"What weapon do I have!"

"Can the captain know myself better than I do?"

The face of the Knowing Law was angry.

But I didn't get angry in my heart.

After all, the great Lady of the Law of Knowledge is only three years old!

More are basically children's temper.

Not counting.

And the face is angry and angry.

As someone who has experienced the final decisive battle.

The Law of Knowers are well aware of Ai-chan and the abilities of those captains.

After all, the Captain's Hyperion can travel through time and space.

So arrived in the more distant future.

Saw himself start using weapons.

There is nothing surprising either.

In addition, the law of knowledge itself is also so strong.

When you see someone else using cool weapons.

Say you don't want to have a weapon at your fingertips.

That's a lie.

So when you hear that you have a weapon.

The law of knowledge is also very curious in his heart.

"I don't know the future..."

"What kind of weapons will be used?"

The person who knows the law thinks about all the weapons he knows.

But none of them are satisfied.

Because it's not a maverick at all.

She is a great lawyer lady.

How can the weapons used be the same as these mortals?

As for the Key of God?

Forget it.

They are the power of the lawyer.

Still mutilated.

It is even more inconsistent with the requirements of the law of knowledge for their own weapons.

"It's hard to imagine."

"Will I actually find a weapon in the future?"

"Forget it, let's see what the captain is going to do first."

The Law of Knowledge looked at the live broadcast room.

Lip service does not speak.

The barrage does not go out either.

But in my heart, I was looking forward to it fiercely.

At the same time, the barrage is also frantically speculating about the suitable weapon for the Law of Knowledge.

[Star: Use a baseball bat like me, it's cool and painful to hit someone. 】

[March 7: How violent are you! ] 】

[Kiana: I think the Law of Knowledge is more suitable for using some weapons that open and close, such as what huge hammer? 】

[Bronia: In that case, it would take a lot of strange power to use, the head of the school, Judas's vow is good, and it is heavy and can smash people. 】

[Teresa: Hey, hey, I'll watch you two here.] 】

[Fu Hua: It's better to refer to the tiger, a fist-type weapon. 】

[Kafka: In that case, the battle would be a little bloody. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Yes, that thing must have beaten people to death, I will consider it. ] 】

[Walter: Are you really the group of Valkyries I know?] How is it all so dark. 】

[Honkai Himeko: Habit is good habit, I can only say that you don't know them well enough. 】

[Kafka: Silver Wolf, what do you think? 】

[Silver Wolf: What weapon to choose is a personal will, so I don't have any opinion on this kind of matter. 】

[Li Suxiang: Machete, hand up and down one knife one by one. 】

[Xi'er: Or whip?] 】


Lynn saw that the Law of Knowledge had already interacted with everyone on the barrage.

Sure enough!

The wool of the lawyer of knowledge is indeed correct.

Looking at the barrage, everyone began to be curious.

And so on....

It seems like something strange is mixed in.

What the hell is Cyr's whip?

How this kid feels a little unorthodox.

It won't be a barrage sent by Heixi, right?

If only Heishi .


There will be such words as the whip.

It seems very reasonable.

Lynn thought for a moment and continued, "I'll give you a hint. "

"Then I'll reveal the answer later."

"First of all, this weapon of the Law of Knowledge is very powerful, but it is very ordinary."

"And it's basically everywhere."

"It is precisely because of this attribute that the weapon of the Law of Knowledge is really a good weapon for traveling at home and killing people."

The audience in the live broadcast room listened.

How it feels like you're selling something.

And Lynn's laughter combined with this sales pitch tone.

Like a very good villain!

But it also made the audience think.


Take advantage of it?

Can you still kill people?

How can there be such a portable weapon in this world.

[Kiana: Anchor, you seem to be the villain in the game. 】

[Bronia: Agree, weapons are dangerous and should be difficult to see everywhere. 】

[Knower: Is there such a convenient thing in this world? 】

[Teresa: Why does it sound so strange, my head is so itchy.] 】

[Star: You don't want to grow brains, do you. 】

[Honkai Himeko: I looked around and rounded and didn't find a weapon that met this requirement. 】

[Silver Wolf: Does such a weapon really exist? 】

[Kafka: If there really is such a convenient weapon, the world will be in chaos. 】

[March 7: That is, weapons are already very dangerous, and wouldn't it be more dangerous if they were seen everywhere.] 】

[Danheng: That's right, since the development of the star path, many worlds have been strictly guarded by weapons, and the situation that the anchor said is indeed difficult to imagine. 】

[Walter: I have a sense of picture...].

[Fu Hua: I seem to have a little clue...].

[The Law of Knowledge: Hurry up, show me quickly, I can't wait!] 】


In the Star Dome train.

After seeing Walter's barrage.

Everyone immediately looked at me Walter.

March 7: "Uncle Yang, do you know what it is?" "

Himeko: "Mr. Walter is from a more distant future for them, so he should know, right?" "

Star: "Tell me about it, Uncle Yang." "

Danheng also looked at Walter curiously.

Walter: "Don't be as good as a prisoner. "

"Since the answer will be revealed later, I will not participate."

"I can only tell you."

"Everything the anchor said is very consistent with the characteristics of the weapon of the law of knowledge."

March 7: "Is there really such a thing?" "

Valt nodded and said no more.

This feeling of being a riddler.

That's great!

See Walter so stubborn.

Everyone continued to look at the live broadcast room.

Lynn knew no one could guess.

Then the weapon guide of Honkai 3 opens.

found the weapon of the Law of Knowledge.

Pointing to the screen, he smiled and said, "You see, the weapon of the Law of Knowledge is this." "

Audience members in the live broadcast room.

When you see a weapon that appears on the screen.

All of them were directly petrified.

A piece....

Slab tiles???


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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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