Jackdaw almost gritted his teeth and said,"Sister, I know you will wake up again."

"But those who hurt you will be punished one by one."

"Never tolerate it."

Jackdaw opened her eyes slightly, and her light blue pupils were full of coldness.

If the enemy were in front of her, she would probably take action without hesitation and solve everything.

Looking at her sister in her arms, she felt such despair Like a deep pool in winter, she fell deep into it and could only let the cold water pour into her body.

Emotions such as suffocation, despair, and anger surged into her heart.

She wished she could kill the person who hurt her sister right now.

The audience outside the light curtain also stared closely at this scene.

Looking at the content in front of them, the people in the Honkai Impact World were full of curiosity.

The audience in the Star Vault World were also full of doubts. This Jackdaw and What's the situation with Xue Yi?

Who was injured like this by Xue Yi? Looking at Jackdaw's appearance, she probably wanted to kill the enemy immediately.

But the problem is that in the video world, the enemy was not seen.

So on the barrage , audiences from different worlds discussed one after another

【Kiana: Hey~ What's going on? Why did Xue Yi fall down? And judging from her appearance, she seemed to be seriously injured, otherwise she wouldn't have the strength to even open her eyes.】

【Alicia: I want to know who hurt Xue Yi】

【Mebius: I’m afraid I can only ask March 7 and the others.】

【Otto: I’m also curious about the enemy’s true face in Lushan.】

【Xingqiong March 7: Uh...actually, I don’t know either】

【Star Sister: There is no news in this regard】

【Kiana: Strange, aren’t you people from the Starry World? How could you not know?】

【Starry Sky March 7: Although we belong to this world, it does not mean that we know the answer】

【Sister Xing: There are so many things in the world, and we can’t possibly know them all】

【Xingqiong Jizi: We really don’t know who the murderer is.】

【Kiana: Oh, okay】

【Bronya: Paramecium, please stop making things difficult for me.】

【Theresa: It seems that we are destined to not know the answer.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: It's a pity. I thought I could see the scene where Jackdaw kills the enemy with his hands.】

【Graciu: Graciu also wants to see Sister Jackdaw kill an enemy with her hands.】

【Alicia: But, this Xueyi can still wake up, so what’s going on?】

【Star Vault March 7: Because Sister Xueyi is a mechanical transformation person. She is a creature made with ingenuity, not flesh and blood. So there is no problem of death. As long as the damaged parts are repaired, she can wake up again.】

【Sister Xing: Well, that’s the situation】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Judge Yandu of the management agency, the body can generally be repaired】

【Mebius:? ? Mechanical transformation?】

【Dr. Mei: It seems that your technology is already at the forefront of ours.】

【Velvet: Wow, that's interesting. I want to transform one too.】

【Mebius: Don't play with Klein's ideas. 】

After hearing March 7’s words, the audience of Honkai Impact 3 had a deeper understanding of Xue Yi.

Even if the body is damaged to an extent, it can still be repaired.

Such an ability is unparalleled... a bit like the Prometheus of their world.

Even if the body is destroyed and has no parts, as long as the soul steel is left, resurrection is not a problem.

But in comparison, the situation on the other side of the starry sky seems more interesting.

After all, even legendary creatures like dragons can appear! What else doesn't exist in that world?

Thinking about it, everyone found it very interesting and wanted to break through the world wall to see that world.

On the other side beyond the light curtain is St. Freya Academy, in the Valkyrie's dormitory.

The content of the story makes people feel sad enough.

Rather than saying that Xue Yi fell into a deep sleep, it would be better to say that she had died.

The lifeless look made people feel distressed for a while.

Kiana is lying on the bed, the video content reflected in her light blue pupils

"Who hurt Xueyi?"

"And he dares to go against the judge. This is simply asking for death.……"

After a while, Kiana's mood changed again."Damn it, let me see the ending at least! It's stuck in the middle. I don't even know who the enemy is? I can't even guess it!"

"hateful! hateful!"

Staring at the matter eagerly, Kiana couldn't wait for the video to continue playing.

Bronya turned her head and glanced at Kiana, and said calmly:"Don't think about it if you don't think about it."

Leiden Meiyi:"Situations like this really make people feel itchy, and they want to find the answer right away."

"It's a pity that the video has ended and we have no chance after all……"

Kiana suddenly raised her head, clenched her fists with both hands, and said loudly:"I can't see it this time, but I believe that next time, I will be able to..."

Bronya raised the corners of her mouth and said coldly:"Next time? You still can't see it? Can you remember this story? I'm afraid you will have almost forgotten it by the end of the next video."

Kiana put her hands on her hips:"Huh, don't underestimate me."

Then the screen turned black and bright, and a new piece of content appeared. in the picture.

