Seeing that her weapon had actually been taken, Kokolia immediately rushed over angrily to snatch it back.

But where did she beat the willow charm?

Liu Fu directly dodged Kokolia’s culling sideways, and flicked the ice flame gun in his hand at her ass, slamming her violently!

“Since you have abandoned [Cunhu], then this flame gun, you are no longer ~ worthy of use!”

When Liu Fu said this, his expression changed slightly.

Because he found that the flame gun in his hand suddenly surged with a – power!

It is the power of [Protection]!

“This is…”

Liu Fu raised his eyes to look in a certain direction of the sky.

At this moment, the distance between him and a certain star god, an unknown number of light years, seemed to be infinitely closer.

Liu Fu stood in place without moving, but he could clearly see that on the other side of the distant galaxy, there was a huge and majestic space colossus with a hammer in one hand and a thumbs up to him with the other hand!

“Thanks, Cripper.”

Liu Fu smiled slightly, and the weapon of the First Great Guardian in his hand suddenly released a strong flame!

The frost on the surface of the Yan Spear was quickly melted, revealing its true face!

Although he can’t use the power of [Survival] fate, Cripple can!

The creation engine seemed to have suddenly mutinied, and directly used the mechanical arm that had not yet been scrapped to punch Kokolia!

Kokolia was instantly smashed into the ice and snow, and the frost and snow splashed all over the sky, and it was white.

“Preservation … Strength…… It can’t be…”

Kokolia made an incredulous sound.

It never thought that one Star God could actually use the power of another Star God’s Destiny!

Liu Fu knew that it was the star core that controlled Kokolia’s body at this moment, and laughed loudly: “I’m sorry, I have a good relationship with Creepper, I have always been called a brother and brother, he helped me remotely use the power of protection in the Yan Gun, and the creation engine is listening to me now!” ”

As he spoke, Liu Fu flashed to Kokolia’s side and stabbed into Kokolia’s body with a shot!

“Now, we’re even.”

Liu Fu smiled lightly, the knot that was pierced by Kokolia’s body in that life was also like a wind and snow, fleeting, and could no longer be found.

Star Core didn’t understand what he meant, only knew that at this moment, more reincarnation power belonging to Liu Fu poured into Kokolia’s body.


Liu Fu’s gaze was cold, he hadn’t forgotten the [Reincarnation] fate’s ability to attack the Rift Realm.

The rift is brought about by the star core, tracing the root, in fact, the real special attack of [reincarnation] fate is the star core!

[Nope! 】

The star core made an unwilling sound, and it had long lost the calm and softness of the past when it seduced Kokolia.

At this moment, it can no longer control Kokolia’s body!

It can sense that it is being absorbed and devoured by a mysterious force!

It thinks that if it is completely absorbed, it will die!

“Obediently tie up your hands! Star Core! ”

Liu Fu put his arm around Kokolia, and when he devoured the star core, the inhuman changes in Kokolia’s body because of the star core were gradually disappearing, returning to her original appearance.

Looking at the big hole in Kokolia’s body, Liu Fu was still a little distressed.

But fortunately, it was the star core that controlled the body at that time, and Kokolia should not feel pain.

Liu Fu immediately used the power of reincarnation to repair Kokolia’s injuries.

Although the power of reincarnation does not have the huge vitality of the power of abundance, it can be used for healing, but it can directly “trade in the old” to make the broken body return to its previous appearance.

Even, Liu Fu can make the mature Kokolia change back to the appearance of childhood!

Soon, the power belonging to the star core in Kokolia’s body had disappeared.

However, Liu Fu is still conditioning the follow-up effects of the star core in her body.

If these words are not eradicated, sooner or later they will bring hidden dangers.

Fortunately, these are not a problem at all for the power of samsara.

Even the clothes on her body were restored intact, without any signs of damage.

After Liu Fu put his hand in and touched it, confirming that there were no other acquired injuries on Kokolia’s body except for a certain innate scar, he nodded solemnly and said, “Well, this big guy will be put here first, no one can steal it anyway.” ”

The creation engine has been dusted here for many years, and it is okay to leave it for a while, and when he finishes dealing with Kokolia, he will come and take it away and join the reconstruction of his own Dawning City.

After the plan, Liu Fu put the Yan Spear into the space ring, held Kokolia, and flew towards Belloberg.


Liu Fu looked in surprise at a certain patch of snow below, which had the breath of Sambo.

“This guy, I dare to come and secretly watch the battle when I fight so fiercely here?”

Liu Fu couldn’t help but wonder, in the original plot of the game, did Sambo always watch the battle in secret?

It’s just that the game producers didn’t make this scene?

“Forget it, don’t care about this guy, anyway, he didn’t make a mess for me, let him go.”

Liu Fu continued to fly at full speed and used the power of reincarnation to protect Kokolia held by the princess in his hand.

