Just when Silver Wolf picked up his mobile phone and wanted to hear what was going on with Wan Xiu.

The silver wolf suddenly saw the content of the chat.

That is, two days ago, Wan Xiu found himself to replace Esther to help the space station through the crisis.

Wan Xiu did say it.

Alicia is not dead!

And also said to introduce yourself to yourself!

That said.

Is Alicia really here?!

"Yay! Ellie Alive!! Long live Aimen!! "


[Divine Kesha]: "Wanxiu, how is it?" Is Alicia good-looking? You were quite excited when she joined the group, and now you see the real person, how? "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "Compared with me... Who looks good? "

[Divine Kesha]: "Come on, when Wan Xiu came, he said that he wanted to introduce the sisters, but who secretly sneaked it himself... Hehe. "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "Where do I have, isn't it all gone?" In a few days, you may all be a grandmother. "

[Divine Kesha]: "Then am I going to be a godmother too?" "

[Tianji Wang Hexi]: "Well, my stomach hasn't moved yet." "

[Ray Movie]: "How do you two sisters feel a little... Plastic? "

[Thousand Blade Snow]: "Actually... I'm also curious, under the crown of the star god, is Alicia particularly good-looking? "

Look at the chat content in the group.

Wan Xiu did not answer.

As a qualified scum... Star God, naturally, thinks they all look good!

It's just that it feels different.

Thousand blade snow is that temperament that cannot be desecrated.

Hexi is the feeling of a cold royal sister.

But Ellie.

It's really wonderful!

The kind that OO can't wait to put in!

"It's so big! It's spotless, it looks clean and green, but it feels a little boring? Do you usually live in such an environment? "

At this time, Alicia Water Spirit's eyes looked at Wan Xiu and asked.

What Alicia seems to prefer is the lively atmosphere, the style of the space station, which is a little too old-fashioned and simple for her.

"This is the space station, everyone's attention is on scientific research, what is needed is a simple environment, too much decoration is cumbersome, but even so, the layout on the space station is already very good."

Alicia nodded thoughtfully when she heard this, and her eyes suddenly moved, as if she had thought of something.

"Then we can go to Ristian and see! I've been waiting for it for a long time! "

"Ristien? Hiss...... Oh ~ that 17 ah. "

Wan Xiu almost forgot, that is, the former Ristian Women's Country.

Their planet is persecuted by a giant life.

Manshu had previously transferred them to a habitable planet of his own making.

It is full of spring and a pleasant climate, endless berries and sweet spring water.

It is a star that exists specifically to allow races to reproduce.

This is one of the ideas of breeding the star gods, gestation.

For a race that needs to thrive, this planet can indeed be called a paradise.

But if there is anything to play, it seems that there is no one, right?

But there are a lot of beautiful women who are.

"Okay, let's go."

Wan Xiu said, and Alicia took the initiative to take Wan Xiu's hand.

Slowly close your eyes.

And when a moment passes, you feel the warmth of the sun.

Alicia then opened her eyes again.

The scene in front of her made her overjoyed!

I saw many girls dressed in thin white gauze, under the white gauze, their figures could be clearly seen, and everyone was carrying a bamboo basket, looking at them curiously at the moment.

Among them, an older woman with long hair stretching to her heels walked out of the crowd.

This is the head of the kingdom of Ristien.

Name? Didn't remember.

But there is an impression.

After all, it was she who took the lead in praying to herself.

As for the physical age, Wan Xiu could see that he was at least more than fifty.

But he looks to be in his early thirties.

It may be because of physical fitness.

Just like on the same earth, because of the different living areas, there are more than three different physiques, different skin colors, different pupils, and different hair colors.

They are also slightly different from ordinary humans because of their different living environments.

How to say, it does not show old age.

The lifespan is also longer, but it is certainly not as exaggerated as the immortal species.

And the general appearance is also on the high side, and this country lord is also very good-looking.

But compared with Alicia, it is much worse, and it really has a feeling of rouge.

No way, it's actually okay to compare, but it's pointless to compare more top.

But the figure... It can only be said that the twigs bear fruit.

Like Langley, although the figure is also exaggerated, it is also within the normal category of human beings.

And this Ristian country lord does not look like the bust that a normal person should have.

Although it does not fall, the degree of fullness is a little too terrifying.

How to say it, well... A body that can only exist in Ribannaka, right?

But Wan Xiu didn't have much idea about it.

Helping them is purely conceptual.

