Pre-civilization era.

Alicia laughed loudly:"Hahaha......"

Padofelis looked at Alysia:"Sister Aili, isn't Xiaoshi so cute?"

"That’s why you smile so happily. Alicia laughed so hard that tears came out.

Eden looked at Alicia's appearance and said with a smile:"I don't think Ellie is happy because of this.""

"Right, Ellie.

Su:"It's because I see the difference in the Lawyer of Consciousness.""

Sakura:"Different from the Herrschers of our time, the Herrschers after being changed by Alicia"

"Possessing human emotions, he became his final partner with humans.

Hua:"This should be the real reason why Alicia is so happy."

Padofelis:"Yes, Xiaoshi is really completely different from the Herrscher we know.""

Mebius:"Not just the Herrscher of Consciousness, but all the Herrschers of the next civilization."

"Everything has become different.

Alicia:"It's really annoying. You guys can see through everyone's thoughts.""

"Ah, the Herrschers of the next civilized era."

"They are all given different meanings, and they all use their power to protect those around them."

"Seeing this scene, I was really happy.

Eden continued to look at Alysia and said,"Aly, you must have been lonely all this time."

Alicia:"With everyone here, how can I be lonely?""

"my good eden......"

Kevin:"What Eden means is that the Herrschers of this era you see are completely different from your loneliness."

Alicia pouted and looked at Kevin:"Kevin, you often say such straightforward words"

"No girl will like you."

Gratius:"Sister Alicia, is it really lonely? Alicia was stunned.

She looked at the heroes present.

Then she smiled lightly:"Of course not, although we are on a different"380" path from them."

"But I still have the things and friends I love"

"With you by my side, how can I feel lonely?

Then Alicia looked at Eden:"Although it is indeed a pity sometimes, other Herrschers are different from me.""

"But you can't blame them"

"Maybe in their eyes, I am the alien."

Everyone smiled slightly.

Because in their hearts,

Alicia is not an alien.

She is a companion. A companion who protects the world and human civilization with them.

And the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire who are present now are also Alicia. Organized by Sia.

Everyone also understands that Alicia loves everyone in the world.

And this love also applies to everyone present.

It is precisely because everyone can feel Alicia at the beginning

They gathered together because of Shia's thoughts.

It can be said that without Alicia, there would be no Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire today.

Eden looked at Alicia:"Yes, Ali, you are not not lonely"

"And the Herrscher like you also appeared in the next civilization era.

Alicia:"Yeah, it's really great to be able to see Mei in my memory in the future."......"

Alicia looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Look at the four Herrschers.

Working hard for all the good in the world.

I feel indescribably moved and happy in my heart

"thank you all"

"Xiaoshi, Mei, Kiana, Bronya......"

"It was your appearance that made me understand the significance of my appearance in this world."

"I'm so happy"

"Can open up that one percent possibility......"

"The rest of the miracles are left to you to create."

"Everyone in the next civilization era!"

The heroes present.

Even if they can't hear what Alicia is saying, they can still feel Alicia's joy at this moment when they see the smile on her face. Quantum In the sea. Hei Xi’s voice came out in Xi’er’s mind:"This Herrscher of Consciousness is really easy to coax.


"They've obviously all been manipulated"

"Still acting so happy"

"I really don’t know if I’m really stupid or fake."

Xier:"The other me, why do I feel like you don't like Xiaoshi?"

Hei Xi made a sound.

"It’s impossible to say whether you like it or not."

"I just can't stand such an arrogant fool."

Hei Xi herself didn't know why.

Anyway, when she saw the Herrscher of Knowledge like this, she felt a little bit unhappy in her heart.

Xi'er thought about it for a moment.

She probably knew the reason.

Maybe it was Probably because the two have very similar personalities.

After all, they are both unruly guys.

Xi'er can probably predict what kind of commotion they will make when they meet in the future.

"Another me, do you think Kiana can successfully become the Herrscher of the End? Hei

Xi replied unceremoniously:"Of course you can.""

"Although the Herrscher of Knowledge guy is a bit annoying, that’s where the strength lies."

"Moreover, onee-sama and Mei are also there to escort them."

"If Kiana cannot become the Herrscher of the End under such circumstances"

"That would be too dishonest."

Hei Xi speaks very directly.

