In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana's tears kept falling.

Bud Yi and Bronia quietly accompany Kiana in Kiana's presence.

Fu Hua looked at the falling Ji Zi's body on the light curtain.

His eyes were filled with a complicated look.

I don't know what I'm thinking.

After a while, Fu Hua slowly spoke, "Kiana, actually, for you..."

"It's not necessarily a good thing now."

Bronia's eyes moved: "Squad leader, what do you mean?" "

Nha Yi and Kiana looked a little incomprehensible.

Fu Hua went on to explain: "Just according to the current study of the Mandate of Heaven. "

"When a person becomes a lawyer, there should be two kinds of consciousness in the body."

"When consciousness as a human prevails."

"Humans are able to use the power of the Lawyer."

"And when the consciousness of the lawyer occupies the body, it will begin to wreak havoc..."

Nha Yi: "That's right, this Kiana feels like a person. "

"It's completely two people with Kiana."

Bronia: "And the Void Law has already appeared during the second collapse." "

"In other words, occupy Kiana's body in the game."

"And the 'person' who fought Himeko-sensei is likely to be the previous generation of the Void Lawyer."

Fu Hua nodded: "Bronia's analysis is correct. "

"If you follow this line of thought..."

Fu Hua looked at Kiana: "Kiana, this is also your opportunity." "


Kiana looked at Fu Hua with teary eyes.

For a while, I didn't understand what Fu Hua was talking about.

Bronia went on to explain: "The squad leader means, as long as you can get before that day comes. "

"Be strong enough."

"Strong enough to defeat the consciousness of the lawyer in the body."

"Then you will be able to turn against the guest and master the power of the lawyer."

Kiana immediately wiped her tears: "Really? "

Fu Hua: "That's right. "

"Anyway, Kiana still has a chance to prevent this from happening. "

"I'll always be by Kiana's side."

Bronia: "Since Sister Bud Yi said so, then Bronia will also do her best to help Kiana." "

Kiana's eyes.

From the confusion and despair just now.

Slowly it became clearer.

That's right, sit still.

It has never been Kiana's character.


"I'll get stronger before this day comes!"

"I won't let the lawyer inside me hurt anyone around me."



Kiana's eyes became firm.

Fu Hua smiled faintly.

I also silently made a decision in my heart.

Bud Yi watched Kiana's mood change.

The ending of Himeko in the future has changed.

The mood also suddenly improved a lot: "Let's continue to watch the live broadcast." "

"I believe that next, we should see more of the future."

Kiana nodded vigorously: "Hmm! "

"I'm also curious to know what the future will look like."

Bronia: "Bronia also wants to know some things in the future..."

When saying this.

There was a hint of hope in Bronia's tone.

In front of the computer.

Lynn didn't look at the barrage.

Instead, look at the system prompt that pops up in front of you.

"Popularity Settlement: Interact with the audience and gain Popularity: 128"

"Operation Himeko Battle Exploration, gain popularity value: 316"

"Play the last one, arouse the audience's emotions, and gain popularity value: 889"

"Total Popularity: 1333/1000"

"The popularity collection task is completed, and the reward is distributed!"


Lynn rubbed her hands expectantly.

Now he is in Xianzhou Luofu.

It won't be long before there will be chaos.

All cosmic forces will appear here.

So what Lynn wants most now is to improve his strength.

At least make sure you are in the Star Dome Universe.

Can you live stream leisurely?

"I don't know what kind of reward I can get!"

The next moment.

The light curtain in front of him was once again sided.

"Congratulations to the host for getting the first live broadcast reward package, is it on?"

"Turn on!"

Lynn didn't hesitate.

"The package is a success."

"Gain the Tai Void Sword Art Perception."

"He who acquires the law of emptiness."

"Eliminate all side effects such as the Immortal Demon Yin Body."

There are three things in total.

Lynn's eyes suddenly became hot.

The first two.

It is undoubtedly to directly raise Lynn's strength to a whole new height.

As long as you don't touch the Star God's Messenger and the Star God.

There are few who are their opponents.

And what surprised Lynn the most was.

One last bonus.

In this life, Lynn was a citizen of Luofu Xianzhou.

Nature is also an immortal species.

But the demon yin body is the fate of all immortal species.

It is also the destination of most people in Luofu Xianzhou.

Lynn was also worried about this problem before, but he didn't expect that the system would solve it for himself in a blink of an eye.

And all the side effects.

Other words.

From this moment on.

Lynn achieved the goal that all the people of Xianzhou had been pursuing.

True longevity.

Lynn shook her hand.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

It was as if the body had become relaxed at this moment.

"It's a good feeling!"

This is live.

No loss!

Lynn collected her excitement.

Take a deep breath and keep your gaze back on the game interface.

On the barrage at this time.

The audience also recovered from the sad mood just now.

[March 7: What's next?] 】

[Silver Wolf: This game is very interesting, I hope you can give it to me later. 】

Kiana: I want to see more of the future and then change the bad ones. 】

[Honkai Himeko: It seems that you don't need me to comfort you. 】

[Teresa: The recovery is really fast, it seems that there is Bud Yi by your side, so you really don't have to worry. ] 】

[Nha Yi: This time is thanks to the Fu Hua squad leader. 】

[Kafka: So what's next?] 】


Lynn smiled and replied, "I'll introduce you to a new friend this time." "

"The one who knows the law."

"We also affectionately call her 'Treasure Knowledge'"


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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