
"I actually created this thing?"

The Law of Knowledge looked at the tiles in the live broadcast room.

His eyes were also full of disbelief.

I actually created the Key of God?

How did I not know ???


The Law of Knowledge is after reading the following introduction to slab tiles.

And the name of this brick.

It really has its own style....

Moreover, this slab tile.

It can also be freely transformed into various weapons according to the needs of the user.

Isn't that just right in line with your own way of fighting?

When he and Kevin faced each other in the space of consciousness before.

It is by means of a changeable way of fighting.

And that momentary gap.

It was barely a five-five-five.

The Law of Knowledge pondered for a moment.

The look of fighting with a brick yourself.

Not only was there no confusion in his eyes.

On the contrary, there is a little more understanding.

"I'm silly!"

"It's all fighting with this thing. "

"Why do I have to go so far to change?"

"Wouldn't it be nice to just smash it down?"

Those who know the law already have pictures in their minds.

Hold large slab tiles yourself.

Bullying those weak Honkai beasts.

And those who used to bully themselves.

Shoot it down hard.

Open his head.

Thinking about it, the hands of the person who knows the law are a little itchy.


The Law of Knowledge looked at the ignorance of current affairs displayed by Lynn in the live broadcast room.


Would love to.

But I don't have the ability to create the key of God!

If you can.

Created for a long time.

"Could it be that there will be any different encounters with me in the future? "

"Gained the ability to create the key to God?"

The law of knowledge comes and goes.

It seems that this is the only possibility.

"However, now the collapse has basically been eliminated. "

"It's all coming to the moon. "

Suddenly, the face of the person who knew the law changed.

"Is there a crisis that will affect world security in the future?"

The lawyer is still very clever.

I guessed these all at once from the Brick God Key.

So who will the enemy be?

The Law of Knowledge looked at the live broadcast room.

Wondering if I should ask the captain.

Or be prepared for future enemies.

"That's right, find a chance to ask this bad captain. "

"Then tell the old antique the news and tell Kiana that they are ready!"

The Wise Man became angry at the thought of Fu Hua.

"Forget it, don't tell the old antique. "

"Go directly to Teresa and tell Destiny the news. "

"Old antiques don't come to me. "

"I'm not going to go looking for him. "

The Law of Knowledge raised his head arrogantly.

Look into the live room.

The barrage also the audience.

It also expresses his love for the key of the brick god.

[Kiana: I feel that I should be very comfortable if I use it, hahaha. 】

[Bronia: Kiana's strange power is indeed very suitable for such a weapon, or the key of God should not be so easy to break. ] 】

[Honkai Himeko: Is it like Teresa smashed Judas?]

[Teresa: Himeko, my way of fighting is not so rough!


[Star: Well, I also think it must be very comfortable to use to smash people and sneak attacks, I especially like to sneak up on those enemies. 】

[March 7: Can't you fight with integrity?]

[Kafka: Star is right, this way of fighting is the safest. 】

[Silver Wolf: Just spoil her. 】

[Bud Yi: In the face of insidious and cunning enemies, you must be more insidious than them. 】

[Li Suxiang: This is called 'a soldier who submits to others without fighting'!]

[March 7: It's not the same thing at all, how do you read the book?


[The Law of Knowledge: It's worthy of me, the weapons I have created are so popular. 】


Lynn watched the audience on the barrage discuss the bricks of God.

It's also a hearty smile.

The results met expectations.

He said: "In the game Honkai 3, the weapon system is very helpful to the character's growth attributes. "

"For example, if we look at this place, it is about the skills and attributes of 'ignorance of current affairs'. "

"The first to know the law is equipped when he 'does not know the current affairs'. "

"A normal attack is to turn it into a different weapon to launch different combos. "

"Then there's the weapon skill. "

"They are 'Wufa Wutian' and the ultimate skill 'Brick Horizontal Fighting'..."

[Kiana: Hahaha, it's such a strange skill name, but I think it's used by the Law of Knowledge, and it feels normal. 】

[Fu Hua: yes, it sounds like some kind of villain. 】

[Bronia: The design of this game is really interesting. 】

[Silver Wolf: It feels a bit like a game I've played.] 】

[Kafka: You play a lot of games, and you will inevitably come across some similar ones. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, the name of this skill is too arrogant, will it really not be beaten?


[The Law of Knowledge: What kind of joke, I think it's good that only the Law of Knowing Me bully others!].

[Li Suchang: It turns out that these idioms are written like this... (daze) (daze) (daze)].

[Teresa: Don't teach bad kids. 】

[March 7: It's over, there are children who learn badly with the law of knowledge.] 】

[Walter: The immortal species of the fairy boat may be older than all of you. 】

[Danheng: Yes. 】

[Star: But it feels like she's still a child. 】


Lynn continued: "And the name of this God's Key is 'ignorant of the times'!"

"Do you think it's taken casually?"

"Of course not!"

Lynn started talking serious nonsense.

The audience who led the barrage laughed cheekily.

"Not knowing the current affairs means not following the crowd and not looking at the eyes. "

"Act freely, according to your heart. "

"This is also the embodiment of the fairy wind chivalrous bone of the law of knowledge..."

[The Law of Knowledge: Yes, yes, you are so right, Captain. 】

[Fu Hua: Is such a serious nonsense really good?


[March 7: Hahaha, the anchor is really good at fun, can I explain it this way if I don't know the current affairs?].

[Star: Hmm~ Although it's very, I don't know how to refute it. 】

[Walter: In a way, the Knower is indeed such a person...].


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