Prometheus shook his head,"It doesn't matter, this is just a continuation of that gamble. I believe her." On the other side outside the light screen, listening to the conversation between the two, he recalled the battle on Fu Hua's side.

At this moment, the audience already had a bold guess in their minds.

Therefore, the reason why her position was synchronized to Prometheus's side may be because of Su's help.

Because Su had already appeared in the previous video. Everything in the world that he can feel, and those that he has come into contact with before, can all be related to it.

This ability, to another extent, is actually equivalent to a demigod.

And the audience’s previous doubts were finally solved.

Especially the audience of the Honkai Impact Three Worlds were dumbfounded after seeing Misterin using the power of the end!

How could Misterin have the power of [Final Judgment]? It feels weird.

But now it seems that everything has a trace.

The move Misterin used on 310 actually had nothing to do with herself, but was inextricably linked to Kiana in another time and space.

So the content on the barrage began to scroll crazily again.

【Xingqiong March 7: Wow, ~ So that’s it. People from two dimensions of time and space cooperate so perfectly.】

【Star Sister: Average】

【Kiana: Hahaha, I still need to appear in the end. If it weren’t for me, Suo wouldn’t be defeated.】

【Bronya: It has nothing to do with you. Without Su, you can only worry about it in another dimension of time and space.】

【Leiden Meiyi: Su’s contribution to this matter is indeed the greatest.】

【Fu Hua: It seems that everything is under Su's control. Maybe he has predicted all this in advance.】

【Alicia: Hahaha~ This combination is great! And everyone (ajaj) is still here, which is great】

【Velvet: Maybe everyone is still alive, just living in different time and space.】

【Padofelis: Not to mention these, Fu Hua and Graciu made great contributions in this battle! No! It should be said that everyone has merit】

【Alicia: Oops~ Little Pado is right. It is precisely because everyone contributed their part that Suo can be defeated. 】

After watching this happy scene, the audience outside the screen felt particularly happy.

On the other side, in the dormitory of the Valkyrie of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana hugged the pillow tightly with her arms, and her eyes were brighter than the lights:"Hahaha, as expected of me, I am the most important!"

Bronya smiled sideways,"Haha."

Leiden Meiyi was gentle. Said:"Well, Kiana also has a lot of credit for this."

Seeing Mei praise herself, the smile on Kiana's face became brighter and brighter

"Hum hum, yes! If not for this blow. Nasuo ran away."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Fu Hua had a serious expression and pushed up his frame,"In this battle, everyone's existence is crucial."

"Without Vita, there would be nothing else. Fu Hua and Graciu were responsible for the battle. Misterin who appeared at the end was equivalent to finishing the attack, while the bullets fired by Kiana completely cut off Suo's escape route."

Seeing that the squad leader said this, Kiana also agreed with both hands and feet. Anyway, she can have a share of the credit.

Back to the video, the content continues.

Prometheus continued to explain:"Besides, with Misty Based on the previous efforts of Lin and others, based on the mysterious coordinates I obtained, our success rate has reached 99%"

Kiana was shocked when she heard this.

In her eyes, 99% is equal to 100%.

So Kiana raised her right hand and pointed her finger forward

"Hum hum, in that case, let me help the last one percent later."


Go back to the other side.

Graciu stared at one place for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"The color of this person is warm and pure white. Toward the sun, also like the moon"[]

Misterin rubbed her hands happily,"What about me? Is it the elegant and mysterious purple?"

Graciu's pupils dilated and she asked obediently,"……Eh? how do you know?"

Seeing that she guessed correctly, Misterin was in a happy mood, and even her tone became more seductive.

"I guess~"

Fu Hua:"In this way, this is indeed a very thrilling attempt - if there is even the slightest mistake, we will face irreversible consequences."

"It's just that [the power of the end is a little off, and it doesn't fall vertically into the quantum sea... The entire dwarf planet where Foros is located may not be able to withstand the impact of this warp speed, and then collapse and disintegrate."

"Apart from Su, I'm afraid no one really dares to use such a super-light bullet that penetrates the entire solar system."

Misterin:"However, besides your friend, No. 17 also always likes to give me problems. You see, things here have just ended, and I have to worry about her new name again to fulfill my promise."

"——[Collapse of Will is obviously a good and appropriate name."

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