【Alicia: Hmm~ This is not an exaggeration~ What is even more exaggerated is that with this kind of power, it is not a problem to destroy the entire star.】

【Gracie: Wow, that’s so scary! Such power should not exist!】

【Eden: Well, it really shouldn’t exist. It’s a pity.……】

【Mebius: If we could have this kind of power, maybe a lot of things could be avoided】

【Aponia: It belongs to others, but it belongs to others after all. 】

Because the power used by Vita and Suo shocked the audience outside the screen.

This is the first time they have seen this kind of terrifying power!

Looking back in time, if they stop time at a critical point in the battle, or rewind time back to the beginning, then who else can beat Suo and Vita.

This is the ability to cheat.

On the other side beyond the light curtain, in the meeting room of Fire Chaser Moth from the pre-civilization era.

Seeing the power shown by Vita in the video, both Dr. Mei and Mebius' eyes were full of interest.

I wish I could travel to that time and space now, have a good communication with Suo and Vita, and analyze this ability.

To them, the ability to go back in time is like a huge treasure box suddenly appearing in front of them, but without the key, they can only stare at it.

This feeling is unbearable!

And Mebius clenched his fists, wanting to immediately unlock this heaven-defying ability.

How great it would be if everyone could have such an ability...

And at this moment, Ali 10 Shia's sweet voice echoed in the meeting

"Oops~ The ability to go back in time~ This is the first time I have seen such an ability! Not only is it against the sky, but it is also a trick for cheating in battle. If they go back in time every time they face death, who else will be their opponent?"

"The clock seems to have been broken, but this does not mean that Suo has no power to look back in time."

Mebius:"Everything is unknown!"

Vilwei pursed her lips,"Damn it! It’s different from what I thought! I thought that with the combined abilities of Fu Hua and Grexiu, defeating Na Suo would not be a problem at all."

"Only now have I discovered that Suo actually has the power to rewind time!"

"With this ability, it is impossible for Graciu and Fu Hua to be her opponents."

"Ahhhhhhh, how could this happen!"

Seeing that Velvet was so sad, Padofelis also lowered her little head,"Oh, I feel that the battle is getting more and more difficult."

Seeing that the atmosphere in the conference room was a bit depressing, Alicia put her hands together, and her soft and delicate tone was as sweet as candy.

"Oops~ Don’t get discouraged so quickly! Although Suo has the power to rewind time, Vita also has it! And Vita is still on Fu Hua’s side."

"Now that a miracle has occurred, let us believe in miracles!"

Gratius puffed up her cheeks, nodded seriously, clenched her little hands into fists, and looked firmly."Well, I believe Sister Hua."

"In the future, the two of us will fight side by side and we will definitely defeat the enemy. Seeing that Graciu had regained her confidence, Velvet and Padofelis naturally refused to be outdone and said in unison,"Yes, believe them.""

Under the expectant eyes of the audience, the video continues.

Suo's body is like a bird, flying freely in the air.

Every time Fu Hua approaches, it does not cause much harm to it.

The purple light It turned into spots of light, like scheming meteorites, falling rapidly.

The extremely fast impact coupled with the powerful force caused pits to be formed wherever they fell.

Faced with this situation of the goddess scattering her flowers, Fu Hua could only grit his teeth and dodge quickly.

Graciu on the side was always observing the previous situation,"Well, the clock has been broken, now is the best opportunity!"

Fu Hua naturally understands this truth, but things are not as simple as Graciu imagined.

"Lost clock, but still has the ability to speed up……"

Gratius looked serious, yes! Even without the clock, Suo still has the power.

The pink lips were slightly white when she bit her lips tightly. what to do! If the fight continues like this, Fu Hua's power will only continue to be consumed.

At this moment, Fu Hua said confidently:"This level of attack is not enough to stop us!"

Waving the weapon in his hand, Fu Hua accelerated his attack on Suo.

I don't know how much time passed, but the fighting continued.

Fu Hua:"Graxiu, the final blow!"

The two people combined their powers, but they still couldn't defeat Suo.

Looking at the intact Suo in front of them, Fu Hua and Grexiu's eyes darkened.

Suo waved the authority in his hand, and a huge black hole appeared in the sky.

"The Law of Nurture. Sowing civilization"

"Through the void. Condolences to the stars."

Looking at the huge meteorite in the sky, Graciu was the first to rush forward.

"Sister Hua, leave it to me."

Waving the brush in her hand, the power of the rainbow turned into thousands of arrows that penetrated the meteorite.

Seeing this scene, Fu Hua looked determined, and she shouted loudly:"It's time to end!"

