Somewhere in Xianzhou.

A young girl holds a golden longsword in her hand.

Hands gripped the hilt of the sword tightly.

Waving with all his might.

After a while, the girl was sweating profusely.

The chest rises and falls.

The long sword, which did not look heavy, when it was pointed on the bluestone ground.

There was actually a heavy sound of gold and stone handover.

"It's really strange, my mother obviously looks so easy with this sword."

"Why am I so heavy to use?"

The girl wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Put away the sword and return to your room.

It's time to get ready to rest on a comfortable lounge chair.

A light curtain suddenly appeared in the room.

It directly startled the girl.

"What... What is it? "

"What kind of demon, you actually dare to scare me Li Suxiang!"

Li Suxiang looked at the light curtain in front of him vigilantly.

Then I saw content appear on the light curtain.

"Why does this thing look so much like a projection?"

Yes, although Xianzhou everyone wears antique colors.

But the technology of Xianzhou is in the entire Star Dome universe.

It's still very advanced.

In addition there is 'company' in.

As long as it can open up the universe.

Technology is generally not bad.

So Li Suxiang immediately thought of the similarity of the light curtain in front of him.

Immediately after that, a picture of Lynn's live broadcast appeared on the light screen.

Li Suxiang was still vigilant.

"Why, it has my name on it?"

Li Suxiang's sharp eyes were discovered.

His name appeared on the barrage.

[Star Dome Li Suxiang joins the live broadcast room].

After seeing new people joining the live broadcast room.

The barrage immediately became lively again.

[The Law of Knowledge: Li Suxiang of the Star Dome World? Isn't it our world? 】

[Teresa: Is there also a Li Suchang in our world? 】

[Knower: Of course, you have to ask which of your good grandfathers, Otto, about this kind of thing. 】

[Fu Hua: Li Suxiang? Could it be that it is also a Shenzhou person. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Old Antique, she has a very close relationship with us. 】

[Fu Hua: I don't know. 】

[Walter: Is Li Sushang's isotope in the Star Dome world? 】

[March 7: Uncle Yang, do you also know Li Suxiang? 】

[Xing: The person who knows the law just now also knows, so it should not be strange that Uncle Yang knows it. 】

[Himeko Hoshiki: Are there any such similar isotopes besides me?] 】

[Li Suxiang: Who are you? And what is this thing? Can you still send barrages like watching a live broadcast? 】


Lynn, who was watching the barrage, did not expect it.

This will bring in another audience.

Or a big pillow from Lee?

Now that's interesting.

Lynn immediately spoke: "This new Li Da..."

"It's not... Lee Su-shang audience. "

Almost slipped the tongue.

Lynn adjusted and slightly introduced Li Suxiang to the situation in the live broadcast room.

Li Suxiang in his room.

Probably understood.

After all, this is the Star Dome Universe.

There is such an infinite mighty existence as the star god.

So this magical thing appears.

It doesn't scare our big pillow at all.

Coupled with Li Suxiang's big grinning personality.

So I quickly accepted the setting of the live broadcast room of the light curtain in front of me.

Even faster than the law of knowledge accepts.

I immediately interacted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Li Suxiang: Listen to what you mean, that is, there are people in another world, and there is also a me in another world? 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Not only is there a you, but also a very strong guy. 】

[Fu Hua: I really want to meet this Li Suxiang. 】

[Walter: It's strong, but it's a pity to be deceived. 】

[Teresa: Walter, how do I feel that you have something in your words. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Walter is right, if you don't believe it, you can ask Otto. 】

[Teresa: How can I have something to do with my grandfather again. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Is this name the Valkyrie over there in the Shenzhou branch? 】

[Li Suxiang: She is very strong, I am not very good. I haven't officially joined the Cloud Cavalry Army yet. 】

[Star Dome Himeko: Cloud Cavalry Army? You are a person from Xianzhou. 】

[Li Suxiang: Yes, Li Suchang, a general of the reserve battalion of the Luofu Xianzhou Cloud Cavalry Army, has seen you. ] 】

[March 7: Oh my God, she's so polite. 】

[Danheng: Luofu Xianzhou...].

[Star: But I always feel as if my IQ is not very adequate. 】

[March 7: Xing, people are here, don't be so straightforward when you speak, be careful that people come out from Luofu Xianzhou to settle accounts with you. ] 】

[Walter: The Xianzhou Alliance is one of the top forces in the universe, especially the Cloud Cavalry Army. 】

[Star: Then do I need to take back what I just said?] 】

[Li Suxiang: It's okay, it doesn't matter. 】

[Silver Wolf: Luofu...].

[Kafka: It feels like things are getting interesting. 】


Watching Li Suxiang mingle with the audience at the barrage at once.

Lynn also smiled slightly.

It's really worthy of Li Big Pillow.

The heart is really big.

It seems that he didn't doubt himself at all.

"Or, let's put that one next."

Lynn immediately had an idea for the next live broadcast.

He said, "Let's welcome Li Suxiang." "

"It just so happens that you just talked about Li Suxiang of the Collapsed World."

"And I also mentioned just now that when doing the game Honkai 3, every character will have a PV film promotion character when he appears."

"I'll show you a while later."

"Li Suxiang who collapsed the world."

[The Law of Knowledge: That guy? Well, take a look. 】

[Kiana: Li Suchang in our world, really curious. 】

[Bronia: The game promotes the PV of the game characters, usually in the form of introductions. 】

[Silver Wolf: It seems that this game is updated frequently. 】

[Kafka: Silver Wolf, I feel like you and Bronia will have a lot to talk about. 】

[Li Sushang: Anchor, does that Li Suchang look the same as me? ] 】


Lynn: "It's the same. "

"But if I want to say it, it should be Li Suxiang of the Collapsed World."

"A little more mature..."


I worked overtime until I got off work just now, and I came to update before I ate my meal.

There are many more tonight.

Dear readers, the update will be coming soon!!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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