane sounded in Wan Xiu's mind, and Wan Xiu began to try to implant the dark matter core engine into it.

[You're trying to fit the Core Engine into the Angel Lord God Dark Plane.] 】

[Although the two have a certain degree of homology, the development path is a completely different path. 】

[Especially in the development of 10,000 years, the difference between the two is only born under the same technology, but it is a different product. 】

[Obviously this path will not work, you start to explore the rest of the path. 】

[Perhaps, it is not necessary to let the dark matter engine be driven by the dark plane. 】

[If the other way around, let the dark matter engine drive the dark plane, this is not impossible. ] 】

[You tried to use the core engine as a base and change the external connection in an inline way, and you succeeded!] This greatly increases the speed of the dark plane! 】

[Its level is 230 million years ahead of the known universe! ] 】

"Whew, okay, it's already loaded, you let Keisha try it."

"So soon?"

Hexi was a little surprised, he tried for a long time, but he couldn't make the slightest progress, and it didn't take long for him to hand it over to Wan Xiu, and it was already completed?


She hurried to contact Kesha.

And when Kesha's communication is connected.

But I heard Keisha and Morgana scolding...

"Hexi, I have opened all the permissions to you, just let it go, you don't need to inform me."

"Keisha, you Bichi!!"

Subsequently, communications were cut off.

"Oh, I'll try."

Hexi raised his forehead and sighed slightly.

It then activated its own dark plane.

The Angel Lord God Dark Plane is the unity of all angels, and after obtaining Kesha's permission, Hexi can also be mobilized.

Subsequently, she was surprised to find that both the reaction speed and the speed of operation were greatly improved!

And compared to before, there is a qualitative leap.

This improvement is very impressive.

It was as if they wanted to find Morgana, who was hiding, but they couldn't easily find it.

But now, with computing power, it can be easily found without a breath.

But she also soon discovered that there was a problem.

"This dark matter engine is not started with the dark plane, once it is turned off, the engine will go into hibernation, so it seems inconvenient, right?"

Hexi looked at Wan Xiu and asked.

Wan Xiu spread his hands.

"Then if it doesn't close, will your dark plane be closed often?"

Hexi opened his mouth, just about to say something, but did not speak.

The operation of the main god's dark plane is the operation of the entire City of Angels, which has been in operation for almost ten thousand years.

Therefore, this point is actually not a matter of concern at all.

Unless Keisha dies, the Lord God Dark Plane stops functioning.

The dark matter engine fell into a deep sleep.

And Hexi, who has administrator privileges, can easily restart the Lord God Dark Plane again.

But it can't start the dark matter engine.

In this way, this dark matter engine seems to be rented to them.

Wan Xiu naturally understood what she was thinking.

"Okay, I'll give you the engine method, it's just a little complicated, I'll tell you slowly."


Hexi blinked his eyes when he heard this, and then nodded heavily.


After flying around the City of Angels, Angel Yan and Thousand Blade Snow came to the top of the main hall, which overlooked the large landscape of Merlot.

Hiko and Senkaji Xue also quickly became acquainted.

But the topic of the two is nothing more than about wings and the difference in the world.

After chatting for a long time, it naturally came to Wan Xiu.

"Hiko, it's better to... You come with us, right? Anyway, Sister Keisha also said in the group, I want to give you to the Star God Crown, in that case, then we will simply leave. "


Angel Yan lowered his head, as if thinking about something.

It took a moment before he spoke.

"This kind of thing has to be done by the queen, I can't decide on my own."

"Oh, anyway, this matter is already a foregone conclusion, I'll help you ask Sister Kesha, oh yes!" I've heard that you angels can live for thousands of years, before you... Have you ever had a boyfriend? "

Qianjian Xue suddenly remembered this.

Although she likes Angel Yan very much.

After all, the face is very good-looking, the legs are long and white, and the chest is also particularly weighty.

Such a star god crown will definitely like it!

However, after living for thousands of years, this life expectancy is too long.

In case Hiko had a partner before, under thousands of years of contact...

She thinks Wan Xiu must not like it, right?

However, Angel Yan shook his head, so that Thousand Blade Snow was finally relieved.

But Angel Yan thought of a person.

"I have been serving as the Queen's guardian in the City of Angels, but before you came, the Queen wanted to promise me to the Galactic Force, the future Lord God of the Earth, but now this matter is over."

"Galactic Force... Doesn't sound good, but what about you? Would you like to? "

Angel Yan pursed the corners of his lips.

"Angels only believe in data matching, there is no personal whether I want to, but in fact... I matched the data of the Ten Wings King... Up to 99 percent. "

"Huh? Doesn't that mean that in fact, the star god crown is the most suitable? Since the time and place are favorable, then simply follow us! "

"This... It depends on what the queen means. "

"Easy! I'll help you ask! "

[Thousand Blade Snow]: "Kesha, sister Kesha!" Can Yan come with me! "

[Alicia, the Law of Man]: "I made a good-looking girl!" Show me! "

Thousand blades sent a picture

[Alicia, the Law of Man]: "The needle does not poke!" The needle does not poke! "

[Vinina]: "It's going to harm a little girl again." "

[Ray Movie]: "Does Keisha also have to decide?" "

[Thousand Blade Snow]: "I heard that angels are based on genetic matching, but the matching degree under the star god's crown is as high as 99%!" So I want to take Angel Yan back directly! "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "It seems that we are not here, you have taught a new friend." "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "But now Keisha probably doesn't have time to go back, I just communicated with her, she quarreled with Morgana, alas, these two sisters." "

[Void Lord Wan Xiu]: "Why don't I give you a lecture!" The tongue is dry! Are you stranding on the water? "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "I don't do it, or I will give you something?" "

[Ray Movie]: "How does it feel... Recently, Hexi's attitude towards Wan Xiu has changed a lot? "

[Vinina]: "I used to be like friends, now I feel like a couple." "

Yae Miko: "Oh my God! Wan Xiu, you shouldn't have attacked Hexi in the past! "

[Void Lord Wan Xiu]: "I don't have it!" Don't talk nonsense! I'm putting the lesson on hold! Can this all misunderstand me? Thousand blade snow, let's go back! "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "Eh! Am I okay if I listen carefully? "

[Divine Kesha]: "You called Morgana here to anger me, right?" "

[Thousand Blade Snow]: "Sister Kesha, you have finally replied!" Is it okay if I take Hiko? "

[Divine Kesha]: "Just look at herself, don't ask me." "

[Senkaji Snow]: "Okay! "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "Alas, come and bring some native products back, Wan Xiu, do you want to consider taking me away?" "

[Void Lord Wan Xiu]: "If you don't listen to the lecture again, I will throw you into the void!" "。

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