Liu Fu did not leave there, but when Kokolia returned to her room, she also flew into the air near her bedroom.

As soon as she returned to the bedroom, Kokolia lay down, not even taking off her clothes.

The dream memories that were originally clearly sorted out again gradually became blurry and chaotic under the spiritual erosion of the star core.

“What’s wrong with me…”

Kokolia’s eyelids could no longer be supported, slowly closed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Liu Fu hesitated again and again, and still did not choose to sneak up on Kokolia at this time.

Now is indeed the weakest time for Kokolia, and as long as it is sneak attack, it will die.

But he didn’t want Kokolia to die, even if he had the ability to resurrect.

Just like the last moment of the decisive battle with Kokolia in the previous life, after all, it is still difficult for people who have been with each other for many years to get this hand, unless it is really good.

“Since it’s okay, let’s go back first.”

Liu Fu shook his head, he was not in a hurry at this moment.

Now that he has determined, Kokolia has indeed awakened the memories of her past life, but she is still in a very chaotic state.

At the same time, Liu Fu can also feel that perhaps because of this, the star core has instilled more power in Kokolia’s body to erode her spirit and strengthen the effect of demagoguery.

The most important thing is that Liu Fu guessed that Kokolia may have become a humanoid bomb in the star core!

While the huge power is for her to drive, the star core can also detonate this power!

If there is no absolute crushing strength, then when Liu Fu deals with the star core, the star core will control Kokolia to self-detonate!

If this is the case, Kokolia will be like 27 in the original plot, with no bones left!

Without the corpse, the current willow talisman could not be resurrected at all, and could only wait for the incomparably distant future.

Liu Fu took one last look at Kokolia in the room, used the power of the universe to cover Kokolia with a quilt, and left.

“I’ll fix this nightmare for you.”

After Willow left, nothing changed inside or outside Fort Ripper.

The wind and snow outside the window kept falling, and the faint moonlight shone in, reflecting on Kokolia’s cheeks.

She muttered a dreamy murmur like a mosquito, but unfortunately no one could hear it.

“Willow… Symbol…… Don’t die…”

[Great Guardian… He didn’t die… Because he simply doesn’t exist! 】


[Kokolia… Kokolia…]

A mysterious voice sounded in the girl’s mind, like a demon’s whisper.

The girl looked left and right in panic, “You… Who is it? No, what are you? ”

[We are allies, allies who have accompanied the Guardians for generations. 】

The girl was frightened and asked, “You guys… What do you want? ”

[Rebuild… This dying world… Help you… Fulfillment of “wishes”…]


“They will suffer, they will sacrifice, they will die on my orders.”

The woman’s expression looked painful, as if she was struggling hard.

[It is not death that greets them… They will be swaddled in the new world. 】

Mysterious voices still seduce women, and this behavior has been going on for many years.

“What about the people at the bottom? They will lose the shelter of the city builders, they will see me as… Despot! ”

The woman questioned, as if trying to force herself back and cancel the terrible decision.

[You’ve seen it… The world we promise… A brief misunderstanding… In exchange for eternal prosperity… It’s up to you… We respect. 】

The voice seems very indifferent, but it subtly changes Kokolia’s psychology.

The woman was silent for a long time.

In the end, her eyes changed slightly, and she gradually became indifferent.

“I see.”


One day, Willow and Shiluwa came to me.

They want a guard to find the star core and save the world from destruction.

I originally thought that I would get Kokolia’s support, but it made her feel like a different person.

“Iron Guard! Mr. Liu Fu and Ms. Landau are tired, take them down! Seize their laboratories, seize all researchers, they conduct illegal research! ”

The two were incredulous and did not understand why Kokolia became like this.

From that day on, it was as if I had lost them forever.

Later, I heard that they often appeared on the street in pairs, and many people speculated whether they were together.

There was even a time when Kokolia saw that scene with her own eyes.

Kokolia was depressed, and the person she loved the most and her best friend were pushed together by herself.

[Wait for the arrival of the new world… They will understand you… They’ll come back to you…”

“I know.”

Kokolia’s steps became firm again, as cold as ever, and no one else approached.


Not only others, but even my daughter and I are a lot estranged.

Everyone respects me and everyone fears me.

Do you ask me to regret it?

I do not know.



After Lisa appeared here through the teleportation anchor, she was attracted by her surroundings.

Originally a scholar, she has a strong desire for knowledge, but because of her own defects, she can no longer afford to obtain knowledge.

“This is it, sanctuary.”

