After Lin En finished his last live broadcast, he sat by the computer and silently watched the popularity surge on the screen.

He also decided to start the next live broadcast while the iron was hot!

So, he tapped the keyboard and sent a message to the live broadcast room where all the characters gathered......

Let me introduce the characters who will appear next.....He is a knowledgeable and wise man! Affiliated to the Polytechnic Society, their consensus is that only an academic network that exchanges what is needed is the only way to transcend the limitations of individuals.

【Kiana: Hey, wise man? Could it be said that he is very smart?】

【March 7: Who knows more, him or Uncle Yang?】

【Sister Xing: The Boshi Society? It sounds very powerful.....】

【Silver Wolf: Yeah...Yes, as far as I know, this so-called Erudite Society and the Genius Club have a lot to do with each other....】

【Kafka: Seeing how surprised you are, this person must be a big deal....】

【Black Tower: Are you actually a member of the Knowledge Society?...】

【Walter Young: The Society of Knowledge, these people follow the Star God of Wisdom, and as far as I know. Everyone in this society has extraordinary talents. 】

Looking at the"807" scene in the live broadcast room where the discussion was in full swing. Lynn also joined in and said:

That’s right! He is Viritas Latio! Doctor truth! This shining academic star is about to rise!

After saying that, Lin En retrieved Dr. Truth’s pv and character drawing from the computer.......

Then control the mouse to transmit all the data to the live broadcast room......

Then start playing! Linn said excitedly....

【Stupidity is a disease! Got a cure!】

【I can’t even explain to an idiot what an idiot is]

These rows of subtitles appeared on the title....

Doctor Truth's character drawings are also projected into all other worlds.....

In the live broadcast room, after the audience saw the appearance of Dr. Truth,....

【Heita: Humph~ Are all the people in the Boshou Society like this?...】

【Kiana: Why does he always wear a very strange plaster head sculpture?..】

【Raiden Meiyi: Emmmm, can it look mysterious like this?...】

【Star Sister: And his conversation and behavior seem to be very gentle and gentle.】

【March 7: But.....Why do I feel like he has a bit of a venomous tongue?....】

【Walter Young: Yeah.....He does seem to be a very intelligent man...】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Doctor of Truth.....But he is obviously a bachelor, why is he called a doctor?】

【Bronya: Maybe, he used another way to treat....】

When the audience was halfway through the discussion, the light screen had already begun to play the pv of Dr. Truth......

Before the screen appeared, there were already countless barrages of [adopted father] +99!

It seems like this character is extremely popular.....

This was naturally expected by Lin En.....

But this is just an appetizer....

The next video content is the main topic.....

Continue back to the video....

The universe is vast, and knowledge is all-encompassing.

A very magnetic and charming voice said....

Then, the video in the light curtain made a smooth transition to Doctor Truth.....

Just one book tells you all-inclusive mathematical formulas and endless knowledge, all in one place!

The protagonist of the video, Dr. Truth, also appeared at the same time.....

However, because he appeared wearing a mask that resembled a European stone sculpture......

Therefore, it is still unclear what the true face of Dr. Truth is under this mask......

There is such a maverick academic star in the Polytechnic Society!

In the screen, Dr. Truth’s voice continued to speak....

I saw him using chalk to draw a perfect curve on the blackboard.....

This means that the most difficult physics problem in the world has been completely conquered by him!

Outside the light curtain, the audience in the live broadcast room began to guess the true face of Dr. Truth under the mask.....

【Silver Wolf: Why does this guy always wear such a strange mask?】

【Kafka: Hmm~ It feels very interesting.....】

【Kiana: Doctor? But why doesn’t he look like a doctor?....】

【Teresa: Maybe he is not what is traditionally called a doctor....】

【Wuliang Tajizi: He once said that he is a doctor who treats stupidity...】

【Kiana: Is this also a doctor? ? ?】

【Raiden Mei: That’s it....This kind of thinking is indeed in line with his unique style....】

On the other side of the light curtain, in the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy....