And when she saw Wan Xiu, she first panicked, and then hurriedly sorted out her expression, knelt down, and the white gauze naturally drooped, revealing an extremely deep abyss.

"Great Lord of Breeding, Ristian III did not conceive of your coming, please forgive our believers for their guilt."

The rest of the women also quickly lined up and bowed down to Wan Xiu.

Alicia is very happy to look at the vast world around her, like a natural paradise, and so many girls!

"Wow, can you tell me what you're doing?"

Alicia stepped forward and looked at some of the crafts that the women were knitting.

Wan Xiu also glanced at it.

But it turned out that these crafts are not the kind of scarves, dolls and other gadgets.

It's a tool.

It is a tool that can be used to help weave bamboo baskets and mine soil.

At this time, Wan Xiu came a little interested.

"What was your previous level of technology?"

Ristian III saluted respectfully.

"Back to the Great Lord of Breeding, before you have grace to lower our gaze, we can only use atomic energy roughly, although we have touched the threshold of information and data, but under the continuous pressure of the giant 6, the available resources are extremely limited, so it is stagnant at this stage..."

Wan Xiu nodded thoughtfully.

When Manshu received Ristian's blessing, their mortal enemy, the giant life.

Because he drank the abundant and blessed water of the Zimu River, and thus multiplied madly!

At that time, they were already like dogs who had lost their families, and they had begun to consider whether to move underground.

Wan Xiu thus did not notice that the technology of this female country actually reached the level of atomic energy.

This is also known as the nuclear age of weapons.

In the Star Dome World.

Technology is extremely advanced, transcending life and death, rejuvenation, spanning countless light years away.

Destroying stars and burning galaxies, Aha's smile can kill countless innocents.

Atomic energy...... It's really not enough to see.

From the perspective of the Black Tower, it is no different from the primitive monkey.

That is to say, at least in this universe, Ristien, who has mastered the nucleus, is still very backward.

However, at least it is not the era of cold weapons.

After all, they have already been exposed to information data at this stage.

At the very least, this is not too closed ideologically.

This also gave Wan Xiu an idea.

That is, is it possible to create a pioneering fleet?

Like Archivelli, when he was still alive.

He wasn't the only one pioneering himself.

Instead, more than one Star Dome train was created to sail.

It is not impossible to develop Ristians into a force in the universe themselves.

But before that, Ristian needs to prove to herself that they really have that ability.

"You guys are good, there is no need to worry about resources, hostility, what you need here, there is everything underground on this planet, if you can prove your intelligence, I can take you to the universe to help me in another business."

Ristian III's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she was originally a little nervous, but she was very excited at this time.

Ability to work directly for Star God.

This was something she didn't dare to think about.

After all, the blessed land given to them by the Star God was already a luxury that they could not think of.

"Follow the teachings! Worthy of expectations! "

Ristian III bowed at the lower waist, and the white gauze skirt of the deep V was really shocking.

"Alicia can also come and help!"

Alicia came forward at this time and pushed Wan Xiu and said.

"But before that, let's have fun! By the way, do you want anything, you can conjure it? "

Wan Xiu frowned slightly, looking at Alicia's very smart eyes, full of expectations for the next.

But Wan Xiu made a mistake.

After all, change can change, but only things related to development and breeding. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

For example, this planet exists on the premise of the continuation of civilization, which is in line with one of the ideas of breeding.

You make me a playground? For entertainment purposes... This piece belongs to Aha!

The energy of destiny serves the idea of destiny.

Although Wan Xiu's thinking will not be bound by fate, the destiny energy that exists because of the idea does not have a function other than that concept!

"Hmm... Or you can ask in the group, Hexi is good at invention and research, inventing toys must not be a problem, or directly ask other members what is fun in the world, let them sell, and I will buy it for you when the time comes. "

"Oh yes?! Just know that Wan Xiu is the best! "

When Alicia heard this, her expression of joy overflowed, and she jumped up directly and happily, gave Wan Xiu a big bear hug, hung it on Wan Xiu's body, and swung up and circled twice.

Well...... Bears are real bears.

As for the question of points.

You don't need to ask to know that this kind of thing as entertainment products, even if they are advanced, will not be too valuable.

And Wanxiu rents out hundreds of things per hour.

Together with the rest of the items sold, the value is approaching hundreds of thousands in recent days.

Buying some toys for Alicia is not more than enough, but it can only be said that filling this planet is only a drop in the bucket.

In the following time.

Alicia had a lot of fun.

She seems to be interested in everything.

The original girls were in awe of this woman who walked with the star god, but over time, they were moved by Alicia's innocent smile and cuteness, and they naturally played together.