Lisa is calm on the surface, but in fact, she is still looking forward to it, because according to Liu Fu’s description, she will be here, learning all the knowledge of Arilo VI seven hundred years ago.

Although the Arilo VI seven hundred years ago is not a very powerful civilized planet in the galaxy, it can also be regarded as an existence that can get rid of the gravitational constraints of the planet and move towards the interstellar stage, and its own scientific and technological background is naturally not low.

Noya: “Hello, my name is Noya, are you Miss Lisa?” ”

Hearing a sudden sound, Lisa looked at the megaphones on the surrounding walls.

“That’s right, I’m Lisa, I heard you need to arrange a test for me?”

Noya: “Yes, there will be robots to guide you later. ”

Lisa asked, “What exactly are tested?” ”

Noya: “Brain scanning, confirming data such as brain cell activity, as well as answering questions and testing memory, may take a long time.” ”

Lisa shook her head and said, “It’s okay, I also want to know what level I am in this world.” ”

Soon, a robot came to lead the way for Lisa.

Noya actually didn’t care too much about this matter, after all, no matter how genius a character is, it takes a long time to cultivate a talent.

It’s just that she treats this matter as a personal request from Director Liu Fu, but she will still do her best to complete it.

So after that, she was stunned by the scan results of Lisa’s brain!

Is this really a level that humans can achieve? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Oh yes, it seems that the director is also from other planets and is an alien.

This Lady Lisa should be the same, right?

According to ancient records, there is an organization in the galaxy called the Genius Club, and those who can join it are the wisest people in the galaxy.

I don’t know if this Miss Lisa will have the opportunity to join it in the future.

Noya: “Miss Lisa, your scan results are shocking, and I’m looking forward to the next results.” ”


Lisa didn’t care, for the Rose Witch, this kind of praise she heard too much.

She was more curious about the next test than her, “Go ahead, Noya. ”

Noya: “Okay, please wait. ”


Lower District, Panyan Town.

Liu Fu had already rearranged his mood and touched outside Natasha’s residence.

Regarding Kokolia, he had already prepared for the worst, which was nothing more than to shout “Resurrect, my love” when he was strong enough to resurrect the target without relying on a corpse.

It doesn’t matter, I’ll shoot.

Liu Fu gently opened the door and found that it was indeed unlocked.

The doorknob turned, and a faint glimmer invaded from outside the house, and at the same time, a man’s shadow was reflected on the floor of the house.

“Hey, hey, Dr. Natasha, I heard that you are sick, I will give you a fever-reducing injection…”

Like a flower thief, Willow Fu secretly approached the only bed in the house.

Natasha in the room was still silent, only the futon was slightly undulating, and the accompanying sound of slight breathing seemed to be asleep.

But actually, Natasha never slept, after all, the door was not locked.

As for why you pretend to sleep?

Everyone who understands it. 423


Sambo’s accommodation.

After returning, he began to inquire about recent events in the galaxy, large and small, and none of them fell behind.

For the masked fools in the “World’s End Tavern”, if you want to have fun, you need to have enough information, otherwise you don’t know where to sit and watch it.

“I’ll go, is it really fake?”

Sambo was shocked, he didn’t expect that in the past few days, such a big event had actually occurred in the galaxy!

“Cripper’s giant hammer fell again, suspected to congratulate a star god on his ascension, and now it is 2158 Amber Age!”

Sambo looked at the recent Galaxy News and couldn’t help but swallow dryly.

Calculating the time, the time when Mr. Liu Fu appeared in the lower area seemed to be not much different from Creepper’s hammer…

Wouldn’t it…

“Hahaha, I really think too much, how is this kind of thing possible, I’m so funny.”

Sambo didn’t believe that he actually got along with a real star god so “happily”, and if the other party was really a star god, how could he need to order materials for him?

This new star god is estimated to be related to the star god Creep of [Protection], otherwise why would the other party knock a hammer specifically for you?

The company is a [Protection] faction, directly open a mouth with the other party, and people have to happily deliver it happily.

“The biggest possibility is probably the envoy of the order, right?”

Sambo guessed so, and this is logical.

The main thing is that the strength of Liu Fu seems to be difficult to even destroy the planet, at least for now.

He never thought that there would be a star god whose strength was so weak.

After all, it is recognized in the galaxy that every star god holds all the power in the entire path of destiny, and no matter how weak it is, it is not weak.

“No matter, that kind of existence is too far away from me, let’s get the goods promised to Mr. Liu Fu first.”

Sambo began to contact some galactic black market merchants through his own private channels.

PS: First more! There are two more tonight! Ask for flowers! Ask for tips! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! Please urge more votes!.

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