Look at this man who claims to be the Doctor of Truth in the universe.....

Kiana looked at the screen blankly....

Why does this Doctor of Truth always look so condescending?.....As the most enthusiastic person, Kiana naturally does not understand such behavior.....

Leiden Meiyi, who was on the side, began to analyze calmly: If he uses being unique as his life creed, I'm afraid his wisdom has already transcended the world.....

Although he is a wise man....But why do I feel that he has to be detached from the world at any time?....Fu Hua started to complain.....

On the other side, above the Star Dome Train....

The PV of Dr. Truth has been holographically projected onto the train......

Everyone's eyes were also focused on the screen....

Xiao Sanyue stared at the screen......

In fact, she never understood why Dr. Truth always wore this mask. emmm, talk about it.....What is the fate of this doctor of truth? March 7 scratched his head and looked at Walter Yang curiously and said.....

Walter Yang looked embarrassed and shook his head, saying that he didn't know either.....(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because there is indeed too little information about Dr. Truth, everyone is still unable to know all his information......

Continue to return to the video in the light curtain....

Every gesture shows low-key luxury....

Doctor Truth finally took off the stone mask and wiped it carefully.....

And his true face was also revealed at this moment......

Contrary to what everyone imagined, at first everyone thought that this talented Doctor Truth was an old man who had experienced many vicissitudes of life.....

But under the mask, Dr. Truth is actually an extremely handsome young man.....

He is very elegant and noble in his behavior and conversation.....

This scene really surprised the audience....

In the live broadcast room....

【Kiana:.....Is he really a professor of wisdom? Why do you look so young....】

【Raiden Meiyi: Yes.....This is completely different from the professor I imagined.....】

【Walter Young: Sometimes, being older does not mean having rich knowledge....】[]

【Dan Heng: Learned Society....It looks like it should have a cooperative relationship with Interstellar Peace Company.....】

【Black Tower: That’s right....The Interstellar Peace Corporation once sponsored the Polytechnic Society because they valued their open attitude towards knowledge!】

【Star Sister: Is this Doctor Truth? Very unexpected indeed.....】

【Wuliangta Jizi: Have you mastered most of the knowledge in the universe at such a young age? Very powerful indeed....】

【Xingqiong Jizi: I’m curious about what kind of method he will use to cure stupidity....】

【March 7: Yes...Since I say I am a doctor0.........Then you should have your own treatment method, right?.....】

【Star sister: emmmm....Cure stupidity?】

【Otto: It seems that there are very interesting people in other worlds....】

Returning again to the video still playing in the light curtain...

Lens everything....

What appears in the picture is Dr. Truth lying in the bathtub....

Stupidity is a disease.....Got a cure!

I saw him drop the book in his hand....

The camera switches to an interface of character drawing again......

At this moment, the bgm becomes more dynamic with the beat......

It’s like it’s tailor-made for Dr. Truth....

Dr. Truth began to continue.....

I'm Viritas Latio! A scholar and a teacher!

In the blink of an eye, Doctor Truth traveled from Doctor Truth’s pupils to the space station.....

The two pictures began to alternate with each other.......

Not far away, Doctor Truth is holding a ball of flame in his palm....

As if you already know everything in the world....

At this moment, the scene continues to switch....

In the live broadcast room, the audience continued to discuss....

【March 7: Let’s talk....Now that Doctor Truth intends to cure stupidity, how will he do it?】

【Star sister: emmmm...It's really hard to imagine..】

【Walter Young: Spreading knowledge in this way.....Although I feel very arrogant....】

【Xingqiong Jizi: So from the beginning, the Boshi Society was established with this concept?】

【Teresa: Even though it seems very unpleasant, at least their intentions were good from the beginning......】

【Kiana:.....I admire these knowledgeable people very much. On the other hand, I feel sleepy when I read a book.....】

【March 7: I really hope he can become a member of our fight!】

【Star Sister: Looking forward to taking over the pv more and morethe content of.....】

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