"Judgment-grade Collapse Beast!"

Years of combat experience.

Let Teresa see at a glance the huge Collapsed Beast that appeared in front of Bronia.

The rank reached the trial level.

This level of Honkai beast.

Even an A-class Valkyrie may not be an opponent.

If you follow Lynn, the timeline here takes place after Kiana.

So that is, the current Bronia.

The highest level is only an A-grade Valkyrie.

To the Upper Judgment Grade Collapse Beast.

It's just too dangerous.

However, Teresa is also concerned about chaos.

She forgot, Bronia at this time.

It is no longer possible to judge by the rank of a Valkyrie.

Because it starts from the core of Bronia's fusion of the Law of Reason.

He has become a lawyer.

Ji Zi, who was next to Teresa, said relatively calmly: "Teresa, have you forgotten." "

"Bronia has completed her transformation."

"Now Bronia is already a lawyer."

"Strength, far more powerful than you think."

Teresa was stunned.

I couldn't help but relax and look at the blue armor in the video picture.

The momentum of the whole body and the eyes have changed.

The power of the Law of Reason.

Teresa still understood in her heart.

"I don't know who Bronia is stronger than Walter at this time."

Himeko: "Of course I'm more inclined to my students." "

Teresa: "Yes, Walter is definitely not as good as Bronia. "

The two of them faintly spoke.

Watch the future growth of Bronia.

There was a hint of relief in his eyes.

This kid....

It really fits the identity of the lawyer.

Quantum Sea.

"Sister Bronia!"

While seeing Bronia and the Reloaded Bunny reappear.

Xi'er's tears finally stopped.

In its place was a smile on his face.

"Another me, look."

"Sister Bronia's appearance, really take a good look."

"And the Reloaded Bunny!"

Compared to Xi'er's excitement.

Although there was also excitement in Hei Xi's eyes.

But his face looked much calmer.

Slowly speaking, he analyzed: "The power of the Law of Reason has been embodied in my sister's body. "

"The reloaded bunny was reconstructed by the power of power."

"The injuries on my sister's elder brother, as well as the original Valkyrie armor, have also undergone different changes."

Xi'er nodded excitedly: "I can feel it." "

"Sister Bronia has become stronger."


Hei Xi: "That huge broken beast should be the owner of the vines that tied my sister just now." "

"You actually dare to hurt your sister like that..."

Heixi clenched his fists.

There was an extra murderous aura in his eyes.

With a little red glow.

It looks very weird.

Xi'er also became nervous all of a sudden: "Sister Bronia, you can definitely win that big guy." "

Heishi: "Of course. "

"My sister now, but a lawyer."

"Strength, beyond imagination!"


In the video screen.

Face the attack of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast.

Bronia ran quickly.

While running, the light of the feet flashes.

And then it was as if something completely new had happened.

Bronia's calves and soles.

It directly turned into two wheels.

Next, Bronia glides on wheels and uses high movement speed to dodge the attacks of the Judgment-level Collapse Beast.


That Honkai beast.

There was no way to touch Bronia.

[March 7: Is this the power of the Law of Reason?] Even your own body? 】

[Walter: Yes, as long as the spirit is not extinguished, the body can be reconstructed. 】

[Star: Isn't this a bit buggy?] 】

[Kiana: This ability is also too powerful! 】

[Silver Wolf: That means that Bronia's legs can also return to normal? 】

[Bronia: That seems to be the case now. 】

[Teresa: No wonder Walter was so difficult to deal with. 】

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia is so good! ] 】

[Honkai Himeko: The appearance of the battle has become more reliable. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Cut, what is this.] The power of the one who knows the law is not bad. 】

[Li Suxiang: It's amazing! ] This is even more powerful than my sword technique. 】

[Kafka: It's a really powerful ability. 】

[Danheng: This kind of ability is rare even in our universe. 】


Lynn watched the audience post their surprise on the barrage.

He said with a smile: "Not yet." "

"Bronia's legalization has just begun, it's just an appetizer."

"Next is the big play!"

And also?

The audience has already witnessed a very amazing thing.

Is there anything even more amazing?

So everyone watched intently.

I want to see what surprises Bronia will bring to everyone next.

In the video screen.

Bronia is in shape to dodge attacks.

It suddenly flew into mid-air.

That Honkai beast is not stupid either.

Take advantage of the gap that Bronia has no way to dodge in the air.

In the mouth, it can gather the energy cannon of Avalanche Energy.

Shot at Bronia.

Powerful Honkai can vent out.

Suddenly, a light and shadow appeared in front of Bronia.

Directly blocked the Avalanche Energy Cannon.

The sound of explosions filled the space, rolling up gunsmoke.

Wait until the smoke clears.

The heavy bunny dragged Bronia with one hand and let Bronia sit on it steadily.

The other hand opens the energy protection.

All the attacks of the Judgment-level Collapse Beast just now were blocked.

At this time, an electronic prompt sounds.

“AllSystemsGo... (All systems running)"

After hearing this voice, Bronia said lightly: "Rideon! "

The electronic alert audio is restoring Bronia.


The corners of Lynn's mouth raised slightly.

"Audience, the Ghost Fire Girl is here!"


Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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