in the game screen.

It was Kiana who inherited the power of the end.

The three people's declaration after becoming the Herrscher of the End.

The meaning of the three people was very clear.

From the moment Kiana became the Herrscher of the End.

The three of them finally have the strength to fight Kevin.

It's no longer the same as before.

He was killed instantly by Kevin's sword.

They are also qualified to take it back from Kevin's hands to this world.

Padofelis listened to the three people's declarations.

Then he looked at Kevin:"Boss Kevin, do you think the three of them are qualified to challenge you in the future?"

Alicia:"Look at what the three of them will look like when they grow up."

"So happy"

"Kevin, are you confident you can beat them?"

Su:"If it's Kevin, even if they are facing this, they are fighting for their own world."

"He probably won't be merciful either."

Mebius:"I think so too, Kevin is not the kind of person who would let loose. Mei:"

Anyway, compared to challenging Kai for the first time,"

"Kiana and the three of them have grown up again"

"I think this time, if they try their best, they will be able to create their own world in Kevin's hands.

Sakura:"It feels like Kevin is like a villain in the next world.""

Kevin:"As long as we can defeat Honkai"

"This kind of thing doesn't matter"

"And I also believe that I will not be merciful in the future."

"Because if they can't defeat me, even if they cross the end"

"Nor can we face the challenges that will arise next. Velvet:"

Yes, and Kiana also said it just now"

"Cocoon of the End also wants to choose the real Herrscher of the End between the two of them."

"Among the two parties, only one party wins"

"You can get all the final power."

Kosmo:" In other words, the Cocoon of the End doesn't care who will lose or who will win. Mei:"


"Cocoon of the End may hope that Kiana can win"

"Because no matter what, the new world created by the Stigma Project"

"It must not be the world that Cocoon of the End wants."


It is impossible to create the civilization of the Cocoon of Finality.

It must be the civilization that exists in the Stigma Project.

That would be really outrageous.

Su:"In this way, some places will make sense."

"Perhaps the Cocoon of the End will choose to let Kiana come before it, not just because Kiana is an extension of Siren"

"The more important point......"

Mebius continued:"Besides Kiana, there is no other candidate who can fight against Kevin."

"Because the world after the Stigmata Project is not the world that Cocoon of the End wants.

Padofelis:"Why do I feel like the more you talk, the more trouble you get.""

Alicia:"None of this matters. I believe Kiana and the others can defeat Kevin with their own strength.""

"And Kevin, you are really moodless."

"To go all out for such three cute girls."

Kevin glanced at Alicia.

He didn't say much.

Eden smiled and said:"But this fighting method is also the greatest respect for Kiana and the three of them, isn't it?"

Qianjie:"If you don't fight with all your strength, that's not just disrespect for the enemy."

"It is also disrespectful to oneself.

Alicia:"Qianjie, do you also want to fight Kiana and the others?"

Qianjie:"Tsk, I don't have that idea.""

Padofilis:"Hahaha, Brother Jie is telling lies again. Qianjie looked at Padofelis:"Little kitten, do you want to fight with me?""

Padophilis immediately gave in and said,"Forget it, you should go find Boss Kevin."

"I don't want to fight with you"

"This plot is over."

Padophilis changed the subject.

The picture in the game at this time was fixed on the positions of the three of them.

Kiana, the Herrscher of the End, stood in the proper C position.

【March 7: So handsome, the three of them】

【Silver Wolf: I believe this would be a good promotional poster for the game.】

【Kafka: Silver Wolf, is this all you think about?】

【Xing: She always thinks about games.】

【Xier: Sister Bronya, you must work hard】

【Kiana: Great, I can continue to fight side by side with Mei in the future.】

【Bronya: Shall I go?】

【Youlandel: It’s such a strange feeling......】

【Otto: The three of them will all be destined Valkyries in the future. That’s right.......】

【Walter: You were already dead at that time, so you don’t have to think too much.】

【Rita: Mr. Walter, I really hate Lord Otto.】

【Li Sushang: Just seeing it makes me feel so strong】

【Padofelis: Yes, yes, I don’t know who I should support in the next battle between them and Boss Kevin.】

【Alicia: Phyllis, you are really confused. Of course you support the cute girl.】

【Su: I think Kevin in the future also likes them to win.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: The strength of the three of them in the future is indeed very strong. 】

In the live broadcast room.