Seeing this situation, Suo still seemed unhurried.

"Open the door. Swallow the deep sea"

"Abyss, sleep here!"

The meteorites crushed by Graciu merged again. It was obvious that Suo used the power of time retrieval to merge the meteorites and imprison Fu Hua in them.

In an instant, the entire scene fell into darkness.

The audience who saw this scene, My heart is even more anxious!

I knew this would happen!

Although the clock is gone, Suo still has the power to rewind time.

And from the looks of it, Suo seems to be able to use it unlimited times. Compared to Vita, she is using this power At that time, there would be no backlash at all.

Thinking about that scene, the audience was suddenly shocked.

What to do! What to do now!

Fu Hua was completely trapped by the meteorite.

The dark screen, even more It makes the audience's hearts hang high.

Is this the end of the battle? Fu Hua and Graciu really can't defeat Suo?

After all, no matter how strong they are, they will be vulnerable to the power of retrospection.

The screen In addition, viewers from different worlds were also shocked when they saw the situation in front of them! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This!! How could this happen!

It is completely different from what they imagined! After Vita's rescue, Fu Hua and Graciu were able to make a comeback and resolve the battle perfectly.

Only now did they realize that everything was far from what they imagined.

Suo's retroactive ability can be used unlimited times!

She won’t even be affected by any backlash. She can be called [god] like this.

The most surprising thing is that she would call herself [god! It turns out that she has this power, which is equivalent to... watching Suo infinite times. Using the power of time retrieval, the audience in the Star World were particularly shocked.

If such an ability could spread to the entire universe, then her power would be comparable to the"Star God"!

No! It should be said that she is One of the Star Gods!

Too strong. Suddenly, I feel that under this heaven-defying power, it is already very difficult for Fu Hua and Grexiu to be able to hold on until now. The next battle, the audience of the Star Vault World , and no longer believe that Fu Hua and Graciu can defeat Suo.

The repeated failures remind them that all power is useless in the face of the power of retrospect.

And the audience of the Three Worlds of Collapse, after seeing When Suo used the power of retrospection again, her heart skipped a beat.

It's over! It really can be used unlimited times! Now she doesn't have to suffer any backlash.

Who else will be her opponent like Suo!? []

I'm afraid it will be the end. The Herrscher, standing in front of her, was quite uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, the content on the barrage was updated crazily.

【Xingqiong March 7: Alas, there is no chance. There is really no chance this time.】

【Sister Xing: Tsk, Fu Hua and Graciu only have this power.……】

【Xingqiong Danheng: With their current strength, it will be difficult to defeat Suo!】

【Kiana: You can't say that. Fu Hua and Grexiu can defeat Suo. For them, it's just a matter of time. I believe they can do it】

【Bronya: No, what they said on March 7th is the truth. Judging from the current situation of 757, Suo's power of retrospection is invincible.】

【Raiden Meiyi: Well, if we use this power again at critical moments, Fu Hua and Graciu will only be consumed infinitely.】

【Theresa: Hey~ This power of retrospection is too terrifying. Every time they use it, Fu Hua and Graciu cannot defend themselves against it.】

【Wuliangta Jizi: In this difficult situation, I want to break through the siege. Disaster! It's hard!】

【Velvet: Wow~ Nahua and Gratius, didn’t you lose? Tsk, I don’t accept this ending.】

【Padofelis: The battle is not over yet, maybe there will be a miracle】

【Mebius: Placing hope in miracles will eventually lead to disappointment】

【Dr. Mei: In the current situation, there is no choice】

【Siegfried: Alas, it’s not easy for those two children.】

【Aponia: I hope they can win】

【Kiana: The power of time retrieval, this is too scary, and the screen is dark, I can't even see what is happening. hateful! Damn it! 】

The final result made everyone feel uneasy.

They admired Suo's power of time retrieval, but at the same time they were afraid that Fu Hua and Gray Xiu would be defeated by this power.

The power of retrospection is a cheating weapon in battle.

On the other side outside the light curtain, in the Valkyrie's dormitory at St. Freya Academy.

Kiana lay on the bed, rubbing her face against the soft down pillow. Under the bright light, her pink lips were shiny after being bitten by her teeth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah! This is not the ending I want"

"The monitor and Gracie should win!"

"How could things become like this! hateful!"Smashing her fist against the pillow, Kiana shouted again unwillingly,"Damn it!!

Bronya frowned and put down the game console unhappily,"Stop screaming!" There is no point in calling anymore, everything is a foregone conclusion."

Kiana turned her head in displeasure, facing Bronya with the back of her head.

"I don't believe it. There must be a miracle."

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