It's just that before the Ristian women came again, they wore a kind of armor combat uniform, and now it is not necessary.

Therefore, they only wear the original white gauze bottom lining.

Although it looks white, it has the same roughness as sackcloth.

Without the restraint and consolidation of armor, it seems that it will fall off at any time when worn on the body.

Wan Xiucai watched for a while.

I have already seen several inadvertently confessed.

And they did not dare to cover in front of Wan Xiu.


"Alicia, you play here, tired of playing, call me to pick you up when the time comes, I'll go first."

"Huh? Not with us? "

"Forget it, it's easy to be blocked."

Wanxiu said, looking at Ristian III, where she knelt down.

"Prove your worth to me as soon as possible, of course, it doesn't matter if you fail, you can still continue to thrive here."


Wan Xiu left.

But Ristian III was a little sad.


Although there is no better place to breed than here.

But they don't have a mother-in-law river.

The great Lord of Breeders did not give them miracles capable of bearing parthenogenesis.

So how to breed here?



Silver Wolf sent you a text message

Aunt Hita sent a text message

[Black Tower: Bring my simulation universe with you! ] Forehead...... Forget it, the thing was made by several people in the club, and it was impossible to stabilize the supply when it was moved. 】

[Black Tower: Or just bring the little black tower and pull it down, these two guys have self-awareness, can help me do research, and can be studied by me, and they are still dolls, just change the parts directly if the research is broken. ] 】

[Black Tower: Also, come over quickly after cleaning up, this girl Esther is clamoring to see you. 】

Wan Xiu had just returned from the planet Ristien.

Then I saw text messages from the Black Tower and the Silver Wolf.

The silver wolf didn't look at it, but only looked at the black tower, which made Wan Xiu a little worried.

Well...... It's a bit of a hassle.

The incident between myself and Esda490 was an accident in itself.

If it weren't for the silver wolf, he wouldn't have had anything to do with her.

But it's too late to say these words.

Not narcissism.

Wan Xiu himself could clearly feel that Esther liked herself.

It's like... When in the webmaster's office.

Esther was obviously in pain at that time, but she still gritted her teeth and insisted, and even took the initiative to cater to it.

And now suddenly tell her that he is a star god-level scumbag...


It's really a little unbearable.

Although I can't see women crying, but it's still a little...

What's more, Esthera already has it in her stomach.

But there is no way, if Esther can't accept it, she won't force it.


Wan Xiu moved his neck and stretched, although this is a lot of redundant.

"It's almost late now, right? Well...... Since noon, I have been very restrained, even when Langley is there, it is nothing, not bad, it seems that today is really a day of strict self-discipline! "

Since taking control of the breeding destiny, the idea of breeding has been expanded, not only behind Taizyuros's idea of self-perpetuation, which is ignited by loneliness.

Wan Xiu also does not need to continue his bloodline to achieve the purpose of carrying out his destiny.

The reproduction of the universe is also reduced to reproduction.

Therefore, there is no need to continue one's own heirs.

Therefore, there is no need to bury one's head in hard work every day.

So, it's good if you don't discipline yourself for a while?

"Auntie, I'm coming."

Wan Xiu pushed open the door of the research room.

There was not a single figure in the huge research room, Wan Xiu looked towards the room, squinted slightly, and saw that there were two life reactions inside.

So, Wan Xiu stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Look, here he is."

The black tower said inside, and after coming out through the door, it became muffled, I don't know if Wan Xiu's hearing is too strong, or the sound insulation is too weak.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

With a bang the door was pushed open!

Wan Hu's index finger moved slightly, slowing down a lot.

I happened to see Esther pushing the door out, and her pretty face with tear stains.

"Alas, I don't need to say that I know the next plays."

Wan Xiu sighed.

According to the well-known large-scale series "The Temptation to Go Home", the next step should be that Pinru discovered his cheating and then slapped himself.


As a star god, he was also slapped, which is a bit humiliating.

But there is no way, who let himself make people's belly bigger.


Let's do it for once.


Wan Xiu blinked, and time returned to normal.

Esther ran up quickly and raised her hands.

Wait a minute?!

Two hands won't be enough, right?!

You beat the drums!

But in fact, it was not what Wan Xiu thought.


Esther gathered enough strength and rushed directly over and hugged Wan Xiu fiercely.

Before Wan Xiu could make the next move, a touch of sweetness and softness was pasted.


Strict self-discipline on the first day, wrong amount, 0.5th day...


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