Linn looked at the comments from the audience.

He said with a slight smile:"In this battle, the answer should be obvious who wins and who loses."

"Haven't you seen future Bronya and Mei before?"

"So you should be more curious about the battle before the battle than the outcome of the battle."

"And what else happened to everyone during the battle."

After Linn finished speaking, everyone on the barrage agreed with Linn's view.

Indeed, the outcome of this battle has been known to the audience before.

It has already been guessed.

It's just the process of this battle.

And What happened in the middle.

These are still vague.

Lynn continued:"So next, I won't pick other plots."

"Just follow the progress of this plot."

"And next, it’s not just Kiana and the others"

"As captains, we will also participate in this final battle."

【Kiana: Captain, you also want to come to our world and fight with us.】

【Silver Wolf: Does it refer to the operating game? Or participate in person?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I said I knew the captain before, but it was at this time that I met him】

【Walter: Me too】

【Mei: Captain, what did you mean by us just now?】

【Mebius: Based on what the captain said before, do you mean those players who played the game Honkai Impact 3 together?】

【Velvet: It’s so interesting. There are captains from another world coming to help.】

【Padofelis: So Boss Kevin has to face many, many captains?】

【Fu Hua: I think not. After all, if the captains could come directly to our world to help, many things would be solved.】

【Silver Wolf: From a game design perspective, this design should be designed to make captains feel involved. It would be too boring if they could just solve it directly.】

【Li Sushang: So Xiaoshi and Walter have also seen the true face of the captain.】

【The Lawyer of Consciousness: You must call me Xiaoshi!】

【Walter: No, the way the captain participated was a bit special, related to the Hyperion】

【March 7: What a pity. I thought I could see the captain.】

【Xing: Speaking of which, is it also because of this problem that the anchor captain in our live broadcast room does not show his face? 】

Lin En, who saw this barrage, replied:"No."

"Just trying to maintain a sense of mystery"

"Do not think too much"

"Theoretically speaking, the captain can only be indirectly involved in your story."

"cannot directly interfere with the development of the story"

"This is not only a game setting, but also a rule that cannot disrupt the world line."

The first reason is the truth.

The latter reason is made up by Lin En. He has read so many novels before.

Isn't it easy to make up such a reason?

At the same time, he also added an extra reason that was made up:"For example me now"

"It is a story that indirectly interferes with you."

Although what he said makes sense, the audience on the barrage always felt a little unbelievable.

But since it was the captain who said it, everyone believed it after thinking about it.

At the same time, Lin En closed the system and prepared to settle. operate

"Wait one more round!"

Lynn planned to complete the live broadcast of this story and then proceed with the settlement.

Then Linn controlled the mouse and started operating on it.

He selected the story chapters that were going to happen next. 1 (Read the Baoshuang novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!) and then said:"After the three of Kiana successfully obtained the power of the end,"

"madeOne thing is to return to earth"

"Return to St. Freya Academy."

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Teresa looked at the three people on the screen.

She thought of the three Yu family now.

The three people in St. Freya Academy at this time.

But it gave people a headache.

Germany Lisa really never thought that one day in the future, the three of them would shoulder the direct responsibility of saving.

In Theresa's original wish, she was to protect Kiana well.

To realize the war against Cyprus Celia’s promise.

She also kept an eye on Mei and prevented the Herrscher of Thunder in her body from going berserk.

Bronya was the only one among the three who had come from reverse entropy.

But Theresa never felt that Bronya Nia is an outsider.

She also takes care of her as one of her own.

Theresa took a breath:"Jizi, have you never thought that"

"I picked it up randomly from outside and picked up three heroes who saved the world."

"Compare the three of them with what they look like now. Ji

Zi also showed a bright smile:"Yes, I really didn't expect it.""

"These three little guys will be in the future"

"Taking on such a responsibility, I never imagined that the three of them would grow to this point in the future."