What caught the eye was Bronya and Raiden Mei.

"Um. Someone happened to have said before that we must tell her when we get here."

Bronya said with a smile, and how could Raiden Meiyi not understand what she meant.

Obviously,"someone" refers to...

So Bronya and Raiden Meiyi looked at each other and smiled mysteriously, and then took out a certain person. A device with a long antenna.

Soon, Meiyi's communication invitation was responded to - a strange voice came, which sounded very familiar.

Seeing that Meiyi was distracted, Bronya tilted her head, and soon Then he understood where she came from.

The girl on the other side saw that the communication device had been turned on, but there was no sound coming from the other party, so she asked doubtfully:"What's wrong, Mei?"

Mei Yi paused for a few seconds,"Kiana, we have arrived at the world bubble where Xi'er and the others are. Xi'er and the others are all safe, and the matter has been resolved. Hearing this

, Kiana was surprised and said:"Eh?" So fast?"

I originally thought that this matter would take half a month, but I didn't expect it to be resolved so quickly? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Then aren't Mei and Bronya coming back? ?

Seeing that the other party didn't quite understand, Bronya added calmly:"This is thanks to the guidance of Heavy Rabbit and the data recorded by Susana. As for the enemies, of course they were beaten away by Xier and the others."

Hearing this, Kiana was very happy. The problem of soaking in that world in the future has been completely solved.

"It turns out that everyone is as reliable as ever."

Hearing this, Bronya thought it was nothing at first, but as time passed, she also noticed something strange.

"Wait, is there something wrong with your shadow? Why can't I see anyone?"

Bronya frowned slightly and stared at the screen.

Raiden Meiyi, who was standing aside, was also paying attention to the video.

But Kiana's figure has not appeared yet. Thinking of the voice she just heard, Raiden Mei Yi already had other speculations.

Seeing that the matter was about to be exposed, Kiana's tone even became stuttering


Raiden Meiyi expressed her suspicions without hesitation.

".Kiana, are you eating instant noodles again?"

The tone seemed to be still in the doubting stage, but in fact Meiyi was already 90% sure.

Outside the light screen, after hearing the wordy voice, most of the audience had already made guesses.

After all, this voice is too familiar! Life You can often hear it in the middle.

So the moment this sound appeared, they suspected that Kiana was eating instant noodles.

Especially the audience of Honkai Impact Three Worlds, everyone knew very well that the Kaslana family had There is a genetic gene, that is, they like instant noodles.

Kevin and Kiana both like to eat instant noodles.

They even find various reasons to eat instant noodles.

But eating too much instant noodles is always bad for the body. In order to prevent Kiana from becoming addicted later, Raiden Mei also made many management policies.

Unfortunately, Kiana still couldn't get rid of the habit of eating junk food.

She tried her best to eat instant noodles behind Raiden Mei's back, or... Secretly buying snacks from Klein.

During the battle of wits and courage with Kiana, Raiden Meiyi was also very tired.

And most of the viewers of Honkai Impact 3 are also very aware of this matter.

As for the audience of Star Vault , but most of them were confused.

So on the barrage, people started a heated discussion mode again

【Bronya: The sound is too obvious, Paramecium, you are exposed】

【Leiden Meiyi: Instant noodles are junk food. Too much is bad for your health. You should eat less or not at all in the future!】

【(Zhao Wang Zhao) Kiana: Ah~instant noodles are so delicious~】

【Fu Hua: Mei Yi is right. You should eat less junk food. Eating too much will not do any good to your body.】

【Aponia: Gratius, you too】

【Graciu: Graciu doesn’t like instant noodles, but Gratiu likes them.……】

【Xingqiong March 7: Oh~ No wonder I think that voice at the beginning is familiar, it turns out it’s talking about my face】

【Sister Xing: The noodles are indeed delicious】

【Starry Sky Kafka: That’s instant noodles, junk food】

【Alicia: Hahaha, Kiana is really cute~ So will she admit that she is eating instant noodles?】

【Bronya: No】

【Teresa: It’s true that she won’t admit it. After all, Mei is strictly forbidden to eat, so how could she let herself be exposed?】

【Wuliangta Jizi: This is indeed in line with Kiana’s character】

【Kiana: I...I didn't eat instant noodles. You must have heard wrong. That wasn't the sound of eating noodles. I must have bumped into something, so……】

【Bronya: Paramecium is still quibbling】

【Raiden Mei: Qina!】

【Kiana: Oh~】

【Alicia: Oops~ Children will be punished for lying.~】

【Kiana: I... Lu]

Looking at the content of the video, Kiana felt unwilling to do so. She made a call and ate instant noodles, but was eventually caught..

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