In the snow, Sambo shivered and came out of it.

“Good fellow, Mr. Liu Fu just said that he has a good relationship with the Star God Creper of [Depository]? Also called brother and brother? ”

Sambo muttered, “This should be bragging, right? ”

However, Liu Fu really does not have the power of [Protection] on his body, and the source of everything comes from that Yan gun, which is really unreasonable.

But you want to say brother to Creep?

I can only hehe. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Believe it or not, I don’t believe it anyway!

Sambo, who couldn’t figure it out, didn’t think about it too much, anyway, he really watched a big drama today!

However, Mr. Liu Fu’s identity and strength are too mysterious, for the sake of his own little life, Sambo feels that he can see it alone for some fun, and there is no need to leak it.

At least, it can’t be leaked for the time being.

“Aa Hiss! ”

Sang Bo rubbed his body, “It’s better to go back first, it’s cold to death.” ”


At this moment, the residents in the city have become a pot of porridge, and even some think that the matter is not big enough, taking the opportunity to publicize that the end is coming in the city!

These people were naturally arrested by the silver-maned iron guards led by Bronia!

What awaits them after that will be a trial from the Builder Inquisition!

Liu Fu did not go to manage the movement in the city, but flew directly into the Cripper Castle and entered Cokolia’s room through the window.

In fact, the window was originally locked from the inside, but it was infiltrated into the room by the power of reincarnation by Liu Fu and opened it.

Liu Fu put Kokolia on the bed and covered it with a quilt.

He looked at the woman’s face that had regained its rosy, touched it with his hand, and squeezed it.

“You were so sorry for me in your last life, remember to pay it back in this life, you know?”

Willow stretched out his index finger and slid it over Kokolia’s Joan’s nose.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Fu took out his mobile phone, originally wanted to let Bronia not worry, but found the group, which was already 99+

Liu Fu clicked in, and didn’t bother to look at the content on it, and sent the message directly.

Liu Fu: “When I was violent just now, it was so cool.” ”

Shiluwa: “? ”

Natasha: “It’s you. ”

Xi’er: “Well, you are a willow charmer, finally admit that you are a domestic violence maniac!” ”

Clara: “Daddy! I miss you so much! ”

Jepard: “Master, how is the battle?” ”

Ning Guang: “Looking at the relaxed tone of Fujun’s speech, it seems that the result is very good.” ”

Xiangling: “Look, I just said that my husband will be fine!” ”

Bronia: “Father, how is Mother?” ”

Looking at the bubbling speed of everyone after sending the message, Liu Fu knew that they had been staring at their mobile phones after sensing that there was no movement on the other side of Yongdongling.

Liu Fu: “Bronia, Duck Duck rest assured, I have already taken Kokolia back to her room, the star core has also been devoured by me, and there will be no new rifts on this planet in the future!” ”

The star core is the source of the rift, and the Yalilo VI without the existence of the star core will quickly clean up all the rifts on the planet under the action of the [reincarnation] fate of Liu Fu!

Bronia: “Great! I’ll be right back! ”

Shiluwa: “Oh, it is estimated that the group of nobles will be very happy, dear remember to exploit them more in the future, the nobles have few good things!” ”

Jepard: “Sister, don’t forget that you are also a nobleman…”

Shiluwa: “Little Jiejie, your sister and I didn’t say that all of them are not good things, remember to read all the news next time, otherwise I won’t bring you food in the future!” ”

Jeppard: “…”

Xi’er: “So the blockade of the upper and lower levels? Can it be untied soon? ”

Natasha: “I suggest not lifting it so quickly, wait for the civilians in the lower areas to move to the shelter side, otherwise it is estimated that many people will not want to go there, and at the same time, a large number of civilians will pour into the upper areas, and there will definitely be no less trouble.” ”

Liu Fu: “I have also thought about all this, I will tell the duck duck later, and I have already given that city a new name, Dawn City!” When it’s built, I’ll show you around! ”

Jepard: “Master, did you have a video recording when you just fought?” I want to see…”

Liu Fu: “You will video in advance when you commit domestic violence in the future?” Wait until afterwards to enjoy it slowly? So perverted you Jepard! Shiluva, you don’t care! ”

Jeppard: “…”

Shiluwa: “…”

Everyone was speechless by Liu Fu’s commotion, and domestic violence video?

After Liu Fu smiled and chatted with everyone for a while, there were hurried footsteps outside.


The door was pushed open directly, and Bronia ran over panting.

“Father! How are you? ”

Bronia, who was wearing a military uniform, pounced and touched Liu Fu’s body, as if to confirm whether Liu Fu was missing an arm and a broken leg like in her previous life.

Liu Fu rubbed Bronia’s head, wiped the fine sweat from the other party’s forehead by the way, and chuckled: “Don’t worry, duck, I’ll be fine, and there will be no trouble in the future.” ”

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