This is very similar to the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Xi'er said confidently:"Well, I also believe that Kiana can do it."

Hei Xi:"But now it seems that the cocoon of the end chose Kiana on its own initiative."

"I'm curious why Kiana was chosen."

Hei Xi thought for a while and found that there was no basis at all.

Xi'er thought for a moment and couldn't think of the reason.

Then he said:"Why don't we ask the captain?

Hei Xi immediately stopped him and said,"Xie'er, wait a minute!""

"Don’t ask everything on the barrage"

"It’s fun to discover it yourself."

But it was already late when Hei Xi said this.

Because Xi'er's barrage had already been sent.

Hei Xi looked helpless:"Forget it, just send it.

Xi'er:"The other me, did I do anything wrong?" Hei Xi shook his head:"

No, I just don't want the captain to think that the two of us are idiots who can't think.""

Xie'er didn't understand.

Why did Hei Xi have such an idea?

There were questions that he couldn't figure out.

Wouldn't it be better to just ask?

Hei Xi also knew that Xi'er would not understand what she meant, so he changed the subject and said,"Since You asked all"

"Let's first listen to what the captain will answer us."

Xie'er nodded.

The two of them looked at the live broadcast room together.

On the barrage in the live broadcast room, the barrage sent by Xi'er was very conspicuous.

【Xier: Captain, why did Cocoon of the End choose Kiana?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Yes, I was thinking about this too at that time】

【Alicia: I don’t understand either......】

【Mei: Is it because Kiana is special?】

【March 7: I know, I know, because Kiana now has the most power of the Herrscher】

【Xing: However, for the Herrscher's power like the Cocoon of the End, it can give it to whoever it wants, it doesn't matter who has more or less.】

【Theresa: Yes, so why Kiana?】

【Silver Wolf: No matter who the Cocoon of the End chooses, you will all ask similar questions】

【Kafka: Yes, everyone is curious】

【Velvet: I haven’t thought about this issue before, but now that I think about it, it’s true. There were almost four candidates at the scene, and then I chose Kiana.】

【Mei: Maybe it’s because I want to protect everyone’s heart】

【Su: Although it is very romantic to say this, it is obvious that the Cocoon of the End will not care about this.】

【Mebius: Yes, if it had this idea, it wouldn’t have been destroying human civilization.】

【Kiana: I don’t know either. I’m also curious why it’s not Mei or Bronya.】

【Padofelis: Captain, do you know why? 】

Lin looked at the question on the barrage.

He began to explain:"If you want to know why it is Kiana, you have to go back to the last battle between the pre-civilization era and the Herrscher of the End."

"The Honkai energy conversion device that Mei was researching at that time hit Herrscher of the End, converting 30% of her Honkai energy directly into the moon and sealing it."

Lin En looked at the pictures on the barrage. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) while continuing to explain:"Later, in the modern era of civilization, the emergence of the second Herrscher, the Herrscher of the Sky, and the After the battle with Walter the Herrscher, he was defeated and fled to the moon."

"Found the 30% of the sealed Honkai Energy, and the Honkai Consciousness gave all of these Honkai Energy to Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky"

"Created the first five-core Herrscher"

"These five powers are air, thunder, fire, death, and wind!"

"Later, after the Herrscher of the Sky died, his Herrscher of the Sky core and genes were recycled by Otto to create the experimental product K423!"

"That is the current Kiana. Kiana has Sirin’s consciousness in her body, and Sirin was selected by the Honkai Consciousness in the first place."

"Under this level of relationship, Kiana will naturally be favored by the Cocoon of Finality."

"So among the four people, the cocoon of the end left Kiana behind and teleported the others away."

Lin explained this way.

You can't say that Kiana is the heroine of the Honkai Impact 3 game.

That would be too direct.

And this is indeed one of the reasons why Kiana is favored by Cocoon of the End. After all

, the Honkai Consciousness also chose Sirin on the moon.