Thinking of this, Jizi smiled again:"Theresa, you know, every time Kiana says she wants to become the strongest S-class Valkyrie."

0request flowers

"I would think she was joking"

"Because of her look, I think it would be great to become A Valkyrie"


"I still believe that Kiana can definitely do it.

Theresa:"I'm different from you. I brought Kiana back more because I wanted to protect her.""

"But now I realize that I was wrong.

Ji Zi:"Wrong?" Theresa nodded:"When we looked at Kiana before, we all said that Kiana would become the strongest Valkyrie like Cecilia.""

"Cecilia's answer was that she only hoped that Kiana could grow up well."

"I always thought Cecilia's wish was to make Kiana an ordinary person"

"But now I understand that Cecilia meant to wait until Kiana grows up"

"Let her choose which path she wants to take.

Jizi:"This is really the style of Lady Cecilia." Theresa:"


"Cecilia has always been someone who wants others to have choices"

"So she wants to start St. Freya Academy, and she also wants to change the world"

"Although she left without doing it in the end, Kiana did it"

"Kiana has also walked on this path."

Himeko:"Speaking of which, I was also coached by Lady Cecilia when I was training.

Theresa:"When she has nothing to do, her favorite place to go is the training base of the headquarters Valkyrie.""

"The Valkyries also like Cecilia and will ask her for advice."

"Cecilia will also give her fighting style to every woman without reservation.god"

"In order for them to survive the battle against Honkai. Theresa continued to look at the light screen:"If you say that Hollander is the strongest Valkyrie in history,"

"Then Cecilia should be the most popular Valkyrie in history."

This point.

Jizi also agreed.

After the news of Cecilia's sacrifice was spread, many Valkyries burst into tears.

Theresa put her hands on her hips and continued to look at the live broadcast room:"Himezi, look at it quickly"

"These three little guys are returning to St. Freya Academy"

"The future St. Freya Academy. Ji

Zi:"It's said to be the future, but I believe it should be in the near future."

Theresa:" Who knows?""

"Anyway, these three little guys are not that reliable now."

"Especially Kiana, it’s still a headache.

Theresa nodded:"Yes.""

"She is completely different from Cecilia in this regard"

"Instead, he looks more like Siegfried......." at this point.

Ji Zi also agreed.

In the Tianming headquarters.

Youlandel watched Linn exit the game plot and clicked on a new game plot.

A trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

She didn't know why she felt like this.

Anyway, it started from seeing Kiana.

That feeling is always there.

Especially when I see Kiana growing up every time.

That feeling is even more obvious.

Rita looked at Hollander:"Lord Hollander, has that strange feeling appeared again?"

Hollander:"Yes, Rita"

"I don’t know why, but Kiana always gives me a very familiar feeling"

"Very strange."

Rita:"Could it be that Youlandel had contact with Kiana before she lost her memory? Hollander looked at Otto:"You should ask the bishop about this kind of thing." Otto shook his head:"I don't know, you are also a victim of the second collapse.""

"One of the many children who were rescued"

"Maybe you had a different relationship with another Kiana a long time ago."

"After all, the Kiana you are seeing now is experimental subject K423."

Grandel could see it.

Otto seemed not to want to say too much about this matter.

She did not continue to ask.

Rita looked at Otto:"Sir Otto, Hollander's former family members also Can't find it?

Otto shook his head calmly:"Life or death is unknown.""

"The impact of that collapse was really too great."

If Walter could hear Otto's words at this time, he might explode directly.

Punch Otto.

Then point at Otto's nose and say his own dirty words.

There is no way to ask this question.

Li Ta also gave up.

He followed Youlandel and looked towards the live broadcast room:"I believe we will know the answer soon.""

"The captain will tell us."

Youlandel:"Then I have to look forward to it......."

"own story......"

Rita covered her mouth and smiled:"I'm looking forward to it too......"

"The story of Lady Youlandel......"

Youdel:"Didn't Rita participate in all my stories?"

Rita:"But people also want to see it."

"From another perspective, read the story of Lady Hollander again"

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