【Alicia: So the person Honkai Consciousness likes more should be Sirin, the Herrscher of the Original Sky.】

【Walter: I think the more reason is that she was the first Herrscher to reach the moon and liberate that power.】

【Mebius: As if being marked with some kind of mark, Kiana, who inherited Sirin's consciousness, was also noticed by the Cocoon of Finality.】

【Velvet: That makes sense indeed.】

【Yue Qi: So it has something to do with Otto again?】

【Otto: I didn’t think so far ahead】

【Theresa: Grandpa, you have done so many bad things.】

【Xi'er: So that's it】

【Kiana: So I would like to thank Siren.0】

【Bronya: That’s not necessary. After all, what she wants to do with this power is different from yours.】

【Honkai Impact: Yes......】

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

After being stimulated once more, the Herrscher of Knowledge.

No need for Mei to say anything more.

He rushed out to block the consciousness of those Herrschers.

Mei Yi and Bronya helped Kiana leave the conscious space.

Use your own powers at the same time.

Clear away those fogs for Kiana.

Kiana back at the subway station.

Watching the white fog gradually thinning a lot.

Buildings that could only be seen in outline.

It gradually became clear.

Kiana, on the other hand, followed the guidance in her heart.

Slowly walked out into the depths of the subway station.

What quickly appeared in front of Kiana was a bunch of electronic displays.

On these cluttered electronic displays.

Kiana felt her first power.

After feeling it carefully:"This power is......"

"Herrscher of Corrosion?"

Looking at the display screens with flashing snowflakes in front of her,

Kiana seemed to receive some kind of emotion and information.

She soon understood why she met her here.

This is the starting point of Siyuan.......

"I see......"

"It was directly defeated by Herrscher of the Origin......"

Kiana looked at the electronic display in front of her and slowly said:"I understand your wish, Herrscher of Corrosion"

"We'll show you what kind of things deserve to last forever!"

"It can also exist forever."

After Kiana finished speaking, she continued to walk forward.

Following the guidance in her heart, she walked firmly on the unfamiliar platform.

On the road ahead, there were many electronic display screens.

There were constant Snowflakes flashed.

These all represent the Herrscher of Corrosion.

His consciousness has appeared in this place.

The snowflakes on the monitor flicker as if talking to Kiana.

But only Kiana can hear it. What the Herrscher of Corrosion was saying.

After listening, Kiana responded with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, this is the opportunity everyone tried their best to give me"

"Not just this time......"

"Since more than ten years ago, since meeting my father and the others"

"I'm already on this road......"

After Kiana finished speaking.

A white light door appeared in front of her.

It's like leading to the next place.

In the live broadcast room, Lin En explained at this time:"Kiana's answer was recognized by the Herrscher of Corrosion in this civilization era."

"So it opened the door to the next power for Kiana."

"every recognition"

"This means that Kiana has obtained this complete power, and at the same time she is one step closer to the Herrscher of the End."

【Alicia: It seems that the Herrschers in the next civilization era will not embarrass Kiana very much.】

【Su: The evil side was blocked by the Herrscher of Knowledge, leaving the good side here. Is that why it is so easy to speak?】

【Fu Hua: I think this is more like 3.4 strengthening Kiana’s heart.】

【Bronya: Going through what you have experienced again is also an inner training.】

【Mei: You must pass it smoothly, Kiana】

【Theresa: I believe you can do it, Kiana!】

【Honkai Impact: Kiana, as your teacher I am proud of you in the future!】

【Youlandel: I’m so happy to see Kiana growing up step by step.】

【Rita: Lord Glendale is really sentimental.】

【March 7: I don’t know why I feel so moved that I want to cry.】

【Xing: Then you cry, I will record it later】

【March 7: Do you have any conscience?】

【Walter: So it turns out that this is how Kiana became the Herrscher of the End step by step?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: I didn’t expect that what I blocked was not all consciousness. I thought Kiana could just put it away.】

【Silver Wolf: As a game, that would be too unchallenging. 】

In the office of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa clenched her fists.

Watch Kiana walk towards the next light door.

He became even more nervous:"I don't know what the power of the next Herrscher will be."

"Will Kiana still be so smooth?

Jizi comforted her:"Don't worry, she is a student from our St. Freya Academy.""

"Even if it doesn't go so well"

"He won't be defeated so easily"

"Teresa, sometimes you should also believe in your students. Theresa:"

Tsk, I'm just worried about Kiana getting hurt." Jizi smiled slightly:"

Theresa, you said that when Lady Cecilia saw Kiana growing up like this,"

"Wouldn't you be happy?

Theresa nodded vigorously:"I will definitely do it!""......

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